The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 194


| TBBOTOF | 194

During the New Year festivities, Wang Cuicui also came over. Her face was rosy and indeed looked like what Tang Erhu had said.

They went to visit, but since it was the New Year, it was considered inauspicious.

Wang Cuicui insisted, and Tang Xu didn't press the issue, letting Tang Yang take the dishes back.

It was rare for her to go out, so the three little ones all crowded around her, being affectionate. 

One hugged her neck, another sat on her lap, and the third one stood by, handing her water and snacks, keeping a smile on Wang Cuicui's face all the time.

When Tang Xu said he was going to prepare more than ten dishes, Tang Li was surprised, “Brother, why are you making so many?”

“It’s the New Year, of course we need to make more. I’m also making noodles. Help me fry some dough rings and eggs, and make some sweet rice strips,” Tang Xu said as he shooed away Wei Xi and Tang Yang who came over to watch. 

“Go, go, go, help your brother-in-law. Clean up the backyard and make sure all the couplets and lucky characters are pasted.”

“Got it, Brother-in-law. I’ll go help with Ah Yang,” Wei Xi said, pulling the curious Tang Yang away to find Wei Dong.

Old Xu sat in the courtyard on a rocking chair, enjoying the sunshine, eating a piece of black-red jujube cake that was fragrant, soft, and slightly sweet, making the old man squint his eyes in delight.

Old Wen was beside him, polishing a set of jade chess pieces. Since no one at home played Go, he took them out to play by himself, challenging himself to a game.

The chess pieces were smooth and glossy, in shades of blue and white, with a cool, refined appearance, indicating their considerable value.

Tang Xu served the elderly couple some hot floral tea. Seeing the chess pieces, he picked up one, raised an eyebrow, and asked, “Are these valuable?”

He received a disdainful glare from Old Wen.

Tang Xu grinned and turned to call out to Xu Ze who was coming out of the house, “Ze’er, bring out those two rabbit fur cloaks for the old man to keep warm. Don’t let him catch a chill from the cold wind.”

He quickly went back to the kitchen. It was much better to stay warm.

“Do the stir-frying last. First, get the stove in the courtyard going and stew the sauerkraut and chicken,” Tang Xu instructed Liu Yao.

Liu Yao hurried to light the fire, while Tang Li washed the rice. Today’s meal was plain white rice, which they rarely ate despite having plenty of money; they didn’t have plain rice every day.

“Heat up a few steamed buns for the old man and keep them in the large jar,” Tang Xu said. 

Given their age, eating only rice might not be good for their stomachs. Except when cooking porridge, he generally didn’t let the elderly eat just rice. 

Sometimes, Old Wen would crave something and have a small portion to satisfy the craving.

Tang Li brought back the frozen steamed buns and moved them closer to him.

Tang Xu was pouring soy sauce into the pot. Noticing her approach, he turned his face and asked, “What’s up?”

Sniffing the aroma of the meat frying, Tang Li asked, “Brother, did Liu Yao say anything to you earlier?”

“Mm,” Tang Xu nodded with a smile and continued stirring. “He mentioned that you’ve been avoiding him lately and that he wants to discuss with me whether you two should build a new house and move out after marriage.”

Tang Li pouted, picking some cilantro. The cilantro had been stored in the freezer, and after a long time, the leaves had wilted and turned a bit yellow, but they weren’t spoiled.

She believed that without cilantro and sesame oil, cold dishes would lack flavor, so Tang Xu had stored a lot of cilantro and also pickled some in jars.

She sat on a small stool, pulling off the yellowed leaves. After a while, she said, “Sometimes he’s too clingy. I’m always worried that if we’re too close, he’ll try to kiss me.”

The young girl’s face turned red as she spoke, too shy to look at her brother.

Tang Xu chuckled softly. 

He actually understood. Liu Yao was almost an adult and having a beloved girl by his side, it was natural for him to want to be close.

But for Tang Li, who was still young, Liu Yao’s excessive affection was a bit overwhelming.

“Then you should just tell him directly, you can’t keep avoiding him; it’s impolite.”

“I have told him,” Tang Li said, pouting. “I’ve told him several times, and he promises to be more careful, but he just can’t help himself!” Her face grew warmer. “The other day, my father saw him kiss me and he almost hit him with a pole.”

Tang Xu laughed heartily. Based on Tang Erhu’s temper, not kicking Liu Yao out directly was already showing leniency.

“So, are you two planning to live at home or move out?” 

She glared at him in embarrassment and annoyance, and Tang Xu quickly composed himself to ask the question he wanted to know.

Tang Li looked down at the cilantro, washed it, and then placed it in a small bowl.

Tang Xu didn’t rush her. He served the fried big bones into a bowl and called out, “Liu Yao, come and get the meat!”

Liu Yao responded, carried the bowl of meat outside, and then came back to take the sauerkraut out. “Just add water to stew?”

“Yeah, start with the big bones,” Tang Xu said. They had a lot of meat from their own pork, and since the pig was large, the bones were also thick and needed to be stewed longer.

Liu Yao nodded and looked at Tang Li.

Tang Xu gestured for Liu Yao to leave first.

After Liu Yao went out, Tang Li said, “Actually, I don’t want to move out. Brother, you know me; I like being close to you all, but there’s no space left around here.”

Tang Xu chuckled and nodded, “So you mean you don’t want to move out?”

Tang Li shook her head again, “Not exactly. It’s just that with him being like this now, if we were close, we’d probably end up finding ourselves in awkward situations.”

“That’s true, but if you two are affectionate later on, even if he gets close to you, Dad can’t really say anything,” Tang Xu said, washing the pot and bringing over the cut chicken pieces. “Peel a few potatoes.”

“Brother, do you think we should move out?” Tang Li asked.

Tang Xu had one foot out the door but turned back at her question and smiled, “I don’t mind. As long as you and Liu Yao are close to us, I’ll be happy. However, I think it’s best for you to get a house of your own.

No matter how big or small it is, it will be your own little home. Even if you don’t end up living there, you’ll have a place to send him if you get upset. It’s better than letting him wander outside.”

Tang Li chuckled, and Tang Xu went out carrying the bowl.

The stove used for heating could also be used for stewing, so Tang Xu took advantage of all the stoves in the house. One was for stewing chicken, another for pickled cabbage, and the third for boiling corn.

“Our corn is really delicious,” Tang Xu remarked as he put corn into the pot, talking to the chubby cat that had come over to join the fun.

The chubby cat rubbed against his leg, meowing several times and wagging its tail playfully.

“Why aren’t you looking for Er Bao? Why are you bothering me?” Tang Xu lightly nudged the cat with his foot.

Despite its size, the cat was agile, quickly jumping over his boot to avoid the nudge.

It continued to meow.

Tang Xu thought for a moment and tossed a couple of pieces of chicken into a small bowl.

The chubby cat hurried over, grabbed a piece with its mouth, and ate it with satisfied noises.

“Don’t come back and snuggle with Er Bao after eating that, you’ll be filthy,” Tang Xu lightly kicked the cat’s rear with his shoe.

The cat flicked its tail and made contented noises.

Not bothering with it any further, Tang Xu went back to add water to the corn in the pot and let it cook.

Perhaps because the corn is completely natural and uncontaminated, the corn here turns out sweet and tender when cooked. 

Tang Xu had specifically asked Wei Dong to collect a lot of fresh corn from the field and freeze it in the ice house. He would take some out from time to time to enjoy, which was a real treat.

Initially, no one in the family particularly liked boiled corn, but after Tang Xu started making it, everyone began to enjoy it, especially the three little ones. 

Despite their small teeth, they happily gnawed on the corn.

“Ah Xu,” Wei Dong came over from the backyard and, seeing him cooking corn, asked, “What else are you making?”

“Nothing much, just keep an eye on the fire. Those two pots are also stewing,” Tang Xu pointed to the other two pots on the stove.

Wei Dong nodded, “Got it.”

As he spoke, the three little ones ran over, each one clinging to his legs.

Tang Xu looked at the little one holding onto his leg and smiling up at him, gently poking his cheek. “What’s up?”

“Daddy, play,” Xiao Bao said, tugging at him.

“Daddy can’t play right now, but you can go play with your little uncle. Daddy will cook some meat for you,” Tang Xu said as he squatted down to give them a hug. “Wait a bit, and go get some treats from your aunt.”

Xiao Bao nodded, though he still wanted to play with Tang Xu, he was very obedient.

The chubby one clung to Wei Dong’s pants and shook him. “Father, let’s go up the mountain!”

“Go up the mountain for what?” Wei Dong looked down at him.

Er Bao pointed at the pot and said, “Wood!”

Tang Xu raised an eyebrow, and the chubby one explained to his brother, “We’re going to collect twigs for the fire.”

Er Bao nodded enthusiastically, “For the fire!”

Recently, his pronunciation had become clearer, and he could say quite a few things, just like his older brother.

Xiao Bao, curious, peered at the bottom of the pot where the flames were blazing. 

Startled by the intense heat, he stepped back and immediately clung to his father’s leg, raising his arms to be picked up.

Wei Dong picked him up and nuzzled his face. “Do you want to go too?”

Xiao Bao nodded vigorously, “Yes, go!”

“Alright, go ahead,” Wei Dong said. He took the three sons to the back mountain, each with a small basket on their backs, to collect dry twigs.

Before leaving, he called Wei Xi out to watch the fire.

By the time Tang Xu finished frying the dough rings and sweet rice strips, the father and three sons had already made two trips back and forth, collecting a lot of twigs.

“Have a bite first; I’ll start cooking right away,” Tang Xu said, handing the fried goodies on a bamboo plate to Wei Dong, and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you for your hard work.”

Wei Dong smiled lightly, bending down to give Tang Xu a kiss. “You’re the one working hard.”

Tang Xu grinned, humming as he stuffed a piece of sweet rice strip into Wei Dong’s mouth. “Go on, continue playing with the kids.”

Compared to playing with the kids, Tang Xu preferred cooking. Keeping up with three energetic little ones was truly exhausting, and his stamina couldn’t keep pace.

In the courtyard, three large pots were bubbling away, filling the air with delicious aromas.

A breeze carried the fragrance, spreading it to nearby courtyards where the scent of meat could be faintly smelled.

Tang Xu worked quickly. With two stoves on, he cooked sweet and sour ribs in one pot and fried fish in the other.

Liu Yao and Tang Li helped out—one served the side dishes, while the other prepared the cold dishes. 

Soon, a large table was filled with an abundance of food.

“Dinner’s ready!” Tang Xu called out loudly as he brought the last dish out of the kitchen.

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  1. Can i eat with you guys??? hm hm.. thank you for the update.. ❤️🐾


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