Puppet Notes (Wearing Book) - 112


| PN | Squat | 112

The comment section was flooded with messages expressing shock over Qi Chao creating four puppets, and the number of viewers in the upper-right corner skyrocketed. 

Xiu Mei, who was standing outside the camera's range, noticed this and was so excited she was at a loss for words.

M-millions of viewers... She had never had this many people in her livestream before!!!

Unlike Xiu Mei, Qi Chao's attention was on the children.

Li Bai had met the warlock at a previous conference, so he didn't appear shy during the livestream. He sat on a chair, swinging his legs with his golden eyes sparkling brightly, looking very enthusiastic.

In contrast, Xiang Yue, Xuan Jian, and Shuang Jian were relatively quiet, but they all appeared very serious, showing just how hard they were trying for their father.

Seeing this, Qi Chao's eyes deepened with amusement.

The number of viewers in the livestream continued to grow.

Creating four S-rank puppets within two years was unheard of. It should be noted that the widely recognized top-ranked master-level puppet maker, Gao Ka, had taken six years to create four puppets.

Compared to six years, two years seemed insignificant. Not to mention, Qi Chao had only started learning how to make puppets two years ago, and he could already craft four S-rank puppets. Such talent was truly unprecedented.

【No wonder Qi Chao is a legend. It's like a god descended to earth. So amazing!】

【I feel like I'm witnessing a miracle.】

The livestream chat was filled with various forms of praise, but as the number of viewers grew, doubts began to emerge.

【Does anyone actually believe this? The richest man going all out to promote his son—creating four puppets in two years, three of them being adolescent figures, and one of them even a fantasy species? If he didn't collapse from exhaustion, that's already impressive. How could they still be so lively?】

【Feels fake. Also, I feel bad for the puppet master whose name got erased.】

【Seriously? This only proves that Qi Chao's mental strength is far superior to ordinary people. What proof do you have that these puppets were made by someone else? This kind of claim can be debunked in an instant.】

【Trolls are everywhere, but they never use their brains.】

The livestream's popularity continued to rise, and when Qi Chao and Xiu Mei appeared on camera, the excitement reached its peak.

Those who admired Qi Chao kept showering him with praises, while those who disliked him relentlessly tried to tear him down.

Neither Xiu Mei nor Qi Chao paid any attention to the comments. They treated the livestream as if it didn't exist, continuing their conversation as they usually did.

That was Xiu Mei's mindset too.

Xiu Mei knew just how chaotic the comment section could be, and instead of reading through it, she figured it would be more effective to ask her own questions. 

After all, she knew better than anyone how to spark the interest of her viewers.

Qi Chao had no objections. He answered whatever Xiu Mei asked, appearing particularly casual about it. Despite his tough and intimidatingly handsome exterior, his temperament was surprisingly mild. 

Combined with his impressive background and outstanding abilities, this demeanor only made the fans glued to the livestream more excited.

"You've made four puppets now, Qi Chao. Do you plan to keep raising them yourself?" Xiu Mei asked, already anticipating several possible answers. 

One of the scenarios she thought most likely was that Qi Chao wouldn’t keep the puppets forever.

After all, puppet masters typically sell their creations to make a profit. Even though Qi Chao was wealthy, an S-rank puppet could easily fetch hundreds of millions. 

Who would ever turn down more money?

"Mmm, of course, I'll be raising my children," Qi Chao replied.

"All four of them?" Xiu Mei pressed.

"Yes." Qi Chao nodded. 

A few seconds later, he paused as if something crossed his mind, then added casually, "But if one of my kids ever wanted to go out and explore the world on their own, I wouldn't stop them."

Hearing that Qi Chao had no intention of auctioning off the four puppets was surprising, but Xiu Mei wasn’t completely shocked. Given his wealth, it made sense that he didn't need to sell them for profit.

After hearing Qi Chao's last words, Xiu Mei froze in surprise.

He wasn’t willing to sell the puppets for profit, yet he was open to letting them leave without making a single cent. 

Xiu Mei had long mastered the art of adapting her words to fit any situation or audience, but in this moment, she found herself unsure of what to say. 

Qi Chao was smiling, his deep brown eyes filled with a serious sincerity—clearly, he wasn’t joking.

She had often imagined that if she had enough money, she wouldn’t need to sell her puppets either. 

But even then, she knew she’d never be able to simply let them go. After all, they were painstakingly crafted with her heart and soul.

This didn’t mean Xiu Mei didn’t understand the meaning behind Qi Chao’s words. 

On the contrary, because she also put so much care into her own creations, she could deeply appreciate his sentiment. 

He regarded his puppets as equals, respecting their every decision.

Qi Chao really was a good person.

Xiu Mei felt a mix of emotions. She didn’t dislike Qi Chao's approach—in fact, she found herself harboring a faint sense of admiration, perhaps because she herself couldn’t do the same.

While Xiu Mei could understand Qi Chao’s mindset, the trolls in the livestream weren’t as empathetic. They openly ridiculed his thoughts.

【Is he seriously treating puppets like actual children? Wow, rich people are such freaks.】

【Summary: Just a rich guy with too much money, letting his puppets leave? Hilarious.】

【Is this really necessary? Puppets are just a bunch of toys. Putting so much effort into raising them like humans—seriously, it’s ridiculous.】

【I swear, why do you guys even care? Has he eaten from your rice bowl? Qi Chao can do whatever he wants. He’s not mad, the puppets aren’t mad, but somehow the viewers are upset.】

【I don’t get it. Have you ever raised a puppet? If you have and still see them as mere toys, then fine, you win.】

【Honestly, the real weirdos here are the ones who can’t respect Qi Chao’s freedom and decisions.】

While the comment section erupted into a storm of arguments, neither Qi Chao nor Xiu Mei paid it any mind. They quickly moved past the topic and continued chatting, with the livestream lasting nearly an hour.

Around 9 PM, the livestream finally ended. Other than the initial uproar caused by Qi Chao's remarks about respecting the decisions of his puppets, the rest of the conversation went smoothly. 

By the time the stream concluded, both Qi Chao and Xiu Mei had gained more followers on their social media platforms.

In fact, due to the news of Qi Chao creating four S-rank puppets in just two years, his follower count soared to an astonishing number, nearing that of the top-ranked master puppet master on Blue Star.

The stir caused by Qi Chao's achievement had already reached the association.

Four S-rank puppets.

A few years ago, when Qing Yu made just two S-rank puppets in two years, he was praised by the Emperor himself. 

Now, with Qi Chao's sudden announcement, the association wasn’t going to overlook it.

As soon as the four puppets were revealed, the vice president of the association immediately sought out the upper echelons, finding the president who was currently dealing with an S-rank puppet.

These days, the president followed direct orders from the Emperor and rarely concerned himself with the association’s daily matters.

"Vice President?" 

The president raised his hand, and the black-clad figures behind him halted, stepping back with a trembling puppet gripped by fear.

With a benevolent look, the president turned to the vice president. "What brings you here?"

The vice president remained composed as he explained the situation regarding Qi Chao, even playing a recording of the livestream with Xiu Mei and Qi Chao.

When they heard Qi Chao's declaration—that he wasn’t planning to sell the puppets and was willing to let them leave of their own volition—both the president and the vice president shared a faintly contemptuous, bemused expression.

"What a naive child," the president said with a warm, affectionate tone. "But his talent is undeniable. Even Qing Yu, who now commands most of the association's resources, can't compare."

"We’ve had people try to approach him, but nothing ever came of it," the vice president added, speculating, "It’s likely due to his privileged background. Qi Chao probably doesn’t care much about the association."

Though puppet makers capable of creating S-rank puppets were rare, they weren't unheard of. 

However, a puppet master like Qi Chao, who could produce four S-rank puppets in just two years, was truly extraordinary—equivalent to the value of five elite-level puppet masters.

The president, sensing the need to bring Qi Chao into their fold, opened his narrowed eyes slightly, revealing a subtle yet oppressive intensity. "Doesn't he have a good relationship with Xiu Mei? Let her persuade him. If that doesn’t work, we’ll find other methods."

The vice president understood perfectly that "other methods" referred to less honorable tactics. 

"Understood, President."

Nodding, the vice president thoughtfully closed the door behind him as he left.

The room fell silent once more. The president lowered his gaze toward the S-rank puppet held down by the black-clad men. This puppet was Wen Gui, a grotesque puppet Qing Yu had once gifted to the Emperor.

Wen Gui’s pale complexion, horns protruding from his head, sharp, terrifying teeth, and twisted limbs left him only able to crawl along the ground.

Initially, the Emperor had considered keeping Wen Gui around for amusement, but upon seeing such an ugly creation in person, his interest vanished almost instantly.

"Throw him in," the president ordered, his kindly expression unchanged.

In the next moment, Wen Gui was tossed into a machine. As his body was crushed, he murmured his creator’s name, "Father."

Wen Gui’s final thoughts lingered on the man’s words from the livestream: He said he would always stay with his puppets.

He also said that if his puppets ever decided to leave, he would let them go.  

How wonderful, Wen Gui thought. Why couldn’t my father be him?

If the man’s words were true, his puppets must be so happy, and they would never want to leave him.  

The pain surged through Wen Gui's deformed body. As he gazed at the glowing green light of the machine, his black eyes shattered like glass, and his grotesque form—twisted and horned—was crushed to dust.

 Moments later, the machine spat out a single, dim red core stone, which was carelessly tossed into a dark glass cabinet.

Apart from that lone red stone, no trace of Wen Gui remained.

That same evening, Xiu Mei received a message from the association. The tone was arrogant, full of orders, instructing her to persuade Qi Chao to join the association. 

They even promised her various rewards for her efforts, including access to more resources. 

Xiu Mei glanced at the message briefly, her lips curling in disdain. Without hesitation, she took a screenshot and sent it straight to Qi Chao.

What a joke.

Xiu Mei thought to herself that Qi Chao wasn’t foolish. The moment she said anything in favor of the association, he’d instantly realize she was acting as their agent. 

Rather than risk alienating her friend, it was better to use this as an opportunity to strengthen their bond.

Her light-brain device vibrated slightly, displaying a simple message:  

[Got it.]

After some thought, Xiu Mei sent another message: 


[The association won’t give up easily. They might resort to some underhanded tactics, so be careful.]

Though she said this, Xiu Mei knew that Qi Chao’s status as the son of the richest man in the world was his best shield. If the association had any sense, they wouldn’t dare provoke the richest family just to recruit Qi Chao.

[Understood, thanks.] Qi Chao sent the reply, his thumb idly stroking the screen of his device.

His puppets were already asleep at this hour. Sitting on his bed, the soft glow of the screen illuminated his face, and his deep brown eyes reflected a thoughtful expression.  

The association really is troublesome.

He mused quietly to himself. If only he could blow up the association... then he might finally get some peace and quiet.

However, Qi Chao knew it was impossible. He pressed his thumb against his forefinger, acknowledging that he was still too weak. Only by reaching a certain height in his field could he see the bigger picture.

He needs to become a master-level puppet maker as soon as possible.

As Qi Chao was lost in thought, his light-brain vibrated again. It was a message from Shen Yuxi, asking about how his livestreams had gone. 

Qi Chao replied briefly, choosing not to mention anything about the association to avoid causing Shen Yuxi unnecessary worry.

In reality, Shen Yuxi could probably guess the situation without being told. Once the association discovered Qi Chao’s immense talent, they would certainly view him as a valuable target they wouldn’t let slip away.

With a slight flutter of his eyelashes, Shen Yuxi returned to his chat list and opened the conversation with Bugu. 

He typed a few lines and hit send.

Qi Chao was a straightforward person and would never imagine the lengths the association might go to in order to achieve their goals. 

They could resort to extreme measures, even dangerous ones. 

Under these circumstances, Shen Yuxi preferred to keep all threats and dirty dealings hidden in the shadows. 

He would handle whatever trouble arose, ensuring that Qi Chao could focus solely on making puppets and continue living a peaceful, happy life with him.

Bugu quickly replied with a message.

Shen Yuxi glanced at his light-brain before putting it away. He then asked, “Did you throw Lu Chen and the others into the gas forest?”

“Yep!” Agu replied with a smile. “He’s strong, but compared to Moss and me, he’s still quite weak.”

Shen Yuxi acknowledged this with a hum. He lifted his gaze to the towering tree surrounded by swirling green orbs of light. 

The crown of the mother tree was faintly turning white, a sign that it was beginning to heal.

Of course, this was how the puppets perceived the scene; humans couldn’t see the green energy orbs. 

To Shen Yuxi, it was merely a giant tree with white leaves.

The dark shadows clinging to the tree branches appeared fierce and menacing, but upon closer inspection, there were a few scattered white orbs of light among them, a pitiful sight.

“Once General Lu and the others enter, the shadows should be much happier. This is great!” Agu beamed, standing in front of Shen Yuxi. “This way, the mother tree can recover even more!”

Shen Yuxi gave Agu a glance, softly responding before turning to Moss. “Keep an eye on General Lu and the others. If the shadows can’t handle them, intervene.”

“Understood, Father.” 

Moss nodded, not lingering any longer, and stepped into a spatial vortex, heading toward the spot where General Lu and his team lay unconscious.

Left behind, Agu watched his father leaning against the mother tree, focused on typing. 

The expression in Shen Yuxi’s eyes hinted at a sense of contentment, leading Agou to guess that he was in communication with his own father.

Only his Dad could make Shen Yuxi so relaxed. 

He also wanted to send a message to Qi Chao.

Agu's hands were itching. He knew that no matter what he said, his Dad would not ignore him.

Life now was definitely much more interesting than before.

Meanwhile, as Moss emerged from the spatial vortex, he found a spot to hide in the thick foliage of the tree, using the lush leaves to conceal his presence. Cradling a plush doll in his arms, he kept his dark eyes trained on Lu Chen and his three companions, who were still unconscious on the ground.

Before the four of them woke up, Moss heard faint noises nearby. 

As he spotted two sneaky-looking men creeping out from the bushes, he tilted his head, a look of confusion crossing his face.

Old Liu and Zhang Li had been waiting for this day for a long time. Ever since they realized the main protagonist would faint before entering the gas forest, Zhang Li had brought Old Liu to stake out the area daily. 

Finally, their patience paid off, and they had managed to catch the moment they had been waiting for.

Zhang Li and Lao Liu exchanged a glance, both on the verge of tears from sheer relief. No one understood how tough it had been for them, waiting all this time. 

If it weren’t for the belief that the protagonist group would eventually arrive, they might have lost their minds by now.

“What do we do now?” Lao Liu asked, still a bit clueless.

“Let’s take them to the cave by the swamp,” Zhang Li replied, thankful that the original story was written from the protagonists’ perspective. He still remembered the safest spots.

“Let’s move quickly.”

The two men, with much effort, transported the unconscious bodies of Lu Chen and his companions to the cave, making multiple trips to get everyone there safely.

Mos, still perched in the tree, watched the scene unfold. 

He tilted his head in curiosity. 

How did these two men seem to know ahead of time that Lu Chen and his team would be there? 

It was almost as if they had been expecting them...

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  1. Thank you for the chapter!! 💕💕

    Once more Qi Chao shocking everyone by treating the completely sentient creatures with compassion. Ah, At least sister Xiu Mei gets it. She can’t be the same as Qi Chao due to financial circumstances, but at least she’s an ally! Also, association better be careful. While Qi Chao is taking the high ground right now, I’m sure if you touch his bottom line he will definitely blow things up. Here’s hoping there is a small pay off to it one day. Let my man have some explosives!
    I really hope all those poor abused puppets get to come back at the end whole. Babies don’t deserve that.


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