It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 22


ITOTIABSAM | Entertainment Industry | 22

Xie Ye has been liked by many people.

From Normal, pathological, fanatical, gentle – but without exception, they were all very short-lived. Before it could become something more, and even without external interference, they would disintegrate like bubbles on their own.

Xue Minglang was the most common example.

So when Gu Cong made his momentary confession, Xie Ye didn't take it too seriously. He didn't dislike Gu Cong, and Gu Cong knew his boundaries, so there was no harm in keeping him around.

He had no intentions of actually using Gu Cong as a canary.

1101 was shocked: "Use?"

Could this pure system really hear such words?

But it wasn't worried at all that Xie Ye would do anything inappropriate. The extensive data from past worlds told it that Xie Ye—its beautiful host, who had a natural knack for teetering on the edge of the harmony regulations—was most likely a person with a cool personality. Throughout, Xie Ye had never once caused it to impose any restrictions.

Su Qingyue midway withdrew, and Xue Minglang, who had been promoting his senior's character, naturally could not continue to participate. With two permanent guests missing, the production team of the show "Let’s Travel Together" was at a loss and had to postpone the recording time, relying on previous content to sustain the show.

Due to this, Xie Ye, who had been persuaded and coerced by a certain big dog, ended up resting in the hospital bed for a week until the doctor granted him permission to be discharged.

After generously spending money, on the day of his discharge, with the formalities for Gu Cong's company procedures completed, Zhou Ming sent Xie Ye off first and then considerately went to Gu Cong's dormitory, circling around before efficiently packing up his belongings. 

Together, they arrived at Xie Ye's doorstep.

Suddenly, Xie Ye's had a big dog at his door:

"Zhou Ge said there would be many reporters waiting near the hospital today, so he didn't let me go," Gu Cong, completely at ease, entered without hesitation. He skillfully found the slippers he had worn before and changed. "I have too much luggage, can I borrow half of your wardrobe, Teacher Xie? Also, I have two pots of succulents; can I keep them on the balcony?"

Missing the opportunity to chase him away completely, Xie Ye, a bit slow to react, found his wardrobe, which was adorned with shirts, now occupied by colorful hoodies and T-shirts, squeezing in closely together.

The balcony, once empty, now had two patches of green. Expired food in the refrigerator was discarded and replaced with fresh vegetables and fruits. The rarely opened study now housed a guitar and sheet music, clearly unrelated to acting.

In the kitchen, a pot simmered with soup prepared according to his instructions. He sat on the sofa, reading the script, while Gu Cong merrily hummed a tune while sweeping the floor.

It’s soft, the melody was lively, lacking lyrics but still pleasant to the ears.

Xie Ye raised his eyes, "Is this a new composition?"

Gu Cong replied, "Yes, and I've written a few more. I've sent them all to Zhou Ge."

"Why not release them?" Xie Ye inquired.

Gu Cong calmly explained, "My previous company didn't provide many opportunities for original works."

"But now it's different," while skillfully maneuvering the mop behind the sofa, Gu Cong bent down and playfully kissed Xie Ye's cheek, "Thank you, Teacher Xie."

"You're my lucky star."

Lucky star?

The hand propped against the back of the sofa still bore scars from the shattered camera lens fragments, and the leg that jumped from the dormitory building had received two stitches. Xie Ye's immediate thoughts were of the harm he had caused to Gu Cong. However, Gu Cong saw it differently.

His eyes were clear, bright, filled with genuine joy. Staring at the youth with a melancholic aura for a few seconds, Xie Ye suddenly remarked, "The soup is about to be ready."

Gu Cong promptly abandoned the mop and sprinted to the kitchen.

1101 chimed in, "Your heart rate has increased."

Xie Ye:...

1101: "I'm a system; I don't make mistakes in measurements."

Xie Ye: "Quiet."

Feeling unjustly scolded for a well-intentioned reminder, 1101 was quite upset. After all, the quick-transmigration office wasn't a monk's temple, and there was nothing wrong with wanting to experience some romance.

The data swiftly processed, and it found a reasonable pretext to bring up: "They're going to start filming 'Battle Surge.' soon"

"Battle Surge," a war film that allowed Xue Minglang to win the Best Actor award and transformed him from a popular star into a powerhouse actor. 

As the original work mainly depicted events from Su Qingyue's perspective, there were few details about this movie. Audition contents, character biographies—were not included. The only plot points available were those featuring Su Qingyue's sweet visits to the set.

However, ambiguous scenes were never obstacles for Xie Ye. As a former dedicated antagonist, he had clashed with the protagonist numerous times. A single Xue Minglang held no special significance. 

Three days later, during the audition, Xie Ye successfully secured the role he desired.

Xue Minglang, who was defeated in public, wore a dark expression.

Since the character of the male second lead in the script is a refined and gentle military strategist, there were no other roles for him within the next three projects. 

Xue Minglang had never thought that Xie Ye would compete for this movie. Taking advantage of the lack of people around, he followed the young man and sneaked into the bathroom.

"You did it on purpose," Xue Minglang accused.

Xue Minglang had watched all the films Xie Ye starred in. War movies were never the other's preferred genre, let alone an area he excelled in. Yet, Xue Minglang still lost.

Recently, with better sleep, Xie Ye still appeared somewhat languid but noticeably lacked the signs of illness. Shaking off the water droplets from his hands, he calmly nodded. "Yeah, I did it on purpose."

Xue Minglang choked, countless questions he wanted to force out stuck in his throat.

"What? Want to complain to your precious junior again?" Xie Ye raised an eyebrow and smiled. "If business is not going well, what is there to feel aggrieved about? Or is it because I pursued you once, so I should hand over everything you want?"

Staring blankly, Xue Minglang was speechless.

Such a Xie Ye, sharp, straightforward, and far from the gentle and polite young man in his memory, yet there were subtle points of overlap. A glance revealed a beautiful fierceness.

Just with that glance, all his anger dissipated.

"Xie Ye," softening his tone, Xue Minglang said, "I didn't mean it like that..."

"I don't care what you meant."

Coldly raising his gaze, Xie Ye turned off the tap. "If you want the role, come and compete for it. Do you need me to repeat what I just said for you to record? Anyway, I have enough dirt as it is, one more won't make a difference.”

 “It’s boring to always bring up old grudges."

As the false warmth brought by memories faded away, the last layer of shame was torn apart between them. Xue Minglang couldn't be unaware that he played a part in Xie Ye being blacklisted across the internet.

Su Qingyue was just too insecure.

Xue Minglang thought, haven't you done those things too?

He didn't say these words out loud, but Xie Ye could roughly guess from his expression.

Disgusted, Xie Ye lifted his foot and walked past Xue Minglang.

1101 accurately added, "He can't compete."

It's a standard for the main character to participate in a film directed by a famous director who values acting skills over power. Once the audition was successful, as long as Xie Ye didn't change his stance against the legal system, the Su family's pressure wouldn't work.

Xie Ye casually remarked, "I remember you wanted me to fight for him more before."

1101 responded, "I told you 'before.' Compared to the little goblin, he's way behind."

He was indecisive and even though he's already with Su Qingyue, he still came to bother his own host.

Indeed, playing the villain in the script is more enjoyable.

The official start of filming for "Battle Surge" was a month later. During this period, there were preparations such as costuming and set design. In these few days, Gu Cong was busy recording songs, leaving early and returning late. He could only be seen at night when going to bed, perfectly fulfilling the role of a sleep aid pillow.

Gradually getting used to the harmless and useful presence of the other, Xie Ye thought he would have to eat alone tonight when he entered the door but was instead embraced with full arms.

Slightly tilting backward, Xie Ye's back pressed against the door. "What's wrong?"

The head buried in his neck moved slightly: "Battle Surge."

A renowned director conducting open auditions naturally drew a lot of attention, especially with both Xie Ye and Xue Minglang appearing at the same time. Regardless of the outcome, just the photos alone would be enough to trend on social media.

"I'm jealous." Voicing his feelings with a lack of confidence, Gu Cong opened his mouth, wanting to bite Xie Ye's shoulder fiercely. However, fearing that he might annoy the other party, he held back his strength and just rubbed against him, neither painful nor itchy.

In hindsight, Xie Ye responded, "Jealous?"

Gu Cong said, "People online are saying that you still have unresolved feelings for him."

"Even though I know it's fake," without waiting for Xie Ye to explain, he continued, "but I'm still jealous."

—It seems to be a bit serious, so serious that he didn’t call him Teacher Xie.

Although his intellect told him that Gu Cong's jealousy had nothing to do with him, Xie Ye still awkwardly patted the other's back to soothe him. "Hmm."

With a stiff response, 1101 couldn't help but facepalm.

However, Gu Cong was easy to deceive. After being patted twice by Xie Ye, his eyes lit up, and he tilted his head, sweeping away the previous gloominess. He smiled contentedly, "Is Teacher Xie trying to comfort me?"

Teacher Xie…

Teacher Xie patted him again and nodded, "Hmm."

As if receiving a signal to proceed, the seemingly obedient young man suddenly straightened up, his shadow enveloping Xie Ye entirely, and he kissed the young man's lips.

Unlike the fleeting kiss in the hospital, this time he clearly wanted to go deeper, but in an awkward and inexperienced manner, caused a slight pain for Xie Ye.

However, it was precisely this slight pain that prompted the young man to open his teeth, allowing the warmth that didn't belong to him to invade aggressively, but as if he suddenly realized something, he slowed down the pace.

Instinctively Xie Ye reached out to push, but as soon as Xie Ye made a move, his right wrist was captured by the person, and pressed against the door.

In a hoarse voice, Gu Cong said, "Teacher Xie."

"Comfort me a bit more."

He was obviously bullying him, but his tone sounded so pitiful that even someone as cold and tempered by numerous worlds like Xie Ye, couldn’t help but soften.

The overlapping breaths became increasingly rapid, the kisses, once innocent, now carried a hint of ambiguity, blending into a slightly muffled and suggestive sound.

But the available oxygen seemed to be thinning.

The unconstrained hand lifted, and Xie Ye's fingertips tightly gripped the person's collar in front of him. "Slow down..."

The rest of the words were completely drowned out by the more intense movements.

The other set of lips swallowed all the words he wanted to say.

In this moment, or perhaps even longer, the flickering lights in the hallway finally returned to calm.

He kissed Teacher Xie

But it feels so good.

He didn't follow a tutorial.

But it feels so good.

He even bit Teacher Xie's lips.

But it feels so good.

His clothes are all wrinkled and his ears burned like there's a fire, Gu Cong breathed heavily, staring at the young man's lips, now even redder than usual. After hesitating for a long time, he cautiously asked, "Teacher Xie."

"Did I do well?"

"If it wasn't good..." Without waiting for an answer, he noticed a wound he had caused himself. 

He approached with a guilty conscience, like a mischievous dog with its tail between its legs, gently licking away the blood droplet that had oozed out. "I'll try even harder, so that my brother can feel more comfortable next time."



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