It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 21


ITOTIABSAM | Entertainment Industry | 21

Gu Cong's lips were warm.

In this world, the original owner was an actor. Xie Ye had many scenes in his mind about kissing in dramas. He should have been experienced and skillful, but now he couldn't use any of those, and he even forgot to push the person away.

Living in the same hospital room, every breath of the young man was filled with the same minty fragrance as him. The touch, light as a dragonfly's landing, clean, scalding, and the confusion after not getting a response, all made it impossible to generate any resentment.


The hand that wanted to break free moved and then stopped. Xie Ye raised his eyes, gesturing with his eyes for the other person to step back. He initially wanted to say it was a misunderstanding, but when he spoke, it turned into a vague complaint, "It's too prickly."

The young man had a good physique, and these days he hadn't been in the mood to groom himself carefully. There were indeed some rough stubbles on his chin. After clearly expressing his disdain, Gu Cong who was still depressed a second ago, was now beaming. Since the youth hadn't completely stepped back when he spoke, their lips were still close, and even the coldest words could be warmed by this contact.

He shaved quickly, and coming out of the bathroom, the young man's forehead was slightly moist. Sitting properly at the edge of the bed, he tilted his head, closed his eyes, and struck a pose that blatantly sought a kiss.

—He's too good at acting cute.

Xie Ye thought.

How could there be someone so good at acting cute in the world?

He clearly hadn't intended to have any entanglements with anyone in any world, but at this moment, he involuntarily raised his hand and lightly touched the other person's lips with his index finger.

It was at this moment that Zhou Ming entered the room.

Having already tacitly acknowledged the relationship between the two, he cleared his throat, casually turned around, and said, "Do you need me to leave?"

1101 was dumbfounded.

If Zhou Ming had arrived a few minutes later, it didn't doubt that its host would have actually gone for the kiss, leaving it to deal with a mosaic in privacy mode.

"No need." Without paying attention to the system's data chaos in his mind, Xie Ye withdrew his hand, appearing calm, "It's just that I have something to discuss with you."

On the other hand, Gu Cong was different. From the tips of his ears to the back of his neck, he turned red, but he didn't shy away. Instead, he re-grasped Xie Ye's hand, like a child caressing a treasure, gently rubbing the small mole on the outer side of the youth's middle finger.

Zhou Ming, who had just turned around, was struck by the unexpected scene:...

Tsk, being so affectionate at a young age.

"Let me say thisI don't care if you're dating. After all, your fans already know you like men." Moreover, there were so many fans shipping various CPs in the industry.

After the photos of Xie Ye's dinner outing circulated, the related discussions on social media took a brief hit. However, as bystanders managed to capture Gu Cong accompanying Xie Ye into the ambulance and entering the hospital together, most CP fans regained their spirits. Even Gu Cong's fans chose to trust the "main character's vision" and remained silent.

The usually conflicting fandoms, the official fans and the CP fans, unexpectedly reached a certain eerie harmony under this special circumstance, presenting a united front to the public.

Xie Ye, who had been lying in the hospital bed for a few days, hadn't expected that public opinion would take a turn for the better due to his illness. According to past experiences, even if he fainted and coughed up blood in public, he would still be labeled with various accusations. 

"Who made Gu Cong have such good popularity, and he hasn't acted in any dramas. He's almost in tears, and who wouldn't believe him?" Glancing at Xie Ye's pale face, Zhou Ming spoke in a slow tone, "You can finally catch a break."


It was truly unimaginable what Gu Cong's dignified face would look like when crying. Xie Ye stared at him with great interest, causing the latter to shiver.

What 1101 focused on was the latter part of Zhou Ming's statement: catching a break? Indeed, since meeting Gu Cong, although Xie Ye continued his usual lazy and occasional lively moments, his situation had improved a lot compared to the original plot. Even the potentially lethal insomnia that should have gradually drained Gu Cong's vitality found a "lucky" solution.

Otherwise, after subjecting the protagonist to hardships until he left the variety show, Xie Ye would not have the energy and mood to play around with the little puppy like he was doing now.

On the surface, it seemed that Gu Cong hadn't done much, and he often received care from Xie Ye. However, upon closer inspection, every improvement in Xie Ye's reputation and overall mood had Gu Cong's shadow behind it.

Could the impact of forming CP be this significant?

"I didn't cry." Despite enjoying the feeling of being wholeheartedly observed by Xie Ye, Gu Cong weakly defended himself, "A man sheds blood, not tears."

It was all because of the angle and lighting in the photos.

Xie Ye mischievously chimed in, "What if I want to see it?"

Desperately trying to prove himself as a mature male, Gu Cong immediately changed his tune, "Well, it's not impossible."

"Come on, you two. I'm still here, a grown man, and you're sticking around like this," having had enough of the dog food, Zhou Ming took out a plan from his briefcase, "The company's suggestion is to handle this indifferently, don't respond, continue filming. Anyway, we didn't initially plan to push you in the direction of traffic."

The only variety show was something he secretly took on himself.

"But what kind of roles you can eventually get, whether directors are willing to use you, that's something you need to fight for yourself."

"Su Entertainment is wealthy, but it's not omnipotent. If you can win another Best Actor award, among those screenwriters and directors whose faces are blurred in those photos, someone will naturally come forward to speak for you. If they're silent now, you should know why."

It was just that Xie Ye hadn't firmly established himself in the domestic scene yet. Acting recklessly would not only be ineffective but might also get him labeled as just another opportunist, attracting unwarranted trouble.

Knowing that Xie Ye had a strong sense of pride, Zhou Ming straightforwardly laid out the situation, "Xie Ye, the entertainment industry is like this. The help the company can provide you is limited. Whether you choose to remain silent or give it your all, it's up to you."

Choose what? 1101 wondered. Its host had long considered retiring from the industry, ready to sell the house, pay the breach of contract fine, and leave at any time. Was Zhou Ming trying to hand him a pillow while he was dozing off, and letting him hit the muzzle of the gun himself?

Unexpectedly, the lazy young man leaning on the hospital bed said, "I can continue acting, but I have one condition."

Zhou Ming asked, "Go on."

Xie Ye said, "Sign Gu Cong."

"I openly support him, and I'm afraid he'll be bullied in his original company," Xie Ye explained truthfully, "And you, having once nurtured a queen of love songs, should be able to see that he's a good talent."

Otherwise, Gu Cong wouldn't have debuted with the background of a personal trainee, almost like a pure newcomer.

Even though Zhou Ming knew what Xie Ye said was true, he still felt a bit uncomfortable being given a high hat, "Don't try to boost my morale."

Xie Ye said, "As for the breach of contract fine, I'll lend it to him."

Misunderstandings aside, he didn't want Gu Cong to be labeled as being kept in front of others.

After still not hearing any objections from Zhou Ming, the look in his eyes when he turned to Gu Cong was suddenly full of affection: Fine, another fool whose mind was clouded by love

He didn't even know how to reap any benefits.

He obtained a potential star for nothing, and simultaneously keeping an eye on Xie Ye and Gu Cong, the future separation wouldn't be too ugly. Zhou Ming naturally had no objections. After discussing the details, he transformed into a workaholic and hastily returned to the company.

Watching the entire process, 1101 sighed, "Acting? Are there any good movies lately?"

Xie Ye said, "Isn't Xue Minglang's film out? The one that won awards."

1101 asked, "Are you trying to steal the lead role?"

Innocently, Xie Ye said, "It's each to their own abilities. How can you call it stealing?"

1101 was deeply shocked.

After so many years, it finally heard its host say something a villain should say.

Having slept for too long, Xie Ye didn't have much appetite. He hung the IV drip and quietly watched Gu Cong eat.

Looking at the other person was like watching a plant thriving in the sunlight. Even if nothing was done, it made one feel good.

However, Gu Cong was obviously not as well-behaved as a real plant. From time to time, he would scoop up food he found delicious with a new spoon and naturally bring it to Xie Ye's lips.

If he ate, he would feed him a couple more bites. If he didn't, he wouldn't force it. In a daze, 1101 felt that Gu Cong treated Xie Ye like he was raising a cat.

And strangely, the latter seemed to really enjoy it.

After packing up the lunchbox and asking the nurse to remove the needle for Xie Ye, the energetic young man finally showed signs of fatigue. He yawned after finishing his meal.

Being tall, the standard-sized sofa in the single-person room was not enough for him to lie down comfortably. Xie Ye was about to call someone to bring an extra bed when Gu Cong had already taken off his shoes and socks and lifted the blanket.

One thing led to another, and while Xie Ye was still in a daze, Gu Cong lowered his head and kissed his lips. Extending his long arm, he encircled the young man's shoulders and pulled him down.

In terms of brute force alone, Xie Ye couldn't compare to Gu Cong. The warm and firm chest pressed against his right side, and the warm breath sprayed on his neck, making him completely forget about his stolen kiss. With his fingers slightly apart, he slapped Gu Cong's face.

"Get off."

"No, I won't." Nuzzling against the soft and fair palm of Xie Ye's hand, Gu Cong felt justified and pulled him even tighter. "I have to repay my debt."

A canary should have the self awareness of being a canary.

Despite the size difference, with Gu Cong's long limbs and Xie Ye's slender figure, the latter almost seemed embedded in the former's embrace. However, this didn't make Xie Ye feel confined or restrained. On the contrary, there was a visible and tangible sense of reassurance, as if a person who had been floating in the air had finally stepped firmly on the ground.

So, Xie Ye compromised.

Retracting his hand, he warned, "No moving around."

"Mm-hmm." The chin buried in his neck responded quickly.

As time passed, the breath behind him gradually became steady. Xie Ye opened his eyes in boredom and thought, how could someone who slept for over thirty hours in one go still need more rest?

He's not a pig.

...But he fell asleep again.

In the hazy state, the part of his hair near the end felt a bit itchy, as if something was playing with it. When Xie Ye moved, the sensation immediately disappeared. After a while, it tentatively approached again.

"Teacher Xie?"

Xie Ye couldn't be bothered to respond.

The young man behind him seemed to have placed his heart back in his stomach. His arms, taking advantage of the situation, wrapped around Xie Ye's waist, and his legs entangled with his, squeezing him in the middle.

After about a minute, a gentle warmth cautiously brushed the ends of Xie Ye's hair, pressing against the back of his neck.

As if handling something fragile and precious, with the rare chance to get close, he wanted to express his excitement and joy, but also forced himself to hold back, afraid of startling the other person, and also afraid of being disliked by him. 

More than anything, he feared that this was a dream, that he would wake up with just a touch.

In the end, he could only take advantage when the precious treasure was asleep, and only secretly, with a soft breath, whisper:

"Xie Ye, I really like you."

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  2. 'I have to repay my debt... (with my body...)'


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