The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 21



A gentle breeze passed under the tree, dispersing some of the heat generated during the activities.

Tao Yue's gaze suddenly became sharp, no longer as frivolous as before.

His childlike voice seemed to carry a chill, "What do you want to do to master?"

Rong Que didn't expect Tao Yue to ask this question, as it seemed more like Tao Yue wanted to do something to Lu Xu.

He silently stared at the other person, trying to discern his intentions from Tao Yue's face.

As if guessing the reason for Rong Que's silence, Tao Yue sneered, "Did you realize you can't kill him, or haven't you found the opportunity?"

"What is your purpose in deliberately pleasing the master?"

Initially, upon hearing the first half of Tao Yue's statement, Rong Que thought they were getting to the point. However, the last sentence inexplicably made Rong Que feel as if he had made the dog jealous by getting too close to the owner.

Looking into Tao Yue's eyes, beneath the apparent coldness, Rong Que could sense a trace of bitter resentment.

It was as if he were complaining that the owner didn't remember him or was angry that, after finally finding the owner, the owner had already acquired a new pet.

Rong Que couldn't quite understand Tao Yue's master-servant relationship, but he calmly replied, "When you intentionally raised the issue of Lu Xu's appearance in the classroom, were you trying to lead him down the path of his previous life?"

At Rong Que's words, Tao Yue seemed to feel insulted, snorting coldly, "What do you mean by the old path of his previous life? The master was about to rule the world in his previous life. Isn't that better than being deceived like a child by you?"

Tao Yue's tone was filled with respect for Lu Xu, as if he believed that Lu Xu should follow the same path as in his previous life to destroy the world.

However, Rong Que still caught that trace of uncertainty.

After all, the current Lu Xu seemed to be doing well and looked innocent and adorable.

Before Rong Que could answer, as if anxious to cover up his uncertainty, Tao Yue confidently stated his speculation, "You just realized that the destruction caused after the master's death would be more terrifying, so you want to control him in this way."

In fact, Rong Que really didn't know about this. The reason he and Qi Sui didn't kill Lu Xu was simply because the current Lu Xu was innocent and could live a normal life like an ordinary person.

"Why do you want to impose your will on Lu Xu? What if he didn't like the life from his previous life?" Rong Que asked directly.

Realizing that Tao Yue seemed genuinely concerned about Lu Xu, Rong Que suggested, "You might want to observe for a while before making conclusions."

Tao Yue looked at him skeptically, then glanced at Lu Xu sitting not far away, slowly drinking from a water cup.

Lu Xu's hands were small, and he struggled to hold the cup, spilling some on his clothes.

He fretted, pinching his clothes and then, calmly and deliberately, set the cup aside. With both hands, he earnestly smoothed out the wrinkles he had created on his clothes.

After arranging his clothes, Lu Xu seemed satisfied, patting his own hem before picking up the cup again.

This series of actions exuded a leisurely and carefree demeanor, a stark contrast to the silent, ice-cold master from his previous life.

Tao Yue withdrew his gaze and noticed that Rong Que was also watching Lu Xu, with a hint of tenderness in his eyes, which was somewhat nauseating.

Reluctantly and somewhat awkwardly, Tao Yue advised, "Don't think about killing him before the master grows up. That will only bring the apocalypse sooner."

Rong Que glanced at him and said, "I'll take care of him."

Having said that, he walked towards Lu Xu.

Lu Xu had been waiting bored, occasionally drinking water, and unintentionally drinking a bit too much, feeling the need to use the restroom.

Seeing Rong Que finally coming back, he eagerly stood up. "You're back!"

Rong Que nodded.

Lu Xu approached and whispered, "Little Deer needs to use the restroom."

Going to the restroom required reporting to the teacher, but Lu Xu was a bit shy. Teacher Li was nice, but she was currently organizing activities for the remaining students, and he hesitated to interrupt.

Upon hearing this, Rong Que took Lu Xu and went to inform the teacher.

Teacher Li nodded, and Rong Que took Lu Xu to the restroom.

Lu Xu always found joy in these small things. Unconsciously, he held Rong Que's hand and swung it happily, going to the restroom with his good friend.

Watching Lu Xu happily swinging their hands, Rong Que felt a hint of envy. He had finally fulfilled this regret.

After using the restroom, Rong Que took Lu Xu to play on the nearby slides for the free activities.

They had to wait in line for the slides, but Lu Xu was no longer as fearful of crowds as before. The classmates in this class were friendly and curious about him, not treating him like a weirdo.

After playing two rounds on the slides, they went to sit on the seesaw.

The seesaw was Lu Xu's favorite game, but he hadn't played it because it required two people.

Lu Xu sat on the seesaw, gripping the handles tightly, feeling his body lift and fall as it teetered back and forth.

He played until other kids lined up, and Lu Xu reluctantly got off.

He thought the seesaw was much more fun than the slides.

In the kindergarten, there were also swings, made relatively low and with safety measures.

When Lu Xu saw there was no one around, he ran over again.

Rong Que initially thought Lu Xu had experienced swings before, but considering his short legs, he might not be able to reach the ground, and thus might not be able to swing by himself.

However, he then saw Lu Xu run behind the swings, grab the seat, and give it a push.

The swing swayed back and forth, and Lu Xu gave it another push.

Rong Que was stunned. He asked, "Don't you want to sit on it?"

Lu Xu turned around, puzzled, "I saw them playing like this, sitting on it without moving."

It turned out that Lu Xu didn't know how to use the swing.

Rong Que felt a bit distressed. He walked over and caught the still-swinging swing. "Do you want to try sitting on it?"

Lu Xu remembered seeing other kids playing on the swing, with one child sitting and another pushing.

He had sat on it before, and it was quite boring.

He always thought that the person pushing was the one having fun.

However, since Rong Que wanted to push him, he decided to give it a try.

Lu Xu obediently walked in front of the swing and tried to sit down, lifting himself up on his toes.

However, the swing moved backward, and Lu Xu nearly landed on his butt.

He turned around, looking pitifully at Rong Que, 'It seems like it doesn't want Xiao Lu to sit.”

'Give it another try; I've already talked to it,' Rong Que said with a hint of amusement, while using his hand to steady the swing seat.

This time, Lu Xu successfully sat on the swing.

Rong Que pulled up the protective chains to prevent the child from falling off due to unstable strength. Concerned about Lu Xu climbing too high, Rong Que didn't exert too much force, gently rocking the swing.

For Lu Xu, it was an unfamiliar experience.

It felt like he was about to fly.

Similar to the sensation on the seesaw.

Lu Xu enjoyed this feeling very much and happily said, 'It would be even better if we could fly higher.

Upon hearing this, Rong Que started to gradually increase the force.

It seemed that Lu Xu wasn't afraid of heights; the higher he swung, the happier he became. After playing for a while, soaring high in the air, Lu Xu turned to Rong Que and said, "Xiao Lu has had enough fun! Let Rong Que come and play!"

Rong Que then helped Lu Xu gradually come to a stop.

In reality, he wasn't very interested in swinging on the swing. However, Lu Xu seemed to enjoy pushing others, so Rong Que walked to the front, propped up the seat, and sat down.

Lu Xu gently pushed Rong Que. Since Lu Xu had played with it earlier, he knew that using more force would make the swing go higher.

"Do you want me to push harder, Rong Que?" Lu Xu asked as he pushed.

Rong Que wasn't particularly fond of swinging, so he replied, "It's just right as it is now."

After a few swings, Rong Que heard the voice of Tao Yue from behind.

"Lu Xu, can you help me push too?"

Rong Que tightened his grip on the swing's chain slightly.

Not that he was afraid Tao Yue would do something to Lu Xu. However, considering how much Tao Yue cared about Lu Xu, Rong Que couldn't help but worry that Lu Xu might be taken away.

Lu Xu didn't answer immediately; after giving Rong Que another push, he said, "But Xiao Lu only has one pair of hands."

Lu Xu wasn't a fool. He remembered the conversation with Tao Yue and the situation where Rong Que seemed displeased. Even though Rong Que had spoken with Tao Yue afterward, Lu Xu believed that Rong Que had his reasons.

Tao Yue responded with a disappointed "Okay."

Rong Que couldn't help but smirk, only to see Tao Yue sitting on the nearby swing the next moment, head hanging low, swaying with a faint amplitude—just like what Lu Xu had described, the appearance of someone unable to swing alone.

Rong Que had a bad feeling about this.

Sure enough, Rong Que immediately heard Lu Xu quietly speaking, "Brother Rong Que, Xiao Lu will help Tao Yue as well. I won't forget to swing you too!"

After saying this, Lu Xu didn't go directly to Tao Yue, as if waiting for Rong Que's approval.

Rong Que knew that if he said no, Lu Xu wouldn't go and swing Tao Yue. However, he didn't like the feeling of controlling Lu Xu, even though his instincts urged him to do so.

Lu Xu wasn't his possession.

"Xiao Lu can do anything that makes himself happy," Rong Que replied without giving a direct answer.

Lu Xu glanced back at Tao Yue, who was looking at him expectantly. After a moment of hesitation, he said, “Xiao Lu is happy when Brother Rong Que is happy!"

Rong Que felt somewhat surprised and instinctively glanced at Tao Yue.

Sure enough, Tao Yue's eyes were filled with resentment.

It seemed like he thought that Rong Que deliberately guided Lu Xu to say such things.

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