It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 43


ITOTIABSAM | Landlord Tenant | 43

1101 noticed a change in Xie Ye.

Or rather, a return to how he used to be.

Mental issues often lead to physical manifestations, and Xie Ye, originating from the same source as every version of himself in different worlds, was affected by memory and physiology in this world. 

His personality had become sharper and more outspoken, causing even Gu Cong to face some difficulties. However, recently, like ice melting in spring, Xie Ye has become calm and composed once again.

Those who followed "Big Eater" also noticed this change.

The state of a work is inevitably influenced by the creator's state of mind. Xie Ye's personal aversion to food was palpable in his content, no matter how visually appealing it might be. It was like a delicate shell, empty and mechanical. Even with warm and cheerful background music, it couldn't convey the joy of eating.

But now, things are different.

The small potted plant by the window, the roommate who always appeared suddenly in the frame to assist, the casual chatter—all of these added a sense of vitality and warmth to Xie Ye's videos, making them more lifelike, more vibrant, and more appealing.

Steadily and surely, the number of "Big Eater" fans was increasing day by day. On the day when the number of followers exceeded five hundred thousand, Gu Cong was even more excited than when he received his college entrance exam results.

"Let's celebrate" he proficiently watered the plants with rice water, humming a tune with indistinct lyrics. "By the way, there's a gaming exhibition sponsored by Y Station in the city recently. They say the venue is spacious, and they'll limit the number of visitors. If there aren't too many people, do you want to go and check it out?"

Xie Ye: "A gaming exhibition?"

Gu Cong: "Ah, didn't you play pretty well when you filled in for me before? My friends keep talking about it," Gu Cong turned around. "Don't you like it?"

Of course, he liked it. Otherwise, his alt self wouldn't be a virtual streamer specializing in gaming. But if he remembered correctly, this gaming exhibition should be Guan Chen and Lin Xinnian's home ground.

Triggered by the keywords, 1101, who was addicted to dramas, pressed pause. "Yes, Lin Xinnian, the protagonist of this world, and Guan Chen's live streaming room is at the top. They went to the exhibition intended to scout games for acquisition."

If they had to be labeled, Guan Chen and Lin Xinnian were probably the top-tier gamer streamer (seme) x CEO (uke), the latter being the focus.

Before the encounter at the gaming exhibition, the two had already exchanged WeChat contacts. It was just a matter of time before they met in person and recognized each other. 

Succeeding in their online relationship, the storyline could be simply summarized like this.

As for the once "light-fearing" alt Xie Ye, he naturally wouldn't appear in such a scene of being fully immersed in reality. At that time, the other party had completely lost the courage to go out.

"Xie Ye?" Gu Cong reached out and adjusted the fire to a lower setting. "The soup is about to boil over."

Xie Ye snapped back to reality. "Do you want to go?"

Gu Cong: "Ah?"

"Game exhibition," Xie Ye lifted his eyes and repeated, "Do you want to go?"

To be honest, a gaming exhibition like this held limited appeal for Gu Cong. However, if he went with Xie Ye, even the most boring things could become interesting.

So he nodded, "I kind of want to."

—Actually, he really wanted to. However, showing too much enthusiasm for gaming, considering his usual attitude, might raise Xie Ye's suspicion.

A sensitive and suspicious little creature needed to be handled with patience, like boiling a frog in warm water. You had to secure a footing before climbing high. Before confirming the other person's intentions, he had to at least maintain his status as a tenant and not scare Xie Ye away.

"Got it." ‘Kind of want to’ meant he did want to go. Ignoring the worried murmurs of 1101 in his mind, Xie Ye remained calm and unafraid of encountering the protagonist.

But from this response, Gu Cong sensed something else.

"So, does that mean we're going together? Because I was thinking," his lips involuntarily curved upwards, he cleared his throat, trying hard to appear considerate and reserved, "but if you really don't feel comfortable, we can..."

With narrowed phoenix eyes, the black-haired youth who had hit the nail on the head shot him a sharp glance.


"Oh." Childishly, he made a zipper motion near his mouth, staying quiet for two seconds before giving in again, "It seems like it's next week, I'll go book the tickets."

1101: "You're spoiling him."

How come he never noticed this guy had a tendency to join in the fun before?

But, to be fair, even if Xie Ye were to stand directly in front of Guan Chen wearing the clothes he wore the day he fell off the horse, chances were Guan Chen wouldn't recognize him.

Not to mention, on the weekend of the gaming exhibition, it was a typical sunny day, and there was no sun protection at home for the little guy. Xie Ye was dressed head to toe in long clothes, hat, mask, and big sunglasses, fully armed.

Fortunately, it was autumn now, and Xie Ye's body temperature was on the lower side. Apart from a few glances from passersby on the way, he didn't break a sweat by the time they reached the venue.

This exhibition, initiated by Y Station, had a relatively casual style. Many cosplayers meticulously dressed up as characters from popular games, but Xie Ye's outfit, resembling that of a star casually strolling out, seemed dull in comparison.

On the other hand, without a mask, Gu Cong attracted countless gazes with his handsome face.

Despite the limited number of participants, there was still a small queue in front of the main venue's entrance. 

Worried that Xie Ye might feel uncomfortable like last time when they waited at the supermarket exit, Gu Cong, standing behind Xie Ye, stepped sideways, slightly adjusting his position. 

Seizing the moment when Xie Ye wasn't paying attention, he gently lifted the wide brim of his hat.

Glancing to the right with his dark eyes, Xie Ye asked, "?"

Feeling relieved that there was no sign of sweating, Gu Cong half-truthfully explained, "I was worried you were wearing too much, and you might catch a cold once we're inside. The temperature in the venue is probably quite low."

"Do you have a mask too? I'd like one as well," the oversized fisherman's hat made Xie Ye's face only the size of a palm. With a smile, Gu Cong suddenly remarked, "Xie Ye, you're like a little cat hiding under a lotus leaf right now."

The next moment, Xie Ye raised his hand and swatted away Gu Cong's hand supporting the brim of his hat.

In the slowly moving queue, they kept their distance from the pedestrians in front and behind them, yet they were very close to each other, so close that Xie Ye could smell the familiar scent of laundry detergent emanating from Gu Cong's body, and he could confirm himself reflected in Gu Cong's eyes at any moment.

It was a feeling of safety.

Xie Ye thought that perhaps, just like how his alt self confessed to Guan Chen recklessly, he too was captivated by the sense of closeness and understanding in the game, wanting to pursue a similar sense of security.

Quietly, he reached into the pocket of his coat with his right hand, pulled down the brim of his hat, and without saying a word, he stuffed an individually wrapped mask into Gu Cong's arms.

Coincidentally, several new Cosplayers were taking photos nearby. Gu Cong quickly put on the mask. Once they passed through the ticket check and entered the main hall, the crowd dispersed in all directions, and hardly any deliberate glances fell on them again.

Almost imperceptibly, Gu Cong's shoulders relaxed a bit.

In order to be a good virtual streamer specializing in gaming, Xie Ye had done a lot of research. 

He had played many obscure games privately, and thanks to this memory, he recognized most of the characters walking around the venue and could even associate them with relevant plotlines.

So, initially, Gu Cong, who just wanted to tease Xie Ye into saying a few more words, gradually began to experience the true joy of touring the exhibition under Xie Ye's meticulous and low-key commentary.

Because it was an exhibition with a certain commercial element, not only did popular games offer immersive VR experiences, but many games also opened up beta versions that had never been publicly announced.

Gu Cong usually played MOBA games with his roommates, but for the time being, he couldn't experience the sensation of being there. 

However, the organizers ingeniously arranged the booths to resemble professional gaming arenas. Interested players could step onto the stage at any time and experience what it felt like to be an esports athlete.

Suddenly catching sight of a hero Xie Ye had once played for Gu Cong, Xie Ye's steady pace came to a halt, and he looked up casually, saying, "Do you want to play?"

"Forget it, forget it. It'll take forever to gather a full team," tall and with a wide field of vision, Gu Cong raised his arm and pointed, uncertainty asking, "Xie Ye, isn't that the rabbit from your slippers?"

The mascot was half a person tall, as pink and tender as ever, but now dressed in a cool military uniform with a gun on his back, the mascot was quite eye-catching.

Xie Ye: "Hmm."

"It's the mascot of a shooting game."

Since it was relatively niche and hadn't been played in his live streams, there was no risk of exposure, so his alt self was still using it.

"It seems like it's a prize," with confirmation, Gu Cong tapped Xie Ye's arm, instantly becoming excited, "Xie Ye, let's go win it back."

Xie Ye:...

He didn't really want to wander around the venue carrying a large rabbit.

Even if it was Gu Cong carrying it.

But his feet took an involuntary step forward, "I haven't played in a long time."

"The important thing is to participate," in high spirits, Gu Cong placed both hands on Xie Ye's shoulders, "Let's go!"

Shooting games were probably the most suitable and easiest to develop into VR versions. There were a total of five headsets at the booth, and the organizers even provided gun-shaped controllers. Players who wanted to experience it could line up to take turns participating.

Although it was all in first-person perspective, the immersive feeling was vastly different from operating with a mouse. Especially since the game itself had a cartoonish art style, the collision between the realistic sensation experienced by the eyes and the unreality brought by rationality made many players tread cautiously, taking small steps both in and out of the game.

...It seemed a bit silly.

Was it too late to leave now?

Just as this thought flashed through his mind, his drooping sleeve was grabbed by someone, "Mr. Xie, no running away."

Though it sounded serious at first, there was a hint of amusement in the tone.

"Yes, indeed, now that you're here," the staff member beside them chimed in enthusiastically, "the previous group of players still has two minutes left in their experience, it'll be quick."

The hand that grabbed his sleeve didn't exert much force, but Xie Ye didn't move. The VR headset for this game came with headphones, and pulling down the visor would block most of the player's face. When Xie Ye took off his hat and sunglasses, the staff member politely stopped him again, "You'll need to take off the mask too."

"Otherwise, it'll feel stuffy."

"Sorry," before the person being stopped could speak, Gu Cong spoke up first, "Could we..."

"It's okay." With a casual flick of his finger, Xie Ye took the headset from the staff member and put it on and calmly pulled down the lanyard behind his ear, he said, "Let's begin."

Author's note:

Gu Cong: Boil in warm water...

Xie Ye: He likes me (confirmed).

Gu Cong, utterly defeated.

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