The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 61



Lu Xu was stunned for a moment and hesitated, "Li Si?"

Li Si nodded, then took out a rose from his school uniform and handed it to Lu Xu.

Perhaps it was too surprising, Lu Xu had already taken it in his hand before reacting.

Even before they had a chance to chat, several girls had already looked over, and some even asked Li Si for his contact information.

After all, compared to Lu Xu's delicately distant face, Li Si's standard American sweetheart charm with affability was more likely to inspire courage in teenage girls to confess.

Li Si readily gave all of them his contact information.

"Are you going back to China in your first year of high school?" Lu Xu asked somewhat dumbfoundedly during the brief pause when Li Si was free.

He remembered that last year Li Si had shared about high school, and it seemed like he was still overseas.

"Just transferred back for my sophomore year; it was due to my parents' job relocation," Li Si replied. "How about that, surprised or not?"

Lu Xu nodded, "It's quite surprising."

Li Si naturally draped his arm over Lu Xu's shoulder. "You've grown taller, huh? Got a girlfriend yet?"

Lu Xu shook his head, "Not interested."

Li Si let out a prolonged "Oh," sounding somewhat skeptical.

At that moment, Rong Que finished getting ready and came out. He recognized Li Si and greeted him indifferently.

Li Si seemed oblivious to Rong Que's attitude and the three of them walked back to the school building together.

Lu Xu had something to pick up from the art studio, so he asked the two of them to wait at the staircase for a moment.

Li Si leaned casually against the railing, "You still haven't gotten together with Xiao Lu?"

Rong Que furrowed his brows, looking at Li Si. "He is my younger brother."

"Well, you shouldn't mind if I pursue Xiao Lu then," Li Si guessed that Rong Que would respond this way.

Rong Que kept a stern expression and didn't glance at Li Si. "Just don't distract him from his studies. He has been wanting to go to a good university for a long time."

Li Si chuckled, "Sure, I'd like to see what excuses you'll come up with when he's in college."

Rong Que remained silent. In truth, he didn't know either.

Li Si coming back might be a good thing if it could divert Lu Xu's attention away from him. However, in Rong Que's heart, no one he encountered seemed worthy of Lu Xu.

It felt like no matter who it was, they would make Rong Que feel like the precious jade cabbage at home being rooted up by a wild boar.

Li Si's gaze also held a hint of depth.

He indeed had a penchant for beautiful kids since childhood, which included his enduring fondness for Lu Xu. However, Rong Que was watching too closely. Moreover, he had long noticed that, in Lu Xu's eyes, there was no room for anyone else except Rong Que. Still, these two seemed to maintain their brotherly relationship, keeping it somewhat reserved until now.

But Li Si had no intention of provoking Lu Xu anymore. He considered himself not a particularly sentimental person and wouldn't waste time on their affectionate bond. Nevertheless, Li Si enjoyed teasing Lu Xu.

After all, who wouldn't appreciate a cute and lovely little one?

Lu Xu, having collected his things, noticed the strange atmosphere between the two and was about to ask when Li Si, in a familiar manner, draped an arm around him, guiding him outside.

Rong Que followed beside them, his face devoid of any expression.

Lu Xu looked at Li Si with some confusion, and Li Si responded with a mysterious smile, leaving Lu Xu even more perplexed. Lu Xu didn't have much desire to make friends with people from his high school class. Moreover, his good friends from kindergarten were also in the same school, and he often bumped into them in the corridors and cafeteria. Lu Xu didn't feel particularly lonely.

The first year of high school began with military training, and Lu Xu had grown a bit taller since ninth grade, now able to stand in the back row of the boys' team. Looking to the right, he could see Rong Que standing at the back of the adjacent class.

Lu Xu was quite happy about it. Every night during rest time, instructors organized collective activities on the playground. Coincidentally, Classes Five and Six were in the same group, despite being in a competitive relationship, allowing Lu Xu to be a bit closer to Rong Que.

One evening, as the training was about to end, the instructor briefly taught some martial arts and then invited a student from each class to demonstrate. A jock from Lu Xu's class volunteered and, when asked to choose an opponent, insisted on picking one himself.

The muscular jock chose Rong Que without hesitation. As soon as he mentioned Rong Que's name, Class Five erupted in cheers, urging the top student of the grade to come up and compete.

The instructor, sensing the intentions of the burly jock, decided not to force anyone into the match, as they could tell he wanted to bully someone.

Class Six, seeing their high-achieving classmate being singled out, was not pleased with the provocation from Class Five, feeling it was a form of bullying.

However, Rong Que volunteered to step forward. During his speech on stage, he had noticed the interaction between Lu Xu and the jock. Though his expression wasn't particularly pleasant, it seemed he wasn't in a very cheerful mood.

Lu Xu, on the other hand, had full confidence in Rong Que and eagerly looked forward to the confrontation between the two.

Because one side was on defense while the other was launching an attack, Rong Que chose to defend voluntarily.

The jock mocked Rong Que for being scared.

However, he completely ignored the coach's recommended moves and seemed to be employing some martial arts techniques he had learned.

On the other hand, the top student of the grade, dressed in his school uniform, appeared fragile and didn't seem to know how to evade attacks.

People expected the top student to be knocked down in embarrassment, and the students from Class Six were quite worried.

Class Five, on the other hand, started cheering prematurely.

The instructors, fearing an incident, quickly rushed to intervene.

Unexpectedly, before the muscular student's fist could land on Rong Que's body, Rong Que swiftly seized his wrist. The roles that everyone had envisioned seemed to have reversed.

Rong Que's movements were incredibly fast; people couldn't see clearly what had happened. The jock found himself on the ground before he could understand what was going on. Rong Que pressed down on him with one knee, still holding onto the fist that had been thrown at him.

"Do you yield?" Rong Que said indifferently.

His actions were so swift and precise that, given his extensive real-life combat experience from his past life, it was impossible for a high school student who had only studied martial arts to defeat him.

The jock gritted his teeth; naturally, he did not yield. However, even an onlooker could tell that Rong Que's strength had overwhelmed him, especially considering the difference in their body weight.

After releasing the jock's hand, Rong Que took a step back.

The coach, who was already displeased with the jock's bullying behavior, appreciated Rong Que's skillful resolution of the situation and praised him. The coach from Class Five scolded the jock, criticizing him for bringing shame to the class.

Lu Xu happily sat on the lawn, hugging his knees.

Even before the sports meeting, his brother Rong Que had already dealt with those who considered themselves superior. Although he knew the outcome in advance, it was still satisfying for him.

Despite the mockery and sarcastic comments from classmates, Rong Que didn't care.

Lu Xu, displaying his happiness, was indifferent to the teasing from classmates. He didn't mind at all.

However, the jock who had been dealt with by Rong Que apparently hadn't found satisfaction and decided to come after Lu Xu.

When they disbanded, they left the sports field in a square formation, and as a result, Lu Xu and Rong Que were quite far apart.

However, the jock was right behind Lu Xu.

When the instructor walked to the front to lead the team, the disgraced jock grabbed the back collar of Lu Xu, raising his fist to strike him in the face.

But Lu Xu was no ordinary person. Over the years, he had learned most types of abilities, even those he had never encountered before.

He sneered and then snapped his fingers.

Time froze in a small area.

No one could see what he did.

Lu Xu partially restored his original appearance, still looking the same, but his hair, like tentacles, flew toward the jock.

One minute later, Lu Xu didn't even lift a finger, yet he mercilessly beat up the jock.

Finally, using his hair, he placed the jock back in his original position like a puppet.

After finishing all this and returning to his original state, another snap of his fingers.

When the jock regained his freedom, he felt the pain throughout his body from the force he had used to strike forward, rendering him weak.

He even lost balance and struggled to stand firm.

Lu Xu quickly dodged.

After falling to the ground, the jock immediately held his body and cried out in pain.

Of course, it hurt. His entire body had been hit, but there were no serious injuries.

The instructor thought the jock was causing trouble again and pulled him out of the lineup to reprimand him.

However, the jock's legs were weak, and he was carried away in a sorry state, still unaware of why his whole body was aching.

Just a moment ago, he clearly wanted to go after Lu Xu, and then he ended up in pain and fell.


So, Lu Xu's high school life began under these somewhat discordant circumstances.

In high school, whether commuting or boarding, students had to attend evening self-study sessions. They also had to wake up earlier and go to bed later.

Given this situation, the two decided to rent a place near the school gate and commute together.

Every day, they had meals together and went to school together.

Lu Xu had to prepare documents for studying abroad, making him quite busy. However, the importance of regular academic subjects decreased.

So, he spent less time in the classroom.

For the basics, which were less of a priority for Lu Xu, Container would help him catch up.

In the second half of the sophomore year, Lu Xu successfully received acceptance messages from foreign universities.

Even Qi Sui was somewhat surprised.

Lu Xu's decision to study abroad was achieved with minimal use of his family's connections. He chose the agency and handled negotiations independently.

Lu Xu was already competent enough to study abroad on his own.

In the eyes of Rong Que and Qi Sui, the most concerning aspect was that Lu Xu would start living on his own in a foreign country.

Therefore, Qi Sui directly arranged and rented a house for Lu Xu in the future, and even hired a housekeeper.

The monthly rent for the house was several tens of thousands of dollars, and Lu Xu initially wanted to use the money he had saved from being a child actor to pay for it. However, Qi Sui's mother firmly rejected this idea. They had long regarded Rong Que and Lu Xu as their own children.

During the summer vacation of the sophomore year, everyone organized a farewell banquet for Lu Xu at the villa.

The aunts prepared a large table of snacks, including fried chicken, pizza, seafood, and more, like a buffet.

All of Lu Xu's friends attended the event.

It was a lively day, and everyone felt reluctant to part ways.

Even Cai You and Tao Yue, two boys who were already close to six feet tall, shed tears.

Lu Xu chuckled, "It's not like I won't come back."

That day, everyone played in the villa until very late.

These high school students imitated the behavior of adults, opening several bottles of Qi Sui's carefully stored wine.

Even Rong Que couldn't avoid being given a bit to drink.

The strong aftertaste of good wine was overwhelming. In the middle of the night, almost everyone was drunk.

The aunts were busy tidying up the house. Xiao Er and Xiao Yi individually carried each drunk person and sent them home like delivering takeout.

Qi Sui himself got a bit tipsy. He pulled Xue Ying and insisted on going outside to look at the stars.

Rong Que was slightly intoxicated, but still relatively clear-headed. He intended to assist Lu Xu back to the room to rest.

However, Lu Xu was limp like he was asleep, slouched in the chair. When Rong Que went to pull him up, Lu Xu turned around and leaned his head against Rong Que's waist.

Rong Que watched the faint pink tint on Lu Xu's face, and even the corners of his eyes inevitably took on a blush.

Lu Xu's already exquisite features seemed to be veiled by a filter, enhancing their beauty to an unimaginable level.

Ignoring his own strange feelings, Rong Que gently shook Lu Xu and said, "Sleeping in the living room is chilly."

Unexpectedly, Lu Xu suddenly raised his head, stared at Rong Que seriously for several seconds, then opened his arms and grinned, "Hug!"

With a face that looked non-human due to its beauty, it gained vitality because of this cute expression.

Rong Que recalled that Lu Xu used to be like this when he was a child, always fond of asking for hugs. Rong Que, slightly intoxicated from the alcohol, instinctively and obediently lifted Lu Xu up.

However, because Lu Xu was sitting on a chair and was face to face with Rong Que when being lifted, the posture looked a bit funny.

He supported Lu Xu's bent legs, and Lu Xu hung on Rong Que like a koala. His arms encircled Rong Que's neck, and his legs hooked onto Rong Que's waist. He even tucked Rong Que's head into his own chest, saying, "Oh, there's a watermelon?"

Rong Que muffled, "It's my head; I can't see this way."

Hearing that, Lu Xu continued to hug for a few more seconds. He felt the warm breath Rong Que exhaled, making his skin ticklish. Eventually, he gave up the watermelon, hanging there obediently.

Being able to understand human speech was already quite good.

Rong Que struggled to carry Lu Xu upstairs. He wasn't afraid of dropping him; holding Lu Xu was still quite effortless.

After returning to the room, Rong Que was contemplating the best way to put down Lu Xu without letting him fall.

The next second, he saw Lu Xu releasing his hold on Rong Que and then suddenly leaning backward.

In this position, under normal circumstances, it would probably cause an adult to strain their back.

However, Lu Xu was not a normal person.

His waist extended and flexed as softly as a snake, then, he released his hold on Rong Que's waist, sliding smoothly onto the bed.

Rong Que stared at Lu Xu's revealed waist, nearly as long as his legs, and remained in a daze for a few seconds.

He rubbed his eyes, and upon opening them again, he saw Lu Xu lying on the bed as if nothing happened.

Rong Que felt like he must have seen it wrong.

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