It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 17


ITOTIABSAM | Entertainment Industry | 17

Xie Ye didn't know how the original owner tricked Xue Minglang with his tactics, but he knew that this time, he was the one being tricked.

Ginger soup, very sweet and steaming hot.

The description was accurate, and fresh ingredients were indeed used. However, upon closer inspection, it had a strange aftertaste—spicy with a hint of salt, stimulating enough to make one furrow their brow.

But as he looked at Gu Cong's face full of anticipation, Xie Ye remained calm and drank it spoon by spoon until it was all gone.

1101, puzzled and shocked, exclaimed, "Discrimination! This is discrimination!"

Zhou Ming had bought some candies, and someone had definitely enjoyed a piece or two.

Under the pretext of going to the neighborhood supermarket to buy ginger, Gu Cong brought back a lot of things. By the time Xie Ye, too lazy to get out of the car, saw it, he had already lost the chance to refuse.

At this moment, the bags with the supermarket's blue logo were piled up on the living room floor. After confirming that Xie Ye had finished the bowl of ginger soup, Gu Cong resumed tidying up.

"I bought small cartons of milk. Pour it into a cup, microwave it, and you have breakfast."

"There are also some frozen foods for a late-night snack."

"Oh, and a kettle. You need hot water for taking medicine."

Setting aside his culinary skills, Gu Cong seemed to be very experienced in household chores. Xie Ye had glimpsed at his luggage during their previous trip, and it was well-organized, probably due to being featured by TV programs frequently.

Xie Ye wasn't possessive about his space, but it didn't mean anyone could freely move around in his home. However, Gu Cong's current actions surprisingly didn't bother him.

It wasn't until Gu Cong, full of enthusiasm, picked up the last bag of fresh ingredients and said, "How about I cook tonight? Pork rib soup, perhaps?" 

Xie Ye, who was wrapped in a blanket while reading the script Zhou Ming sent, fell into an unusual silence.

"Have you cooked before?"

"I have, but not much. Usually, the dean would have me assist." Gu Cong remembered that he hadn't mentioned this to Xie Ye yet and casually explained, "I grew up in an orphanage and later got scouted by a talent agent while working part-time, which led me to sign with my current company."

Turning back with a wink, he smiled, "Quite a coincidence, isn't it?"

Xie Ye: Yes, quite a coincidence.

Their entry into the entertainment industry seemed almost identical.

Although he hadn't met the dean Gu Cong mentioned, Xie Ye felt that the decision to have Gu Cong assist must have some reason behind it.

After a brief hesitation between the "strange-tasting dinner" and the "just-warm blanket," Xie Ye raised his hand, rubbed his forehead, and directed, "Just wash and cut the ingredients; I'll take care of the rest."

Gu Cong's eyes lit up, and he almost took a leap forward, "Teacher Xie can cook?"

Xie Ye: "Barely edible."

—Of course, this was modesty.

As a competent and qualified system, 1101 knew every skill its host had activated like the back of its hand. Although it didn't have the need to eat, it could simulate taste and knew what was delicious.

Unfortunately, Xie Ye was disciplined and lazy, disliking the smell of cooking oil. The occasions when he personally cooked were few and far between.

Therefore, when things eventually developed into Xie Ye standing at a distance wrapped in a blanket while Gu Cong was frantically busy, 1101 wasn't surprised at all.

Fortunately, it didn't end in disaster. Amid the chaos, the two of them eventually sat down to a meal in an orderly manner.

At first, Gu Cong had resigned himself to finishing his plate regardless of the taste. However, as soon as he took a sip of the lotus root and pork rib soup, he stopped in surprise, holding the spoon still.

Xie Ye: "What's wrong?"

Gu Cong: "It's delicious!"

Better than any pork rib soup he had ever had in the first eighteen years of his life.

In the fashion industry, Xie Ye's demeanor and appearance exuded a natural sense of sophistication, seemingly unrelated to the mundane aspects of life. However, at this moment, the black-haired youth, who appeared either aloof, occasionally eccentric, or not easily approachable to outsiders, sat quietly across from him. Sipping the soup with small sips, Xie Ye raised his eyes after being stared at for too long, tapping the table with his fingers, "Eat."

In that instant, Gu Cong couldn't quite articulate what he was thinking, feeling an itching sensation in his heart, wanting to scoop the other into his arms and give him a warm, affectionate rub.


Struggling to control his restless hands, Gu Cong lowered his head and tried to eat obediently.

With portions for two and his own lack of appetite, Xie Ye hadn't prepared too much food, but when Gu Cong swept through them with gusto, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Watching the other hum a song while casually washing the dishes, the black-haired youth lowered his eyelids and glanced at his belly, hidden beneath his clothes.

1101 cheerfully said, "Don't worry, all his body data is normal. Not everyone has a delicate stomach like you, you know?"

Xie Ye: Is this the constitution of young people?

Due to the unexpectedly smooth morning shoot, despite Gu Cong's efforts to slow down and find things to do, almost cleaning the entire apartment, he still couldn't prolong the time until it got dark.

Unable to find a reasonable excuse to stay overnight, Xie Ye's spirits had improved significantly since the morning. He had to reluctantly pick up the neatly packed trash and stood at the door.

...Here it comes again.

The clingy large dog rubbed against the doorframe reluctant to leave.

Almost involuntarily, just before closing the door, Xie Ye said, "Be careful on the way."

"See you tomorrow."

Suddenly remembering the forgotten "Let’s Travel Together," Gu Cong instantly swept away the gloom, smiling brightly, "Yes!"


Tomorrow, he must get up early.


Ten days after returning to the country, the second round of filming for "Travel Together" arrived as scheduled.

This time, the destination was a well-known natural scenic area in Province H, with a national-level ski resort nearby. However, just by looking at the script provided by the production team, there seemed to be a hint of wilderness survival.

After not seeing each other for almost half a month, there was surprisingly no unfamiliarity between the guests— at least not visibly so. Especially between Gu Cong and Xie Ye, there was a noticeable increase in closeness.

After getting off the plane, there was still a long bus ride ahead. The director took advantage of this time to start a live broadcast. Each guest had at least one camera angle, making it convenient for fans of each to generate engagement.

"Is that a thermos in Xiao Gu's hand?"

Seated conveniently across the aisle, Qin Cheng, who was responsible for livening up the atmosphere eight out of ten times, took the initiative to strike up a conversation, "So young and health-conscious?"

"It's for Teacher Xie. He has a bit of a cold."

Although it was a very ordinary thing, Qin Cheng inexplicably sensed a hint of boasting. Subconsciously, he looked towards Xie Ye, "Teacher Xie is sick? Do you need me to get you a blanket?"

As soon as the words came out, Qin Cheng regretted it. After spending four days and five nights together in Country S, he had come to understand how difficult it was to have a conversation with Xie Ye.

However, to his surprise, this time Xie Ye responded to him.

"No need." Typically decisive and straightforward in his refusal, the black-haired youth turned his head and looked at Qin Cheng, nodding politely, "Thank you."

The barrage was equally surprised:

【Is Xie Ye in a good mood today?】

【Haha, the atmosphere captain has finally lived up to his name.】

【Feels like Host Qin is so excited he's about to cry (x)】

In Xie Ye's live chat, a different scene unfolded:

【What does this mean! This is the power of love!】

【Sniff, compared to the last recording, he's much softer now.】

【Am I the only one who noticed that Xiao Gu called back Teacher Xie?】

【He used to call him Brother Xie before.】

【I dare to say it first, it seems like couples in the industry all call each other 'teacher'.】


【Witnessed +1, when Cong Bao calls, it's different from others.】

After becoming awakened, Xie Ye gradually got used to being sick. His skin was fair, and his lips were even more vibrant than usual. If it weren't for Gu Cong mentioning it, few people could have noticed any difference from his usual self.

On the other hand, things were different for Xue Minglang. Fans who paid a little attention to the program could tell that he and Su Qingyue weren't as harmonious as during the last trip.

【Su Qingyue talks so little.】

【He's handing over pillows and water, is Xue Minglang trying to appease someone?】

【When Gu Cong mentioned someone was sick, Xue Ge turned around to look.】


【Xie Ye is so calculating.】

【The green tea flavor is almost overflowing, but I haven't seen him suffer at all.】

Even without exchanging a word with the protagonist, Xie Ye managed to attract attention. His nose tickled, and he sneezed lightly.

Immediately, Gu Cong pulled out a pack of tissues from his coat pocket and, at the same time, got a blanket from the staff, which had just been rejected by someone, and draped it over Xie Ye, saying, "We still have a long ride ahead. Do you want to take a nap?"

With Insomnia plus a cold, Xie Ye indeed hasn't been resting well lately. However, the bus is not like an airplane, the adjustable angle of the seats is limited, and leaning against the window results in hitting his head. He doesn't think he can actually fall asleep.

Unexpectedly, Gu Cong, as if sensing his discomfort, stretched out his big hand and gently pressed the young man's head against his shoulder, "Lean here."

Xie Ye: You probably want me to get a stiff neck again.

"This time, I brought a cushion to protect your cervical spine." Allowing those slightly fierce phoenix eyes to scrutinize him, Gu Cong quickly finished his work, lowered his voice like soothing a child, and said, "Quickly sleep."

Shoulder or window?

Xie Ye only considered for a second before closing his eyes.

Barrage: "This time?"

【So there was another time!】

【Laughing to death, somehow reading a trace of indulgence from Teacher Xie's compromise.】

【Clearly it's "Dare to lie to me, and you're dead."】

【So fierce, I love it!】

In the variety show scenes, Xie Ye appeared beautiful and melancholic, like a blank canvas, with almost no outward display of emotions.

Only when facing Gu Cong, even if it's just a glance or a raised eyebrow, he always seemed to generate a bit of vitality, either actively or passively, because of the former.

It's like the beautiful figure in the painting gained a soul.

Correspondingly, Xie Ye's fanbase rapidly increased.

At first, the chief director was a bit annoyed with Gu Cong letting Xie Ye sleep during the live broadcast time. Unexpectedly, after a full two hours, Xie Ye's live stream not only didn't decline but even surpassed Xue Minglang and Su Qingyue's joint stream, reaching a level comparable to Gu Cong's.


Just as the chief director was briefly feeling relieved in his mind, the bus suddenly slammed on the brakes. Despite wearing seat belts, everyone involuntarily leaned forward.

The sleeping black-haired youth had the most exaggerated reaction. Coincidentally, he violently and precisely collided with a small camera fixed behind the front seat. This impact was so intense that not only did the lens shatter and scratch him, but his nose bridge might also be broken.

【Xie Ye!】

The scent of blood permeated the air.

Startled by the system's screaming, the young man opened his eyes in confusion, feeling a soreness in his nose. His eyelashes fluttered, and a tear fell.

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