The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 34



Lu Xu couldn't stand hearing Tao Yue speak ill of Rong Que. Without waiting for Rong Que to respond, he said, "Xiao Lu is very powerful."

Seeing this, Rong Que couldn't help but smile, "Yeah, Xiao Lu is the most powerful."

Tao Yue fell silent for a moment, then quickly changed his expression, smiling as he looked at Lu Xu, "I'm just a little scared too."

Lu Xu hesitated for a moment and said, "Then don't cause trouble. Xiao Lu will protect you."

Cai You didn't know what they were talking about and thought everyone was afraid of extraterrestrials. In his impression, Lu Xu wasn't particularly athletic.

Unaware of the different wavelengths, Cai Youdao rolled up his sleeves, showing his thin arms, and earnestly said, "It's okay, I can protect you all!"

Fortunately, the elevator arrived, or Rong Que wouldn't know how to explain everything. When the group reached the door, they suddenly realized that no one could ring the doorbell. Cai You had to knock on the door.

Almost seconds after the knock, the sound of the door handle being turned could be heard.

It seemed like Li Si had been waiting at the door for a while.

When the door opened, Li Si was still hanging onto the handle, tiptoeing to push the door open.

Li Si's mom, hearing the commotion, came out wearing an apron and holding a spatula.

The other party was a well-maintained and attractive woman. Her slightly curled hair was casually tied behind her head. Despite wearing an apron, she still looked like a professional working woman. "The kids are here. Come in and play. The house is clean, no need to wear shoes."

Everyone nodded politely and then squatted at the door to take off their shoes.

Li Si's mom was a bit surprised. This group of kids wasn't making much noise. She had prepared for some lively playtime for the children.

After closing the door, she returned to the kitchen, and everyone followed Li Si to his bedroom.

Li Si's room wasn't small, but with five kids in it, it felt a bit cramped.

Despite it being broad daylight, the room was lit by warm lights, and the curtains were tightly drawn.

As the owner, Li Si mysteriously whispered, "I saw the extraterrestrial almost crouching on my window last night."

This sounded quite terrifying, just thinking about it made Lu Xu unable to help but hold onto Rong Que's hand.

Li Si also seemed quite scared. Frowning, without even exchanging pleasantries with Lu Xu first, he told everyone, "Every time I call my mom, the extraterrestrial disappears."

"Last night, I asked my mom to sleep with me, and the extraterrestrial didn't appear again."

Rong Que looked at the tightly drawn curtains; the other side probably intended to take action.

According to Li Si's description, last night was the first time the extraterrestrial had leaned against the window to watch him. The next time, it might come inside.

Even with Li Si's mom at home, keeping him company, an ordinary person without any means of defense couldn't protect Li Si from a person with supernatural abilities.

Since they were already barefoot, Rong Que made a hushing motion, then silently approached the window and suddenly pulled open the thick curtains.

There was nothing outside the window.

Li Si sighed in relief but also felt a bit disappointed. He had called everyone to see the extraterrestrial.

But they didn't see anything.

However, Rong Que was staring at the glass of the window.

There was a slowly fading handprint on the glass.

It was as if someone had just pressed their warm palm against the glass.

Rong Que climbed onto the windowsill, opened the small window above, and glanced around the window.

This was the twenty-fifth floor, with no platforms or footholds.

There was nowhere to hide.

So, was the person's ability climbing, floating, or teleportation?

In the post-apocalyptic world, everyone had only one ability, except for entities like Lu Xu who could learn others' abilities.

If the person's ability was more inclined towards reconnaissance or ambush, they might not confront them directly.

Seeing that there was no one outside, Li Si huddled behind Cai You and said, "Maybe we should still close the curtains. Otherwise, I always feel like someone is watching me from outside."

Rong Que pulled the curtains closed, but intentionally left a gap.

Although Li Si had brought everyone to his house to see the extraterrestrial, after they arrived, he didn't know if it was due to being courageous or something else. He then led everyone to the living room to play video games.

Tao Yue and Rong Que were more interested in the person with abilities, so they didn't join the game. Lu Xu, who hadn't played before, watched attentively from the side.

Only Cai You and Li Si were fully immersed in the game.

Although Rong Que seemed to be sitting on the sofa watching them play, his attention was always directed towards the bedroom.

With so many people coming today, theoretically, the other party should give up and wait for a situation where Li Si was alone.

But Lu Xu's identity might not be a secret at their research institute.

With Lu Xu around, it wasn't impossible for the other party to try to take everyone down at once.

Rong Que opened his phone and sent a message to Qi Sui: "Was there someone leaning on the bedroom just now?"

Qi Sui quickly replied: "We've been watching, there was nothing. I used my small telescope."

Rong Que frowned, absentmindedly tapping the edge of his phone with his index finger.

The handprint on the glass had quickly disappeared at that time.

Indeed, it was the imprint left by human body temperature touching the cold glass.

But Qi Sui hadn't seen anything at all.

Could it be that the other party could turn invisible?

But the ability to become invisible itself was a separate power.

Did the other person have accomplices or use some tool to maintain themselves outside the high-rise?

While Li Si and Cai Youdao were battling a boss in the game, the background music suddenly intensified.

In the midst of the intense drumbeat, Rong Que heard a discordant sound.

He quickly ran towards the bedroom and forcefully pushed open the door.

Tao Yue and Lu Xu immediately followed.

The small window in the bedroom, which Rong Que had previously closed, was now wide open.

The wind on the high-rise made the windows flutter in the room.

Rong Que walked over to close the window and looked around.

There were no traces of anyone entering.

He was certain that when he heard the sound of the window being pulled, he immediately came over.

Could it be true that the person was invisible, and they had already entered?

Rong Que reached out and touched around the window but didn't feel anything invisible to the naked eye.

Where could they have gone?

He didn't believe that the person hadn't entered; it was just that the person had hidden somewhere.

Tao Yue also stood beside him, looking equally puzzled.

"Ah!" Lu Xu suddenly exclaimed.

Rong Que quickly turned around, only to see Lu Xu staring in the direction of the door, pointing with his finger, "Just now, it seemed like someone was behind me."

Rong Que and Tao Yue hurriedly walked over. If the person on the opposite side had the ability to turn invisible, the three of them had already occupied the corridor, and there was no contact with anything invisible or tangible.

What kind of ability was this?

Lu Xu clung tightly to Rong Que, afraid of encountering something else.

Worried that the other party might directly target Li Si, Rong Que had no choice but to take Lu Xu out and close the door again.

He had come over very quickly, and at a normal speed, there wouldn't be enough time to hide in a cabinet or something.

But Lu Xu still sensed the presence of that person behind him.

In what way did the person with abilities move from the front to the back? Could it be that they were still in the air?

But how could invisibility and levitation exist simultaneously?

Rong Que couldn't figure it out.

Lu Xu whispered, "Could he have turned into a fly and flown in?"

Rong Que paused for a moment. Flies are very small, and he didn't see any insects in the room at that time.

But it was true that someone's ability was directly related to animals.

He searched through all the types of abilities he had seen in his previous life.

Invisibility, teleportation, elemental control, and healing were quite common, and no one could master two types at the same time.

There was also a type of shapeshifting ability, where the user could transform into a certain creature or acquire the characteristics of others. Similarly, they could only transform into one type of creature.

In the apocalypse, most abilities were not powerful, primarily used for hiding and evasion.

Being able to turn invisible, climb, and float—his initial assumption was misled by invisibility.

In the biological category, chameleons seem to have a form of near-invisibility ability.

Moreover, they can also cling to walls.

This is already quite similar to the situation just now.

However, the extraterrestrial mentioned by Li Si seems to have initially observed him from the air and only crouched on the window last night.

The chameleon-like ability doesn't seem to allow hovering in the air.

But if there's someone with the ability to control objects to float, the two can coordinate in this way.

However, is it necessary?

What's the significance of deliberately having the chameleon hover in the air?

Rong Que cannot draw a conclusion; perhaps there are other creatures in this world with almost invisible abilities that can also fly.

In the current situation, if they can't capture this person today, Li Si is no longer suitable to stay at home.

Continuing to endure until noon, there was no further movement in the bedroom.

Perhaps the person with abilities is quietly lurking somewhere in the living room.

Thinking about it, Rong Que secretly accumulated energy in his hands.

If the other person hasn't noticed, randomly cutting through the air in the room might have a chance to collide with that invisible person.

However, Rong Que felt a considerable energy consumption after just a few attempts.

This body is that of a child and can't withstand such frequent depletion.

Fortunately, Li Si's mother finished cooking, calling everyone to come and eat.

Li Si's mother's cooking skills are excellent; the aroma wafts out as soon as the kitchen door opens.

Rong Que sees the lingering cooking fumes that haven't been sucked away yet, illuminated by light, causing the surroundings to blur a bit.


After all, the person with abilities has a physical form. As long as you shine a light, you'll notice something is amiss.

But it's not appropriate to do these things in front of Li Si's mother.

If only there was a way to discreetly drive away the other person.

Li Si's mother was urging everyone to come and serve themselves from her small plates.

She had prepared a fried steak for each person, adorned with some childlike decorations on top.

After everyone took their food and sat at the dining table, Li Si's mother began bringing the main dishes to the table.

There were three different flavored dishes in total.

Rong Que was somewhat shocked.

Li Si's mother really knew how to please children. The main course was steak, accompanied by hotpot vegetables, desserts, and seafood with Thai seasoning.

There were sweet, spicy, sour, and various other flavors, ensuring that no one would get tired of eating. In this situation, it seemed unreasonable for Li Si not to have grown into a little chubby kid.

After Li Si took the lead and started eating, everyone else dug in without hesitation.

Cai You praised Li Si's mother's cooking with a sweet smile, making her very happy.

Rong Que and Tao Yue were not children after all, so they didn't have such strong desires for compliments, but they still sincerely praised Li Si's mother's cooking.

Lu Xu, after taking a bite, widened his eyes and exclaimed, "It's delicious!"

Li Si felt proud, "See, you can come to my house for meals often in the future, Xiao Lu."

After some thought, drawing from his rich experience in TV dramas, Li Si added, "Don't be polite, Xiao Deer, you can treat my mom as your own."

The others were nearly choked by Li Si's words.

However, Li Si's mother noticed that her son was quite interested in this boy with a somewhat unusual appearance. She said with a mix of amusement and annoyance, "How many times have I told you, don't copy your dad's antics, scaring the little ones."

Lu Xu blushed a bit from the comment. Unable to refuse like he usually would at Li Si's house, he could only say quietly, "Thank you for your trouble, Auntie."

Li Si's mother patted Lu Xu's head, "No trouble at all, being with kids is more lively."

After the meal, everyone voluntarily helped to clean up the dishes.

But they couldn't be of much help, just bringing the dishes into the kitchen and handing them to Li Si's mother.

Li Si's mother didn't immediately start washing the dishes. After piling everything into the sink, she suddenly answered a phone call, mentioning that she needed to step out for a while.

As she left, she reminded Li Si to take good care of his friends.

Li Si acknowledged with a simple "okay."

Cai You's small watch also received a call, and it was from his mother.

"Cai You, you went out to play without finishing your homework again!!!"

Cai You opened the call, and his mother's angry scolding echoed through.

He gloomily mentioned that he would go back in the evening, but his hopes were dashed when his mother shattered his plans, "Aren't you attending martial arts class tonight??"

Seeing no room for negotiation, Cai You could only reluctantly say goodbye to everyone and head home.

However, since Cai You lived in the same neighborhood, his return was swift, and he reassured everyone not to bother escorting him.

Rong Que, remembering the telekinetic individual who had entered the house at some point, sent a message to Qi Sui, asking them to ensure that someone was there to watch over Cai You until he arrived home.

Cai You might not be the target of the person with abilities, but there was still a possibility of him becoming a hostage.

After escorting Cai You into the elevator, Rong Que used his abilities to check and ensure that there were no other individuals inside.

Now that Li Si's mother had also left and Cai You had returned home, only a few people who were aware of the situation remained, along with the involved party, Li Si.

Alright, it was time to start looking for that person with abilities.

Would it happen at this moment?

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