It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 28


ITOTIABSAM | Entertainment Industry | 28

Regarding the online public opinion, Shengxing—especially Zhou Ming, the responsible agent, had long been aware of it. However, the excuse of "not attending the awards ceremony due to laziness" was something he couldn't reasonably use as an explanation.

Coincidentally, a marketing account came up with a false story using a "look at the picture and comment" approach to help divert attention. Zhou Ming simply let the rumors ferment, planning to send a lawyer's letter for clarification after collecting enough evidence.

This time gap, however, frightened Xie Ye's fans.

Since participating in a variety show last year, he had intermittently visited the hospital several times. His work frequency also significantly decreased, and after finishing "Battle Surge," the leaked photos showed him visibly thinner, leading to baseless rumors of excessive weight loss.

At this moment, the photo circulating online showed Xie Ye looking a bit plumper, but his skin was excessively pale. Holding a black umbrella and dressed in a blue and white hospital gown, he didn't look like a normal person at all.

【It's over, it's over. Xie Ye couldn't possibly...】

【Just think about how many people wanted him out of the entertainment industry back then.】

【Being accused of being a third party and being involved in false scandals. Now thinking about it, it's clear that it was all Xue Minglang's fault. What's with the whole white moonlight substitute, causing trouble for two people at once?】

【Two people? The one truly suffering is Xie Ye. His endorsements were withdrawn, his variety shows were edited, and even getting blamed for getting injured as if it's a bad omen. If he hadn't stood up for himself later, he might not have made it.】

【Sigh, is it still possible to apologize now? Clearly, there isn't much concrete evidence. Why did I get so blinded back then and used so many offensive words?】

Memories may fade, but the words on the internet remain. Even today, with a few keywords, you can still find numerous insults and curses about Xie Ye that are too dirty to be seen.

Amidst the chaotic trending topics, the director of "War Surge," Director Li, was the first to speak out: 【I recently remembered some interesting things. A picture is worth a thousand words, indeed it's a very easy way to get a pay raise. (Images)】

The first image was a photo from the movie's wrap-up party, featuring Xie Ye, the director himself, the lead actress, the second male lead, the third male lead, and a group of crew members.

The second image was a cropped shot of Xie Ye, filtered to make his cheeks look flushed, with an almost empty glass of wine by his side, instantly changing the context.

Netizens who are always on top of the latest gossip quickly caught on.

【I suspect Director Li is being sarcastic, but I dare not say it.】

【We all know who's behind this, the so-called innocent young master in some people's mouths.】

【Xie Ye only lost his reputation and job, but the young master lost his love. /Facepalm】

【Warning for off-topic discussion.】

【Magical reality.】

As it could potentially involve a person's life and with Director Li, who won the Best Director award for the third time thanks to "Battle Surge," taking the lead, more and more industry insiders quickly stepped forward.

The previously scandalous photos of Xie Ye, which led to him being vilified on social media as a "shameless adulterer," turned out to be nothing more than ordinary gatherings.

【So, the only thing with solid evidence is the bed scene.】

【Fun fact, that scene was only thirty seconds long. Thirty seconds can ruin a person's reputation. If you didn't know, you'd think Xie Ye ventured into the adult film industry.】

【Upon closer inspection, at least one director or screenwriter was present at the dinners Xie Ye attended. The iron-blooded careerists criticize, while the hardworking individuals empathize.】

【Comments should be cautious.】

【One person writes in blood for Xie Ye's safety.】

Never in a million years did Zhou Ming, who collaborated with Director Li over half a year ago, expect him to be so "loyal." The original plan was completely scrapped, and Zhou Ming, feeling helpless, wanted to cry. 

However, no matter how you look at it, this was a good thing. Before netizens could feel manipulated, he swiftly instructed the public relations department to release a lengthy statement, flipping through the few remaining pieces of evidence in the album.

In a lengthy statement of a few hundred words, the main content boiled down to three points: 

Firstly, Xie Ye was indeed undergoing treatment in the hospital primarily due to severe insomnia from a certain period and old injuries from filming. It had nothing to do with suicide, and choosing to stay abroad was to ensure minimal disturbance and avoid using public resources. 

Secondly, Xie Ye is recovering well and will soon return to China, with no intention of leaving the entertainment industry.

Thirdly, Director Li was right: the "look at the picture and comment" approach is not advisable, this time included.

The overall tone of the statement was serious yet subtly humorous, especially the last point, carrying a hint of dark humor. It didn't take long for netizens to circulate it widely.

The photo of Xie Ye walking in a hospital gown was also blowing up, an umbrella shading most of the sunlight, and a prominent hand with well-defined joints was revealed on a reflection.

【This boyfriend's perspective... I pretend not to notice that it's Gu Cong.】

【Change the umbrella, Congbao. Lace is fine, pure black is too intense.】

【No wonder Gu Cong has been posting airport photos frequently lately. Turns out, he's visiting his wife while on a study break.】

【Are you sure visiting his wife is just a side thing?】

【Taking advantage of the situation to promote – our industry is really addictive!】

【Wuwuwu, sitting at home and receiving sweetness from the sky, is there a happier CP fan than this?】

【Friendly reminder, next week is Congbao's first stage appearance after the limited-time group disbands. Right on time, Teacher Xie will return to China soon. Taste it, savor it.】

【Ahhhh, Gu Cong, go for it! Keep Teacher Xie and weld him to the set!】

Just as he finished his dance rehearsal, Gu Cong received a series of mentions. Wiping off his sweat with a towel, he seriously examined the images attached to the lengthy statement for a while, and couldn't help feeling a sense of anticipation.

Next Saturday, at the S City Stadium, would be his first concert.

Most importantly, Xie Ye would come back healthy and well.

This spring, Xie Ye's immune system suddenly plummeted, and even a slight cold or headache could lead to weeks of hospitalization. After months of ups and downs, Xie Ye's condition finally stabilized.

In this half-year, Gu Cong also transformed into a true acrobat.

Although Xie Ye no longer relied on him for sleep after all health indicators returned to normal, Gu Cong was still very happy, as if fulfilling some hidden wish.

Very satisfied with the reliable speculations from the CP fans, he decisively retweeted the lengthy post from Shengxing's official account, asserting his sovereignty and slyly adding a "Ye" emoji.

After that, skillfully switching to an alternate account, he entered Xie Ye's super topic and helped report anti-fans' black links.

Xie Ye, far away abroad and having uninstalled Weibo, was indifferent to how others evaluated him, whether good or bad. Similarly, now that accusations were directed at Su Qingyue and Xue Minglang, he had no intention of explaining. Whether they could weather through it was a matter for the main characters themselves.

Having booked his ticket early, Xie Ye was finally released by the doctor after completing his last treatment just five days later. He boarded the flight back to his home country alone.

With a weak physical foundation and numerous lingering injuries from being too ambitious in his youth, coupled with the incurable fatal insomnia from the original work, the sudden death of the alternate account was very reasonable.

But now, things were different. Xie Ye not only survived but even became an ordinary person who could sleep normally.

Yet, he still wanted to return to Gu Cong's side.

Specifically asking the system to keep an eye on the surrounding surveillance, Xie Ye returned home very low-key this time: tonight was Gu Cong's home court, and he didn't want anyone to steal his spotlight, including himself.

Due to the first album's sales far exceeding expectations, Shengxing was exceptionally generous this time. As the audience gradually entered, scattered glow sticks lit up, displaying colors extremely similar to Gu Cong's irises. Bit by bit, they gathered into an amber sea, illuminating the carefully arranged S City Stadium.

Entering with a handwritten ticket belonging to someone special, Xie Ye also received a glow stick.

Clearly understanding his preferences, Gu Cong arranged a position for him that was relatively quiet and not easily caught by cameras. 

At exactly 8:00 PM, the intense drumbeats started, lighting up the pitch-black stage instantly. The electric guitar and high-pitched vocals collided passionately, and a familiar figure rose from below the stage.

This was the first time Xie Ye watched Gu Cong perform up close. Regardless of age and appearance, Gu Cong's singing differs greatly from the impression he gives to the outside world. 

His voice is deep, with a slightly husky tone between youth and adolescence. His vocals are penetrating, and his amber eyes no longer resemble honey but instead resemble a burning flame, easily setting the entire venue on fire.

Whether it's explosive rock or lingering love songs, he can perfectly control any melody. The amber sea sways wave after wave, with the audience sometimes silently appreciating and other times swaying and screaming, loudly shouting for an encore.

Xie Ye also waved the glow stick in his hand. Even though it was an extremely remote corner, Gu Cong noticed him at a glance, raised his hand to send a flying kiss, accompanied by a handsome and compelling wink.

The sharp-eyed fans seemed to realize something. However, due to Gu Cong's selfishness, besides the staff and cameras, only he on the stage could see Xie Ye in his position.

After singing the last song and expressing gratitude to the audience, Gu Cong quickly bowed and left the stage, running towards the backstage. The young man, who took off his mask, was indeed waiting for him in the corridor.

During the preparations for the concert, they hadn't met much. Without hesitation, Gu Cong took a step forward and hugged the other person tightly, saying, "Teacher Xie."

"I've missed you so much."

With his waist firmly embraced and feeling like he wanted to melt into the other's arms, Xie Ye paused for a moment and then reached out to hug Gu Cong back.

Spontaneously, he said, "I thought you were going to sing me a love song."

Just like many endings in novels.

"I originally planned to, but there's one thing I haven't done yet." Reluctantly letting go of the young man in his arms, Gu Cong reached into his pocket and took out a card.

"The penalty for breaking the contract when I left Shengxing, I've earned enough."

Gently lifting the slightly smaller left hand, he solemnly placed the card in Xie Ye's palm. "Brother, I don't want to be a canary anymore."

"I want to be your boyfriend."

"Is that okay?"

"I know this might be a bit too greedy, but I can't control it," Gu Gong’s Adam's apple rolled nervously, and slowed down his speech, staring straight into the young man's eyes, "Xie Ye, it's not just liking..."

"I think I've already fallen in love with you."

"A long time ago."


For Xie Ye, this was not a trustworthy word. Countless people had said similar things to him, only to ruthlessly abandon him and leave.

But this time, his mouth betrayed his rationality.

"Then let's give it a try." Lifting his hand to remove the bright ribbons stuck to the young man's head, despite the protests of his brain, Xie Ye tilted his head and said slowly:


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