The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 173


| TBBOTOF | 173

Wei Dong was thinking about how to earn more money to provide a good life for his husband and had asked Tang Xu more than once if he wanted to join in. Tang Xu’s answer was always no.

He preferred living in the village, only going out occasionally. He refused to live away from home for extended periods.

Later, Wei Dong saved up some money and, as he felt it was time, Tang Xu became pregnant and gave birth to a son.

Originally, with just one son, he thought if he worked hard and made a few more trips to the mountains, the money should be enough.

But unexpectedly, Tang Xu proved to be very capable and gave him twins.

In others' eyes, raising a son might not be too expensive. Even if raised by a wealthy family, a thousand or eighteen hundred taels should be enough.

But Wei Dong didn’t see it that way. Ever since the twins were born, he, as a father, felt the pressure. 

As the three boys grew older day by day, the pressure increased.

After hearing his words, Tang Xu turned to look at the three children playing on the kang and couldn’t help but say, “They really don’t cost that much.”

After all, the family is large, and for the next decade or more, they will be living together.

With his and Wei Dong’s earning capacity, they should have enough money in ten years.

The main concern was traveling with a trading caravan. Even though his man was strong and capable, encountering groups of mountain bandits or other dangers on the road meant he would be outnumbered. Facing such threats alone was risky.

If he had said it that way, his man would probably have given him a demonstration of how strong and enduring he was right on the spot.

Wei Dong waved his hand and said, "Let me do the math for you."

Tang Xu sighed and leaned back. "Go ahead, calculate it."

Wei Dong turned around and took out a small notebook from the drawer of the kang cupboard and started flipping through it.

"Look, even without considering our three children, just Xiao Xi alone—if he were to take the imperial exam, it would cost several hundred taels of silver, and that’s the minimum."

Tang Xu nodded. "I understand, but the problem is that the cost of his medicine alone every year is more than that. Even though he’s taking less medicine now, the quality of the herbs is high, so the expenses are still considerable."

"Yes, and he’ll need to marry in the future. I’ll have to buy land and build a house for him," Wei Dong flipped to another page. "Buying land in the village isn’t cheap, and we’ll have to wait until he settles down before buying."

Tang Xu nodded. "Yes, that’s right."

Wei Dong spread his hands. "This will require a substantial amount of silver."

Tang Xu didn’t want to say anything more.

He had just realized that his man was actually quite the planner, making arrangements well in advance.

However, Wei Dong's calculations seemed accurate; it looked like the money they had might not be enough after all.

"All three of our children need to be well taken care of," Wei Dong said as he lifted Xiao Bao who had climbed onto his lap and settled him comfortably, patting his soft little hand. 

"Especially Xiao Bao; he deserves the best!"

"The best? You mean feeding him nectar and ambrosia, and letting him eat dragon liver and phoenix marrow?" Tang Xu struggled to hold back a laugh and gave him a long-suffering look. "If you’re itching to venture out, don’t use the children as an excuse."

He could see it clearly. Although his man had been bringing home some wild animals from the mountains and selling them for silver over the past two years, ever since they caught a live tiger, his man seemed to have a lower enthusiasm for it.

It sounded reasonable when he went on and on, but upon closer inspection, there were flaws everywhere.

For one thing, just from the rental income of the properties they leased out, they received quite a bit of rent every year.

As for buying land and houses, he felt that Wei Xi didn’t really care about those things.

Wei Dong was simply using excuses to convince himself of something he didn’t really want to admit!

Feeling exhausted, Tang Xu waved his hand dismissively, not wanting to hear more.

Wei Dong chuckled, moved closer, and gently patted Xiao Bao’s little hand on his arm.

"I'm telling the truth."

Tang Xu gave a light hum and took Xiao Bao from Wei Dong’s arms, patting him gently. “Well, anyway, let’s see what happens. We’ll talk about it later.”

Wei Dong nodded and turned to the older children, Da Bao and Er Bao. “Let’s go brush your teeth, wash your face, and get ready for bed.”

Tang Xu didn’t really want Wei Dong to be away for long, even though there were people at home to help. He just didn’t like being apart from his man for too long.

But he wasn’t going to keep his husband tied to the house. Since Wei Dong wanted to go out and explore, he wouldn’t stop him.

After staying for two days, the couple returned to the village with their three children. 

Before they left, Tang Li told Tang Xu about how Tang Rui had deceived Liu Xiangxiang and took her money.

“What did you say?” Tang Xu asked as he carried Xiao Bao into the carriage, looking at Tang Li with some confusion. “Did you see our mother?”

“Yes,” Tang Li nodded. “She told me.”

Tang Xu thought for a moment and then waved his hand. “Don’t worry about it. If you see Ah Rui in the future, don’t ask him about it. Remember that?”

Tang Li nodded and handed him the bundle. “Here are some inner garments I made for the kids with Auntie’s help. They’re all washed and ready.”

“Thanks,” Tang Xu said as he took the bundle and placed it in the carriage. He then pulled out a small red envelope and handed it to her. “This is for you.”

Tang Li was taken aback when she opened the envelope to find a pair of gold earrings inside.

“Brother!” Tang Li exclaimed, looking at the gold inside the envelope. “This is gold!”

Tang Xu smiled and patted her on the head. “It’s for you. Keep it well.”

“But why are you giving me gold? It’s too precious!” Tang Li tried to return the envelope. “I’d accept silver instead!”

“It’s a gift for you,” Tang Xu insisted, pushing it back towards her. “Wear it when you’re out. I didn’t know what else to give you.”

Tang Li’s face turned red, and she lowered her head, not saying a word.

Tang Xu patted her on the shoulder. “I hope you always follow your heart and do what you want.”


“Shh, don’t say anything. Just go inside. It’s cold outside,” Tang Xu said as he gently nudged her back towards the courtyard. “Remember what I said.”

Tang Li nodded, gave him a wave, and went into the yard.

Tang Xu got into the carriage, and Wei Dong gave the mule a gentle pat on the rump. “Let’s go.”

They had been away for six days, bringing back many things. 

This time, with Xu Ze cooking at home, it at least prevented the family from being starved and emaciated.

Tang Yang helped unload the goods. Wei Xi was holding the chubby child and Er Bao, while Tang Xu was carrying Xiao Bao, who had just woken up.

“Why did you bring back so much stuff, Brother? When will Father and the others be back?” 

Since Tang Erhu and the others went to town for business, Tang Yang had found it lonely to be alone at home.

Tang Xu handed Xiao Bao over to him and rubbed his aching arms. “They won’t be back until the New Year at the earliest. Business is good over there, so they’re quite busy.” He pointed towards the house. 

“You’ll find that there are several baskets filled with things inside, including new clothes that Auntie made for you and Xiao Xi, as well as paper and ink sticks that Father asked me to bring back for you to use.”

“Are there any new books?” Tang Yang looked at Xiao Bao rubbing his eyes and adjusted him to rest on his shoulder. “The teacher said that Brother Xi and I can try for the entrance exams next year.”

Tang Xu raised an eyebrow. “Are you confident?”

“Yes, I am! I’ve learned a lot now!” 

According to the teacher, passing the entrance exam wasn’t too difficult as long as they memorized and could write a few books, they would be almost ready.

“Then go ahead and take the exam. It would be great if you both pass. We’ll celebrate and make it a lively event.” Tang Xu was pleased with his children’s ambition and expressed his support.

In the past few days, he had been feeling unusually weak. After tidying up, he went to find Old Xu and asked him to check his pulse.

“Why are you so tired even after going out to relax?” Old Xu asked, scratching his beard, looking at Tang Xu with a hint of confusion. “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue.”

Tang Xu complied, opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue for Old Xu to examine.

Old Wen, sitting nearby with his legs crossed and munching on sunflower seeds, glanced over and chuckled. “What’s wrong? Did you not sleep well?”

Tang Xu pouted and leaned on the table. “Yeah, I’ve been having difficulty sleeping these past few days. Doctor Xu prescribed some sleep aids, but my head still aches.”

Old Wen turned around and fetched his medical box, taking out his silver needles.

“A few acupuncture needles might be better than just taking medicine.”

Tang Xu blinked and asked, “Will it hurt?”

“It shouldn’t be too bad. Your complexion isn’t looking too good either.” Old Wen stood up to prepare for acupuncture. “You might want to lie down on the kang or this.”

“Let’s do it in my room. What if I fall asleep while you’re doing it?” Tang Xu got up and pressed his temples with his fingers.

Old Xu, not reassured, still decided to prepare some sleep aids and asked Xu Ze to brew the medicine.

In the room, Tang Xu lay on the kang, with Wei Dong sitting beside him along with the three children. 

The children, usually lively, were unusually quiet upon seeing Old Wen take out the silver needles.

Three pairs of big eyes stared fixedly at the thin silver needle in Grandpa's hand, the needle gleaming coldly in the candlelight.

The chubby boy swallowed nervously, glancing at the needle tip and then at Tang Xu, and asked, “Grandpa, what’s wrong with my dad?”

“If you’re scared, you can go wait outside,” Old Wen said, waving his hand and instructing Wei Dong to take the kids out.

None of the three children moved, their eyes fixed on Old Wen.

Their expressions were very serious; even though they were frightened, they wouldn’t leave.

They wanted to be with their dad!

Then, Old Wen started inserting the needle.

The three children winced and bared their teeth, each time Old Wen inserted a needle. 

Out of the corner of his eye, Old Wen could see the three little ones holding hands, nervously opening their mouths but not daring to make a sound, one covering another’s mouth.

It wasn’t until Old Wen had finished needling Tang Xu’s head that the three little ones finally couldn’t hold back any longer.

“Brother,” Er Bao pointed at Tang Xu’s head full of needles and said, “It looks just like one!”

“Huh?” The chubby boy looked confused, “Like what?”

Wei Dong explained from the side, “Your brother says it looks like a hedgehog.”

“Ah, it does look like one!” 

When the weather was hot, Wei Dong had caught a hedgehog full of spines from the mountain and had kept it for two days, but it had disappeared after that.

Xiao Bao leaned forward, trying to reach out and touch the needles on Tang Xu’s head, but Old Wen stopped him, saying, “Don’t touch. Go play with Grandpa; your dad is asleep.”

Xiao Bao nodded, “Mm~”

By the time Tang Xu woke up, it was already dark, and Xu Ze had finished making dinner.

“Brother Xu, are you hungry?” Xu Ze called as he entered the room.

Tang Xu, who had been dozing on the kang, responded with a hum, “What’s for dinner?”

“Rice porridge and flatbread. I also made some scrambled eggs and pickled vegetables with shredded meat.” 

He couldn’t cook anything too complicated, and since Tang Xu had been around these past few days, they had been eating this kind of meal regularly.

Tang Xu got off the kang, put on his shoes, and patted Xu Ze's arm. “You’ve worked hard.”

“It’s no trouble at all. Brother Xu, I enjoy cooking. I hope to earn some money through it in the future!” Xu Ze’s eyes shone brightly. 

Since he had arrived in this household, he had felt like an outsider, always thinking he wasn’t much help. Now that he finally had a chance to contribute, he was full of enthusiasm!

Tang Xu smiled, “Alright, if there’s a chance in the future, I’ll also find you a way to earn money through cooking.”

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