It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 18


ITOTIABSAM | Entertainment Industry | 18

Xie Ye cried.

However, in the shaky and tumultuous footage, he was unable to evoke any feelings of pity or protection. His cheeks were stained with blood, and the tears slowly washed away a murky red mark, vaguely instilling a sense of dread.

Only the young man beside him acted as if nothing happened. Enduring the pain, he deliberately made a playful comment, "Wow, Teacher Xie, your face is so small; I can cover it with one hand."

The shattered glass scratched his hand, bringing out warm and sticky liquid. However, Gu Cong, acting like nothing was wrong, even moved his fingertips as if to wipe away Xie Ye's tears.

"Behave." Due to the impact on his nose, Xie Ye's voice sounded muffled, with a soft lingering tone. In contrast, his movements were decisive. He grabbed Gu Cong's arm to prevent him from moving recklessly, then turned his head and commanded, "Bandages and the first aid kit, quickly."

Covering his forehead, the staff who finally saw the situation was almost frightened, but before he could react, the black-haired youth coldly looked over, "Move."

The pitch-black pupils were bottomless, as if encountering greater terror amid the initial fear. The staff, in a state of shock, had a blank mind. Their trembling hands unconsciously stopped shaking, and they instinctively grabbed the first aid kit as instructed.

The driver at the front row, still filled with lingering fear, said, "Sheep... there were sheep on the road." Fortunately, he had quick reflexes; otherwise, the consequences would have been more severe.

Inside the now stabilized compartment, apart from Gu Cong, the other guests were mostly unharmed. It wasn't until they heard Xie Ye asking for the first aid kit that they realized something had happened.

"Xiao Gu?"

"He's bleeding a lot."

"Where's the doctor? Doctor!"

In order to ensure the live broadcast's effectiveness, the accompanying doctor and some bulky equipment were in the rear vehicle. Running over in haste, the chief director was anxiously overwhelmed. Xie Ye put down the alcohol cotton, picked up the disinfected tweezers, and said, "It will hurt a bit."

"Bear with it."

The tip of the middle finger happened to hit the central part of the glass, shattering the lens. Tiny shards unavoidably embedded themselves in the flesh. However, Xie Ye, as if accustomed to such blood-soaked scenes, displayed no sign of panic or fear. His hands were incredibly steady, efficiently cleaning the blood, extracting the glass fragments, applying medicine, and bandaging, all in one go.

1101 was a bit scared.

While others remained oblivious, it could feel the host’s emotions in the cognitive sea, like a chilling northern wind, cold and fierce, as if it wanted to tear everything apart, blowing the entire system off its feet.

Cautiously retreating into a corner, 1101 protected itself and whispered softly, "Uh... actually, this injury looks frightening, but it didn't damage the tendons and bones. It won't affect Gu Cong's ability to play instruments."

【There are still some points left in this world. It's enough to exchange for ointment that leaves no scars. Or if you're worried, we can write an IOU and exchange it for something more advanced. How about that?】

【Host? Xie Ye? Say something.】

【It's not that I'm slacking off, it's just that the consciousness in this world is too chaotic. Su Qingyue and the others are still on the bus. Fortunately, Gu Cong is here; otherwise, you would have definitely suffered disfigurement. There would be no chance of a comeback.】

Perhaps because of the mention of Gu Cong, the raging wind in the cognitive sea finally calmed down. A clear and emotionless inquiry came from the youth: "System."

【Do you know why I awakened?】

1101 doesn't know.

The mission data only mentioned that Xie Ye is an autonomously awakened NPC but didn't provide details on how he awakened.

Feeling that something was amiss, 1101 waited and waited, but Xie Ye didn't offer an answer. In reality, he had already changed seats with Gu Cong, who had his wounds treated.

Despite the pain and cold sweat on his forehead, Gu Cong, like he had obtained a treasure, gazed at the sunlight and stared at the bandage with a butterfly knot on his hand:

"Teacher Xie's skills are really good."

"I really like it."

"Shut up." In the new seat without drawn curtains, the black-haired youth belatedly wiped away the blood on his face with a tissue, his skin seemingly transparent under the sunlight.

Just now, he had steadfastly helped his companion, but for some reason, at this moment, no one dared to approach Xie Ye. Unhesitatingly, he said, "Go to the hospital as soon as we get off."

Like a fierce beast marking its territory, he sat on the outer side, pinching the crumpled paper stained with red and white. Even though people like Qin Cheng wanted to express their concern by approaching, they could only cautiously glance with their eyes.

The barrage, exploding to the point that several live streams simultaneously lagged, finally slowed down:

【Aura fully activated.】

【Has Xie Ye played a doctor before?】

【Wuwuwu, heartache for little Gu, even through the screen.】

【First time protecting Brother Xie, I recognize this sister-in-law.】

【Even so, sister-in-law?】

【Sisters, turn the volume up to the max! Even when injured, he still wants to comfort his wife. Why is Gu Cong so good at acting cute!】

At the same time, the unexpected incident encountered during the journey of "Let’s Travel Together" quickly made it to the hot searches due to the live broadcast. The onlookers soon sorted out the details of the incident through various chaotic screen recordings.

【There was suddenly sheep on the road. Isn't this reason too far-fetched? I’m seriously suspecting the program team of self-directing and acting.】

【Conspiracy theories go away. What's the point of lying about something that can be proven with a dashboard camera?】

【To be honest, Xie Ye is really unlucky. Last time he almost got hit by a wave.】

【How many bad deeds has he done?】

【Retribution for his misdeeds, serves him right.】

【Bad luck, almost became a disaster for a whole people in the car.】

The person who almost suffered disfigurement unexpectedly became the target of accusations. Now, even genuine bystanders find it a bit hard to watch:

【One thing is one thing, shouldn't there be some basic empathy?】

【What does it have to do with Xie Ye if there are sheep on the road?】

【It can't be true, can someone be so superstitious?】

【The main character in your family hasn't spoken yet.】

【I checked your main page and you are not even a fan of Gu Ceng. Tsk tsk, what's the real story, those who understand will understand.】

Xie Ye and Su Qingyue are known to be arch-enemies, a recent development that everyone on the internet is aware of. Fans who have been winning for a long time are inevitably a bit irrational:

【So many water armies, wasn't he unharmed?】

【Those who don't know might think he's about to die.】

【Scheming b*tch, after snatching a man, now snatching the spotlight too, shameless.】

【Gu Ceng's fans are really funny, they don't even dare to breathe, just licking along with the main character.】

【Hasn't anyone figured it out yet? The program team invited Qingyue just to boost someone's popularity and suck their blood.】

A few words have offended those who can be offended. In the mysterious balance that has always tilted towards the protagonist, a small deviation appears for the first time, inevitably affecting Su Qingyue's good popularity since her debut.

1101 is ecstatic to the point of tears:

Eight worlds! Eight worlds! Has its host finally decided to temporarily give up being a slacker?

However, no matter how excited 1101 is internally, it remains as calm as a chicken in the sea of knowledge. Xie Ye is talking to Gu Cong, and inexplicably, 1101 feels a bit hesitant to disturb them.

"Teacher Xie, Brother Xie, Xie Ye," taking advantage of the new seat without a camera, Gu Cong turns his head to stare at the youth's profile, acting familiar, "I've said I'm fine, can you give me a smile?"

Deeply suspecting that this person lacks pain receptors, Xie Ye breaks off a piece of pain reliever from the aluminum sheet and opens the thermos forcibly handed to him by the other party, "Open your mouth."

Gu Cong, however, doesn't move.

"It’s too bitter, Teacher Xie..." Before he can finish the sentence, the youth shoots him a sharp glance, and Gu Cong immediately tilts to the left, humming and whining, leaning against Xie Ye's shoulder like a big baby, "Oh, it hurts."

The slightly stiff hair brushes past, making Xie Ye's earlobes itch, "Seatbelt."

"My hand hurts, Teacher Xie, help me." Taking advantage of his younger age, Gu Cong acts coquettish without any reservation, disregarding how other guests may perceive it.

After Xie Ye buckles his seatbelt as instructed, personally feeds him medicine, Gu Cong is still not satisfied. He frowns in a mannered way, "So bitter."

"Teacher Xie, give me a smile."

Xie Ye is considering pushing him off.

But before he can actually do it, he turns his head and sees the slightly paler-than-usual lips of the young man.

Gu Cong is young, with a face full of collagen. His recent good condition led him to only wear the simplest makeup for the program, not even applying lipstick.

So, at this moment, even when he's mischievous and playful, he still looks like a weak big puppy.


The corners of Xie Ye's mouth curve up in a standard business arc. He puts away the water cup and shares the blanket piled on his lap with Gu Cong. "From now on, rest well and don't talk."

Looking up at him, Gu Cong says, "Really cute."

Cute and beautiful.

While most of his attention is on the back seat, Qin Cheng may not hear exactly what the two are saying, but he can clearly feel that the rigid and intimidating aura around Xie Ye has softened.

After reporting their safety one by one, the program team ended the live broadcast. The gossip radar buzzed, and Wei Yan whispered, "Are they... for real?"

A woman's sixth sense tells her that this atmosphere, this pink bubble, cannot be acted.

Moreover, the cameras are off.

Qin Cheng is momentarily embarrassed. How should he put it? Although he also wants to echo Wei Yan's speculation, that's Xie Ye. The actor with a Golden Award in hand, who knows if it's real or fake.

What's even more troublesome is that in the front row, there are Xue Minglang and Su Qingyue. Is it really okay to discuss so openly?

It's a battlefield, a real battlefield.

And Su Qingyue is indeed angry.

He knows that on the night Xue Minglang left him in a hurry, the one he went to meet was Xie Ye.

Xie Ye.

Besides Xie Ye, who else could make him act so recklessly?

He agreed to participate in "Let’s Travel Together" with the original intention of accompanying Xue Minglang to relax and finding a suitable opportunity to confess. But what about Xie Ye? Xie Ye just had to get involved.

Sometimes, Su Qingyue even suspects that Xie Ye's kindness to Gu Cong, and his closeness to Gu Cong, are intentional. Playing hard to get, making Xue Minglang, who was already disappointed in Xie Ye, waver again.

But every time he thinks like this, afterwards, Su Qingyue feels very pathetic, internally entangled and annoyed, and his lack of smiles reflects on his face.

Xue Minglang, who has been trying to appease him for several days, is also not happy. Despite apologizing for leaving Su Qingyue alone, he promised that there would be no next time. Even today, when Xie Ye almost had a disfiguring accident, Xue Minglang sat still in his original seat, willing to sacrifice his audience popularity.

"Qingyue," self-perceived as having only a thin layer of unrevealed feelings, Xue Minglang reached out to touch Su Qingyue's hand, "Can you stop making trouble?"

Making trouble?

Since being left alone in the venue, the accumulated disappointment gradually reached its peak. Su Qingyue asked, "Xue Minglang, do you really like me?"

"More than you like Xie Ye?"

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  1. I don't understand. I thought XY's nose got hit. When did GC's finger get hit instead?

  2. I think GC used his hand to cushion XY’s face from smashing into the camera


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