It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 27


ITOTIABSAM | Entertainment Industry | 27

"Battle Surge" wrapped up filming, and Xie Ye's previously shot footage, along with the post-production work, was ready for the scheduled release.

This was a film he took on when he had just returned to China, a purely commercial movie with no intention of aiming for awards from the start. The plot was light, funny, and fast-paced. 

Upon its release, it rightfully claimed the top spot during the New Year's week, with extremely high attendance. In the end, it grossed an astonishing 2.3 billion at the box office, successfully firing the first shot in the winter holiday season.

On the day of the premiere, it happened to be the last night of December. Xie Ye had no interest in the New Year gimmicks specially arranged by the production team. 

On the contrary, Gu Cong was quite the opposite. He had secured tickets early, fully geared up, and, as the movie officially began, slyly led a group of people to the darkest back row corner.

With clear memories stored in his mind from when he shot this film from the original owner, many of the comedic moments and punchlines were familiar for Xie Ye.

 However, perhaps influenced by the lively and joyful atmosphere of the surrounding audience, he didn't find it too dull. Covered with a mask and a hat, only his eyes were visible, occasionally curving slightly with the plot.

Xue Minglang and Su Qingyue have broken up. Originally, the protagonists' auras were supposed to confront each other, mutually consuming, with neither being able to become the so-called "Child of Destiny" dominating the entire entertainment industry, deviating completely from the main storyline. The world consciousness is busy trying to reconcile the official couple, paying no attention to this so-called antagonist who deviated from the "reunion" main plot.

This comedy film, which was originally held back during the novel's review process, faced obstacles during its release and was then boycotted across the entire internet, has now finally received the treatment it initially deserved.

"How is it? Doesn't it feel completely different from a private screening?" In a secluded location with few people around, in the darkness, reaching out to the young man, Gu Cong tightly grips his hand, "Look, so many viewers like you."

Xie Ye was momentarily stunned.

He didn't expect that the reason the other insisted on bringing him to the premiere would be this. He had long been accustomed to not caring about the online mockery he faced when he awakened. While Gu Cong appeared cheerful and carefree, he always remembered and tried to find ways to naturally comfort him.

"But I always feel that the you on the screen doesn't quite resemble the real you..." Muttering quietly, Gu Cong earnestly stares at the young man's profile, "I didn't realize that Teacher Xie could still smile so happily."

Freely and boldly, dispersing the inherent gloominess of the facial features.

This movie was shot by a small production team. Although it comes from the same source, there are still subtle differences. However, before Xie Ye could identify the slightly blocked emotion in his chest, Gu Cong pinched his fingers and smiled, "But I still like the current Teacher Xie the most."

"Sitting beside me is Xie Ye."

Swiftly, the breath that was stuck in Xie Ye's throat and chest dissipated.

1101, well-versed in various novels, couldn't help but comment: Isn't this just jealousy?

To actually be jealous of his own vinegar, it's really absurd.

Of course, it didn't dare to directly say this out loud. It knew very well when it could act as a third wheel and when it couldn't, and it was very clear about the distinction.

The entire movie lasted for a full one hour and twenty minutes, ending right at midnight. Worried about being noticed when leaving with the crowd, Gu Cong deliberately waited until the credits finished rolling before standing up, holding Xie Ye's hand. "Let's go."

"It seems like there's... Umm."

Before his words could be finished, following the force with which he stood up, the young man gently tilted his head. In the completely empty movie theater, he gave him a light kiss through two layers of masks.

"A reward."

The tone was serious, and his expression remained remarkably calm. Calmly turning around, Xie Ye pulled the momentarily silly and happy young man behind him. "Let's go."

However, Gu Cong keenly noticed a faint blush on the young man's ears, not covered by the hat.

Intentionally lowering his voice, he pretended to be innocent. "Gege, it seems like it's the first time you've kissed me willingly."

Xie Ye raised an eyebrow. "The first time?"

"Those times I seduced you don't count," Gu Cong said confidently. "Gege, do you think I'm cute?"

"I think the same. Every time I want to kiss you, my brain hasn't moved yet, but my mouth has already moved on its own."

"Fortunately, today's movie didn't have any kissing scenes, or else..."

The more he listened the more absurd it sounded, Xie Ye turned back, "Quiet."

"Oh," closing his mouth somewhat aggrievedly, Gu Cong blinked, "Last question."

"Brother, how much do you like me today?"

This question was a bit too straightforward, and emotions weren't something that could be easily quantified at will. Just when 1101 thought its host wouldn't answer such a childish question, both it and Gu Cong heard a clear "Hmm" as they stepped out of the movie theater.

The instantly delighted young man wanted to lift and spin him on the spot. Fortunately, the faint conversations of other audience members prevented him from creating any trending topics like "Gu Cong and Xie Ye come out late at night."

However, some sharp-eyed fans still managed to capture photos of them.

【Vivi Loves Idols: Sisters! Guess who I bumped into while watching a movie! (Pictures) (Pictures). I didn't dare to ask for an autograph due to social anxiety, and I was afraid of startling the lovebirds. Hehe, interpret it as you wish.】

At that time, the twelfth episode of "Let's Travel Together" had already finished airing. During Xie Ye's time in the crew, on the surface, fans of the on-screen CP couldn't even get a glimpse of them together. Suddenly being bombarded with fan-taken photos, they couldn't believe it.

【Am I dreaming?】

【Isn't that Little Gu and Teacher Xie?】

【The height difference and the handsomeness that even the hat can't hide, it's definitely them.】

【Watching a movie together for New Year's, what kind of couple move is this!】

【And it's Professor Xie acting! First show! Premiere!】

【So skilled, so skilled, my ship is real!】

Understanding the importance of creating their own private space, despite the excitement of CP fans being like a celebration, they still reminded each other not to get too carried away. 

Unexpectedly, two hours later, Gu Cong's Weibo voluntarily updated with a photo: a table of hotpot and two movie tickets.

Caption: "Happy New Year."

Without tagging anyone, the table that had appeared several times was so familiar, it was almost like flashing the words "I'm at Xie Ye's place" directly in the faces of CP fans.

【Teacher Xie finished shooting, finally able to show off, right?】

【Puppy frolicking.jpg】

【Hilarious, who's dancing? Oh, it turns out to be the real owner.】

【Single dogs shedding tears of envy.】

【Don't treat us as outsiders, share more, share more.】

After moving to a new company and releasing a high-quality EP, with a new album actively in preparation, Xie Ye's fans were too laid-back. Even if Gu Cong's fans wanted to create a fuss, they couldn't.

As this happened more frequently, aside from CP fans, both sides' solo fans learned to turn a blind eye.

Today was no different. Zhou Ming agreed to let Gu Cong update his Weibo, partly to generate publicity for the movie. Thankfully, no messy online battles erupted, and Zhou Ming, who was working late at the company, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, before going to sleep, he received a text from Xie Ye: "Happy New Year."

【When will Gu Cong have a concert?】

Zhou Ming, who almost couldn't catch his breath: ??

Yes, he admitted that Gu Cong had a talent for composition, a unique vocal tone, and versatile styles. Given time, he could definitely carve out a place in the music industry.

But all of this was under the condition of given time.

Suppressing the urge to knock on the other's head to check if it was filled with water, Zhou Ming quickly typed: "What's the rush?"

After waiting for a while, a reply came: "New Year's gift."

Zhou Ming was decisive: "Change it."

In the well-heated bedroom of the apartment, 1101 also asked, "What's the rush?"

Xie Ye pursed his lips.

In the original work, this spring would mark the death point of the original owner. The label of "dying tragically while at the peak of beauty" always meant that he would perish at the best age. 

Subconsciously, Xie Ye considered March as the deadline.

1101 comforted him, "Don't worry, the world consciousness is busy cleaning up the mess with Xue Minglang and Su Qingyue. The you in this world is very safe."

Xie Ye naturally understood this.

He was just a bit unaccustomed to the suddenly prolonged life, unaccustomed to the world outside the plot. Even if he was alive, it didn't hold any special meaning.

In his memory, the ending of a novel either meant his death or the destruction of the world.

For that last sentence, Xie Ye deliberately restrained his thoughts, not letting the system hear. The person behind him seemed to sense the unrest in the air and hugged him tighter in a drowsy manner.

Miraculously, Xie Ye's heart calmed down.

As if held by a perfectly tensioned thread, he should have felt constrained, but it was like a feather descending slowly, landing smoothly.

He had a good night, a snowy night with no dreams. 

As time passes day by day, winter gives way to spring, and then a new summer arrives. Xie Ye fell seriously ill in March, dragging on for a long time. He even missed the premiere of "Battle Surge."

By the time "Battle Surge" finished its run, there were only four films this year with both high box office and good reviews, and Xie Ye himself accounted for half of them. Upon learning that he hadn't joined any new projects after completing "Battle Surge," even passersby couldn't help but feel anxious:

【Where's the new work? I need new work.】

【Wuwuwu, what illness did he get? Urgently need Xie Ye to save my eyes.】

【Under the conspiracy theory, could he have been blacklisted by Su family?】

【It's been so long.】

【What gossip, what gossip.】"

A whole year has passed, and the once shining "Langyue CP" has long since gone their separate ways. Su Qingyue and Xue Minglang have each filmed new dramas and movies, gaining some attention but not creating much buzz.

Especially when compared to Xie Ye, who received nominations at the Huaxia Film Festival for two consecutive roles, the disparity is even more disappointing for the original fans of Su Qingyue and Xue Minglang.

Privately, there are also some radical fans secretly hoping that the Su family could, like when they removed Xie Ye from various endorsements, help the young master get a break. However, the entertainment industry's capital is intricately woven, and even if the Su family is powerful, they cannot influence every award.

Unexpectedly, amidst the anticipation and envy of countless people, on the day of the awards ceremony, Xie Ye still did not attend.

Even the most indifferent fans couldn't help but become anxious at this point.

Following that, a rapidly spreading piece of gossip, originating from an unknown source, swept through the entire internet. It claimed that Xie Ye had succumbed to depression and committed suicide due to online bullying a year ago, and that he was critically ill and unable to recover. Some even claimed to have seen him in the hospital a few days ago.

The accompanying image was a picture of a thin figure wearing a patient gown, and the information was presented convincingly with a sense of certainty.

However, Xie Ye, who was actually abroad enjoying a vacation to relax and take care of his health, was unaware of these rumors.



How could he not know about this?

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