The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 45



Qi Sui had never dealt with such situations before. It was also his first time witnessing a disagreement between the two kids. He searched for information on how to mediate a dispute between children from the front passenger seat.

After finding that the search results didn't quite match the current situation, he looked into what to do when kids have conflicts with their classmates in kindergarten.

After reading through the information, Qi Sui, feeling the tense atmosphere in the backseat, took a deep breath before finally speaking.

As he started talking, he stumbled for a moment, drawing the attention of both Lu Xu and Rong Que. The two children, with expressionless faces, looked somewhat intimidating.

Feeling even more nervous, Qi Sui cleared his throat and said, "Um, today, something happened at the kindergarten. What happened?"

Usually, Lu Xu was the one answering this question during casual conversations, and he could share many interesting things he found throughout the day. On the other hand, Rong Que wasn't particularly interested in kindergarten life, and his attention was usually focused on Lu Xu. At most, he might mention that Lu Xu had slept too deeply in class today, which wasn't a good thing.

Today, when asked, Lu Xu responded with a cold tone, "Rong Que was called out by the teacher."

It was rare to hear Lu Xu address Rong Que so indifferently, and Qi Sui found it somewhat amusing. However, considering the serious atmosphere, he restrained his laughter.

Qi Sui thought about playing the emotional card, "Lu Xu, why didn't you wear the earmuffs that Rong Que stayed up late to knit for you? Don't you like them a lot?"

Lu Xu hesitated for a moment upon hearing that Rong Que had stayed up late, but after glancing at Rong Que, he coldly lied, "It's too hot. I didn't want to wear them."

Qi Sui observed the pale color on Lu Xu's lips due to the cold and fell into silence.

Struggling once again, Qi Sui sneakily glanced at the notes on his phone. He then turned to Rong Que and asked, "And what about you, Rong Que? Why were you called out by the teacher today? The teacher used to praise you for being attentive in class."

Rong Que looked at Lu Xu and subtly curved his lips, "Because I was thinking about how to make Xiao Lu acknowledge me."

The text appears to be a passage from a story or novel. Here's a translation into English:

The words uttered by Rong Que gave Qi Sui a case of goosebumps all over his body. He saw Lu Xu turn his head to look out the window.

Perhaps he really liked Rong Que's answer, couldn't help but feel happy, but didn't want to laugh out loud, fearing it would be embarrassing.

However, Lu Xu didn't know that behind him, the usually quiet plush rabbit ears were happily twitching.

Like a puppy's tail.

Rong Que thought he had soothed things over and moved a bit closer to Lu Xu.

Lu Xu shifted his buttocks, but this time not as exaggerated.

Qi Sui breathed a sigh of relief. Parent-child relationships were too complicated.

Back at home, as usual, Lu Xu had to go to his painting class first.

Rong Que pondered the reason for Lu Xu's anger and decided to personally make a batch of cookies.

There was also an aunt at home who knew how to make cookies, so he asked the aunt to guide him in making them himself.

Here is the English translation of the passage:

Modulating the batter was something someone had control over, and it was a one-time success. However, the process was a bit challenging for a child.

Once the batter was loaded into the piping tool, it was time to squeeze out patterns.

Rong Que stood on a small stool, earnestly squeezing a row on the parchment paper in the shape of standard cookies. However, this required a certain level of skill, and the result didn't look as good.

Some were even a bit crooked.

Rong Que then squeezed shapes of little rabbits, kittens, and puppies.

These were more complex, resulting in more abstract shapes.

After filling the baking tray, Rong Que felt a bit dissatisfied. He asked the aunt to bake the first tray first, and then he would try again.

However, this kind of work wasn't accomplished in one go. Rong Que ran out of batter for the second tray, and it still looked quite abstract.

Moreover, there wasn't enough time before Lu Xu finished his painting class to make another batch of batter.

Two trays of cookies were baked, and the already twisted shapes became even more exaggerated after baking.

At a glance, there was even a slightly unsettling valley effect.

Rong Que remained silent but still carried the plates out with the aunt.

Lu Xu, who had just come out of class, saw Rong Que wearing big gloves and carrying the plates on the second-floor corridor. He walked down with some curiosity.

During the painting class, Lu Xu was deeply immersed, briefly forgetting about the disagreement today.

When he reached Rong Que, he remembered that he was supposed to be sulking.

Lu Xu felt a bit awkward, but fortunately, Rong Que spoke first, "Xiao Lu, these are the cookies I made for you... they might look a bit ugly, but I'll learn slowly."

Lu Xu looked at the two trays of cookies on the table after a moment of surprise.

After a brief pause, he couldn't help but laugh. Lu Xu, who was very concerned about aesthetics, now found these "ugly" cookies oddly cute. Lu Xu commented on each one, "Tattered flowers, swollen dog head, crooked-faced kitten. Did Rong Que intentionally make the little rabbit so ugly?"

Hearing Lu Xu speak in a relaxed tone, Rong Que finally breathed a sigh of relief. He had successfully appeased the little one.

It wasn't easy.

Lu Xu picked up a piece and tasted it. The taste was fine, very delicious.

Rong Que intentionally made the cookies to prevent Lu Xu from being angry.

Friends who reconcile after a quarrel often become even closer.

After dinner, Lu Xu stayed close to Rong Que the whole time, even wanting to take a bath together at night.

Rong Que filled the tub with water and, as usual, massaged Lu Xu's shoulders.

Despite his young age, Lu Xu always complained about having sore shoulders from drawing.

Once Lu Xu was done bathing, Rong Que could finally take his turn.

After changing into pajamas, Rong Que also helped Lu Xu dry his hair.

Lu Xu shivered and said, "Feels a bit cold, Rong Que."

Only then did Rong Que realize that he had forgotten to turn on the air conditioner.

After turning it on, the room began to warm up.

Once Lu Xu felt nice and dry, he went straight to his bed.

Rong Que was still drying his hair inside.

Lu Xu snuggled in his blanket, reading a storybook while Rong Que finished up.

When Rong Que walked to the door, he couldn't help but sneeze.

Lu Xu tilted his head and asked, "Rong Que, do you have a cold?"

Rong Que shook his head. He felt a bit dizzy, but staying in the bathroom for a while was normal.

Moreover, in his understanding, he hadn't had a cold for a long time. It wasn't that easy for him to catch one.

However, just in case, if he really had a cold, he might pass it on to Lu Xu. So, he said, "Tonight, I'll go back to my room to sleep."

Lu Xu sighed, "Brother might have nightmares."

"It's okay. I don't want to infect you," Rong Que spoke with a slightly hoarse voice, seemingly indicating that he might indeed have caught a cold.

Lu Xu pouted. He hadn't been close to his brother all day, and he really didn't want to sleep separately.

"Then Xiao Lu can sleep on the floor in Brother's room." Lu Xu hadn't slept on the floor in a long time, but he often did without catching a cold.

After such a long time, he suddenly felt a bit nostalgic about it.

Rong Que smiled and declined, "It's okay. I'll take some medicine tonight, and I'll be better tomorrow. Sleeping on the floor is uncomfortable."

Lu Xu watched with reluctant eyes as Rong Que went back to his room.

This was the first time they would sleep separately.

Lu Xu was a bit worried about Rong Que, but Rong Que was firm in his attitude and didn't want Lu Xu to worry.

Lu Xu lay in bed, leaving only a warm-toned lamp on.

He felt a bit uneasy sleeping alone, but with the light on, he couldn't fall asleep. Lu Xu had no choice but to get up and turn off the light.

Not long after turning off the light, Lu Xu got up again, fumbling to turn on the lamp.

Then he returned to his blanket, wrapping himself tightly.

In the darkness, Lu Xu felt as if ghosts surrounded him, and it was so scary, whimpering softly.

After trying to sleep for a while without success, Lu Xu couldn't take it anymore. He thought for a moment, then picked up his pillow and opened the door.

Sleeping on the end of the bed should be fine.

Lu Xu thought for a moment and twisted Rong Que's doorknob. Fortunately, it wasn't locked.

He tiptoed inside.

Then he placed his pillow at the foot of the bed and carefully slipped into the covers.

But as soon as his legs touched Rong Que, they felt unusually warm.

Lu Xu had just come in from the outside, feeling a bit cold, so he snuggled even closer.

Just as Lu Xu was about to comfortably fall asleep, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Rong Que's body temperature didn't seem normal.

Lu Xu quickly got up, crawled to the head of the bed, and, without caring if he would wake Rong Que, turned on the bedside lamp.

The room lit up, and Lu Xu crawled to check on Rong Que.

Rong Que's face was very red, and his whole body seemed to be emitting heat. The breath he exhaled was also scorching.

His eyebrows were furrowed uncomfortably, and despite sleeping deeply, he seemed restless.

Lu Xu remembered how they measured temperature in TV dramas and used his own forehead to touch Rong Que.

The scorching body temperature was immediately transferred to him.

At the same time, he heard Rong Que whispering, "Cold."

So hot and yet feeling cold!

Lu Xu quickly called Qi Sui in a panic.

In the middle of the night, everyone gathered in Rong Que's room. Qi Sui's family doctor took his temperature and prescribed some medicine.

Qi Sui woke Rong Que up to take the medicine. Rong Que felt a bit dazed, hearing a commotion around him. When he opened his eyes, he saw three heads by his bedside.

Probably due to being unwell, Rong Que's mind was a bit foggy, and he didn't react immediately.

He stared blankly into space for a few seconds before realizing that he had a fever, and everyone was here caring for him.

Rong Que felt a warmth in his heart and smiled slightly, saying, "I made you all worry."

But as soon as he spoke, his throat felt as if it had been cut, and his voice became hoarse.

The doctor advised him to speak less and brought hot water for him to drink.

They thought giving medicine to a child from kindergarten might be challenging, but Rong Que, despite the difficulty, managed to sit up and then drank the medicine by himself.

The doctor couldn't help but praise, "What a brave little one."

Rong Que almost choked on the water from the praise, and Qi Sui wanted to laugh but was still concerned about Rong Que's health.

Seeing Rong Que swallow those big pills, Lu Xu admired him and praised, "Brother Rong Que is so brave!"

Rong Que helplessly looked at Lu Xu, "Didn't you listen to the lessons a few days ago?"

The teacher had specifically explained the difference between bravery and being brave.

Lu Xu, feeling a bit flustered, quickly changed the subject, "Doctor, can I sleep on the same bed as Brother Rong Que? We can have one each at the opposite ends!"

This was what Lu Xu was most worried about.

Sleeping together could help take care of Rong Que, and Lu Xu could still manage to sleep.

Rong Que also looked at the doctor. Although he usually wouldn't think about those things anymore, being sick always seemed to bring back painful memories.

He hadn't slept well just now.

It was uncomfortable.

But if sleeping together meant Lu Xu might catch the illness, it was not an option.

"It's better not to. Children are easily susceptible to infection," the doctor shattered their fantasy.

Qi Sui thought Lu Xu might be afraid to sleep alone, so he asked if Lu Xu wanted to sleep with him. After considering it, Lu Xu declined.

In the middle of the night, everyone returned to their own rooms. Lu Xu, tired from the commotion, didn't have trouble sleeping again and quickly drifted off.

Rong Que, having taken medicine, immediately fell asleep after everyone left, and he didn't have any nightmares.

It seems that the medication had some effect.

As morning came, Rong Que was awakened by the alarm clock.

Opening his eyes, he felt that his body was much more relaxed.

Perhaps due to Rong Que's good constitution, the fever came and went quickly.

There were still some lingering symptoms of a mild cold, but it wasn't too troublesome.

Rong Que put on a mask and knocked on Lu Xu's door; he decided to wear a mask to school today.

After a few knocks with no response, Rong Que assumed that Lu Xu was deeply asleep. He decided to open the door.

However, as soon as he entered, he knew something was wrong.

Lu Xu was lying on the bed, the blanket had slipped halfway onto the floor, and his stomach was exposed because there was no one to take care of him.

Moreover, Lu Xu's face was unusually red.

Rong Que remained silent for a moment, then covered him with the blanket and called Qi Sui.

When Lu Xu was awakened to take medicine, he also saw the three heads by his bedside.

Feeling a bit dizzy, he said, "Doctor, you've got the wrong room. Rong Que is in the next one."

The doctor chuckled, "Brave little one, today it's your turn to take medicine."

Lu Xu, shocked, stared at him with wide red eyes, looking adorable.

Then, belatedly, he realized that his head seemed to hurt a lot.

Rong Que apologized with some guilt, "I didn't take good care of you, Xiao Lu."

Lu Xu wanted to argue that Rong Que was the best to him, but he shook his head. However, as he shook his head, he felt even more dizzy, and his head involuntarily leaned to the side.

Lu Xu huffed, thinking that having a big head was inconvenient.

Everyone couldn't help but show indulgent smiles at Lu Xu's cute little gestures.

But no matter how indulgent, the medicine still needed to be taken.

Looking at the few pills in front of him and the dark granules, Lu Xu's face scrunched up.

Rong Que took a cookie that wasn't finished yesterday and coaxed him, "After you finish these, you can have some candy, Xiao Lu."

Lu Xu looked at Rong Que seriously, "Can Xiao Lu not eat candy? Can I not drink these?"

Rong Que's expression softened, "No, you can't."

The light of hope in Lu Xu's eyes dimmed.

He sluggishly picked through the pills, then took out the smallest one, and reluctantly swallowed it with the help of the cookie.

And he displayed a pained expression, then trembled to take the second pill.

Every pill required Lu Xu to drink a lot of water to barely swallow, especially the capsule he saved for last.

Seemingly stuck in his throat, Lu Xu, in panic, finished a glass of water and asked for another.

His eyes squinted in agony, and he quickly ate the cookie Rong Que had prepared.

The bitterness was dispelled by the sweetness, and Lu Xu, in pain, let out a long sigh, "Being sick is too hard. Xiao Lu doesn't want to be sick again."

Taking advantage of the situation, Qi Sui encouraged Lu Xu to eat more meat and engage in more physical activity.

Lu Xu, with a pained expression, pondered which one was more unbearable.

The aunt brought breakfast, and Lu Xu, with a craving, finished an entire slice of bread. Qi Sui called in to request sick leave.

Because it was his favorite bread, Lu Xu couldn't resist eating a bit more, but he felt like the water in his stomach had soaked the bread, making him uncomfortable.

Seeing Lu Xu staring into space, looking uncomfortable and frowning, Rong Que worriedly asked, "What's wrong? Does it hurt somewhere?"

Lu Xu couldn't express his feelings but pointed to his stomach and then his throat.

Rong Que immediately realized that he might want to vomit, so he took Lu Xu to the bathroom.

As soon as he bent over the toilet, Lu Xu began to vomit.

Vomiting can be one of the most uncomfortable symptoms, and Lu Xu started crying after vomiting.

Rong Que rinsed his mouth with water and was about to take him out when Lu Xu vomited again.

After several rounds, Lu Xu couldn't vomit anymore and reluctantly returned to bed.

It seemed that not covering his stomach at night and exposing it to the cold caused his stomach to catch a chill.

The doctor came again, prescribed some different medicines, and gave instructions on dietary considerations.

The aunt prepared many gentle and comforting foods, and Rong Que stayed by Lu Xu's side the whole time.

Now that both of them are already sick, they can sleep together.

Rong Que can still take care of Lu Xu.

This incident made Rong Que realize that Lu Xu, after all, is still a child and doesn't have the ability to sleep alone.

It took Lu Xu a whole week to recover from this cold and successfully return to school.

However, because the last cold scared Rong Que, Lu Xu now wraps himself tightly when going out.

He became the earliest student at school to wear scarves, knit hats, and gloves.

He looked round and plump.

After just returning to school for a day, the teacher announced the news of the autumn outing tomorrow.

Cai You couldn't help but suspect that Rong Que and Lu Xu returned just in time for the autumn outing.

But seeing how bundled up Lu Xu was as if preparing for winter, it seems that he indeed fell seriously ill.

Because the autumn outing is organized in groups of about twenty students per class to prevent children from getting lost, the school has instructed everyone to wear the school uniform.

The school uniform had been distributed at the beginning of the school year, and usually, there was no need to wear it.

That evening, Lu Xu happily shared this news with Qi Sui. Although Qi Sui had already received notifications from the parent group, he pretended to be pleasantly surprised to go along with Liuxu.

Qi Sui felt proud and delighted, thinking that even though he was only eighteen, he was becoming more and more like a good parent.

The group notification included many reminders, such as the items to prepare for the children, which Qi Sui left to the aunties to purchase.

While he was confident about the safety measures, Qi Sui still informed the details to Rong Que, emphasizing that Lu Xu should not be far from him.

Lu Xu obediently nodded and misunderstood Qi Sui's concern, thinking that Qi Sui was worried about Rong Que. He assured Qi Sui that he would take good care of Rong Que.

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