It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 20


ITOTIABSAM | Entertainment Industry | 20


In his sight was the pale ceiling, a faint smell of disinfectant filling his nostrils. Lying on the hospital bed, the black-haired youth was awakened by the sound of the operating machine. He blinked his eyes, momentarily thinking he had changed worlds again. "System?"

【Am I dead?】

Although it was a question, his tone was calm, as if he had long been accustomed to accepting such facts. 1101, who had been silent for over thirty hours, rolled its eyes deeply, feeling that it had misplaced all its concerns, "Sorry to disappoint you."

【Just asleep.】

He had slept too deeply and for too long, with physiological activities dropping to the lowest. To ensure safety, the doctors even arranged monitoring devices overnight. Gradually regaining his dulled senses due to prolonged sleep, after hearing the system's words, Xie Ye belatedly realized that his hand was being held by someone.

Lowering his eyes, he saw a familiar black head with tousled hair.

【He has been keeping watch all the time, and just went to the toilet a few times. Otherwise, how could you sleep so soundly?】 Quite satisfied with Gu Cong's character, 1101 muttered softly, "When you passed out, you really scared the kid. His expression was so serious, and his hands were shaking when he called the ambulance."

A kid?

With his right hand, not connected to an IV, easily wrapped up by the other, Xie Ye looked at Gu Cong, who was curled up at the bedside. As if waking up from a sudden illusion brought by some kind of temperament, he clearly realized for the first time that the other person was an adult male half a head taller than himself.

Outside the camera, Xie Ye was not accustomed to intimate contact with others. Unexpectedly, as soon as he made a move, the young man who was sound asleep a moment ago woke up quickly.

Meeting the lowered phoenix eyes of the youth, Xie Ye's previous moment of clarity vanished: “Teacher Xie?”

“You slept for a long time.”

Perhaps due to the shock, Gu Cong forgot to sit up straight. His fluffy head was right by Xie Ye's leg, and his amber eyes were bright, like a sweet and obedient little puppy.

Unable to resist, Xie Ye raised his hand and patted the other's head.

"Is, is there any discomfort? I'll go call the doctor first." Gu Cong's ears turned subtly red, and he quickly sat up, speaking faster, "This hospital was recommended by Manager Zhou, and it has good privacy."

Without waiting for Xie Ye's response, he hastily pushed the chair and left the room. After sitting curled up for a long time, his legs felt a bit numb, and he even limped a little in the first few steps.

Whether it was a modern hospital, an ancient medical hall, or a futuristic medical pod, Xie Ye was very familiar with the process of seeing a doctor and receiving treatment. Like a puppet with no self-awareness, he went along with whatever the doctors and nurses did.

However, this time, he couldn't ignore Gu Cong's burning and concerned gaze. Worried about affecting the doctor, he stood at a distance, nervously observing the numbers on the instruments and Xie Ye's complexion.

When the cables monitoring vital signs were finally removed, Gu Cong could truly relax. He obediently went outside to listen to the doctor's instructions.

Xie Ye found it a bit strange.

It was as if he, born with the label of an antagonist, had also become an ordinary person in this small world.

1101 complained, "Clearly, I've always been with you during these times too."

Xie Ye shook his head, "That's different."

However, he couldn't quite articulate what exactly was different.

After chatting with the doctor for a full five minutes, Gu Cong just entered the room and saw Xie Ye gently waving at him.

Worried that Xie Ye might not have the strength just after waking up, Gu Cong took long strides, walking to the bedside in three quick steps, and leaned down towards the youth, asking, "What's wrong? Is there something you want me to get for you?"

Xie Ye replied, "I want to go to the bathroom."

His pupils widened, and Gu Cong blankly opened his mouth, "Ah?"

"The bathroom. My legs are a bit weak. Can you help me up? Also, this IV bottle," patiently repeating his needs, Xie Ye straightforwardly expressed his requirements. 

Seeing Gu Cong's innocent and overwhelmed expression, he couldn't help but playfully ask, seemingly casually, "Who changed my clothes?"

Gu Cong's ears turned red again, "I did."

Changing into hospital gowns is more convenient during hospitalization, and he preferred to do it himself rather than let someone else do it.

Anyway, he had shared a bed with Teacher Xie many times before... More importantly, he liked Xie Ye and didn't want to share the adorable side of him with anyone else.

With various thoughts swirling in his mind, Gu Cong helped Xie Ye get out of bed and walked a few steps. The youth's ice-cold fingertips suddenly touched his forehead, "Stop."

"Do you still want to come in with me?"


The door opened and closed, Gu Cong stepped back a few steps, quickly turned around, "I'll be outside."

If you need anything, just call me.

He didn't say the latter sentence out loud, but the young man seemed to understand, and he made a sound through the door.

To avoid seeing cooked shrimp after going out, the first thing Xie Ye did after entering the room was to turn the faucet to the maximum, sparing a certain shy little friend.

He was a bit of a clean freak, lying down for too long was uncomfortable, but unexpectedly, after just a few minutes, someone knocked on the door cautiously, "Teacher Xie?"

With a disposable toothbrush in his mouth, Xie Ye: ...

1101 laughed wildly, "He's really afraid that you'll faint."

"Mm," his heart softened, the black-haired youth paused in his actions and mumbled, "I'm brushing my teeth."

Seeming to breathe a sigh of relief, he let his shoulders slump and leaned his entire body against the door, "These past few days, Manager Zhou and the fans have been very worried about Teacher Xie."

"I was also startled. The doctor said that although you woke up, many indicators in your body are not up to standard, as if it has been running in overload without rest for a long time."

"Is it because of Senior Xue? Or is it because of the online articles? Actually, those who truly know and like you wouldn't believe those rumors, like the fans, the directors and screenwriters you've worked with, and the audience who have seen your movies... Manager Zhou is also working on handling it, everything will be fine."

To be honest, 1101 felt that its host, in particular, was the least in need of comfort. But what surprised it was that Xie Ye actually washed his face, pushed the IV stand, and opened the door, "What about you?"

Gu Cong stood steadily without any hesitation, "Of course, I believe in you too."

So, with water droplets still hanging on his eyelashes, the young man smiled, "Got it, little fan."

Gu Cong choked.

How should he prove to Xie Ye that he wasn't just a fan, or rather, not only a fan?

"Haven't you watched my movies?" Noticing the strange expression on the other's face, Xie Ye teasingly grabbed a tissue from the bedside.

Gu Cong quickly denied, "Of course, I've watched them." After recording the program, he started watching from the first one and didn't just stick to the most classic ones.

"Oh—" Xie Ye wiped his face, "Then it must be that I didn't act well and failed to attract fans."

Gu Cong hurriedly said, "No, that's not it."

"I like Teacher Xie the most!" He likes Xie Ye.

"I heard you." Leaning against the pillow, Xie Ye's lips curled slightly, and he covered himself with the blanket again, "Gu Cong, have you ever considered changing companies?"

Gu Cong admitted truthfully while busy adjusting the height of the hospital bed, "I have considered it. But my contract hasn't expired yet, so I'm waiting for an opportunity."

Xie Ye asked, "What about Shengxing?"

Surprised, Gu Cong responded, "Shengxing? Isn't that..."

"Yes, it's my current company. Although it is profit-oriented and can't achieve the level of being close like a family with the artists, it maintains a bottom line. I can cover the breach of contract fee, and I'll sign you under Zhou Ming. What do you think?" 

Xie Ye objectively analyzed the pros and cons, "Of course, I'll talk to Zhou Ming. You can participate in activities with your teammates normally until the group disbands. I won't let you bear the reputation of going solo."

While Shengxing might not compare to companies like Su Entertainment, which was an industry leader, it was still an old and enduring tree in the entertainment industry.

 Hearing this news, most people would likely be thrilled, but Gu Cong tightly furrowed his brows and addressed Xie Ye seriously, "Xie Ye, I'm good to you not for these things."

He didn't want to climb up using someone else's power, especially not for these reasons.

Xie Ye rarely saw a cold expression on Gu Cong's face. Without the soft smile, Gu Cong's handsome features became prominent, and even his amber eyes no longer resembled honey but rather a wild beast.

"There's a price."

The hand that hadn't received the IV extended from under the blanket, cold to the touch. It gently rested on Gu Cong's pinky finger. "It seems like I can only fall asleep when I'm by your side."

Gu Cong's expression rapidly changed, from confusion to surprise to joy, like a gust of spring wind melting the frost. It became lively and animated.

Even 1101 couldn't contain its excitement, "Xie Ye? You don't want to die anymore?"

Indeed, Xie Ye didn't want to die. Not at the moment. Previously, he avoided Gu Cong, not wanting to involve him. But Gu Cong coming to see him after jumping out of the window made him realize that avoidance might only make things worse.

If he continued following the original plot, once he died, who knows what Gu Cong would do. If he took the path against the protagonist and became the next antagonist, what would happen?

He needed to handle his own matters.

1101 sensed trouble, "Handle?"

"Oh, you still don't know." Xie Ye said lightly, "Before I awakened, I consumed many world consciousnesses."

It wasn't until Xie Ye's spiritual power grew stronger with each consumption of world consciousness, leading to his awakening and the recovery of all his memories, that he understood. Having too many alternate identities led to an infinite cycle of similar experiences. Instead of struggling against the protagonist, he preferred to lie low and enjoy life.

1101 was completely stunned.

Damage to the world consciousness could indeed disrupt the control of the original plot, but could he really consume it?

...It was supposed to handle the most basic assimilation tasks.

Unaware that a system from another world was doubting "Universal Genesis" not far away, Gu Cong stared at his pinky finger being held, blinked nervously:

So cold.

So soft.

With the slightly dependent action of the other, Gu Cong's Adam's apple rolled unconsciously. He felt a numbness starting from the little finger that was in contact with the young man's skin, spreading through his entire arm.

Thinking that he fully understood the profound meaning behind Xie Ye's words, he reversed his hand and held the young man's slender and fair five fingers. Gathering his courage, he leaned in and kissed the lips he had fantasized about for a long time: "I'm willing."

"I’m willing to sleep forever with Teacher Xie."

It doesn’t matter even if the relationship started with being kept.

Author's note:

Xie Ye: Sleep.

Gu Cong: Sleep!

This sleep is not the same as the other sleep.

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  1. Ahhh, I really enjoy MC and ML personalities and dynamic!


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