The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 9



After everyone had their fill, when they returned to the welfare home, it was already time for the children's afternoon nap.

Even though Rong Que had the mind of an adult, the child's body would inevitably feel drowsy at this hour.

While on the car, Lu Xu was still quite spirited, watching cartoons with wide-open eyes. However, after getting off the car, he yawned and even his ears drooped, a sign of sleepiness.

Seeing this, Rong Que tried to lead Lu Xu to the dormitory to rest.

Though it was called a dormitory, it was just a large room where the children's beds were neatly arranged without much privacy.

Surprisingly, Lu Xu resisted a bit and didn't follow Rong Que.

Rong Que looked at him with some confusion, and Lu Xu, biting his lip, said with a dim look in his eyes, "My bed is not over there."

Without much thought, Qi Sui knew that the old director probably bullied Lu Xu, not allowing him to sleep in the dormitory.

He spoke a few words to the attendant, preparing to address the accommodation issue.

When Qi Sui brought the two children to the dormitory, he realized that there were still many vacant beds, and even a considerable number of them were unoccupied.

In such a situation with surplus beds, the old director still didn't want to let Lu Xu sleep in a normal bed.

 The wardrobe along the wall still had new bedding. Qi Sui took some down and let Lu Xu choose his bed.

Although they were doing this quietly, the children who hadn't fallen asleep yet were curious and looked over.

Lu Xu was delighted to be able to sleep in a regular bed like everyone else, but he was also afraid of interacting with the children who had bullied him before. So, he chose a corner by the window.

In the middle of the hall, there were the most children sleeping, while the corners had almost none.

Lu Xu chose the upper-left corner, separated by three or four rows of beds from nearby children, providing him with a sense of security.

Rong Que also found his bed and then moved his belongings next to Lu Xu.

He even brought his nameplate over.

Since Lu Xu's nameplate wasn't ready yet, to prevent other children from doing anything harmful to his bed, Rong Que gave Lu Xu his own nameplate and left his bed unoccupied.

At this point, Qi Sui also tidied up Lu Xu's bed. Lu Xu happily placed the two small figurines from the children's meal near his pillow and eagerly sat down.

Only then did Rong Que realize that he hadn't bought pajamas for Lu Xu. Fortunately, Qi Sui was generous with money, and among the pile of clothes he bought, there were pajamas. They could let Lu Xu pick one later.

Looking at Lu Xu's curious expression, Rong Que couldn't help but wonder how Lu Xu had been sleeping before in the place he was previously staying.

Lu Xu tried to bend down to take off his shoes, but his legs were too short, and his hands couldn't reach his shoes. He even almost lost his balance and almost fell forward.

Rong Que squatted down to help Lu Xu take off his shoes and socks. These tasks were probably done by the teachers at the welfare institute, but since it wasn't nap time yet, the teachers had all gone outside to rest.

Lu Xu wiggled his exposed fair foot and grinned, "Rong Que gege is so amazing."

Rong Que didn't expect that taking off a shoe would earn him praise one day but still modestly said, "Thank you."

Feeling tired himself, Rong Que quickly fell asleep after making sure Lu Xu was comfortable and helping him tuck in the blanket.

However, when he opened his eyes again, he found himself in an incredibly familiar scene: a ruined city. The walls had collapsed, and the surroundings were filled with dust and debris.

In front of him lay the shattered body of Qi Sui. Half of his lively face was bitten off, leaving only one eye staring fixedly ahead.

Death had come too suddenly, or perhaps Qi Sui refused to accept it.

As the scenes of his past teammates' deaths flashed before his eyes, Rong Que was no longer aware that he was dreaming. The expression on his face gradually lost control.

I have to kill it...

Must Kill it

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