The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 65



The next morning, no one called for Lu Xu, but he had developed a biological clock, waking up at seven o'clock. He changed into casual clothes, and seeing that breakfast wasn't ready and no one was up yet, he decided to take a walk in the yard.

The landscaping in the yard was carefully designed, with the only exception being a pomegranate tree that seemed out of place.

It was planted by Lu Xu and Rong Que after they ate pomegranates together when they were young. Even Qi Sui was a bit surprised that it had managed to grow so well.

Though not aesthetically pleasing, the gardener still took good care of the tree.

Now, it had grown quite tall and bore many pomegranates.

In the past, they used to do morning exercises under this tree.

After looking around to make sure no one was there, Lu Xu went to the tree and did a few warm-up exercises.

His body quickly stretched out, feeling much more comfortable.

He had just rested when he saw Rong Que coming out of the house.

Rong Que, with an expression as usual, said, "Do you want some pomegranates?"

It seemed like he hadn't noticed Lu Xu's movements under the tree just now.

Lu Xu breathed a sigh of relief and quickly nodded, "Sure, but this tree looks a bit out of place compared to its surroundings."

Rong Que walked over, his eyes filled with nostalgia. "This was planted when we were young, my brother and I."

"Ah, then I won't pick any." Lu Xu acted tactfully. He also hoped Rong Xu would be considerate and not let others pick his brother's pomegranates.

However, Rong Que didn't follow his lead. Instead, he went to the side, took a tool specially designed for picking pomegranates, and chose the fullest-looking one.

Rong Que caught the falling pomegranate and then tossed it into Lu Xu's arms. "Take it to play."

Lu Xu: ...

Who throws pomegranates to play with? Even though he liked playing with them when he was young, isn't the person in front of him now a charming adult male?!

As expected, Rong Que still hadn't woken up.

Lu Xu sighed, reluctantly holding the pomegranate that was still damp with morning dew as he went back.

Rong Que couldn't help but curl his lips; Lu Xu's helpless appearance was quite cute.

Lu Xu placed the pomegranate on the table in his room as an offering and then went downstairs for breakfast.

He found it strange that today's breakfast was still the few things he used to love the most. Hasn't the family changed the menu in all these years? But, well, Lu Xu loved this taste, so he happily finished everything.

He raised his head and saw Rong Xu looking at him.

Lu Xu felt a bit embarrassed and said, "Am I entertaining to watch?"

Rong Que smiled, "Come on, let's go out."

"Didn't we plan to go to the cat cafe in the afternoon?" Although Lu Xu said this, he still got up and followed.

Rong Que replied, "It's boring being alone at home. Let's go out and have some fun together."

Lu Xu bit his lip. It developed to the point of going out together so quickly. Was the initial indifference an act?

Nevertheless, he still had to pretend to be happy, so he cheerfully packed up and went out with Rong Xu.

Coincidentally, he could also see what Rong Xu had been up to during these years when he was away.

Their first stop was the arcade they visited during Lu Xu's rebellious phase in junior high school when he brought Rong Que along.

Rong Que exchanged some coins and handed them to Lu Xu, asking, "What do you want to play?"

Lu Xu jiggled the game coins in his hand and said, "Let's go for claw machines."

After saying that, he intentionally smiled and teased, "Can you catch them?"

Rong Que walked towards the claw machine and asked, "Which one do you want?"

Lu Xu looked around and noticed that the previous rabbit design seemed to be out of stock, likely outdated. Even though he hadn't played in a long time, Lu Xu could still easily tell which machine was challenging to catch.

He chose a smoothly rounded doll that looked particularly challenging.

"How about we each get five attempts, and the one who successfully catches it wins? What do you think?" Lu Xu suggested.

"Sure." Rong Que inserted the coins, asking, "Is there any punishment for the loser?"

"The loser has to treat the winner to lunch and dinner," Lu Xu laughed.

Rong Que went first to catch the doll. For this type of rounded doll, it was more effective to hook its tag. Although the claw was unstable, after Rong Xu's five attempts, the targeted doll had been hooked close to the exit.

Lu Xu teasingly remarked, "You're quite skilled at this."

Rong Que nodded, saying, "I come here often."

Hearing this, Lu Xu couldn't help but curl his lips. He wondered who Rong Xu came here with, as it couldn't be that he came here solely to reminisce about the past.

Following Rong Que's example, Lu Xu tried to hook the doll. After only two attempts, the claw firmly dropped into the air. With Lu Xu's habit of shaking before releasing the claw, even though it fell from mid-air, it coincidentally hit another doll and rolled out.

Lu Xu was momentarily stunned, "So quickly..."

"It looks like I'll be treating you," Rong Que said regretfully.

Lu Xu took out the doll, thought for a moment, and handed it to Rong Xu, "Consider it a little gift for our first meeting."

"Thank you," Rong Que accepted it, "What would you like for lunch?"

"Then take me to your favorite place." Lu Xu squinted his eyes, intending to secretly learn more about Rong Que's preferences.

In the past, Rong Que always accommodated him, and Lu Xu had no idea about his preferences.

The two played some other games until their game coins were used up. Lu Xu noticed that, apart from the claw machine, Rong Que wasn't proficient in other games.

Although he learns quickly, it's evident that it's his first time playing.

Could it be that he really only came here to catch dolls before?

Lu Xu was a bit curious but didn't ask anything.

After going outside, they also bought bubble tea on the way.

Rong Que asked Lu Xu what flavor he wanted. Lu Xu was about to say his two favorite flavors when he suddenly remembered he was still hiding his identity..

He changed his response by two words.

Rong Que smiled and said he understood.

Then he went to line up, and Lu Xu waited on the side, playing with his phone and updating Qi Sui on the progress.

Qi Sui couldn't believe it and said, 'How did he go out with you so quickly? I've never seen him go out with anyone before.'

Lu Xu thought for a moment, 'I don't know, maybe he likes my type of appearance?'"

Qi Sui raised a crucial question, "Why do I feel like he knows it's you? There's no one in the world who understands you better than he does."

"But we're going to a cat cafe in the afternoon. He knows that cats won't approach me, but he doesn't know that I've learned to conceal my aura." Lu Xu was genuinely proud of this.

Qi Sui always felt that something was off, but seeing Lu Xu so confident, he didn't ask any further.

It was Lu Xu who hesitated for a moment, "If Brother Rong Que really likes my identity as Qi Zhao, then does that mean he won't like Lu Xu?"

Qi Sui typed for a while.

Finally, he sent the message before Rong Que returned, "That might mean that no matter what you become, Rong Que will fall in love with you over and over again?"

Lu Xu felt a slight comfort, but he still felt that something was not quite right with that statement.

Rong Que came back with two cups.

Lu Xu took the cup Rong Que handed to him and suddenly realized that it was the one he liked.

But he had clearly chosen a different tea base. Lu Xu found it strange and asked, "Did you get it wrong? This cup doesn't seem to be the one I mentioned."

Rong Que glanced at it, then earnestly compared the cup in his hand, saying, "Sorry, these two look too similar, I made a mistake. If you don't like it, I can buy you a new one."

Lu Xu shook his head, "It's okay, this one is fine."

Being able to drink his favorite flavor was already great.

Lu Xu felt somewhat happy, sipping his favorite taste, and couldn't help but show an expression of enjoyment on his face.

Rong Que looked at Lu Xu's eyes, revealing a subtle and indiscernible smile.

Little deer always made such an exaggerated expression whenever he drank this flavor of milk tea.

Rong Que took Lu Xu to the place for lunch near their kindergarten.

As they passed by, noticing Lu Xu looking at it a couple of times, Rong Que took the initiative, "I went to this kindergarten when I was little. Interested in taking a look inside?"

Lu Xu happily turned around; he was just thinking about going in to reminisce about his childhood, "Sure."

The two arrived at the entrance, and after Rong Que verified his identity, they successfully left their contact information and entered.

After all, it was the weekend, and there were no children inside.

Lu Xu looked around everywhere.

As a relatively good kindergarten back in the day, even if it was well-maintained, signs of aging could still be seen in some areas.

However, all the outdoor play equipment for activities showed signs of refurbishment.

Lu Xu searched for the swing, his favorite back then.

The swing was still in its place, but after the renovation, it had some new features.

Pretending to be curious and not very familiar, Lu Xu asked Rong Que, "Can we play with these?"

"As long as you don't break them, it should be fine," Rong Que could guess what he was going to do.

To avoid being too obvious, Lu Xu casually touched and played with every piece of equipment along the way.

He sat on the seesaw, hesitated for a moment, and decided not to play after all.

Both of them now had long legs, and playing on the seesaw should be quite amusing.

Lu Xu finally walked to the swing, cautiously tested its stability with his hand, and then sat on it.

Now he could swing it himself using his legs.

Lu Xu swung on the swing, feeling the wind, and remembered that when he was little, he didn't know how to swing. He would just sit there foolishly, thinking that pushing the swing for someone else was more fun.

After swinging a couple of times, Rong Que also sat in a nearby position.

Both of them tacitly remained silent, reminiscing about their past memories.

Lu Xu broke the silence and initiated a conversation, "Did you like swinging on the swing when you were little?"

"No," Rong Que seemed to recall the scene when he and Lu Xu first swung together, a hint of a smile in his eyes. "My younger brother liked pushing the swing for others. The teacher thought we were bullying him and wouldn't let him sit on the swing."

Lu Xu knew he was talking about himself and blushed a bit, quickly lowering his head to hide his embarrassment. "Well, his hobby is quite unique then."

"Yeah, my younger brother has always been adorable," Rong Que didn't hide his favoritism towards his brother at all.

Lu Xu became even more shy.

At that moment, Rong Que suddenly stood up, "Let me push you."

"Oh, okay," Lu Xu almost didn't react in time.

He lifted his legs, letting Rong Que push him gently.

For some reason, even though it was a very ordinary action, Lu Xu felt a bit uneasy with every touch.

Most importantly, why was Rong Que so easily pushing the swing for others?

Lu Xu wondered if he had pushed swings for anyone else during the two years he had been away.

Feeling like he was overthinking, Lu Xu couldn't take it anymore. He straightforwardly asked Rong Que to stop and shifted the focus, "Can we go take a look at your previous classrooms?"

Rong Que didn't say much and led him over.

For Rong Que, childhood memories were very vivid.

In fact, Lu Xu couldn't quite remember where their classrooms were.

Rong Que, however, navigated the way with ease, whether it was because he had visited before or simply had a good memory.

The classroom doors were locked on the weekend, but the windows were quite large, allowing a clear view inside.

Lu Xu leaned on the window, his eyes shining as he looked for a long time.

The classroom still had that warm feeling, with some slight changes in the layout.

The blackboard at the back still featured cute and high-quality drawings.

The walls displayed works of excellence from various past students.

Lu Xu spotted his own childhood drawing.

It had faded over time, but the teachers hadn't taken it down.

Lu Xu pointed at his own drawing with a somewhat amused expression, "That one looks like it's from the oldest grade."

In reality, Rong Que was also looking at that particular piece of artwork, recognizing its significance.

It was Lu Xu's first high-quality completed work.

Rong Que said, "That drawing is from my younger brother. He's currently studying abroad."

Lu Xu pretended to be surprised and praised himself, "Wow, your younger brother is really talented."

Rong Que smiled at him.

For some reason, Lu Xu felt a hint of awkwardness.

It was inexplicable, as if he had been caught praising himself with a secondary account.

To ease the awkwardness, Lu Xu took out his phone and snapped a picture of the classroom.

After exploring the campus, they went out for lunch.

It happened to be lunchtime, and the nearby restaurants were crowded, as it was a residential area bustling with a lively atmosphere.

They went to a barbecue place they used to frequent.

It was still popular, and the two of them had to wait in line outside for more than ten minutes.

"Hey, student Rong Que?" A woman's voice suddenly came, carrying a hint of surprise.

Lu Xu followed the sound and looked over.

More than ten years had passed, but Teacher Li's changes were not significant, and Lu Xu recognized her almost at a glance.

Teacher Li walked over and greeted Rong Que, "Eating here with a friend? You didn't say anything when you came this time."

Rong Que smiled familiarly, "Didn't want to disturb you on the weekend."

Lu Xu also wanted to catch up, but it was tricky with his incognito status.

Luckily, Rong Que introduced him as a distant cousin visiting.

Teacher Li chatted briefly with Rong Que before leaving.

Lu Xu had fond memories of Teacher Li and promised himself to visit her when he could reveal his identity.

When it was their turn, the waiter handed them the menu.

Rong Que handed the menu to Lu Xu, saying, "Just order whatever you want, my treat."

Lu Xu knew exactly what he liked to eat, but he couldn't order the dishes himself. He might give in to his cravings and order things he loved, making it too obvious.

So, Lu Xu handed the menu back, saying, "You order. You know what's good."

Rong Que took the menu, smiling with a hint of meaning, "Any dietary restrictions?"

Lu Xu shook his head, "I can eat anything."

Even if he didn't like something, he would eat a bit more to maintain the disguise.

Rong Que made the selections and showed the menu to Lu Xu, asking him to add anything he liked.

Lu Xu glanced at it; all the chosen items were his absolute favorites. There was nothing more to add, so he said it was good.

Throughout, Rong Que's eating habits coincided heavily with Lu Xu's.

It was unclear whether Rong Que adapted to Lu Xu or they simply had similar tastes.

Lu Xu felt quite content. He hadn't expected that even when he was away, Rong Que never forgot his taste preferences.

As the dishes were slowly brought to the table, and since the restaurant was bustling, the waitstaff were busy and Lu Xu thought of grabbing the tongs to grill the meat himself.

However, Rong Que took them and said, "Let me do it; I'm pretty good at grilling."

"You come here often?" Lu Xu asked curiously. Since Teacher Li recognized Rong Que at a glance, he must have visited this place before.

Rong Que shook his head, "I used to come here quite often before college."

Lu Xu acknowledged with a sound.

After grilling, Rong Que used scissors to cut all the big pieces of meat into bite-sized portions and set them aside for Lu Xu to pick.

Lu Xu, who generally didn't like eating meat, had a special fondness for the pork belly in barbecue restaurants.

Especially when it was grilled by Rong Que.

When others grilled, there always seemed to be a lingering taste of fat. Rong Que, on the other hand, always managed to grill the meat to perfection — tender and not greasy.

Lu Xu picked up a piece of meat. His habit of using every sauce and wrapping it in lettuce and other ingredients like a hamburger was too obvious, so he consciously restrained himself. Like everyone else, he simply wrapped the meat in lettuce. Still, it felt somehow unsatisfying.

After the meal, it was time to go to the cat cafe.

Lu Xu could finally prove that he wasn't just Lu Xu.

Rong Que, concerned about Lu Xu's digestion, asked if he wanted to take a short walk to the cat cafe since it wasn't far.

Lu Xu nodded; he enjoyed walking with Rong Que.

As they walked down the street, there were quite a few bicycles, and they encountered some riders who liked to ring their bells. When a few bicycles passed directly by them, Rong Que pulled Lu Xu aside.

Their hands naturally held onto each other.

Lu Xu was shocked, angry, and incredulous.

Fortunately, Rong Que walked only a few steps before letting go quite naturally.

Now, Lu Xu couldn't help but look at Rong Que's hand with some reluctance.

For some reason, holding hands in this way felt ambiguous, even though it was the same gesture. 

By the time they reached the cat cafe, Lu Xu was already a bit tired and eagerly wanted to sit down.

He pretended to awkwardly disinfect his hands, and then the two of them entered the cat cafe.

The staff seemed quite familiar with Rong Que. They warmly said, "Bringing a new friend, huh? It's been a while since I last saw your brother."

Rong Que nodded, "He hasn't returned yet."

While controlling his aura to approach the cats, Lu Xu secretly eavesdropped on their conversation.

Little did he know that Rong Que had been watching Lu Xu's cat-petting technique from behind.

Everyone has different preferences when it comes to petting cats.

Lu Xu, who used to have Rong Que pet cats on his behalf, particularly liked to pinch the cats' cheeks first, then spread his fingers to gently pat their bottoms.

So now, even when he could pet the cats himself, he unconsciously found himself doing it in the same way.

After chatting with the staff, Rong Que joined Lu Xu and sat down. Probably because he was a regular customer, the cats naturally came over to him for some affection.

Lu Xu looked on with envy.

Holding a chubby cat, he sat next to Rong Que and asked, "Do you come here often?"

Rong Que nodded, "The cats aren't very friendly towards my brother, so I always bring the little towel he used before, wrapped around some snacks, to feed them."

"I hope my brother can pet these cats when he comes back to the country."

Lu Xu stood still, stunned by his words.

He hadn't been back for so long, but in Rong Que's life, it seemed like Lu Xu had never left.

Lu Xu wanted to test whether Rong Que's method truly worked, so he secretly deactivated his ability to hide his aura.

Surprisingly, the cat on his lap remained comfortably sprawled, and its nose even twitched a bit, as if instinctively expecting a treat whenever this aura appeared.

If Lu Xu had come back without using his disguise, Rong Que would probably have been pleasantly surprised when he brought him to the cat cafe.

But now, Lu Xu was equally moved.

He even felt a bit conflicted about whether to honestly confess or not.

However, remembering that every interaction with Rong Que in the past had been without any overstepping, it seemed that Rong Que's kindness towards him was still based on the foundation of being his brother's friend.

Lu Xu didn't want it to be that way.

A little more pretending wouldn't hurt.

Lu Xu thought, "Let's take advantage of this a bit more."

They had dinner at the same barbecue restaurant near the cat cafe, just as they did back then.

The open-air barbecue joint in the narrow alley remained the same as in previous years. Aside from adding a canopy, the couple who ran it showed little change.

Lu Xu still let Rong Que place the order, pretending not to know which items were good. In any case, Rong Que mostly picked dishes that suited Lu Xu's taste.

It gave Lu Xu a nostalgic feeling, as if he had returned to that summer, even though it was winter now.

After finishing the barbecue, Lu Xu tentatively asked, "I haven't been to the small tavern yet. I heard that the one here is quite famous."

Rong Que hadn't been to one either, but now that they were both adults, and with a tavern nearby that Lu Xu had been curious about before, it seemed like a good opportunity to check it out.

Having a couple of drinks wouldn't hurt.

The tavern was dimly lit, creating an atmosphere that felt oddly ambiguous.

After ordering two specialty drinks, Rong Que received a phone call.

After saying something to Lu Xu, Rong Que left mysteriously.

Curious, Lu Xu followed him outside.

The entrance of the bar was at the corner of a corridor, and Lu Xu could see Rong Que at the door by sticking his head out.

There was a somewhat familiar woman with wavy hair talking to Rong Que.

After glancing around, Rong Que walked away, seemingly looking for a quieter place.

Lu Xu's initial thought was that Rong Que might have a girlfriend now.

But then he thought it was unlikely. If Rong Que really had a girlfriend, Qi Sui would have definitely told him.

Curious about what the two of them were up to, Lu Xu decided to use his ability to turn invisible and followed them.

They walked all the way to a narrow alley, just wide enough for two people to face each other.

Lu Xu clenched his fists, worried that Rong Que might be getting into something with the woman.

Whether he should reveal himself and catch them in the act or not, Lu Xu hesitated. However, as he got closer, he recognized the woman.

It was Li Haili, who had joined the special department many years ago and had been keeping an eye on them.

Li Haili was much older than Rong Que. Could it be that Rong Que had a liking for older women like her? No wonder he always treated Lu Xu as a younger brother...

Lu Xu felt a bit angry.

Then he heard Li Haili say with a serious expression, "The aura of the evil god has disappeared. Our department's personnel abroad reported that he returned to the country early, but the domestic contacts didn't find any trace of him."

Lu Xu: "???"

What evil god, what return to the country? What happened in the two years he was abroad?

Rong Que's expression didn't seem very pleased as he responded, "I told you there's no need to monitor so closely. He won't cause any trouble anymore."

"But his behavior this time is very strange. I know what kind of person Xiao Lu is, but for members of the special department..." Li Haili wanted to say more, but she noticed Rong Que's expression had turned grim and immediately stopped talking.

Every time members of the special department discussed Lu Xu's situation, Rong Que would react this way.

Lu Xu heard his own name.

Connected with the earlier mention of an evil god returning to the country.

Could it be that they were saying he was the evil god??

"In a few days, I'll tell you everything. For now, you don't need to worry about this matter." Rong Que's tone already sounded impatient.

Li Haili hesitated for a moment and said, "Although I know you, as the supervisor, are more concerned than we are, this matter is significant. Moreover, you've consistently rejected his advances, and we were worried he might cause trouble..."

"I understand. I'll write a detailed report for you in the next few days." Rong Que said, ready to leave.

Li Haili also knew his temperament, so she turned back.

Lu Xu's mind hadn't fully processed what was said, but Rong Que was heading back, so Lu Xu could only follow suit and return first.

To avoid being discovered by Rong Que that he wasn't in the bar.

When Rong Que returned, Lu Xu pretended he had already taken a few sips, casually asking Rong Que why he took so long.

Rong Que lied without leaving a trace on his face, "Just now, the teacher asked me to find something."

Lu Xu could only nod.

But his mind was still occupied with the conversation he overheard earlier.

There is almost no suspense; the so-called evil god in their conversation is Lu Xu. When Li Haili mentioned Rong Que as the overseer, it raised questions in Lu Xu's mind.

Does it mean that Rong Que approached him initially just to supervise him? Has Rong Que been sticking with him, never leaving, and protecting him, all for the purpose of surveillance?

Lu Xu's mind felt a bit dizzy. Li Haili had been with them from childhood, and Lu Xu always thought she was sent by the special department to protect them.

However, upon careful consideration, Li Haili's abilities were not particularly lethal—mostly for self-defense and gathering information. It seems more like she was here to supervise Lu Xu.

In case anything happened to Lu Xu, Li Haili's ability to escape could be sufficient for her to report back to the special department.

So, in the midst of all these events, Lu Xu seems to play the role of an unpredictable time bomb.

Lu Xu's memories of his acquaintance with Rong Que are vivid and clear.

He did lose control back then, and he thought Rong Que hugged him simply because he believed in him. He never expected there to be a purpose behind it.

Was it all to prevent him from causing havoc in the world? To supervise him in real-time?

Even when he was abroad, it seems he was constantly under surveillance.

However, since the death of his biological father and gaining control over his other form, Lu Xu hadn't experienced any similar incidents. Why did everyone still keep an eye on him?

Does Qi Sui also know about this? Is everyone keeping it a secret from him?

Lu Xu's mind is in turmoil, and he almost doesn't hear Rong Que calling him.

"Don't drink too quickly," Rong Que reminds him.

Lu Xu absentmindedly responds twice, not even daring to look at Rong Que's face.

Rong Que realizes that something is wrong. Frowning, he asks, "What's the matter with you?"

Having to continue pretending, Lu Xu desperately turns his head away, half-jokingly saying, "Are you very concerned about me?"

Rong Que looks into Lu Xu's eyes and earnestly nods.

Lu Xu bites his lip, "Aren't you afraid your little brother will get jealous?"

Rong Que remains silent, realizing that Lu Xu's mood is not quite normal. Wanting to prevent Lu Xu from drinking more, he is already aware that something is off.

Rebellious thoughts come over Lu Xu, and he gulps down all the alcohol in one go. The sweet cocktail doesn't make him uncomfortable, but finishing it so quickly leaves him with a heavy, dizzy feeling.

Lu Xu starts to feel a bit sleepy and decides to rest his head on the table. Concerned about Lu Xu catching a cold, Rong Que stands up, ready to take Lu Xu home. Lu Xu, however, unhappily slumps into the chair, refusing to go home with Rong Que.

"Don't go back with you," Lu Xu grumbles.

Worried about Lu Xu's well-being, Rong Que tries to pull him up, insisting that he is not safe in this condition outside.

Lu Xu, in a discontented tone, collapses into the chair, "I don't want to go back with you."

Puzzled, Rong Que wonders what he did to upset Lu Xu. It seems like everything changed after he took that phone call. "Then how can I get you to come back with me?"

Lu Xu, in his intoxicated state, without realizing he is still in disguise, challenges Rong Que, "Be my boyfriend."

"Coming back home with your boyfriend is normal," Lu Xu mumbles incoherently.

"Alright," Rong Que replies.

Lu Xu's confused mind registers this response. He briefly feels happy, but then a sudden realization hits him—Rong Que agreed not to him but to Qi Zhao.

Lu Xu purses his lips, not breaking into tears but silently shedding tears. Seeing Lu Xu in distress, Rong Que becomes a bit frantic. He helps Lu Xu up, intending to take him home.

However, Lu Xu, witnessing the close interaction between Rong Que and Qi Zhao, feels even more upset. Hanging onto Rong Que, tears on his cheeks, he utters with a teary voice, "I won't go back. I want to go to a friend's house."

"Which friend?" Rong Que, not wanting to argue with a clearly intoxicated Lu Xu, inquires.

Though heavily intoxicated, Lu Xu is still aware of his disguise. Twisting his delicate eyebrows, he retorts with a hint of jealousy, "It's none of your business. You're not my boyfriend."

"I can be," Rong Que responds without hesitation. He doesn't want Lu Xu to go to some friend's place when he's here, more than willing to take care of him.

Rong Que's sincere declaration reveals his true feelings, a realization that dawned upon him during the days without Lu Xu. The words aren't meant as mere consolation; Rong Que genuinely means them.

However, for Lu Xu, hearing Rong Que's serious confession only intensifies his distress. This declaration wasn't directed at Lu Xu but at the fictional 'Qi Zhao.' Unable to confide in anyone and feeling overwhelmed, Lu Xu resorts to a tantrum. "Go home, go home, I want to sleep," he insists.

Seeing Lu Xu finally willing to go home with him, Rong Que takes off his own coat and wraps it around Lu Xu. He then hails a taxi, and they head home.

Upon reaching home, Rong Que assists Lu Xu up the stairs. Lu Xu, with limbs weakened by alcohol, nearly stumbles, but Rong Que quickly lifts him up, opting for a princess carry.

Drunk and unsteady, Lu Xu attempts to recall if Rong Que has ever carried him like this before.

It turns out that he is letting someone he recently met carry him like this.

Lu Xu, overcome with emotions, clutches Rong Que's shirt and wipes away his tears without reservation. Rong Que, feeling somewhat helpless, carries him to the bedroom and goes to fetch a towel, intending to help Lu Xu clean up.

On the bed, Lu Xu rolls around, reminiscing about the day before he went abroad, the day they shared a similar scene. However, today, Rong Que is taking care of Qi Zhao.

When Rong Que returns with a warm towel to wipe Lu Xu's face, he finds Lu Xu, in a somewhat unclear state of mind, protecting his body, not wanting Rong Que to see it. Lu Xu mumbles, "This, this is not good, hmm."

Respecting Lu Xu's wishes, Rong Que hands him the towel and steps back. He goes to the doorway, saying, "You can do it yourself. Let me know when you're done, and I'll bring you some fresh water."

In this world, Rong Que arranges for the housekeeper to prepare a sobering soup, intending to help Lu Xu recover from the effects of the alcohol.

After taking nearly half an hour to freshen up and drinking the sobering soup, Lu Xu finally manages to clean himself up. Feeling the drowsiness dissipate, he decides not to send Rong Que away. At this moment, the guest room feels lonely to him.

Lu Xu pulls Rong Que to join him in watching a movie. He specifically chooses a romantic comedy that Lu Xu used to enjoy a lot.

Leaning against the headboard, Lu Xu sits obediently, resembling a small cat, waiting for Rong Que to set up the projector, turn off the lights, and start the movie. He even lifts the nearby blanket, pats the bed, and, with a slightly nasal tone, says, "Come, sit here, my new boyfriend."

Rong Que finds it amusing but complies, asking, "Do you still have an old boyfriend?"

Lu Xu pouts innocently and replies, "Noooo."

Watching Lu Xu's cute and pitiful expression, Rong Que can't help but imagine Lu Xu making the same face on his own.

Rong Que leans against his own pillow, and Lu Xu, a bit shy, shifts his hips before unconsciously leaning against Rong Que's chest while watching the movie.

Lu Xu didn't really want to watch the movie; he just wanted to quietly cry in Rong Que's arms. Even the still-emotional Lu Xu manages to sit quietly, silently shedding tears.

It isn't until Rong Que feels a small wet patch on his clothes that he sighs and tilts Lu Xu's head towards him, looking at Lu Xu's tear-streaked face.

Lu Xu blinks his eyes and casually says, "I'm just too moved by the movie."

"Okay," Rong Que responds, not bothering to wipe away Lu Xu's tears. Instead, he lowers his head and gently kisses the corner of Lu Xu's lips.

The cool tears mix with the warm and tender lips, creating an exceptionally salty taste. Lu Xu's mind goes blank.

They kissed.

Rong Que kissed someone he just met.

This sudden kiss clears away Lu Xu's drunkenness. Right when he is about to push Rong Que away, Rong Que gently separates and whispers, "Xiao Lu, don't be sad."

Lu Xu's brain, which took ten seconds to process, shows an expression as if the CPU has burned out, and his face turns red.

His hand is still lightly resting on Rong Que's chest, and he uncertainly says, "Did you mistake me for someone else because you're drunk?"

Rong Que can't help but laugh, "Silly boy, your acting skills are too clumsy."

Lu Xu falls silent.

So, he had already been exposed.

No wonder Rong Que was initially so indifferent and then suddenly became affectionate.

"Why did I feel it was me when we went to the cat café? I didn't hesitate at all," Lu Xu finds it a bit strange.

Rong Que explained, "Because you've learned to change your appearance and can even hide your aura, right? Little animals judge based on your aura."

Lu Xu finds it somewhat reasonable.

Since his plans are already exposed, Lu Xu decides to revert to his transformed state. In the dim light of the movie, a pair of beautiful red eyes reappear, followed by the soft long hair and cute fluffy rabbit ears.

Although he only revealed his original face, Lu Xu feels a sudden awkwardness, not knowing what to say.

Rong Que affectionately strokes Lu Xu's rabbit ears, his eyes filled with tenderness, "So, little deer, what's making you upset?"

Initially, Lu Xu was upset that Rong Que became Qi Zhao's boyfriend, especially after overhearing their conversation. But now that Rong Que knows it's him, there's no longer any reason to feel upset.

Yet, the content he overheard makes him doubt whether his relationship with Rong Que is part of a conspiracy.

Rong Que might just be acting as a supervisor, monitoring him and using the pretext of developing emotions to make Lu Xu obedient.

As soon as this thought crosses Lu Xu's mind, fear takes over. He instinctively wants to avoid this topic.

Feeling a bit dizzy, Lu Xu doesn't know how to express himself. So, he can only change the subject, asking, "So, being my boyfriend, is that for real?"

"Of course, it's real," Rong Que smiles. "I've never deceived Xiao Lu."

Feeling a bit unhappy, Lu Xu can't shake off the notion that Rong Que's role as a supervisor is, in essence, a deception.

Lost in his thoughts, Lu Xu doesn't realize he has blurted out something until Rong Que looks surprised and asks, "What did Xiao Lu just say?"

Lu Xu groans, suddenly realizing he just revealed something he shouldn't have.

Not daring to face reality, Lu Xu instinctively covers his head with the blanket, refusing to hear any more about this matter.

"Xiao Lu, if you want to know, I'll tell you everything, okay?" Rong Que speaks earnestly.

Lu Xu, however, is hesitant to listen.

But his ears betray his true thoughts.

Watching the rabbit ears poking out from under the blanket, Rong Que begins, "Xiao Lu, do you think my feelings for you are just part of the Special Department's job?"

Lu Xu's ears twitch, then he nods from under the blanket.

"But we were already close before we even knew Li Haili, right?"

Seemingly making sense, Lu Xu is skeptical as he lowers the blanket, revealing his eyes, staring at Rong Que with an inquisitive look.

Rong Que's face shows no signs of deceit.

"But you suddenly agreed to be with me... Was it the Special Department forcing you?" Lu Xu feels a bit downcast.

He distinctly remembers Rong Que rejecting him and then suddenly accepting him when he returned.

Rong Que is somewhat surprised. "Xiao Lu, why would you think that? If that were the case, I would have agreed many years ago."

"I don't have strong feelings for most people, but Xiao Lu, you always make me worry."

Rong Que continues, as if finding his own behavior somewhat amusing. "Every day you're not around, I worry about you being picky with food or catching a cold."

Hugging his knees, Lu Xu realizes he is no longer the child he used to be and understands the difference between romantic and familial love.

"But, is there a difference between your feelings for me and those of parents for their children?" Lu Xu wants to clarify the nature of their relationship, hoping it's not based solely on familiarity and an ambiguous familial connection.

"Yes, there is a difference," Rong Que says, moving closer to Lu Xu.

Feeling the faint scent of sweet wine on Rong Que, Lu Xu's face turns red, and his heart seems to skip a beat.

Rong Que's lips gently touch Lu Xu's eye corner, conveying a comforting sense.

"Do you dislike it, Xiao Lu?" Rong Que asks, deliberately posing such a question in the thickening atmosphere.

Lu Xu bit his lip, a little annoyed, "What do you think?"

Rong Que stopped asking, put his soft lips together, and then pried Lu Xu's teeth open with some guidance.

Lu Xu couldn't stand the slow and minute torture, so he directly wrapped his arms around Rong Que's neck, and their lips and tongues were inextricably intertwined.

The atmosphere between Lu Xu and Rong Que becomes intense, and Lu Xu, feeling a mix of embarrassment and irritation, challenges Rong Que.

Rong Que decides not to ask further and guides Lu Xu with a soft touch, leading to a passionate exchange of kisses. After a few minutes, they pause due to Lu Xu's difficulty in breathing.

Satisfied, Rong Que embraces Lu Xu, his lips brushing against Lu Xu's earlobe. He softly bites it and confesses, "I missed you a lot."

Lu Xu, with a mix of excitement and joy, responds, "I missed you too, Rong Que gege." The two find comfort in each other's arms, and as the movie continues playing in the background, Lu Xu falls asleep in the dim light and Rong Que's embrace.

Rong Que quiets the movie, turns around, and pulls Lu Xu closer, fully embracing him. The soft glow from the flickering screen occasionally illuminates their serene sleeping faces.

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