Puppet Notes (Wearing Book) - 109


| PN | Dreamland | 109

A Dream?  

When Qi Chao heard San Yue's words, he was stunned.  

Tu Zhuang, who was standing nearby, saw San Yue with his head lowered and, worried that Qi Chao might misunderstand, quickly explained, "Brother Qi, San Yue has been having frequent dreams for a while. Maybe the tree on the paper just resembles the one in his dream."  

"You've seen it in a dream?" Qi Chao asked thoughtfully.  

San Yue was initially a bit nervous. To him, what he had just said sounded somewhat odd, and Qi Chao might think he was strange. 

However, after seeing the serious expression on Qi Chao's face, San Yue relaxed. He regained his usual calm demeanor and nodded.  

"Yes, I saw this tree in a dream. Because of the distinctive pattern on the trunk, it's easy to recognize. The only difference is that the tree in my dream was almost dead, unlike the one on the paper, which is full of life."  

After finishing, San Yue worried that he might have been mistaken, so he added, "But the trees just look similar. Since this one is only a sketch, and although the patterns are similar, the two may not be related."  

"Mm, I understand. No need to be nervous, I was just casually asking," Qi Chao smiled as he looked at San Yue’s face. "San Yue, you haven’t seen a tree with this kind of pattern in real life, have you?"  

San Yue responded with a hum, realizing that the tree on the paper might be important to Qi Chao. After a moment of silence, he clenched his fist tightly on his knee.  

"Maybe Lan Luo knows about this tree."  

Lan Luo?  

Qi Chao hadn’t yet considered what connection Lan Luo might have to this, but then San Yue continued, "When I saw the tree in my dream, Lan Luo was sitting on it."  

San Yue pressed his lips together, unsure whether or not to say more. Up until now, he hadn’t understood why he was having these dreams, nor did he know what they truly meant.  

If the tree from his dream was somehow related to the one drawn on Qi Chao’s paper, San Yue didn’t want Qi Chao to miss out on this clue.  

"Lan Luo was seriously injured at the time, and he kept muttering about protecting the tree."  

Due to the passage of time, San Yue didn’t remember many details from the dream. The only clear impressions were of that dying tree and Lan Luo standing guard over it.  

Aside from this dream, during that period, San Yue had many others. Without exception, each one featured injured puppets and smoke-filled battlefields.  

However, for now, there was no need to mention this—at least not until San Yue figured out what those dreams meant. He didn’t need to tell Qi Chao yet.  

"Lan Luo was injured?"  

Qi Chao’s focus shifted from the tree to Lan Luo. He furrowed his brow.  

"Yes," San Yue nodded steadily and began describing the scenes from his dream.  

His eyes had been gouged out, his arm sawed off.  

Just those two details were enough to make Qi Chao’s expression grow much heavier.  

San Yue’s unexplained dream wasn’t exactly a reliable clue. However, because some of the details in the dream overlapped with the little tree on the paper, Qi Chao had initially felt a glimmer of hope.  

In Qi Chao’s eyes, the puppets in this world were all quite mysterious, and perhaps San Yue himself possessed some special abilities. 

But that hope vanished the moment he heard about Lan Luo’s injuries.  

"I’ll go ask him myself."  

Qi Chao’s heart sank. He asked Tu Zhuang and San Yue to rest in the living room while he stood up and headed upstairs.  

After Qi Chao left, Tu Zhuang turned to San Yue and asked, "You’re not having those dreams anymore, right?"  

Tu Zhuang knew that those dreams had been nightmares for San Yue. He could still vividly remember the terror on San Yue’s face when he was first jolted awake by one of those nightmares.

San Yue hummed softly in response, turning to Tu Zhuang who was biting his fingernail. San Yue reached out and took his hand.

"Don’t worry, I’m fine," San Yue reassured him.  

He felt he was already lucky enough.  

San Yue thought about how many puppets wouldn’t have a master like Tu Zhuang, nor would they have the chance to be saved from the brink of death by someone like Qi Chao.  

Meanwhile, with Lan Luo on his mind, Qi Chao hurried upstairs. 

As he passed Li Bai’s door, his two younger brothers were inside, trying to wake Li Bai up. Qi Chao glanced at them but didn’t intervene, instead continuing on to Lan Luo’s room. 

He knocked on the door.  

Lan Luo wasn’t exactly a morning person.  

But that depended on who was knocking. As long as it was Qi Chao or Li Bai, Lan Luo’s morning grumpiness would disappear instantly.  

Hearing the knock, Lan Luo opened the door with a dark expression. But when he saw Qi Chao standing outside, his face immediately lit up with a bright smile.  

His tousled, slightly curly golden hair framed his blue eyes, which were as clear as crystal. His innocent smile was angelic, effortlessly warming anyone’s heart.  

This smile was different from before—more genuine. 

Looking at the obedient Lan Luo, Qi Chao felt a bit stifled inside.

In San Yue's description, Lan Luo's eyes had been gouged out, and even his arm had been forcefully twisted off, leaving him in an incredibly tragic state.

Looking down at Lan Luo now, Qi Chao couldn’t help but hope that San Yue's dream was just that—a mere dream.  

“Dad?” Lan Luo looked up at Qi Chao, a bit puzzled.  

Qi Chao ruffled Lan Luo’s hair and smiled. "It’s nothing. Daddy just wanted to ask if you’ve ever seen a tree like the one on this piece of paper."  

“A tree?” Lan Luo tilted his head. When he saw what Qi Chao was holding, his expression became even more confused. “No, I haven’t. Did Dad draw this?”  

“It’s very pretty,” Lan Luo beamed brightly.  

Lan Luo hadn’t seen the tree. Though the clue was now lost, Qi Chao felt a wave of relief wash over him. 

His deep brown eyes gleamed with a hint of a smile—perhaps San Yue’s dream really was nothing more than a simple nightmare.  

He gently patted Lan Luo’s head. “Thanks for the compliment, Lan Luo. If you haven’t seen it, that’s fine. Your two uncles are here to play with you. They’re in Li Bai’s room. Go and join them.”

Lan Luo nodded firmly.  

As he watched Qi Chao turn and walk away, Lan Luo's expression darkened. Why did Dad know about the Mother Tree?  

Lan Luo had only seen the Mother Tree once after his creation, but he would never forget its appearance, especially the distinct patterns on its trunk.

From the moment he saw the drawing on the paper, he knew it was the Mother Tree.  

How did Dad know about the Mother Tree? 

And why did he ask him directly?  

The more Lan Luo thought about it, the more anxious he became. His fingers unconsciously picked at the seam of his pants as he struggled to remain calm. 

The Mother Tree was currently in the trial grounds, and the mere thought that Qi Chao might discover what they were doing there made Lan Luo feel restless.  

Across the hall, the sound of laughter and playful banter came from Li Bai’ room. Lan Luo lowered his eyelashes, then turned back into his room, where he relayed the situation to his father.  

On the other hand, after receiving Lan Luo’s denial, Qi Chao felt somewhat relieved. 

Still, San Yue's dream continued to trouble him.  

From what San Yue had said, it seemed he’d had many dreams. In Qi Chao's understanding, puppets rarely dream, as sleep was merely a way for them to regulate their energy.  

San Yue himself seemed to find it unusual as well.

Qi Chao thought for a moment and, after returning to the living room, decided to ask San Yue again about his dreams.  

"Are the dreams you've had all the same?"  

"No," San Yue shook his head. "They're different. Sometimes I dream about puppets I know, and sometimes about ones I don’t."  

But without exception, the puppets in his dreams were either dead or severely wounded. San Yue’s lips trembled slightly, and his face turned pale.  

Qi Chao had originally intended to ask about the details of the dreams, but seeing San Yue’s expression, he guessed that those dreams weren’t pleasant. 

He decided to hold off on the topic for now, smiling at Tu Zhuang and San Yue before changing the subject. "Let’s not talk about that. I wonder what Qi Feng and Qi Ye are up to—they’ve been in there for quite a while."  

As soon as he said that, the loud screams of his two overdramatic younger brothers echoed from upstairs. Tu Zhuang and San Yue’s attention quickly shifted.  

Qi Chao glanced up at the second floor, scratching his head with a calm expression. He was used to his two brothers being overly dramatic and making a fuss.

 However, compared to Qi Feng and Qi Ye, Qi Chao was more concerned about San Yue’s dreams.  


He watched San Yue’s back as he walked upstairs, his expression unreadable. 

The mystery of the little tree was still unsolved, and now another issue had surfaced with San Yue. 

Qi Chao hoped that San Yue had simply had a random bad dream.  

Otherwise, if the scene San Yue described of Lan Luo’s brutal injuries were true, Qi Chao let out a heavy breath, clenching his fists. 

If anyone really hurt his child, he wasn’t sure what he might do in response.

On the other side, after receiving Lan Luo's message, Shen Yuxi's eyelashes fluttered slightly as his gaze shifted toward Ayu.  

In the dim trial grounds, the cold wind howled, and the rustling of leaves added an eerie atmosphere. Sensing her father’s gaze, Ayu immediately stepped forward.  

Behind them, the massive canopy of the Mother Tree faintly emitted a brilliant white light. Green orbs of light floated around the tree, gently drifting through the air and surrounding Ayu, softly channeling energy into her.  

"What’s going on with San Yue?" Shen Yuxi’s voice was cold, though his expression remained calm.  

"San Yue hasn’t shown any unusual behavior. According to the information we’ve gathered, he hasn’t had those dreams for nearly six months," Ayu replied, her fingers twitching slightly. 

A few blood-red eyes floated up from the ground—her surveillance devices used to gather information.  

"In San Yue’s dreams, Lan Luo didn’t fare well," Ayu continued, closing her eyes as she slowly analyzed the message she had just received. 

"It’s not just Lan Luo—none of us seem to have a good ending in those dreams. For now, it looks like Father’s plan isn’t going well."  

Hearing this, Agu, who was clinging to the Mother Tree, rubbing affectionately against it, curved his lips into a smile. "Wow, really? Is Father’s plan going to fail?"  

Moss, who stood behind Shen Yuxi, glanced at Agu before tightening his grip on the doll in his hand. His voice was raspy as he asked, "Father, do you need me to bring San Yue here?"

If it had been earlier, Shen Yuxi might have chosen to have Moss bring San Yue in, using every method possible to extract any information he held. 

But now, Shen Yuxi didn’t take that approach. Even after hearing that his plan might fail, his expression remained unchanged.  

In his mind, San Yue’s so-called prophecies weren’t reliable. He turned to Ayu and asked, “What’s Qi Chao’s reaction?”  

With her eyes closed, Ayu replied, “He doesn’t want San Yue’s dreams to come true. Based on the information we’ve gathered, he’s been angry ever since learning about Lan Luo’s injuries.”  

Shen Yuxi chuckled softly.  

Next to him, Agu’s smile widened, and even Moss, who had been gripping his doll tightly, began to relax.  

“If San Yue hasn’t dreamt about the trial grounds again, there’s no need to bring him over for now,” Shen Yuxi said, his eyelashes casting a shadow over the complex emotions in his eyes. “Place a monitor on Lan Luo.”  

No matter what San Yue’s dreams might foretell, Shen Yuxi was confident he wouldn’t fail.  

Ayu nodded in acknowledgment, pausing briefly before adding, “Father, recently, there have been more pests around the trial grounds. It seems their target is the trial grounds itself.”  

With Qiao Sheng involved, Shen Yuxi wasn’t surprised that his trial grounds had been discovered. 

He responded calmly, “In three days, let them in. Tell the puppets not to hold back.”  

Shen Yuxi was well aware that Marshal Lu Chen was present. If they held back, it would be the trial grounds' puppets who would suffer.  

Ayu and Moss nodded in agreement, while A Gu cheered, "Yay! Time to have some fun!"  

Shen Yuxi withdrew his gaze. Soon, once Lu Chen was dealt with, his plan would reach its final stage. 

He envisioned a future where he could live with Qi Chao forever, including all the puppets in the house.  

As he thought about San Yue’s dreams, Shen Yuxi’s eyes turned icy. 

He absolutely wouldn’t allow himself to fail.  

After successfully diverting San Yue and Tu Zhuang’s attention, Qi Chao momentarily pushed aside the ominous dreams and headed to the kitchen to prepare a meal. 

After a while, his two younger brothers walked in.  

"What are you two doing in here?" Qi Chao asked, a bit surprised. 

Normally, his two mischievous brothers spent most of their time playing with Li Bai and the others whenever they visited.  

"Li Bai and the others are studying," Qi Feng replied with a hint of sympathy. He hadn't realized that becoming the eldest among the puppets could be so tough. 

They had to study diligently every day. He had heard that Li Bai and the others had been reading books for more than a year already.  

"Isn't Xiang Yue only one year old?" Qi Feng thought aloud. "That means Xiang Yue basically started studying just days after he was born?"

The two younger brothers glanced at their eldest brother, and the thought of their father, who had been pressuring them to study hard, gave them a shiver.  

Remembering their father, Qi Feng suddenly had a realization. "Big Brother, didn’t the old man mention a two-year agreement with you? I've noticed he's been really cheerful lately. He probably assumes you’re preparing to return to the company."  

"Yes, Big Brother, you should be prepared. Otherwise, the old man might force you to give up your puppet master career," Qi Ye added. 

He knew how much his brother enjoyed making puppets and hoped he could continue being happy.  

"I see," Qi Chao paused his chopping, a faint smile appearing in his eyes. He understood his younger brothers' concern and nodded. "I’ll have a good talk with Dad tomorrow. Don’t worry about it."  

Qi Feng and Qi Ye nodded and helped out in the kitchen for a while before Qi Chao shooed them away.  

"Uncle, I have a question for you," Li Bai approached, holding up his light brain.  

"What is it?"  

Qi Feng and Qi Ye, who had transformed from struggling students into top scholars, were more than happy to play the role of teachers.

Not far away, Xiang Yue, Xuan Jian, and Shuang Jian sat on the sofa, their heads bowed as they intently stared at their light brains, fingers tapping rapidly. 

They seemed deeply engrossed in something.

It was at this moment that the two brothers realized that their elder brother had bought light brains for several puppets. 

Big Brother really spoils his puppets, both Qi Feng and Qi Ye thought simultaneously. 

They looked down at Li Bai's light brain, ready to teach him the basics of writing, but when they saw the screen, their backs stiffened immediately.

The light brain displayed a string of code that seemed to mock their own intellectual capacity silently. 

Qi Feng's voice trembled slightly. "Aren't you supposed to be studying? Why are you dealing with code?"

"Agu taught us," Li Bai bit his lip, looking somewhat dejected. "Li Bai feels very dumb. Xiang Yue and the others have already progressed to decryption, and I’m still stuck with this kind of stuff."


Qi Feng and Qi Ye exchanged a glance, both visibly shocked.

"Uncle, please don't tell Dad about this. We're trying to surprise him," Li Bai looked up at them earnestly. "Xiang Yue and Lan Luo will succeed soon, and Xuan Jian and Shuang Jian are progressing quickly too. I’m just a bit behind, so could you please teach Li Bai a little?"

Qi Feng and Qi Ye were taken aback. What could possibly make dolls learn to code? They swallowed hard, trying to grasp how these dolls, only a year or two old, could learn so quickly. 

And all of this was a surprise for their older brother. 

Were the puppets made by their brother all geniuses?

Shaking, Qi Feng asked, "Can you tell me why you need to learn code?"

"To fulfill Dad's dream," Li Bai replied vaguely, his golden eyes under the mask showing some distress. 

He looked up and asked, "Xiang Yue has asked us not to reveal too much, so can you please help teach Li Bai how to handle this?"

Li Bai looked a bit embarrassed. "Li Bai really doesn’t know how to do it."

Qi Feng and Qi Ye were hesitant to admit that they didn't know either. They shuffled their feet and struggled to find the right words. 

Originally, they thought it was already quite extreme for their elder brother to have the puppets study. They hadn’t anticipated that it would be this advance.

How did their brother manage to teach these puppets to this level? 

Qi Feng and Qi Ye felt a bit weak in the knees. They were sure no other puppets would have such advanced skills.

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  1. yea, alright, im fuckin shocked that theyre learning such advanced coding. li bai, youve really grown 0_0


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