The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 46



The snacks for the autumn outing that Aunt bought in the evening were very rich.

There were fruits, dried snacks, and healthy little treats, maintaining a balanced nutrition.

After processing, slicing, and washing, they were neatly arranged and put into the packed boxes, presenting a visually pleasing display of colors.

As for Rong Que and Lu Xu, they found their blue kindergarten uniforms, still stitched with their names and Qiu Sui's phone number.

They hadn't worn these uniforms since entering the kindergarten.

Considering that children grow quickly, the uniforms were bought a bit larger, allowing them to fit into a few sweaters now.

Rong Que also matched Lu Xu with a pair of white casual pants and cute and practical sneakers.

The whole look made them appear sunny and lively.

However, looking at Lu Xu's empty clothes, Rong Que felt it was too cold. He pulled out a small turtleneck sweater for Lu Xu to wear tomorrow morning.

Considering they might walk a fair distance, Rong Que also packed a sweat towel for themselves.

Clothes getting wet is the easiest way to catch a cold.

Finally, Rong Que added some motion sickness medicine and adhesive bandages to the inner compartment of his backpack.

"Brother Rong Que is like a mom," Lu Xu said sweetly, his eyes filled with innocence.

Rong Que wanted to deny this statement, but Lu Xu perhaps really yearned for maternal love, and he couldn't bring himself to refuse.

A mother is a mother, Rong Que thought.

Watching Rong Que finish packing, Lu Xu curiously looked at him and asked, "Do you need to bring so much stuff?"

Rong Que nodded, "Insufficient preparation can lead to illness."

Although Lu Xu had never experienced motion sickness on a bus, the lack of ventilation in a bus, especially on winding mountain roads, could easily cause discomfort.

Rong Que didn't want to see Lu Xu suffer from vomiting like during the cold again.

Lu Xu giggled happily. He really liked the way Rong Que cared for him.

Then Lu Xu obediently helped to neatly stack the clothes they would wear tomorrow on the cabinet.

Rong Que praised Lu Xu with emotion, which led to Lu Xu happily folding them again.

Perhaps due to the excitement of the upcoming group activity with friends, Lu Xu was wide-eyed and kept talking to Rong Que before bedtime.

Rong Que, already extremely tired, gradually lost his response and fell into a deep sleep. Only then did Lu Xu, bored and without anyone to talk to, eventually fall asleep as well.

Due to the earlier assembly time for the autumn outing compared to regular school days and Lu Xu's strong biological clock, combined with a bit of insomnia the previous night, he couldn't wake up in time. Unable to be late, he let Rong Que help him get dressed, put on his shoes, wash up, and eat breakfast, all with his eyes closed.

When they boarded the bus, Lu Xu finally opened his eyes. In the next moment, he looked down in panic, then breathed a sigh of relief. Amused, Rong Que asked him what happened, and Lu Xu shyly explained that he had dreamt he went to school without wearing pants. Upon opening his eyes, he thought it was true. Lu Xu's words elicited laughter from those on the bus.

Upon arriving at the kindergarten gate, Lu Xu, carrying a much heavier backpack than usual, and Rong Que found the bus for their class together.

Teacher Li stood at the bus door, checking attendance with a class roster, circling each student's name as they boarded. Lu Xu greeted the teacher sweetly, and Teacher Li responded cheerfully with a "Good morning, Xiao Lu."

On the bus, Cai You and Tao Yue were already seated. Cai You, being more popular, had someone sitting beside him, leaving Tao Yue alone and somewhat pitiful. Lu Xu couldn't help but feel sorry for Tao Yue but couldn't abandon Rong Que. He ended up sitting behind Tao Yue and took out a piece of chewing gum from his small backpack, handing it to Tao Yue.

Tao Yue's eyes showed excitement, and he shot a triumphant glance at Rong Que. Lu Xu thought Tao Yue was easily satisfied, getting so happy over a piece of gum. However, because he rarely smiled and didn't talk much, other kids hesitated to sit with him.

While thinking about this, Lu Xu handed a piece of gum to Rong Que and even gave one to Cai You across the aisle. Tao Yue's face darkened again.

Lu Xu sighed, thinking that's how it goes; kids can be afraid of each other. In reality, Tao Yue was a decent person, aside from the not-so-friendly words at their first meeting.

Cai You, chewing gum, casually sat next to Tao Yue and began describing how mischievous his little orange cat at home was. Lu Xu liked that little orange cat, but unfortunately, it was afraid of him. So, he had to listen to Cai You's stories about it every day.

Trying to comfort Lu Xu, Cai You said, "It's okay. The Autumn Mountain Zoo we're visiting today has a big tiger. My mom said it's a big orange cat, for sure not scared of you."

Lu Xu widened his eyes. Having seen videos of baby tigers online, he found them adorable. "But won't the big orange cat bite people?"

Cai You patted his head, saying, "No, I don't think so. It's behind glass, so it seems safe."

Lu Xu sighed in disappointment; he thought he could pet the tiger's head.

The bus ride took about an hour. Although the Autumn Mountain Zoo was a bit far away, it was a well-known scenic spot in the city, and weekdays meant fewer visitors, making it perfect for the kindergarten field trip.

True to its name, Autumn Mountain Zoo featured a beautiful mountain landscape in the fall. In addition to a variety of animals and well-kept exhibits, there was a hillside covered in red leaves in the back, creating a picturesque scene in the autumn.

The journey started with a lot of energy from the kids, sharing snacks with each other. Teacher Li specifically reminded everyone not to eat too much since there might not be anything to eat at lunch, and she also emphasized not to litter. She seemed genuinely concerned.

However, the kids' energy was limited, and the bumpy road during the second half of the journey made the bus ride uncomfortable. Everyone had to sit still to avoid motion sickness and potential falls.

Soon, Lu Xu started feeling uncomfortable—his chest felt heavy, and his stomach wasn't at ease. Seeing him turn pale and clutch his stomach, Rong Que took out motion sickness medicine and gave it to him.

After taking the medicine, Lu Xu leaned weakly against the window, but with the bus's swaying, his head would involuntarily bump into the window.

Watching Lu Xu's pitiful state, Rong Que felt heartbroken. He suggested that Lu Xu lay down on his legs, using his backpack as a makeshift pillow. Although the position wasn't the most comfortable, at least he could lie down.

After murmuring a thank you to his brother, Lu Xu lay down and fell asleep, feeling less uncomfortable in his slumber.

On the bus, the children were resting, and the atmosphere was relatively quiet. Teacher Li and the driver could finally enjoy half an hour of tranquility.

Upon reaching their destination, Teacher Li clapped her hands to gather everyone below the bus. When Lu Xu woke up, he felt stiff in his neck and waist. Stretching, he made cracking sounds.

By the time they got off the bus, they ended up at the end of the line. However, Teacher Li, dressed in the school uniform and holding the class flag, made it easy for them not to get lost.

As they lined up at the entrance of the zoo, most of the kids had excited expressions, and Lu Xu was no exception. It was his first time at the zoo.

At the entrance, there was a giant map. Teacher Li stood in front of it, explaining the itinerary. However, the excited kids paid little attention, chatting and laughing non-stop.

Teacher Li found it a bit challenging to get their attention, but she persisted in explaining the plan, following the requirements.

Lu Xu was quite interested in the itinerary, and even Rong Que listened attentively. 

As the zoo had two paths, one leading up the mountain and the other going down, the plan for the day was to explore the uphill area in the morning, enjoying the scenery along the way, reaching the mountaintop to appreciate the autumn leaves, having lunch and taking a few hours of rest. In the afternoon, starting at three o'clock, they would explore the downhill area and then head back home.

This arrangement seems quite nice, and Lu Xu likes it.

After announcing the itinerary, Teacher Li clapped her hands again, "Let's go, kids, stay close to the line."

The first area at the entrance is Monkey Mountain.

Perhaps because monkeys are highly interactive, they are more attractive.

Teacher Li introduced the monkeys' habits on the side, such as greeting gestures and aggressive actions.

In the middle of her explanation, Cai You suddenly shouted, "Teacher Li, what does this monkey mean?"

There was a monkey in front of Lu Xu, holding a banana and aiming at Lu Xu, as if making a shooting motion.

The key is that the monkey had its mouth wide open, staring with eyes wide, in a shocked expression.

Lu Xu felt a bit scared being looked at like this and shrunk behind Rong Que.

The monkey began to retreat but still maintained the posture of holding the banana. While retreating, it continued to raise the banana towards Lu Xu, with a surprised expression.

Quite like it had seen some TV shows, making the motion of holding a gun and escaping the scene.

Teacher Li was a bit puzzled, and there was no information in her materials about monkeys behaving like this.

Helplessly, she could only explain, "It seems that previous visitors made similar movements. Monkeys have a strong learning ability."

The children responded with synchronized "Oh" sounds.

Teacher Li wiped her sweat; monkeys can be quite tricky.

The following animals were more normal, but each species was far from the viewing platform, making it hard to see.

Sometimes, animals lying nearby would run away inexplicably.

Everyone's attention was not fully engaged.

When passing by the parrot area, the parrots were flying around in the enclosure, squawking loudly.

Teacher Li quickly led the students away from this area to prevent the kids from learning any inappropriate words from the parrots.

Before heading up the mountain, the last zone they visited was the tiger enclosure.

The students seemed quite interested in tigers, and they began discussing eagerly even before arriving.

The tiger enclosure was elevated, and several orange tigers were moving around below.

Lu Xu observed them attentively.

Last time, he couldn't get a clear view of what the small cat looked like. This time, he was determined to get a clear view of the big cats.

However, after a short while, it seemed like one of the tigers looked up, called the others, and they all hid behind a rockery.

Only a chubby tiger remained below, sleeping soundly.

The chubby tiger had a large face, looking surprisingly cute.

As there was only one tiger left, Teacher Li provided detailed information about this one. This tiger was the star of the zoo, even having its own live broadcast. It was famous for its short and thick limbs and a big head with no neck.

Each time the staff fed him, they had to create a special feeding spot for him; otherwise, with his clumsy appearance, he couldn't compete for a bite of meat.

Opening a special spot for him more often meant he ate even more, making his body even fatter.

Although they wanted to put him on a diet, he simply didn't like to move, and even tempting him with meat didn't make him take a few steps.

If it wasn't a workday, the area would have been crowded with people.

Even though there weren't many visitors to the zoo today, there were still quite a few people around the tiger enclosure.

All there to watch him.

Having seen enough, Lu Xu wanted to check out other tigers. So, he went around to the back of the artificial mountain. However, before he could get a clear view of these muscular tigers, the tiger he was observing had already run off to another side.

Lu Xu felt a bit disappointed, but his accompanying brother, Rong Que, had a guess.

However, he couldn't say it out loud. If Lu Xu found out that he was incompatible with animals in the future, he would be very upset.

By the time they finished observing the tigers, it was already around eleven o'clock.

Teacher Li led everyone up the last flight of stairs.

At this point, the classmates were already hungry and a bit tired, expressing their fatigue with sighs and complaints.

Lu Xu also felt a bit sore in his legs.

However, the scenery on the stairs was indeed beautiful.

The red maple leaves on both sides had fallen, giving the entire world a red hue.

Rong Que even took a few tourist photos for Lu Xu.

Lu Xu, with his knowledge of artistic composition, took several beautiful shots of the red maple leaves.

Shooting from the bottom to the top, he captured the bustling crowd, adding more atmosphere.

Upon reaching the mountaintop, the teacher laid out a few mats brought along. The children didn't rush to grab their belongings; instead, they lay down and rested for a while.

Luckily, they had brought insulated cups, so they could enjoy a sip of warm water.

After resting, Lu Xu couldn't wait to take out the food and share it with everyone.

On each mat, there were about six or seven children, and after everyone took out their items, the mats were just filled perfectly.

Each mat looked abundantly stocked with a variety of fruits, snacks, and packed meals.

Teacher Li found this scene very pleasant and took many photos to share in the parent group. She also recorded a video.

Excluding the fact that the little animals today were too shy, it was indeed a very successful autumn outing.

After eating and drinking to their fill, Lu Xu felt the need to use the restroom. Rong Que accompanied him and asked the teacher about the location.

Teacher Li had the class monitor watch over the classmates, and she had to go with them as well. She also asked if there were any other students who needed to use the restroom.

A few scattered students joined, and Teacher Li led everyone to the restroom.

The restroom was not far from where they had their meal. Teacher Li stood at the entrance, organizing the students to queue up and enter.

Inside, there were five stalls, and it would take about two batches to finish using them. However, if some children needed to use the restroom for a longer time, it might take a bit more time.

The time can be controlled to about ten minutes.

Lu Xu went to the innermost stall. After using the restroom, he came out and noticed that there was an exit next to his stall.

Without paying much attention, Lu Xu intended to exit from the front exit. However, in that brief glance, he saw something extraordinary.

A dash of orange figure appeared in the bushes behind the restroom.

Lu Xu had seen news about tigers running out and being killed, and tigers even attacking children. There were so many children here.

With these thoughts, Lu Xu's heart tightened. Now, he could use his ability and wouldn't be eaten by the tiger. He decided to go and drive the tiger back to the enclosure.

He had no idea how the tiger got out in the first place.

Lu Xu ran directly towards the tiger's location. The tiger heard the movement, turned around, glanced at Lu Xu, and then, its pupils shrank suddenly. It lifted its buttocks, folded its front paws over its large head, and crouched down on the ground.

Lu Xu: ...

It seems different from the tigers in the animal world.

Why does it look so cute?

Lu Xu recalled the chubby tiger introduced by the teacher, and it might be the same one. The tiger had a protruding belly, giving it a chubby appearance. Its short front legs were hugging its head as it lay on the ground, looking somewhat amusing.

Prepared for a potential attack, Lu Xu wondered about the peculiar behavior. Was it a unique attack method of tigers? He approached cautiously, controlling his abilities, and as he got closer, he heard a very soft, somewhat chubby-sounding voice.

"Don't eat me, don't eat me, can't see me, can't see me..."

The creature repeated this sentence with fear, and Lu Xu thought there might be a child nearby. However, upon looking around, he found no one.

Lu Xu approached a bit more and realized that the voice was coming from the tiger itself.

After a brief moment of surprise, Lu Xu attempted to communicate with the tiger, saying, "I won't eat you, don't be afraid."

In response, the tiger, peeking out its eyes from under its front paws, took a discreet glance at Lu Xu. Seeing that Lu Xu wasn't doing anything threatening, the tiger lowered its hindquarters, lying down completely. It then lifted its head, eyeing Lu Xu, and asked, "Really, you won't eat me?"

Lu Xu confirmed that he wouldn't.

For the first time in his life, Lu Xu witnessed a somewhat fawning and sly expression on the face of a wild beast. He expressed his amazement, "You can actually understand me!"

Lu Xu was curious about the tiger's presence outside the zoo, so he asked, "Why don't you go back to the zoo?"

"It's too boring inside, and my colleagues are isolating me," sighed the big tiger, lowering its head onto its front paws in a dejected manner. Then, as if remembering something, it slyly looked at Lu Xu, "But if you touch my head, my colleagues will surely be envious to death."

Lu Xu, not quite understanding the connection, remained cautious and said, "You're not trying to ambush a little deer, are you?"

The tiger briefly displayed an expression that seemed both disdainful and skeptical. "If I eat you, won't you just die? Do you think this tiger is stupid?"

With so many lively expressions on the furry face of the tiger, Lu Xu found it quite amusing. Although he didn't quite comprehend the thought processes of tigers, he decided to touch the tiger, hoping it would then return to its duties.

Lu Xu reached out his hand, ready to use his ability in case the tiger attacked, prepared to counter immediately.

The tiger trembled slightly, showing a mix of excitement and fear about Lu Xu's ability to record.

He was about to be crowned by the great God!

As Lu Xu touched the tiger, the tiger's eyes lit up. Lu Xu had never felt the fur of any furry creature before, except for his own rabbit ears.

However, the sensation of the tiger's big brain box was entirely different.

With a large head and thick fur, it gave off a feeling of wanting to tightly hug this massive head and get close.

The big tiger found Lu Xu's touch comforting and even started purring.

It rolled over, presenting its belly, saying, "Belly too, want belly too."

Lu Xu, unable to resist, reached out to touch the tiger's belly. The tiger seemed to genuinely enjoy it.

After a minute, Lu Xu felt more at ease and did something he had wanted to do all along.

He opened his arms, trying to encircle the tiger's big head, and joyfully rubbed the furry skull.

However, at this moment, there was a sound from behind. The tiger immediately lowered its head, smoothly transforming back into the posture from the beginning – butt up, head covered.

Lu Xu turned around and saw Rong Que standing behind with a look of shock.

Lu Xu excitedly waved, "Rong Que gege, come over and pet the kitty with me!"

Rong Que's mouth twitched. Although he knew that the fierce beasts and raptors were afraid of Lu Xu, he never expected to see Lu Xu petting a massive tiger, almost as large as him.

This scene was truly eerie, the kind that would make anyone scream upon witnessing it.

After considerable mental preparation, Rong Que walked over. "What's going on with this tiger? The park will be punished for this."

Lu Xu sighed, "Can we send him back? He's really nice to pet."

Sending the tiger back was undoubtedly necessary. Letting others see this would be terrifying.

However, the current issue was how to handle it with Teacher Li.

After some thought, Lu Xu made a call to Qi Sui.

On Qi Sui's end, he quickly arranged for Teacher Li to take a leave. He mentioned that he had just arrived, encountered some issues with the kids, and would bring them over for a quick bite before returning.

Teacher Li, not pleased with Qi Sui, scolded him for a few moments. After confirming that only the two kids taken by Qi Sui were missing, she led the remaining children back to their picnic spot.

The two kids, along with the tiger, started searching for the way back. This foolish tiger didn't even remember where it came from, relying on Rong Que to identify the path through footprints.

When they reached the mountainside, Rong Que, feeling lazy, used his spatial ability to transport the tiger back. Fortunately, it was mealtime, and there were few visitors around. Otherwise, they would witness the spectacular sight of a tiger flying in the air.

Observing from above, Lu Xu saw the tiger, which he had petted, being surrounded by people, proudly raising its head.

It looked quite impressive.

Lu Xu glanced at his hands, wondering if he was really that powerful.

After dealing with the tiger, Rong Que thought for a moment and wrote another note for the staff to check the surveillance footage. Escaped tigers were a serious matter. Although this particular tiger showed no signs of aggression, there was no guarantee that the next one wouldn't be dangerous. While the crisis was averted, it was crucial to make the staff aware of the severity of their mistake and to be more cautious in the future.

Once everything was settled, Rong Que took Lu Xu back home. When Teacher Li realized that Qi Sui hadn't returned the children, she angrily called Qi Sui and scolded him for letting Lu Xu and Rong Que run around. Both of them, knowing they were at fault, could only apologize.

After Teacher Li finished scolding them, Lu Xu looked up and tugged at the edge of her clothes, saying, "Teacher Li, don't be angry. It's all Xiao Lu's fault."

"Teacher, don't be unhappy because of Xiao Lu. Xiao Lu knows that you're doing this for our good."

Two sentences turned an angry woman as gentle as water.

After settling things with Teacher Li, Lu Xu turned back and sneakily gave Rong Que an adorable wink. However, due to his eyes not coordinating well, it turned into a slightly awkward blink.

Rong Que silently watched Lu Xu, whose sweet words were like honey, and who was exceptionally skilled at using his charming appearance. 

This child, could he potentially become a playboy in the future? No, just thinking about it, Rong Que found it explosive. 

He couldn't accept the idea of his cute little baby growing up like that.

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