The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 190


| TBBOTOF | 190

Tang Xu brought quite a few things for him, including meat, wine, and a bag of sugar. When he was about to leave Tang Qi asked him to visit, but Tang Xu smiled and declined.

Li Xiu was there, and it was nothing unusual for relatives to visit each other, but it was a pity that with Li Xiu’s character it would make it troublesome to visit .

When he lifted the door curtain, he found that Tang Li and Liu Yao were both inside, tied with festival strings.

"Aren't you two supposed to be resting at home? What are you doing here?" He asked while wiping his hands.

Liu Yao yawned, looking tired, and motioned toward Tang Li with a nod, indicating that it was Tang Li who wanted to come help, so he came along to keep her company.

Tang Li skillfully tied a string around three pieces of cured ribs, moving quickly as she tightened the knot. "I thought you'd be doing so much on your own that you'd be working until dark, so we came over to help speed things up. I just saw Tang Qi come by — did he need something from you?"

Tang Xu pointed to four fish in the basin. "Third Uncle caught these fish and brought them over. You two keep working, I'll take care of the fish, and we’ll have stewed fish for dinner."

After saying this, he shouted out the window, "Ah Yang!!!"

Tang Yang was in the study practicing his writing. Hearing the voice, he quickly put down his brush and came out, asking in confusion, "Brother, what's up?"

"Is there still any soft tofu? If there’s none, buy three pieces. If you can’t find any, then don’t bother," Tang Xu said, as he liked adding soft tofu when stewing fish, but if there wasn’t any, he wouldn’t use it.

Tang Yang agreed, grabbed the money pouch from the room, and turned to rush outside.

Wei Xi called after him, "Put on your cotton jacket!"

"No need! I’ll be quick, I’ll run there!" Tang Yang waved his hand and dashed out the door.

Wei Xi stood at the door holding Tang Yang’s cotton jacket, sighed helplessly, and turned to shout toward the kitchen, "Brother-in-law, Ah Yang ran out without putting on his jacket!"

"I told him to, but he won’t listen," Tang Xu waved his hand, signaling for him to come back inside and avoid the cold wind. 

Though Wei Xi’s health had improved significantly over the past two years and he rarely got sick, he was still more sensitive to the cold in winter compared to others. He usually stayed indoors, and even his cotton jacket was thicker than everyone else's.

Xu Ze saw that Tang Xu had asked for tofu, so he knew dinner was being prepared and hurried out of the house to help.

"Brother Xu, let me help you clean the fish," he said, reaching out to take the basin.

Tang Xu stopped him and nodded toward the main room, "Stay with the three little ones in the hall. Auntie’s not here, so don’t let them cry and make a fuss." 

After saying that, he handed him three baby bottles. "And while you’re at it, warm up some goat milk for them to drink."

"Okay," Xu Ze responded, carrying the bottles to tend to the children.

Tang Li glanced at Xu Ze’s departing figure, moved closer to Tang Xu, and saw that he had already started gutting the big fish with scissors. She asked, "Brother, I think Ze’er is pretty nice."

"He is indeed. What’s on your mind?" Tang Xu looked up with a smile and asked.

"Well, he grew up with Ah Yang and Xiao Xi. They’ve been childhood friends, right? In another couple of years, it’ll be time to talk about marriage for them. Couldn’t they be a match?" Although Tang Li was still young, she had a lot on her mind.

Tang Xu chuckled, pulled out the fish’s innards, set the whole roe aside on a plate, and asked her, shaking his head, "If you’d seen your childhood friend wiping their snot, picking their butt, and playing in the mud when you were kids, would you still want to marry them when you grow up?"

Tang Li was momentarily stunned by his question.

Liu Yao, standing nearby, burst out laughing.

Tang Li turned to glare at him. "What’s so funny?"

"Brother Xu’s right," Liu Yao said with a chuckle. "They’ve spent every day together and already know each other’s temperaments. To be honest, whether they get married or not won’t make much difference. Plus, you have to consider—what if both Ah Yang and Xiao Xi end up liking Ah Ze? How would he choose? It’d be better for them to marry other people, and that way, they can still stay close as relatives."

Tang Li thought about it and realized that it made sense.

She sighed and muttered to herself, "I wonder which family will be lucky enough in the future. Ze’er is such a well-behaved and capable kid."

Tang Xu, while cleaning the fish gills, almost cut himself when he heard that.

He looked up at her helplessly and said, "Focus on your work, stop thinking about these things."

Tang Li pouted and let out a small huff.

Liu Yao leaned over, nudged her with his elbow, and tried to comfort her, "Ah Li, you’re really kind-hearted."

"Get lost. If you can't give a proper compliment, just keep quiet," Tang Li retorted with a big eye-roll.

Tang Xu chuckled quietly. These two really were a good match. Liu Yao had a very tolerant personality, and Tang Li had grown more outspoken and assertive over the past couple of years.

He glanced at the two of them, raising an eyebrow—both were clearly being spoiled.

Not long after, Wang Cuicui returned. Xu Ze had just finished giving the three little ones their milk when she lifted the curtain and came inside.

"Auntie, what kept you busy?" Xu Ze asked curiously.

Usually, Wang Cuicui wouldn't be gone for so long, so this time it must have been something urgent that took her away temporarily.

Wang Cuicui sighed, took off her chilly jacket, and placed it on the rack by the fire wall. She rubbed her hands together and pressed them against the wall for warmth. 

Then she turned to Xiao Bao, who was reaching out for a hug, and said, "Wait a moment, Grandma's still cold. Let me warm up a bit before I hold you."

Xiao Bao pouted.

Wang Cuicui quickly stretched out her now slightly warmer hands and picked up Xiao Bao, rubbing her face against his. "You want milk? Why are your eyes red, were you crying?"

Xiao Bao pointed to the bucket of building blocks that had been put away and then pointed at Er Bao. "Bad!"

Er Bao pouted as well. "Not bad!"

The chubby one quickly explained, "Er Bao accidentally knocked down the house Xiao Bao built, so Xiao Bao cried. Then my dad made Er Bao say sorry, and now they’re okay."

Xu Ze silently nodded. Impressive—this little guy spoke so clearly and logically at just two and a half years old. He was sure to be even more articulate when he grows up.

Wang Cuicui looked down at Er Bao and praised, "Er Bao, you did great."

"Ze’er, take them to the main room, don’t sit here. I’ll tidy up, and we’ll set the table to eat soon."

Xu Ze nodded, deciding not to ask any more questions about what had kept her busy earlier.

After Wang Cuicui saw that Xu Ze had taken the three children away, she sighed again.

Lowering her head to look at her belly, she gently touched it.

Who would have thought—at over forty years old, she was pregnant.

Her monthly period had always been regular, but this month it didn’t come. Not only that, her chest had been feeling swollen lately, and she’d been feeling nauseous and more tired than usual.

Just now, she had felt a tightness in her chest, so she went out for a short walk. She didn't go far, just wandered along the village road for a bit. She even chatted briefly with a familiar woman she encountered. 

Once the suffocating feeling eased, she quickly returned.

This wasn’t something she could hide, but the thought of having to confess it to the family made her feel anxious.

“Time to eat, Auntie!” A voice came from outside, snapping Wang Cuicui back to reality. She hurried to set up the table.

Tang Li noticed that Wang Cuicui didn’t look well and, after placing the bowls and chopsticks on the table, asked, “Auntie, are you feeling unwell?”

Wang Cuicui waved her hand. “It’s nothing, I just haven’t slept well these past couple of days.”

“What’s going on? Did you have an argument with my dad?” Tang Li asked, looking curious.

Wang Cuicui gave Tang Li a light smack. "Why would there be so many arguments? Hurry up and help your brother bring the dishes to the table."

Tang Xu had stewed two big fish, and they were lucky enough to have soft tofu as well. Wei Dong carried the large pot to the table, and when he set it down, it made a *duang* sound.

It was heavy.

Wang Cuicui’s eyes were drawn to the fish, and as the smell of the food reached her nose, even though there wasn’t any fishy odor, she couldn’t help but cover her mouth as her stomach churned violently.

Unable to hold it back any longer, she quickly ran outside.

She almost collided with Liu Yao, who was carrying a large bowl of rice.

"Whoa!" Liu Yao was startled by someone rushing out from behind the curtain.

Tang Xu was right behind Liu Yao, holding a basket of steamed buns.

"Auntie? What’s wrong?" He handed the basket to Wei Dong and hurried after her.

Wang Cuicui hadn’t gone far before she could no longer hold it in. She squatted by the vegetable patch and started retching.

Tang Xu froze for a moment, his eyes widening in surprise.

One of the old men leisurely approached and saw Wang Cuicui’s condition, he stroked his beard and raised an eyebrow. "Oh my!"

When Tang Erhu came in, the main room was empty, but the table was set with food.

Puzzled, he stepped out of the main house and saw a bunch of younger people all gathered inside. "Why aren’t you eating? What are you all doing?"

“Dad!” Tang Yang suddenly yelled.

Tang Erhu was startled and flitched. With a stern face, he raised his hand and smacked the back of Tang Yang’s neck. "You scared me! Why are you yelling like that, are you calling for ghosts or something?"

Tang Yang, already used to being smacked, didn’t feel any pain. He grabbed his father’s wrist and, with wide eyes, shouted excitedly, "Dad! You’re going to be a dad again!"

Tang Erhu: "..." This kid might have become stupid from studying.

Tang Yang’s loud shout caught the attention of everyone in the room, and they all turned to look at him.

Amused, Tang Xu asked him, "What are you talking about? Did you slip up with your words?"

Tang Yang thought for a moment, scratched his head, and said, "I didn’t say anything wrong though. Auntie’s pregnant, so that means Dad’s going to be a dad again, right?"

Tang Xu was thoroughly amused by Tang Yang’s phrasing. He tilted his head and leaned against Wei Dong's shoulder, laughing so hard his shoulders shook.

The meaning was right, but the way it was said sounded so awkward.

The room was a bit too crowded, making it hard to breathe, so Tang Xu waved his hand at everyone, "Come on, come on, let’s go eat and leave Auntie to talk to Dad."

Everyone gradually made their way out. Left behind, Tang Erhu still looked completely confused, but finally, he saw Wang Cuicui, who had been surrounded by the others just moments before.

Wang Cuicui was sitting by the side of the kang bed, leaning against a cabinet. When she saw him, she felt a bit embarrassed and looked away.

"What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?" Tang Erhu walked over to her and reached out to help her up. "Aren’t you going to eat?"

"Erhu, I need to tell you something." Wang Cuicui, with one hand held by him and the other resting on her belly, blushed deeply.

Earlier, when the younger family members had gathered around, Old Xu had checked her pulse and was momentarily stunned. After feeling the warmth of her pulse again, he smiled.

And that’s how the news of her pregnancy spread throughout the family.

It was truly embarrassing!

Tang Erhu sat down next to her. "What is it?" 

He was hungry and eager to eat, but seeing his wife like this, he knew it wasn’t right to rush her, so he patiently stayed by her side.

Wang Cuicui cleared her throat softly, her gaze lowered, unable to look at him. "I... I’m pregnant."

Her voice was so soft it was barely louder than a mosquito's hum.

Tang Erhu didn’t catch what she said and frowned, asking, "What was that?"

"I’m pregnant! You’re going to be a dad again!" Wang Cuicui steeled herself and shouted the words at him.

Tang Erhu was stunned, staring at her dumbfounded. "What?"

"Yeah, I’m pregnant. It’s been two months." Wang Cuicui had done the math and figured it must have happened after they had a quarrel.

Tang Erhu sat there in a daze, not making a sound for quite a while.

Wang Cuicui didn’t say anything more. She wasn’t particularly keen on keeping the baby. 

Given her age and the fact that they already had children, having a new baby now felt like it would bring a significant change to their current lives.

She wasn’t sure if this change would be for better or worse.

She sighed, feeling deeply troubled.

TL: I would like to just remind everyone that this is just a novel and not based on real events. I hope everyone can keep that in mind. 



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