The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 35



Rong Que closed the doors of the other rooms, leaving only the living room and bedroom, where the person with abilities could enter, open. Then, he closed all the windows.

Next, he sent a message asking Qi Sui to bring ten laser pens.

With Cai You safely home, there was no need to keep watch downstairs anymore. The person with abilities would only be inside the house now.

Qi Sui quickly bought the laser pens from the supermarket downstairs and came up carrying a bag.

Rong Que distributed the laser pens to everyone, two each, and asked each person to shine them onto the carpeted areas in the room, looking for places where the light refracted.

Li Si thought they were going to catch an extraterrestrial and was quite eager.

While sweeping the room with the laser pens, Rong Que also used his own spatial abilities to seal off any areas that were confirmed to be empty, preventing the person from moving around freely.

This way, they would eventually force the person with abilities to reveal themselves.

As the available space inside the house became smaller, Qi Sui finally noticed that the light directed toward the ceiling had an abnormal deviation.

The light beam experienced a bend near the ceiling, precisely one that was nearly the thickness of a human body.

However, the next moment, that bend disappeared.

"He escaped!" Qi Sui frowned, but Rong Que had sealed off almost half of the living room, leaving the person with limited space to run.

However, the person with abilities obviously wasn't planning to sit idly and be captured. The group felt a swift breeze on their faces, indicating that something had moved rapidly.

The direction of movement was towards Lu Xu.

In the next second, Lu Xu was lifted into the air right where he stood.

Rong Que breathed a sigh of relief. As long as they didn't catch Li Si, it was fine.

Rather than killing Lu Xu, the group preferred to capture him. And Lu Xu already had the ability to defend himself.

Seeing how the person with abilities targeted Lu Xu directly, it indicated that Gu Shan hadn't had the chance to inform the organization that Lu Xu had gained control over his abilities.

The person with abilities didn't intend to reveal themselves. It seemed like they had their arm looped under Lu Xu's arm, holding him in front of them.

"Do you think I'm a fool?" A woman's voice echoed in the room, sounding like she was under thirty.

As everyone looked in the direction of the voice, waiting for the woman's next words, Li Si, seeing Lu Xu being captured, was overcome by the triumph of love over reason. He found the courage to run towards the person with abilities and shouted, "Release my Xiao Lu!!"

In the next moment, Li Si stood side by side with Lu Xu.

Lu Xu tilted his head, looking at Li Si with confusion, "What are you doing?"

Li Si held onto Lu Xu's hand, "I will protect you!"

Rong Que: ...

Lu Xu being captured was actually a good opportunity to catch the person off guard. After all, the person clearly didn't know about Lu Xu's abilities and assumed he hadn't awakened yet.

Initially, they were worried that the person might directly take Li Si as a hostage. However, they didn't expect Li Si to willingly walk into the situation.

Perhaps having two hostages gave the person with abilities a sense of security, as they revealed themselves directly.

Behind Lu Xu, the figure of a woman gradually appeared.

She was dressed in a tight-fitting outfit for ease of movement, outlining a graceful figure, with wavy hair and red lips, exuding a seductive charm.

However, she didn't seem very intelligent.

"Move aside. If you want these two brats to stay alive, don't try to interfere," the enchanting woman walked toward the window in the living room.

She preferred the window over the door, instinctively feeling safer that way.

The remaining three people obediently made way for her, with no signs of urgency on their faces.

The woman found it strange as she held the two trembling children without any means of defense.

The other two kids, who didn't seem anxious about their classmate being taken, and the only adult present didn't try to stop her.

However, without bothering to dwell on these thoughts, the woman, who couldn't be bothered with complexities, instructed Lu Xu to open the window and then leaped through it.

The imagined scene of leaving behind her beautiful silhouette and disappearing into the sky didn't materialize.

The seductive woman collided headfirst with something hard.

Plus, she didn't hold back any strength when jumping out, nearly knocking herself unconscious.

Stumbling in place for a moment, the woman turned around, still a bit unsteady, revealing a fiercely sinister expression. "Oh, it's your ability, isn't it!"

She was looking at Qi Sui.

Qi Sui looked a bit innocent; indeed, everyone in the room was a child, and he seemed to be the most formidable.

The woman tried to support herself against the wall, but with two children in her hands, she could only lean against the wall. She spoke with a menacing tone, "If you don't retract your ability, I'll randomly resolve one of these kids."

Rong Que sighed. He didn't want Lu Xu to use his abilities in front of their classmates.

However, before he and Lu Xu could agree on the prearranged signal, Li Si's head suddenly drooped next to Lu Xu.

The seductive woman also sensed something amiss with the child in her hands and furrowed her brows. "I didn't touch him."

She even shook Li Si a bit, saying, "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Li Si swayed with her movement, as if completely unconscious.

Could it be that he was scared unconscious? However, judging by his appearance, he didn't seem very afraid.

Rong Que thought of another possibility.

Had the other person been reborn to this point?

In the next second, Li Si lifted his head again.

There was a momentary look of confusion on his face.

When he noticed he was being held, he suddenly raised his hand.

A sticky white spiderweb covered the woman's face.

She was looking down at him, caught off guard by the disgusting substance sticking to her face.

She didn't know what it was, but there was a visceral fear.

She couldn't care less about holding the child; both hands were now busy trying to remove the clinging substance from her face.

As she was clearing the spiderweb from her eyes, barely restoring her vision, she saw the child she had just captured lifting his hand and muttering something.

When the woman realized she needed to dodge, she found herself glued to the wall behind her by a dense and thick spiderweb.

She stared at Li Si in disbelief.

Wasn't it said that this child hadn't awakened his abilities yet??

Why did it have to be spider silk of all things? She hated spider silk the most!!

Li Si rubbed his head, processing the current situation.

The others were already standing in front of the woman, ready to interrogate her.

Rong Que, after making sure everything was fine by turning Lu Xu around in a circle, instructed Tao Yue and Lu Xu to go to the bedroom and wait.

Because the upcoming conversation might involve the reincarnated person, and he was worried that the woman might reveal Lu Xu's future, causing harm to him.

Tao Yue, unusually agreeable, pulled Lu Xu along and left.

Although Lu Xu didn't quite understand, he believed that Rong Que must have his reasons.

The bedroom door closed, and the sound of an anime started playing inside.

They probably couldn't hear anything now.

Li Si was still standing there; he needed a moment to recover.

Rong Que tore the spiderweb off the woman's face, and once it fell, it dissipated directly in the air.

Environmentally friendly and sanitary.

Li Si's ability was spider-related, and it happened to have a natural suppression effect on insects like the woman.

However, Rong Que didn't expect Li Si to have reincarnated at this moment.

Probably, Li Si felt the danger, and as his abilities recovered, the memories of his past life also returned.

The woman didn't seem to be a high-ranking member of that organization.

Her information seemed quite sealed off.

Without thinking too much, Qi Sui spoke first, "Who sent you?"

The woman sneered, "Do you take me for a fool?"

Qi Sui glanced at Rong Que covertly.

He genuinely thought she might be foolish enough to answer directly.

"What are you here for then?" Qi Sui asked, changing his approach.

The woman instinctively tried to run her hand through her hair, only to find it stuck firmly and unable to lift. "Hmph, of course, I'm here to capture the future destroyer."

Without waiting for others to speak, she frowned and advised, "You also have reincarnators among you, right? Can't you see that they will become demons destroying the world in the future?"

The woman didn't seem to be lying.

However, protecting the world was definitely not the organization's intention.

Either they deceived this person, letting her come to probe the situation first, or she was genuinely misled.

"Who told you that?" Qi Sui asked, "How long did you survive in the apocalypse in your past life?"

When asked about how long she survived, the woman's face reddened a bit. She spoke with an unnatural tone, "I was killed within a few days, but I recognize the child in the bedroom."

She pointed at Lu Xu, saying it should be him. "He's very much like that terrifying thing back then."

Rong Que interrupted, "He won't turn into that now. Why do you want to capture him?"

The woman looked at Li Si. "Aren't they accomplices?"

Clearly, this woman had been deceived.

Capturing her wouldn't yield any useful information.

Li Si seemed to have recovered by now. He looked at the woman and gave a gentlemanly smile. "Madam, you seem to be mistaken."

Qi Sui continued mercilessly, "If you had lived a few more years in your past life, you would know that we were among the more well-known ability users at that time."

The woman frowned, "Why should I believe you?"

"Why did you believe in that organization, then?" Rong Que subtly redirected the conversation.

The woman, without much caution, replied, "They are professional researchers..."

After saying this, she realized she had inadvertently revealed information about the organization.

Damn it, this kid deceived her.

Oh right, these kids should also be reincarnators.

"How did you contact them?" Rong Que, as he spoke, created a sharp spatial object in his hand.

The woman, having been deceived once, had become wary. Initially, she didn't plan to say much, but as she turned her head, she felt an invisible yet sharp object against her leg.

Starting to feel afraid, she didn't want to die again. Moreover, these people didn't seem like bad guys.

Reluctantly, she said, "They contacted me themselves, saying they saw me flying in the sky."

Rong Que continued her words, "So they asked you to capture someone, but didn't specify where to take them?"

The woman shook her head, "They didn't say. Just told me to bring them to the place where they found me back then."

Rong Que retracted his ability, "What's your name?"

"Li Haili," Li Haili responded without hesitation.

In her impression, bad guys usually revealed the truth and then silenced their victims. However, this group seemed to spare her.

Li Haili added, "Can you release me? I won't run."

As she spoke, she looked at Li Si who was restraining her.

However, Li Si, after giving her a brief glance, suddenly fainted again.

When Rong Que looked over, Li Si was already lying on the ground, rubbing his head.

Looking around, Li Si completely ignored Li Haili, who was bound there, and exclaimed in fear, "Ah! Where's little Lu Xu?"

Rong Que sighed, feeling a bit weary. "He's in your bedroom. Go in and play."

Upon hearing this, Li Si immediately ran into his own bedroom.

Li Haili watched helplessly as the other left. "You... won't release me?"

Even Qi Sui, after noticing Li Si's abnormality, sighed. "Haven't you noticed?"

Li Si's ability and memories were restored along with the danger. However, when Li Haili gave up resistance, Li Si felt safe again and reverted to a childlike state.

The situation of the other person's rebirth seemed different from theirs. Perhaps Li Si intentionally chose not to retain memories from his past life, opting to live with the memories of a child.

At least, when there was danger, he could come forward as a form of protection.

Li Haili frowned. By now, she realized that she had been completely deceived, despite observing them for many days before entering.

Li Si's life is very positive, and she can't imagine what situation would turn her into an anomalous being capable of destroying the world.

Li Haili took the initiative, "They arranged to meet me tomorrow at that abandoned building in Chengnan. If you want to capture them, you can come with me."

"But at least there has to be a child with me as bait."

Looking at her, Rong Que realized that this was indeed a method to find the contact person.

However, it also came with uncertain risks, whether Li Haili would face retaliation later or the strength of the contact person was unknown.

However, the organization chose to deceive Li Haili into coming alone to capture someone, perhaps because there are currently no reliable anomalous individuals within the organization.

They will eventually confront that organization, so it's better to go now while the organization still lacks anomalous individuals.

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