The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones Chapter 23



In the quiet dormitory, Teacher Li was gently patting Lu Xu's head.

Rong Que stayed silent, contemplating how to make up for what happened to Lu Xu.

"Xiao Lu, during nap time, we shouldn't disturb other classmates, even if they are your good friends," Teacher Li said. Initially slightly annoyed by the kids running around during nap time, Teacher Li softened her tone as she saw Lu Xu's adorable and innocent look, eventually releasing her hand from his head.

Lu Xu, hearing Teacher Li's familiar voice, slowly tilted his head upward.

Although Teacher Li had let go of his head, Lu Xu, thinking he still couldn't stand up, remained squatting on the floor obediently.

After lifting his head, the innocent gaze of his large eyes stared at Teacher Li for three seconds before he belatedly realized something was wrong.

Dressed in bunny pajamas, huddled by the bed like a furry ball, Lu Xu puzzledly asked, "Teacher Li, why are you here?"

Teacher Li couldn't help but find it amusing. When other children were caught doing something naughty, they would either be frightened or obediently admit their mistake. This was the first time she encountered a situation where a child boldly asked her why she was there.

To avoid disturbing the nap of other students, Teacher Li lowered her voice and crouched down, saying, "The teacher will always be here during your nap time, so please don't run around, okay?"

“Alright, I won't punish you for the first time. Go back to sleep now,” Teacher Li said, giving Lu Xu a pat on the back.

Expecting Lu Xu, the usually obedient child, to go back to bed right away, Teacher Li was surprised when he didn't move.

Lu Xu was indeed a well-behaved child.

But when it came to Rong Que having nightmares, it was a different story.

With a determined look on his face, Lu Xu turned around.

It was the first time Teacher Li had seen a child so serious, and she hesitated, not daring to move.

With a soft and tender expression on his little face, Lu Xu seemed as determined as if he was about to join the Young Pioneers ahead of time. He shook his head and began to explain to Teacher Li, "Teacher, Xiao Lu wants to stay with Rong Que. Otherwise, Rong Que will have nightmares."

His childish voice carried a hint of solemnity.

Teacher Li didn't want to dismiss this easily. She crouched down, establishing an equal eye level with Lu Xu, and asked, "Does Xiao Lu want to help Rong Que?"

Lu Xu nodded vigorously.

A pair of bright red eyes stared directly at Teacher Li without any hesitation.

Teacher Li could see the sincerity in Lu Xu's eyes. There was no lying or making excuses.

Rong Que was both shocked by Lu Xu's courage and touched by his actions.

He explained, "Teacher Li, I do indeed have nightmares, and Xiao Lu is just trying to keep me company."

Teacher Li looked at him, feeling a bit troubled.

According to the rules, students were supposed to sleep on their own.

However, both Rong Que and Lu Xu were well-behaved and reliable children.

Knowing that both of them were orphans, perhaps burdened with too many unpleasant memories that could lead to nightmares, Teacher Li couldn't bring herself to force a child who was sensible and reliable during the day but scared to sleep alone at night.

Reluctantly, she agreed to the earnest request of the two children and decided to contact the older brother, Qi Sui, to discuss the situation. Having recurring nightmares could be detrimental to a child's psychological well-being.

"That being said, you must not speak quietly and disturb the other students," Teacher Li reminded with concern.

With official approval, Lu Xu immediately became cheerful. "Thank you, Teacher Li."

After saying that, Lu Xu kicked off his small slippers and climbed onto the bed where Rong Que was lying. Seeing Lu Xu like this, Rong Que couldn't help but curl his lips, making some space inside for Lu Xu.

Teacher Li went over to Lu Xu's bed and brought his small pillow, stacking them together. Once Lu Xu climbed up, he immediately lay down obediently.

Teacher Li noticed that Lu Xu closed his eyes without intending to chat, so she returned to her seat near the door.

Rong Que, lying on his side, could see that Lu Xu's eyeballs seemed to be moving beneath his closed eyelids.

Lu Xu's small eyebrows were still slightly furrowed, and he didn't seem to have fallen asleep.

Rong Que whispered, "Thank you, Xiao Lu."

Lu Xu opened his eyes just a crack, still remembering the teacher's instructions. He extended his short fingers in front of his mouth, making a hushing motion, and his cheeks puffed up, showcasing his adorable little mouth.

Very cute.

Rong Que didn't want to disturb Lu Xu's sense of order, so he obediently closed his eyes, looking as if he were asleep.

The surroundings plunged into darkness, and all that could be heard was Lu Xu's breathing beside him.

Lu Xu's breathing rate was a bit higher than normal, probably due to his unique constitution, and his heartbeat was faster than others.

This kind of anomaly strangely brought a sense of comfort to Rong Que.

Immersed in the scent of fresh grass emanating from Lu Xu, Rong Que quickly fell asleep.

And he didn't have any nightmares.

Instead, he dreamt of a lush green meadow.

On the grass, a little bunny was earnestly nibbling on a large cabbage.

Rong Que kept watching in the dream, feeling unusually serene inside.

After spending the whole noon watching the bunny eat cabbage, Rong Que was awakened by the sound of the wake-up bell.

When he opened his eyes, he found that Lu Xu had already dressed himself.

Although Lu Xu's clothes were a bit messy, he had managed to put them on.

The wake-up nursery rhyme was still playing, and Rong Que realized that he had slept deeply.

Lu Xu had already dressed himself by the time Rong Que woke up.

Seeing Rong Que opening his eyes, Lu Xu, who was in a slightly disheveled outfit, leaned down to observe Rong Que's expression.

Then, he happily narrowed his eyes and asked, "Did Rong Que gege have any nightmares?"

Rong Que smiled. Lu Xu was genuinely concerned about the nightmares he had before. "No, Xiao Lu is really amazing."

"Hehe." Lu Xu smiled shyly. It seemed like he might have played a role in this.

"Tsk, you still have nightmares?" Tao Yue, who was not far away, naturally knew about the arrangement of Lu Xu sleeping with Rong Que because Lu Xu had mentioned that Rong Que might have nightmares before going to sleep.

Tao Yue's inner balance was now completely disrupted.

He had never slept with his owner before!

Certainly, Rong Que must be pretending.

Feeling Tao Yue's unmistakable jealousy, Rong Que was unaffected.

Rong Que, with an adult-like demeanor, glanced at him and said, "How about you try having nightmares too?"

Tao Yue: ...

If Rong Que hadn't mentioned it, he might have actually done it.

But now that Rong Que brought it up, Tao Yue couldn't bring himself to do it anymore.

Tao Yue turned away discontentedly to dress himself.

His solitary figure looked somewhat pitiful.

Seeing this, Lu Xu approached Rong Que and whispered, "Tao Yue seems to be lacking some love, but Xiao Lu already has Rong Que as the best friend."

Rong Que almost burst into laughter.

He wondered if Tao Yue overheard.

If he did, he would probably be even more upset.

Kindergarten teachers worked hard. They had to braid the hair of little girls and tidy up the clothes of children who couldn't do it properly.

The teacher sat at the doorway, and a long queue had already formed in front of her.

Children with self-care abilities, like Rong Que and Tao Yue, were relatively few, considering that this was only the kindergarten's small class.

Rong Que got up first to help Lu Xu change his clothes. Then, he used his hands to comb through Lu Xu's long black hair.

Lu Xu's hair was very smooth, without any tangles. It became neat with just the touch of fingers. Rong Que's palm slid down without any hindrance.

Lu Xu sat obediently at the edge of the bed, letting Rong Que fiddle with his hair.

Rong Que had never combed someone else's hair before. He gently combed through Lu Xu's hair as he fell asleep.

Running his fingers through the hair, Rong Que suddenly had a strong urge to braid Lu Xu's hair.

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