The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 4



Qi Sui wrapped the uneasy-looking Lu Xu with a blanket and placed him in the car parked outside the welfare institute.

The bodyguard saw Qi Sui coming out and quickly joined him. He went to drive, while the other one stayed back at the welfare institute.

Qi Sui put Lu Xu in the back seat and took the front seat. This way, Rong Que and Lu Xu could sit together. After all, the little rabbit seemed to rely a lot on Rong Que, and having him by his side might bring some comfort.

The welfare institute was located in the suburbs, and the nearest hospital was about a half-hour drive away. Fortunately, it wasn't rush hour, so there wasn't much traffic.

Rong Que gently touched Lu Xu's forehead, which felt scorching hot. Even his cheeks were burning.

The rash had spread to the front of Lu Xu's ears, and the situation didn't look optimistic. The little rabbit's breathing was also somewhat rapid, exhaling hot air.

Rong Que could only do his best to cool Lu Xu down, using the relatively cool back of his hand. Although Lu Xu couldn't wake up, he still felt uncomfortable with the intense heat, eagerly pressing his face against the cooling touch.

To prevent him from accidentally rolling off the seat, Rong Que had to press his hand against Lu Xu's face, even distorting the soft flesh of his cheek.

However, this slight coolness couldn't alleviate much. Lu Xu kept his eyes closed, and he rubbed his feverish face against the hand, looking very uncomfortable.

Rong Que felt the hot dampness on his hand, and as he lowered his head, he saw Lu Xu tightly closing his eyes. His eyelashes were already wet, forming strands from the tears.

"Is it very uncomfortable?" Rong Que tried to use a gentler tone as he wiped away the tears from the child's face.

He then gently lifted Lu Xu's head, allowing him to rest on his lap while using both hands to help cool him down.

Another teardrop quickly rolled down from the corner of his eye.

"It's okay, I'm here with you," Rong Que comforted him.

He felt Lu Xu's tiny hand tightly grabbing onto the hem of his clothes, looking pitiful. However, Rong Que's comfort didn't seem to have much effect. Perhaps it was too unbearable, Lu Xu suddenly opened his eyes without warning.

His expression appeared somewhat vacant as he stared at the car's ceiling for a few seconds before realizing that Rong Que was looking at him with a furrowed brow.

Lu Xu, not fully conscious, instinctively reached out with his small hand and gently touched Rong Que's face. "Rong Que gege, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Lu Xu didn't seem to notice his own condition, Rong Que explained, "You're sick, we're going to the hospital."

Lu Xu blinked, as if pondering for a moment, "Xiao Lu doesn't feel pain."

Hearing this, Rong Que observed that there was indeed no sign of discomfort on Lu Xu's face. 

However, just moments ago, he had clearly cried while unconscious. Is he enduring it now, or is it that, compared to the pain he suffered before, this level of discomfort has become something he's used to?

Rong Que wanted to say something, but in the face of Lu Xu's experiences, everything seemed somewhat powerless.

Lu Xu, noticing Rong Que's silence, rubbed his eyes and felt a bit of dampness on his fingers. It was then that he suddenly remembered having a strange dream just now. Was Rong Que's expression because of that?

"Rong Que gege, I just had a dream," Lu Xu's voice was a bit hoarse. "In a very scary place, a really big monster kept making me eat people."

After saying this, Lu Xu remembered the incident when he lost control and accidentally harmed Rong Que. He hastily added, "But Xiao Lu doesn't like eating people. Xiao Lu only likes to eat carrots and vegetables."

Having said that, Lu Xu observed Rong Que's expression carefully, anxious about how he would react to the part about the monster wanting him to eat Rong Que, or else Rong Que would kill him.

Therefore, Lu Xu cried out of fear. He really liked Rong Que gege and didn't want to be killed by him. However, he also didn't want to harm Rong Que gege.

When he said this, there was a hint of probing in his words, testing whether Rong Que gege truly wanted to kill him.

Rong Que stared at Lu Xu's face until Lu Xu thought his little scheme had been discovered. Then he heard Rong Que say, "I believe in Xiao Lu."

Lu Xu found Rong Que's response a bit strange, but he couldn't pinpoint the issue.

This feeling might be called uneasiness. However, looking at the calm expression on Rong Que's face, Lu Xu couldn't help but feel that Rong Que gege wouldn't kill him.

Why else would Rong Que choose to hold onto him tightly when he was injured by him? Rong Que gege had been helping him all along.

Unable to comprehend it, Lu Xu, already exhausted from illness, quickly fell asleep again, swayed by the motion of the car.

Rong Que gazed at Lu Xu's peaceful sleeping face in the moonlight and sighed. Lu Xu dreamt about events from his past life, but the current Lu Xu didn't believe he would turn out that way.

Rong Que also didn't think Lu Xu was such a bad person. Despite being capable of acting to protect himself now, Lu Xu had become an evil god only after more than ten years in the previous life.

During this time, nobody knew what Lu Xu had been through. Rong Que quietly rested his head against a pillow, while Qi Sui in the front remained surprisingly silent. He, too, couldn't bring himself to just dispose of Lu Xu like that, so he didn't question Rong Que's decision.

After half an hour, they finally reached the hospital. This hospital was somewhat secluded, surrounded by darkness, with only the lights in the hospital lobby shining brightly, giving it a slightly eerie appearance.

Qi Sui got out of the car, holding Lu Xu, and Rong Que followed. They entered the hospital together. The driver went to find a parking space and would join them later.

At this time, only the emergency department was open, but fortunately, there weren't many people. This way, Lu Xu's mismatched ears wouldn't attract too much attention.

Still, Qi Sui covered Lu Xu with a blanket, leaving only his face exposed.

Perhaps it was because he had left Rong Que's embrace, but Lu Xu frowned slightly again, appearing uncomfortable. However, there was no time to worry about that now; finding a doctor quickly was the priority.

Upon entering the vacant examination room, Qi Sui, who was usually fearless, felt an inexplicable nervousness. He was concerned that the doctor might have biases against Lu Xu's appearance.

The doctor inside appeared to be a woman in her thirties, with a kind demeanor. Upon seeing the child in Qi Sui's arms, she extended her hand to examine. The blanket was lifted, revealing a fluffy rabbit ear accidentally sticking out.

Qi Sui's heart skipped a beat for a moment. Meanwhile, Rong Que coldly stared at every move the doctor made. Fortunately, the doctor's hand only paused for a moment, and she didn't pay any attention to the peculiar ear. She immediately proceeded to examine Lu Xu's skin and fever.

Rong Que's tense expression relaxed a bit; thankfully, the doctor didn't focus on Lu Xu's unusual appearance. After the preliminary examination, she concluded that it was an allergy and prescribed a slow-release medication.

Qi Sui had to follow the prescription to pay for the medicine. He instinctively wanted to call for a bodyguard but remembered that the only one who had followed them today, the driver, had already gone to park the car.

Unable to, Young Master Qi had to go by himself.

Rong Que stayed by the bedside, gently covering Lu Xu's hand with his own. The doctor glanced at the slightly older child, "Are you his brother?"

Rong Que nodded indifferently. Memories of the apocalypse in his previous life made him wary of humans. In the apocalypse, countless people fought and killed each other for limited resources, resorting to cannibalism.

So, other than his former teammates and this pitiful little deity, Rong Que preferred not to have much contact with others.

The doctor smiled, "Don't worry too much; you brought him here in good time."

"Thank you," Rong Que's tone remained somewhat stiff. He might not have encountered kind and gentle people for a long time.

Seeing that the child had his own thoughts and wasn't interested in engaging with others, the doctor stopped talking and only waited for the guardian to bring the medication.

Qi Sui ran back. He handed the medicine to the doctor. Both of them watched closely on red rash on Lu Xu's face.

The doctor, somewhat helpless, reminded them, "The medicine takes time to take effect, it won't happen so quickly."

Then, she sat back at her desk to fill out the medical records. "Any history of allergies?"

Qi Sui thought for a moment and said, "There hasn't been any allergy before."

Otherwise, given the severity of the child's allergic reaction, the previous director wouldn't have bothered, and perhaps the child wouldn't have survived until now.

The doctor's typing paused for a moment. During the examination, she naturally noticed the wounds on the child's body. However, the young man who came with him and another child both seemed genuinely concerned, probably not the ones causing those wounds, so she didn't inquire about his situation.

There were also those strange ears.

The doctor remembered seeing a report from the research institute before.

An abandoned experiment...

She didn't delve into it but continued to inquire, "Have you eaten anything new recently?"

Qi Sui immediately recalled the chocolate and truthfully informed her.

The doctor furrowed her brows, pressed down her ballpoint pen, and said, "Chocolate allergies are quite rare. I suggest checking for allergens; there may be other factors causing the allergy."

So, they had to arrange for Lu Xu to have a blood test to check for allergens.

Qi Sui wrapped the child in a blanket and held him steady for the nurse to draw blood.

The nurse, holding the blood-drawing equipment, searched for the vein but couldn't find it after a while. After an unsuccessful attempt to insert the needle into the arm, the deeply sleeping Lu Xu was startled awake.

He opened his eyes, feeling the pain from his arm, and a sense of fear and apprehension flashed in his eyes.

The doctor and the nurse both noticed the color of the child's eyes, which were unexpectedly crimson.

In contrast to his jet-black hair, the red eyes appeared even more vivid and eerie.

The nurse took another glance at Lu Xu's eyes, and he realized that his eye color had attracted attention. Even if he was adept at acting, he instinctively wanted to avoid being noticed.

At that moment, Rong Que suddenly reached out and held his hand.

The two small hands held together looked somewhat adorable.

With a calm expression, Rong Que reassured, "It's alright, Xiao Lu. We're just here for a checkup."

Lu Xu didn't dare to look at the others; he hadn't even realized he was still in Qi Sui's arms.

However, when he looked into Rong Que's eyes, the other's calmness did indeed comfort him, and he obediently stopped struggling.

The doctor and the nurse were somewhat surprised.

They didn't expect that a slightly older boy could calm his younger brother so quickly.

After Lu Xu calmed down, they successfully drew blood.

Looking at Lu Xu's thin arms and legs, the nurse couldn't help but exclaim, "This child is severely malnourished."

The doctor nodded, "His constitution could use some more formula milk."

With one sentence each, they sounded like adults discussing parenting experiences.

As Qi Sui listened, he thought about the milk bottle he had prepared earlier; he could mix a fresh one when they got back.

Watching Lu Xu already dozing off again, Rong Que took the unusual initiative to talk to a stranger, "Doctor, does this mean he can't eat chocolate in the future?"

Encountering such a situation on his first try at snacks was a bit heartbreaking.

The doctor was somewhat surprised to be questioned by a child. Even though this child seemed only a year or two older than the patient, his manner of speaking and expression were quite adult-like.

He had initially intended to respond in the usual way, but as he was about to speak, he changed his tone.

"It's hard to say. After his immune system strengthens, he might not be as prone to allergies. Everyone's body reacts differently," Rong Que nodded. Lu Xu's condition would gradually improve. With both him and Qi Sui taking care of Lu Xu, he wouldn't have to endure those days again.

After observing for half an hour, Lu Xu's symptoms had completely subsided. His eyes were gently closed, and he seemed to be sleeping more peacefully.

"Do you want to take him back to sleep?" Qi Sui was a bit conflicted. The welfare institution had communal dormitories, and it might not be a guaranteed peaceful sleep there. Also, other places hadn't been arranged yet.

"It's pretty quiet here; let's stay here," replied Rong Que.

During their conversation, Lu Xu woke up again. Due to the fever, his reactions seemed a bit delayed.

Upon waking up and looking at Rong Que for a while, he subconsciously called out softly, "Brother Rong Que." After calling out, he didn't know what else to say, so he could only stare blankly at Qi Sui.

Seeing Lu Xu, somewhat delirious from the fever, still calling his name, Rong Que felt moved and wanted to sit by the bedside to accompany him.

However, given Rong Que’s current height, it took some effort for Rong Que to sit beside him.

Rong Que hesitated for a moment and chose to stand on the side. Due to height limitations, he could only show his head at the bedside, looking a bit amusing.

Qi Sui chuckled inwardly, finding their leader quite adorable in this situation.

While lost in thought, Lu Xu suddenly noticed the cotton swab pressed against the spot where blood was drawn. Having never been to a hospital before, he wondered if he was so severely ill that he was close to death.

With a feverish and confused mind, Lu Xu completely forgot the other reason he hadn't visited a hospital, which was his strong self-healing ability.

The more he thought, the sadder he became. Finally finding someone willing to accompany him, he felt that he was about to die.

Then Rong Que noticed that Lu Xu, who had been staring at the cotton swab, suddenly turned teary-eyed. When he spoke, there was a pitiful tone, "Xiao Lu doesn't want to die."

Both Rong Que and Qi Sui were perplexed by Lu Xu's strange words.

Rong Que didn't know what Lu Xu was thinking. While feeling sorry for him, he also found it somewhat amusing. He could only gently reassure him, "It's okay. You'll recover by tomorrow morning."

"Yes, you're just allergic to chocolate," Qi Sui quickly added, eager to explain, "It's my fault for bringing a box of chocolate for you."

The fact that Lu Xu was frightened to the point of having an allergic reaction after eating the chocolates made Qi Sui feel guilty. He was usually carefree, but now he surprisingly experienced a sense of remorse.

Seeing that the two didn't seem to be lying, Lu Xu lifted his head, stopping his tears. Even though his mind was still not entirely clear, he could sense the guilt emanating from Qi Sui.

Therefore, Lu Xu, not rushing to concern himself with life and death, thought for a moment before expressing in a pleasing manner, "It's not big brother's fault; it's Xiao Lu insisting on eating it."

Despite his slightly hoarse voice due to the fever, it sounded sweet and gentle. It made people feel as if their hearts were melting. Just moments ago, Lu Xu thought he was about to die, yet now, he was eagerly comforting others.

Upon hearing this, Qi Sui, dismissing his earlier self-blame, dramatically held his heart, revealing an exaggerated expression of adoration on his face. "Oh, Xiao Lu is the kindest and cutest kid I've ever seen." His exaggerated display earned him a disdainful look from Rong Que.

Lu Xu struggled for a moment to process the numerous adjectives, earnestly pondering. Eventually, he understood that the big brother was praising him, and a slightly shy expression appeared belatedly on his face.

No one had ever praised him before.

His eyes and rabbit ears were quite frightening.

In a very soft voice, filled with anticipation, Lu Xu asked, "Really?"

Close by, Rong Que heard Lu Xu's mosquito-like inquiry. Firmly, he said, "It's true. I also really like Xiao Lu."

Lu Xu blushed, and his long eyelashes trembled. Seemingly after a long internal struggle, he gathered the courage to say, "Xiao Lu also likes Brother Rong Que."

Qi Sui, who didn't pay attention to the previous whispering, heard this sentence. He teasingly leaned over and said, "Doesn't Xiao Lu like Brother Qi Sui?"

Lu Xu looked up at him, appearing a bit confused. He wasn't as intimate with Qi Sui. However, Lu Xu, who was accustomed to following others' words, obediently spoke, "Also like, Brother Qi Sui."

Due to Lu Xu not frequently conversing with others, his pronunciation wasn't very clear.

Qi Sui, sounding like "seven years old," unexpectedly found it cute.

Qi Sui was delighted to be called by this nickname.

Rong Que, propping up his head by the bedside, watched Lu Xu's well-behaved appearance and couldn't help but clench Lu Xu's hand with a touch of heartache.

At this age, one would usually express any needs or even achieve goals through crying and tantrums. Yet, Lu Xu had already learned to endure everything silently.

In the future, there is no need for him to endure anything anymore.

He will strive to make Lu Xu lively and carefree.

When the three of them were enjoying each other's company, the doctor returned with a form.

She was somewhat surprised to see the isolated little boy wearing a gentle smile, but as soon as she entered, the boy reverted to his previous demeanor.

Could it be that he is shy?

The form was handed to Qi Sui. Not interested in reading textual data, Qi Sui instinctively handed it to Rong Que.

Rong Que naturally took it and carefully examined the contents.

The doctor was a bit bewildered by how smoothly the two of them cooperated, as if they were old friends who had worked together for many years. This little boy had only lived for a few years, and whether it was his previous behavior or the current situation, it was all too peculiar, as if he had experienced disinterest in everything.

He seemed remarkably mature for his age.

Rong Que initially furrowed his brows, but upon seeing the results of the allergy test, he visibly relaxed.

The common allergens tested for Lu Xu didn't reveal many triggers, and chocolate was already known.

There's also another trigger, which is milk.

Rong Que asked the doctor, "Does that mean he can't consume any dairy-related products?"

The doctor smiled and replied, "We've tested it, and he can eat dairy products, but he shouldn't drink milk. However, he really needs the nutritional components of milk, so you can substitute it with goat milk. He should also eat various fruits regularly."

The doctor gave some additional advice.

Grateful for the doctor's serious and responsible approach, Qi Sui expressed his thanks.

Qi Sui pinched Lu Xu's chubby cheeks again and said, "Xiao Lu, brother has money, and I can buy you anything."

Lu Xu, whose speech was affected by the pinching, mumbled, "Thank you, brother Qi Sui."

His cute voice made everyone in the ward unable to suppress their smiles.

The doctor found the child genuinely adorable, but she couldn't help but wonder if this seemingly childish guardian could take good care of him.

With this thought, she glanced at the other child.

Oddly enough, the doctor felt that having this younger brother was more reliable than the seemingly grown-up guardian. "He's fine now. Let him rest well and go home tomorrow morning. Remember not to let him eat these two types of food. When he's a bit older, you can come for another allergy test. Many children outgrow their allergies as they grow up."

Qi Sui quickly assured the doctor that he would remember.

Qi Sui also understood and watched Lu Xu, who had been quietly listening by the side. Perhaps because of this incident, Lu Xu wasn't as afraid of them anymore, and he didn't hide under the blanket.

Qi Sui couldn't resist the urge to pinch again, teasingly saying, "When we get back, big brother will make you some sheep's milk formula."

Lu Xu instinctively tried to avoid it but stopped obediently.

Seeing that Lu Xu was holding back again, Rong Que quickly raised his tiptoes and slapped Qi Sui's hand away.

Qi Sui immediately pulled his hand back.

Although Qi Sui's hands were small, they had already caused a bit of pain.

Qi Sui muttered softly, "Why are you protecting your food, big brother..."

Rong Que heard it and gave Qi Sui a sidelong glance, "Can't you see? The Xiao Lu doesn't want to be pinched by you."

Lu Xu was rarely protected by anyone. He looked at Qi Sui's hand, which had been swatted away, realizing for the first time that he didn't have to pretend for things he didn't want to do, he could just say it directly.

He tilted his head, digesting today's events, feeling a warmth in his chest.

Is this the feeling of happiness seen in cartoons?

Rong Que noticed a bit of red on Lu Xu's fair face from the pinching, and he couldn't help but smile at his cute and serious expression.

Lu Xu also attempted to express his thoughts, showing a sincere smile, "Little deer is so happy."

That's happiness, Rong Que thought softly. Lu Xu is really easy to please.

A child's brain capacity is limited. After thinking for a few minutes, Lu Xu felt tired again, fluttered his eyelids twice, and fell asleep once more.

Lu Xu had closed his eyes, but his lips were still slightly curved.

He rarely could have a peaceful sleep, being guarded by friends as if in a legend... so happy.

Like a dream.

If it's another dream, then it's better not to wake up.

Rong Que also lay down by the bedside and closed his eyes.

As a child, his body needed sleep. After a day of excitement, he could easily fall asleep by closing his eyes.

Qi Sui had slept a lot during the day and wasn't sleepy for the moment.

He found it boring to be alone, watching over the two kids. He sent a text message to the orphanage staff to buy more recipes for nutritious meals. Oh, and also wellness recipes, child psychology, parenting guides—everything well-known.

He was determined to raise the little rabbit into a physically and mentally healthy child.

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  1. Offf my own childhood was allergy to chocolate, tomato and bananas, giving me severe rashes! it was HELL, now i can eat all 3 with relish


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