It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 23


ITOTIABSAM | Entertainment Industry | 23

Xie Ye felt like he might have gone crazy.

Otherwise, how could he have kissed Gu Cong again, knowing full well that it could make things irreparable?

The surprise was sudden, but this time Gu Cong learned to cooperate. When the young man leaned in, he leaned back, completely surrendering the initiative to him.

The desire for conquest is an inherent human nature, even Xie Ye cannot escape it.

Gu Cong is handsome and tall, but at this moment, he is obediently letting Xie Ye take charge, even cooperating very well, afraid of tiring himself out. He supports Xie Ye's waist, preventing it from collapsing.

Silver threads connect them.

Then are reluctantly torn apart again.

Xi Ye took a deep breath, leaned to the side, and rested his forehead on Gu Cong's shoulder.

The young man's hot breath sprays on his ear, hesitatingly, with a bit of uncertainty, "Brother, you..."

Xie Ye: "Shut up."

"I just wanted to say, brother, your ears are red," changing the topic tactfully, Gu Cong laughs and can't help but kiss the fluffy earlobe hidden in black hair, "so cute."

Extremely cute.

Unlike himself, Gu Cong is definitely a regular at the gym. He looks thin on camera, but under the clothes is a layer of solid muscles. When he smiles, his chest vibrates, making it even more apparent.

Xi Ye is a bit annoyed by the praise but dared not move.

After an unknown amount of time, he finally straightened up, pulled away the hand of a certain large-sized canary clinging to his waist, changed into slippers, and walked into the room.

Gu Cong, who was left behind, immediately stuck to him, "Brother."

"Did I perform well, brother?" Knowing that the other is not really angry, Gu Cong lowered his hand downward, accurately finding the tiny mole on his hand and affectionately caressing it, "Teacher Xie? Xie Ye? This is my first kiss, you know."

Xie Ye's steps paused.

Although he himself has no experience, as a dedicated actor, he has naturally filmed kissing scenes, even quite explicit ones. Unreasonably feeling a tiny bit of guilt, Xie Ye thought the other might be jealous again, but unexpectedly, Gu Cong was excited, "It feels great. Let's try all the scenes from Teacher Xie's movies in the future."

Xie Ye decisively shook off the big dog clinging to him.

At the same time, he subtly breathed a sigh of relief.

After crawling out of the small black room for the first time, 1101 said, "Why are you nervous? He's not Xue Minglang."

In the original work, although Xue Minglang never explicitly stated it, many details of their interactions—especially in the later part of the plot—subtly conveyed his disdain for "Xie Ye" for being dirty.

As a person of clear conscience, Xie Ye has never cared about others' opinions. However, just at that moment, he indeed behaved unusually and cared about Gu Cong's attitude.

Closing his eyes to dispel the chaotic thoughts in his mind, Xie Ye took off his coat, went into the bathroom to take a shower, and when he came out, a faint fragrance of food wafted from the kitchen.

"Dang dang, a celebration feast. I bought a hot pot on my way back, which surely can't go wrong."

Serving a bowl of rice for himself, Gu Cong turned the pot slightly, "But Teacher Xie hurt his mouth today, can only have clear soup."

1101, both envious and joyful, commented, "Well, your shower was in vain."

But Xie Ye didn't feel particularly bothered.

With ordinary ingredients, he surprisingly ate more than usual. Gu Cong snapped several photos while the pot was being cleaned, but there was no activity on his social media.

Remembering the quiet moon on the other's Weibo, Xie Ye held a cup of warm water, took a sip, and said, "Post it if you want."

Gu Cong, who was peeling an apple, immediately looked up, "Really?"

Xie Ye: "Hmm."

Gu Cong: "How about on Weibo?"

Taking advantage.

Silently giving the other a new evaluation in his heart, Xie Ye nodded, "If you're not afraid of Zhou Ming scolding you."

As it turns out, the newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Moreover, Gu Cong is not known for being a meek character. The CP fan base, which hadn't seen the two together for several days, became lively again because of a hot pot photo.

【Hands! Teacher Xie's hands!】

【The shape and skin color, it's definitely him.】

【But this is Cong Bao's Weibo.】

【So, they had a meal together, right?】

【Sisters, check the first episode again. This is Teacher Xie's dining table!】


【The little couple's date is killing me!】

In the afternoon, the news of Xie Ye's successful audition for "Battle Surge" had already shaken the idea of the "Let’s Travel Together" program changing guests. Now, the private interactions of the "Industry CP" soaring on the hot search, the program team that had lost the "Langyue CP" was unwilling to lose another.

Moreover, the recent attitude of Su Entertainment towards Xue Minglang has been somewhat subtle. Not only did they not help him secure the male lead role, but they also didn't heavily suppress negative articles.

There have been too many examples where one plus one is greater than two. Otherwise, Shengxing wouldn't have signed Gu Cong so easily. They had prepared corresponding plans early on, so Zhou Ming wasn't particularly angry. When he received the call from the program team the next day, he remained calm.

In just the time it took for a meal the next day, he successfully raised Gu Cong's price and also removed some particularly disadvantageous terms from Xie Ye's contract.

Recording variety shows, memorizing scripts, taking promotional photos... Xie Ye thought that after seizing Xue Minglang's "opportunity," he would inevitably have various entanglements with the Gong and Shou protagonists —something he had always detested.

But in reality, he was very busy. The new drama was about to start filming, involving a lot of modern history content. The action scenes were quite challenging, and the preparations had left almost half of the crew overwhelmed. As the lead actor in the movie, he had neither the time nor the opportunity to casually encounter the protagonists from the original work.

At the end of July, "Battle Surge" officially began filming.

With many scenes to shoot and tight schedules, early mornings and late nights were inevitable.

 Fortunately, Xie Ye's apartment was not far from the filming base, and there was no need for him to stay in a hotel. Otherwise, Zhou Ming had no doubt that he would bring Gu Cong into the production team in a high-profile manner.

He used quite an outrageous reason:

"I can't sleep without him."

Jokingly, as if Gu Cong were some kind of expert sleeping pill?

Automatically categorizing this statement as a sweet little quirk in a lovey-dovey relationship, Zhou Ming decided to turn a blind eye to it, considering Xie Ye's recent good condition and rare alcohol consumption.

But Gu Cong wasn't so lucky.

Although the group was still intact, they changed companies, and being under the same agent as Xie Ye, there would inevitably be some harsh online comments. The top priority was to quickly present convincing works to prove that it was the original company's toxic atmosphere that had overshadowed a rising star.

Gu Cong had not received systematic music education before, relying solely on talent. Now under Zhou Ming's guidance, he was as busy as a high school senior. Even when recording variety shows with Xie Ye, his bag was never without study materials.

Netizens teased and joked, and the barrage expressed sympathy, but in reality, they praised the duo under Shengxing's official account for doing a fantastic job.

Gu Cong's attitude, as a devoted fans, gradually underwent a change:

【Well, but... the treatment at Shengxing is indeed better.】

【There are more opportunities on stage.】

【Forget it, be more open-minded. If I were in a relationship, I mean, if, it's better to be with Xie Ye than the flower next door.】

【The one with the Z surname two-timing?】

Honestly speaking, Xie Ye is exceptionally good-looking, and his professional abilities are beyond question. Despite appearing a bit short-tempered, he is extremely patient with Gu Cong in front and behind the camera. The once overwhelming negative rumors that swept the entire internet gradually faded away with the start of "Battle Surge."

Setting aside the fact that he's a man, even if they were to search the entire entertainment industry, it's hard to find a better sister-in-law than him.

... If he really is a sister-in-law.

【Why question it? Isn't the younger top quite charming?】

Secretly using an alternate account to post a comment, 1101 sneakily glanced at Xie Ye, only to find a faint red star shining between his fingers.

These days, as Gu Cong went to the neighboring province to shoot the MV for his main single, the set was busy with non-stop activities. Xie Ye, who had hardly touched cigarettes since the crossover, picked up the habit again.

Compared to what was remembered, his frequency had significantly decreased, and the chosen flavor was milder. After staying up for several nights, the quantity remained considerable.

In a hushed voice, 1101 muttered, "Aren’t you supposed to take a break?"

Why is he looking at the script again?

Xie Ye remained silent.

He wasn't the main character, and his luck was quite bad. Since he had decided to do it, he couldn't afford to look too unimpressive.

【Should I check Gu Cong's flight details? It should be within these two days.】 Because the host mentioned respecting the other's privacy, 1101 had refrained from misusing its privileges.

Swiftly searching through the data stream for the needed information, it suddenly exclaimed, "High-speed train ticket?"

【Quick, quick, quick! Cover your tracks!】

Unexpectedly, it was too late for that.


Fingerprint unlocked, the young man who had planned to surprise Xie Ye was already inside.

Hearing from Zhou Ming that the "Battle Surge" crew would have a day off tomorrow and unable to find a suitable flight, he opted for the nearest high-speed train, fully equipped, and returned to S City discreetly.

The evening breeze gently flowed. Only one floor lamp was lit in the living room, the air conditioning set low. The black-haired youth was covered in a blanket, curled up on the sofa, reading a script. Pale fingers held a slender cigarette, tapping it lightly to shake off the ashes.


His Adam's apple moved slightly, and Gu Cong savored the sensuality.

However, when he clearly saw what kind of small mountain was piled up in the glass jar, any stray thoughts in Gu Cong's mind vanished. Another kind of heat surged up instantly.

Taking a step with his long legs, he put down the late-night snack, reached forward, grabbed the young man's left wrist, extinguished that hint of red light, and then leaned down to hug Xie Ye, asking, "Where's the candy?"

Thinking he had choked Gu Cong, who seemed a bit bewildered in his arms, Xie Ye subconsciously said, "Doesn't work."

No matter how much hard candy he crunched, it always felt like something was missing.

"Can I make it work then?"

Before the tired nerves could fully grasp the meaning of these words, the young man, full of yearning for his hasty return home, planted a kiss. He had just smoked cigarettes and tried to dodge, but couldn't escape. The entire person sank into the soft sofa. His long swan-like neck tilted upward, passively bearing what was given.

Their previous intimate moments had already propelled the initially awkward skills forward. Stuck at the most intense point, the moment when the youth couldn't resist moving closer, Gu Cong suddenly stopped. Without knowing when his hand had sneaked into the blanket, he skillfully pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

Putting his forehead against the other’s forehead, he smiled, "Am I sweet?"

Xie Ye took a breath.

Deserving of a beating.

The craving for cigarettes remained unsatisfied, and everything else was stuck in limbo.

The taste of being neither here nor there was the most difficult to endure.

"So, does Teacher Xie want me or the cigarettes?" Acting as if he wanted to pull away, Gu Cong, a blend of coquettishness and threat, said, "Once promised, you can't change your mind..."

Xie Ye: "Want the cigarettes."

Gu Cong, petrified on the spot:...

His puppy eyes lowered pitifully and aggrievedly. Before he could feel embarrassed, the cigarette that ignited halfway and held between the young man's fingers, suddenly fell into the glass jar. Xie Ye retracted his hand, forcefully, and casually grabbed Gu Cong’s collar.

"Little kid."

"Why are you so easy to deceive?"

"Dang dang dang" is an onomatopoeic expression in Chinese that mimics the sound of drumming or a fanfare. It's often used to create a sense of excitement or to announce something special. In this context, it's used to announce the arrival of a celebration feast.

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