The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 153


| TBBOTOF | 153

The night was getting darker, and on the way back, the chubby boy began to feel drowsy, he leaned against his father and nodded off. 

Worried that the boy might fall, Wei Dong gently patted his son’s shoulder.

"Father, hug~" The chubby boy, rubbing his sleepy eyes, pleaded in his soft, childlike voice.

Wei Dong nodded and lifted him up, letting him rest on his shoulder to continue his nap.

Tang Xu had been on edge all afternoon, constantly listening for any sounds from their direction. As darkness fell, his anxiety only grew. 

In the afternoon, both his sons had been practicing standing on the kang bed. Er Bao, just like his older brother at that age, loved standing up, even though his legs wobbled. He insisted on taking steps, tiring himself out so much that he fell asleep shortly after dinner.

Xiao Bao, who usually loved sleeping, had also gone to bed without fuss, following his brother’s lead. Tang Xu patted him gently until he too fell asleep.

Just then, Tang Xu heard movement in the backyard and sprang up from the kang bed. The once-sleeping Er Bao suddenly opened his eyes and started crying loudly.

Tang Xu jumped in surprise and quickly checked on him. The little rascal kicked his legs forcefully, tossing off the blanket and sat up.

Tang Xu knew this meant he needed to pee, so he picked him up and took him to the potty.

After finishing, Er Bao seemed wide awake, clinging to Tang Xu and refusing to be put down.

With no other choice, Tang Xu wrapped him in a cloak, glanced at the still-sleeping Xiao Bao, and carried Er Bao outside.

The cool breeze outside seemed to invigorate Er Bao even more, his eyes darting around until he spotted his father returning with his older brother. Excited, he reached out, making incoherent noises, “Ah ah! Ah wu!”

Tang Xu was startled by Er Bao’s sudden movement, his hands shaking slightly. He quickly hugged him tighter and scolded, “What are you fussing about? Your father isn't going anywhere!”

Er Bao pouted and burst into tears.

Tang Xu, frustrated, gave him a light pat on the butt.

Wei Dong, now standing in front of him, took Er Bao, who was reaching out, and placed him on his other shoulder. The chubby boy, awakened by his brother’s crying, leaned over and poked him, “Brother, what's wrong~”

Er Bao couldn’t speak yet, but he was good at expressing himself. He pointed at Tang Xu, babbling and then rubbed his own bottom.

Tang Xu couldn’t help but laugh at his antics and gave his butt another playful pat.

Er Bao whimpered, hugging Wei Dong’s neck and looking pitifully sad, “Hold~”

Tang Xu was taken aback and asked, “Did he just call you dad?”

“Er Bao wants to be held.”

Er Bao, hugging his father, turned his head away and refused to look at his dad.

Tang Xu poked his bottom, “What, are you angry with me now?”

In the afternoon, the Chubby boy hadn’t seen his dad for a while and was getting anxious, so he reached out to be picked up by Tang Xu.

Tang Xu picked him up and asked, “How was it? Did you have fun going out with your father this afternoon?”

“It was fun! We went to the big house!” The Chubby boy gestured with his hands.

Tang Xu raised an eyebrow and looked at Wei Dong.

Wei Dong nodded, holding the second child’s bottom with one hand to keep him steady and wrapping his other arm around Tang Xu's waist as they headed back. “The new house the Sun family built is a bit bigger than ours.”

Tang Xu didn’t ask further, as he wasn’t familiar with it anyway.

Back home, they changed the Chubby boy’s clothes and gave him a bath. Er Bao was crawling around on the bed and had even started standing up by holding onto the wall.

Wei Dong stood at the edge of the bed, watching him.

Er Bao stood up and turned his head to look at his father, then pulled down his pants, looked up, and pointed at his bare butt.

Wei Dong raised his eyebrows and asked him softly, "What's wrong?"

Er Bao bent down in a hurry, his whole body like a fat shrimp arched up, his bare butt facing his father, and his mouth made a gurgling sound.

Wei Dong smiled and stretched out his hand, patted him on the butt, "What's wrong, did you pee your pants again?"

Er Bao quickly threw himself into his arms, whimpering.

Wei Dong understood, "You peed your pants, and your father is angry and won't let you wear pants?"

Er Bao didn’t understand and looked very aggrieved.

Well, this child looks a lot like Wei Dong—it's obvious even without pointing it out, and his expressions are quite amusing.

Wei Dong held him, leaned down to poke his puffed cheeks, and glanced at the sleeping baby. He patted the child in his arms, “Sleep, your little brother has already fallen asleep.”

Even if Er Bao didn’t understand what his dad was saying, he could sense the change in his dad’s tone. He snuggled close and hummed coquettishly.

Wei Dong wasn’t like Tang Xu; he was patient enough to play guessing games with him, but now, he picked him up and gently placed him on the bed, pulled up his pants, and patted his back, “Sleep.”

Er Bao pouted and moved closer to his little brother, snuggling tightly and obediently closing his eyes.

Tang Xu finished bathing the Chubby boy and brought him back to the room. Seeing that Er Bao was asleep, he placed the Chubby boy on the bed, dried his hair, and asked, “Are you tired?”

He had been quite tired before, but the bath had refreshed him. The Chubby boy shook his head, sitting on the bed, and said, “Dad, I ate two buns~” He raised his hand and wiggled two fingers at his dad.

Tang Xu smiled gently, took his hand, and kissed it, “Are you full?”

“Full,” the Chubby boy nodded and looked at him, “Dad, can we eat more tomorrow?”

Tang Xu nodded, “Alright, we’ll have steamed pork buns for lunch tomorrow. You should go to sleep now; it's already late.”

The Chubby boy responded with an “Oh,” climbed to the edge of the bed, and reached for his own bed. Wei Dong picked him up and placed him there.

Tang Xu had just finished washing up. He gestured for Wei Dong to go wash up as well.

The Chubby boy lay down on the bed without needing his dad to pat him. He rolled over with the blanket and fell asleep right away.

It was clear that the child was truly exhausted today.

By the time Wei Dong finished washing up and came back, Tang Xu was already in bed. As Wei Dong climbed onto the bed, still damp from the steam, Tang Xu quickly stopped him, “You should dry your hair.”

“Hmm, if you’re tired, just go to sleep,” Wei Dong said, using a towel to dry his hair.

Tang Xu glanced at him, then suddenly sat up and took the towel from him, helping to dry his hair. He asked, “What’s wrong? You seem a bit off.”

“Hmm,” Wei Dong replied.

Tang Xu raised an eyebrow, looking at him with curiosity.

Wei Dong said, “The Junsong was really popular after we went out.”

“What?” Tang Xu was momentarily confused.


There was no need to be upset if their son was popular.

Wei Dong sighed, “He’s so approachable, everyone likes him. People wanted to hold him, and even people he met for the first time gave him red envelopes.”

Tang Xu’s mouth twitched. Was he feeling jealous?

It couldn’t be, his partner wasn’t the type to be petty.

But as it turned out, Wei Dong was indeed feeling petty.

Previously, the Chubby boy didn’t often interact with outsiders. Even when he was at the store, he mostly played in the yard. Tang Li and Wang Cuicui didn’t dare to take him out, as they weren’t familiar with the area and worried about losing him.

But this time, when the Chubby boy went with his dad to the Sun family to deliver wild boars, they sent two live wild boars in return. Not only were the children curious, but even the adults, who rarely saw such things, came out to watch the excitement.

The commotion attracted attention, and everyone saw the Chubby boy. He was indeed adorable, with his fair, plump cheeks and clear, articulate speech. He answered every question clearly, and when people heard he was not even two years old, they were envious and praised him for being so smart.

The Chubby boy, who loved to show off, often went to the study to listen to Old Master Wei’s stories. Even though he didn’t study them deliberately, he could recite a lot of classics like the Three Character Classic.

When he heard people praising him, he started showing off, reciting a long string of verses.

To be honest, he really impressed the Sun family.

The matriarch of the Sun family, over sixty years old, had many grandchildren, but none were as smart and adorable as he was. She was so fond of him that she wouldn’t let go, calling him a "good boy" and showering him with sweets and treats. 

In the end, she even gave him a red envelope with a few silver coins inside!

If Wei Dong hadn’t refused the host’s offer, the Chubby boy might not have been able to return home with him that night.

The thought of his son almost being taken away made Wei Dong even more upset.

Furthermore, despite everything, the Chubby boy didn’t realize the issue. On the way home, he continued to show off to his father, waving the red envelope and happily saying he had earned money to give to his dad.

Wei Dong’s expression was darker than the night itself.

Tang Xu couldn’t help but laugh. Seeing that his partner was really upset, he quickly moved closer and kissed his partner’s cheek, “I’ll talk to him first thing tomorrow. He shouldn’t take things from strangers like that!”

“I told him, and he said those weren’t strangers, they were customers who bought our wild boars,” Wei Dong said, feeling exhausted. It was the first time he thought being too articulate could be a disadvantage.

Tang Xu couldn’t help it and burst into laughter, leaning on his partner’s shoulder.

Wei Dong’s face was full of resignation.

“Alright, enough laughing. Go to sleep.”

Tang Xu, still laughing, asked, “Are you upset because he argued with you or because he was so popular?”

“I’m upset about both. You have to talk to him tomorrow!” Wei Dong grumbled.

“Okay, okay, I’ll talk to him. Now, go to sleep. In the morning, I’ll go up the mountain to pick some wild vegetables. They’re tender and taste great when they’ve just sprouted. Do you want to come?” Tang Xu pulled him down, snuggling closer, and yawned.

“Sure,” Wei Dong said, gently patting his back. Soon, the person in his arms had a steady, deep breath and was fast asleep.

They got up at dawn to go foraging for wild vegetables, only going around the outskirts. When they got home, Tang Xu started making breakfast while Wei Dong went to check on the three sleeping little ones. 

Xiao Bao had gone to bed early the night before and slept until morning, but the diaper was already wet.

Seeing Xiao Bao stirring and making noises, Wei Dong quickly went over to pick him up. Before the baby could start crying, he removed the wet diaper and cleaned him up.

Xiao Bao, now awake, looked up at his father holding him, pouting.

“What’s wrong, looking for your dad?” Wei Dong changed Xiao Bao’s diaper, and pinched his little cheeks. “Can’t father hold you?”

Xiao Bao reached up to touch Wei Dong’s face. When he didn’t find the beard, he leaned in to nuzzle against his cheek.

That was his way of being affectionate.

Wei Dong chuckled softly and kissed him. “Let’s go, father will take you to wash your face. Your dad is making breakfast, and we’ll be able to eat soon.”

In the kitchen, Tang Xu, hearing the commotion, looked up and saw Wei Dong coming in with Xiao Bao. He quickly reached out to take the baby. “Why are you up so early?”

Xiao Bao, leaning against Tang Xu, looked drowsy.

Wei Dong explained, “He had a wet diaper, so I just washed his face.”

Tang Xu looked down at Xiao Bao, rubbing his chin against the soft hair on the baby’s head. “Xiao Bao, are you hungry? Dad made steamed egg custard. You can have a big bowl later!”

Xiao Bao smacked his lips, indicating he was indeed hungry.

“Dongzi!” Outside, Old Master Xu called out.

Wei Dong went outside and saw the old man carrying a box. He quickly went over to take it. “Are you going out?”

Old Master Xu waved his hand. “Take me to Liu San’s house.”

“Liu San?” Wei Dong’s mind quickly went through the list of people in the village named Liu San and frowned slightly. “Which Liu San?”

“Liu Qiaoniang’s husband. Don’t you know Liu Qiaoniang?” Old Master Xu looked puzzled by the question.

In the kitchen, Tang Xu frowned. Liu Qiaoniang was his biological aunt, so why would they be calling the old doctor so early in the morning?

Could it be that she’s ill?

TL: I love that the WD is so good with his kids, he has his jealous moments but at least he doesn't dislike his children he is just helpless against them lol  (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ )

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  1. WD is simply better than most of the Ml's, he really loves his children and even though he has his moments of jealousy (I think it was just once) the other Ml's seem to want to compete with the children all the time, like, they are his children you idiot, they won't steal your spouse


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