The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 33



The hospital room became livelier with the addition of two more children.

Lu Xu tried hard to pull away from Li Si's grip, explaining, "It's Brother Rong Que who's sick."

But Li Si, despite expressing concern for Rong Que, kept clinging to Lu Xu.

The hand that Lu Xu had just managed to remove was naturally placed back on him.

Lu Xu couldn't help but frown and mutter, "Why do you have so many hands?"

Li Si, being a mature child, heard Lu Xu's cute complaint and instantly blushed, covering his face.

So cute, he was so cute that it made Li Si feel a bit overwhelmed.

Cai You, at this moment, seemed much more reliable than Li Si. Upon hearing Lu Xu's explanation, he went to Rong Que's bedside and asked with concern, "Are you feeling better?"

Rong Que politely thanked him, "I'm getting better. I'll be discharged soon."

Cai You couldn't help but glance at the bandages wrapped around Rong Que's neck. He whispered, "What kind of illness requires this?"

Rong Que fell silent for a moment, realizing that even the seemingly reliable Cai You wasn't entirely reliable.

Qi Sui took out the apple pieces that Rong Que had dreamt into fragments and offered them to the kids.

He felt like he had seen this blond mixed-race kid somewhere before.

Although the appearance wasn't particularly familiar, the behavior and movements seemed strangely recognizable.

After giving the mixed-race kid some apple pieces, Qi Sui took the opportunity to ask for his name.

Li Si, with his eyes following Lu Xu, responded, "I'm Li Si, and I'm now Lu Xu's boyfriend."

Lu Xu, who was talking with Cai You, heard this and remembered the explanation about "boyfriend." He promptly refused, saying, "No way."

Li Si ran over pitifully, "Xiao Lu darling, didn't you agree to be my boyfriend?"

Lu Xu frowned, finding it unexpectedly easy to reject someone.

But refusing Li Si felt oddly natural. "No, Xiaolu Lu just didn't know what 'boyfriend' means."

Li Si stood frozen, wearing a face of helpless despair.

Qi Sui found it somewhat amusing and finally, based on this reaction and the name, identified the person.

Wasn't this the foreigner who chased after Rong Que in their previous life?

Why was he now pursuing Lu Xu?

It seemed like there was no rebirth involved this time.

If there were, remembering the silly things he had done before would be even funnier.

However, this person was quite extraordinary, persisting in such behavior from kindergarten onward.

For a moment, the hospital room was lively with discussions.

Li Si tried to engage in conversation with Lu Xu. Lu Xu found Li Si a bit peculiar but listened attentively out of politeness, occasionally zoning out and not paying much attention to Li Si's chatter.

"There really are aliens in the world!" Li Si exclaimed excitedly at one point.

To others, this might sound like childish nonsense. However, for Rong Que and Qi Sui, it wasn't quite ordinary.

Lu Xu tilted his head, not knowing what an alien was, but aware of his special abilities and Rong Que's. "What's special about aliens?"

"Aliens look different from humans, and they might have superpowers," Li Si explained.

Hearing this description, Lu Xu felt like it described him.

Rong Que also had superpowers, although his appearance wasn't particularly strange.

Thinking about this, Lu Xu asked, "Why do you say others are aliens? Do you think I'm an alien too?"

Upon hearing this, Li Si seemed to notice that Lu Xu wasn't wearing a hat today.

He had always thought that the ears on the hat extended individually from Lu Xu's hair.

After a brief moment of confusion, Li Si quickly shook his head. "Aliens are very ugly; someone as cute as Lu Xu can't be one."

Lu Xu had become somewhat accustomed to Li Si's compliments and didn't take them too seriously.

Rong Que, who hadn't joined the conversation until now, suddenly spoke up. "What do the aliens you've seen look like?"

Li Si's eyes lit up at the question, and he continued, "Do you believe in aliens too? I told my mom, but she doesn't believe me."

"Lately, I keep seeing someone outside my window at home," Li Si said mysteriously. "But—"

He intentionally paused, and everyone quieted down to hear him out. "But my home is on the twenty-fifth floor!"

Rong Que and Qi Sui exchanged a subtle glance without making a sound.

To others, this might sound like a child's imagination or a strange tale, but there was something intriguing about the way Li Si said it.

Considering the events at Ge Shan a week ago, it was evident that there were other reincarnators within that organization. They seemed to be searching for well-known superhumans based on their memories from their past lives. However, the exact purpose of their pursuit remained unclear.

Furthermore, the person outside Li Si's twenty-fifth-floor window was probably someone whose abilities had been activated prematurely by the research institute. 

Given Li Si's fame as a superhuman in his previous life, it was reasonable for them to target him.

There was also the possibility that they were observing whether Li Si had been reincarnated or not. In a more sinister scenario, those individuals might be aiming to eliminate powerful superhumans who opposed them. 

In such a case, when the apocalypse arrived again, only those with weaker abilities would be left to resist.

The organization could then act recklessly.

Lu Xu didn't intend to approach the person with supernatural abilities; he just found it frightening that someone was standing outside on the twenty-fifth floor.

He touched his own goosebump-covered arm and only spoke to Li Si after getting closer to Rong Que, "Xiao Lu thinks, is there a ghost in your house?"

This statement frightened Li Si again.

He hadn't encountered many ghost stories, so subconsciously, he thought of extraterrestrials.

But his mom always said she didn't see anything.

After Lu Xu brought it up, Li Si also felt a chill down his spine, as if it really resembled a ghost.

Fearfully, Li Si held onto Cai You beside him, "Don't scare me, Xiao Lu. My mom did say she didn't see anything. Would ghosts only target me?"

Lu Xu also didn't know much about it and thought seriously before saying, "In ghost stories, it seems like whoever sees it is the one in trouble."

Li Si became even more frightened, and even though the hospital room was crowded and lively, it still felt somewhat eerie.

Rong Que suddenly spoke, "Li Si, don't be afraid. This weekend, we can go to your house together to explore and find that extraterrestrial."

This sentence was like a lifeline for Li Si. Touched, he approached and shook hands with Rong Que, "That's great, with you guys, I won't be so scared!"

Just the thought of it made Lu Xu feel scared. He squeezed Rong Que's shoulder and said, "Are we really going, Xiao Lu is also very scared."

Rong Que nodded; Li Si might be in danger now. According to Li Si, the person observing him hadn't been doing so for long. 

Perhaps they were waiting for some opportunity. If they could catch the person with supernatural abilities outside the window, they might be able to get some information about the organization.


After playing for a while, the two kids heard Lu Xu mention that there were kittens downstairs, sparking their interest. Cai You already had a cat at home and said he could adopt another if they caught one.

Without hesitation, Lu Xu took the opportunity to drag Li Si along to go and befriend the little orange cat.

Meanwhile, Qi Sui and Rong Que began discussing their plan of action.

Going to Li Si's house with too many people, especially adults, wouldn't be a good idea, and it might not be convenient.

Xiao Er and Qi Sui didn't possess any supernatural abilities, so it might be better for them to stay downstairs as Li Si described.

Rong Que, leveraging his child's identity, could enter with Lu Xu. However, whether they would be able to see the person with supernatural abilities was uncertain.

After discussing various scenarios, they also called Xue Ying to inform her. They mentioned Rong Que's recovered abilities and the emergence of other individuals with supernatural powers.

Xue Ying fell silent for a moment and said, "I'll retire from the entertainment industry after finishing this project."

As soon as she spoke, Qi Sui quickly interrupted, "Don't mess around. Do you think I don't know?"

Why did Xue Ying, a homebody, become a movie star? It was simply because his greatest hobby was acting. Besides acting, he never bothered to tidy up or socialize.

Qi Sui genuinely hoped that their plan to catch the person with supernatural abilities wouldn't affect Xue Ying.

In the previous apocalyptic world, Xue Ying couldn't act and often sleepwalked. Every time he sleepwalked, he would enact various roles he had played before.

While Qi Sui didn't share such an extravagant hobby, he could still imagine how much Xue Ying loved acting.

Xue Ying raised his eyes, "This way, I won't be able to make it in time to help you every time."

Being a movie star was not convenient given his identity and profession.

Qi Sui shrugged, "You don't have supernatural abilities now, so you don't need to worry about that."

Even though he said this, Qi Sui couldn't help but miss his own fire-based abilities. The days spent outdoors with Xue Ying, using their combined fire and ice powers to boil water and roast wild animals, were quite pleasant.

At this moment, Rong Que suddenly received a WeChat message.

There was no need to think; Rong Que knew it was from Lu Xu.

Rong Que opened the message, and Lu Xu had sent a video.

In the video, Cai You was effortlessly holding the little orange cat, which was behaving very docilely, kneading its paws on the child's arm with white claws.

Lu Xu's phone wasn't very stable, and the camera was a bit shaky.

In the video, Lu Xu extended his finger to pet the little orange cat, but the cat fiercely hissed and even fluffed up its tail like a feather duster.

Frightened, Lu Xu quickly pulled back his finger, "Oh no, the kitty doesn't let Little Lu touch."

While watching the video, Qi Sui also aimed the camera at Rong Que's phone, and together with Xue Ying, they watched the video.

Qi Sui was a bit puzzled, "I thought this little cat was not friendly; why is it only afraid of Xiao Lu?"

"Probably animal instincts," Rong Que replied briefly.

It might be better not to let Lu Xu know the real reason.

Lu Xu's powers were indeed formidable, and it was normal for animals' instincts to perceive him as a potential threat.

Rong Que thought for a moment and could only console, "Maybe the kitty is afraid of the scent of the hospital disinfectant on Xiao Lu."

After receiving the message, Xiao Lu sent another video.

In the video, Cai You and Li Si left with the little cat and the canned food that Lu Xu gave as a dowry for the cat.

"But now, the little kitty has a home. Xiao Lu is so happy."

Qi Sui, Rong Que, and Xue Ying, watching Lu Xu's innocent words on the screen, couldn't help but relax their furrowed brows.

Soon after, Lu Xu came back up with Xiao Er.

He was still a bit down about not being able to touch the little cat. However, Cai Youdao and him exchanged WeChat contacts, and they promised to send Lu Xu videos of the cat in the future.

It wasn't until Rong Que allowed Lu Xu to have an exception and eat an extra bag of potato chips for the day that Lu Xu finally cheered up.


In just a couple of days, Rong Que was discharged from the hospital, coinciding with the weekend they had agreed upon with Li Si.

Li Si sent the address to Lu Xu, excitedly mentioning that his mom had prepared a lot of delicious food, and they just had to come over for lunch.

During the car ride, Rong Que didn't mention too many things for Lu Xu to be cautious about. He still hoped that Lu Xu could have a good time during his first visit to a classmate's house.

He only asked Lu Xu to ensure his own safety.

Once they arrived downstairs, Rong Que and Lu Xu went in alone, while Qi Sui took Xiao Er and Xiao Er to a coffee shop opposite Li Si's house, keeping an eye on their direction.

While waiting for the elevator, a child ran towards them.

Seeing the elevator about to close, Rong Que quickly pressed the open button and waited.

Then, two kids about their age rushed in.

"Th...thanks," the child who rushed in said, then suddenly realized, "Oh, it's you guys, what a coincidence."

Tao Yue, who followed behind, had noticed who was inside, so he walked in casually before the door closed.

He couldn't afford to lose his composure in front of Rong Que and his owner.

Lu Xu was also somewhat surprised and a bit excited, saying, "You guys are here too!"

Gathering so many classmates outside of kindergarten was quite a unique experience.

Cai You explained, "Yeah, Li Si asked me to come and see the extraterrestrial. Tao Yue said he wanted to come too, so Li Si told us to come together."

Tao Yue wasn't foolish; he had the same speculation as Rong Que's group and decided to tag along with Cai Youdao.

However, he looked at Rong Que with dissatisfaction, "You've been injured before, and you still brought Lu Xu here?"

Even though, in Tao Yue's mind, the owner was the most powerful, the little deer hadn't grown up yet.

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