The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 62



After making sure Lu Xu wouldn't move around and fall, Rong Que went into the bathroom to get a towel to wipe Lu Xu.

Now that Lu Xu had grown up, it was no longer suitable for them to take a bath together.

However, as soon as Rong Que lifted Lu Xu's shirt to wipe his back, he heard Lu Xu giggling as if he were ticklish.

Rong Que wiped him down.

Lu Xu began to try to maintain a serious tone, saying, "Fiancé, we haven't gotten married yet, you know. It's not allowed."

"If we want to be honest with each other, let's go register today."

"You can't take advantage of me."

Rong Que's brain froze for a few seconds. He decided to ignore Lu Xu's nonsensical words, wiped him down a bit, and then brushed his teeth.

Lu Xu almost swallowed the foam in the process.

Rong Que thought for a moment, decided not to change Lu Xu into his favorite scented pajamas, and let Lu Xu go to sleep first.

Being drunk and exhausted, Lu Xu, after covering himself with the blanket, closed his eyes without any reaction.

Finally done with all the fuss, Rong Que finished his own preparations and then lay down next to Lu Xu.

However, as soon as he lay down, Lu Xu crawled over like an octopus and began slowly entwining Rong Que with his hair, as if he were going to devour him.

Rong Que pushed Lu Xu a bit, worried that Lu Xu might not control his strength and cause some trouble.

But Lu Xu, after using his hands, feet, and hair to entangle Rong Que so he couldn't move, remained still.

Rong Que looked at Lu Xu.

Lu Xu's eyes were filled with dewdrops at the corners, his damp eyelashes trembling slightly as he pressed his face against Rong Que's ear.

Softly and plaintively, he repeatedly called out, "Brother... brother..."

Rong Que's ears were somewhat sensitive, and the moist, soft sensation felt strange to him.

Maybe it was the night that made people sentimental. Rong Que also wanted to turn around and hug Lu Xu, but Lu Xu's hair was entangled even tighter.

"Don't leave me, brother..." Lu Xu's voice almost carried a hint of tears, thinking that Rong Que wanted to break free from his hair.

"Xiao Lu, let me hold you, okay?" Rong Que gave up resistance, comforting when he heard Lu Xu's plea.

Only then did the hair around Rong Que loosen.

Rong Que turned around and embraced Lu Xu.

The two unknowingly fell asleep in this position.

Early the next morning, Lu Xu woke up with a splitting headache.

Opening his eyes, he saw Rong Que in front of him, his hair almost entwined into a mummy, with a hint of guilt in his expression.

Lu Xu retracted his hair and, at the same time, recalled what he had done last night.

Judging by Rong Que's reaction, it seemed that he was not entirely opposed to it.

Perfect, expressing his feelings to Rong Que again before leaving, at least he wouldn't feel regretful anymore.

They were already seventeen, and they would be adults next year.

Lu Xu got up, gently pecked Rong Que's face, and then went to the bathroom to shower and change clothes.

After Lu Xu entered the bathroom, Rong Que opened his eyes.

He touched the place where Lu Xu's lips had just touched with his fingertips.

The strange feeling from last night became even more apparent.

The days before going abroad continued in a calm and normal manner.

No one brought up the drunken incident from that night.

Lu Xu knew that Rong Que wouldn't accept it now, and he didn't want to create any more conflicts before leaving.

Rong Que, on the other hand, seemed to silently agree.

On the day of departure, Lu Xu didn't inform many people, not even Qi Sui, who he said didn't need to come.

Rong Que went to see him off alone.

Before the security check, the two bid farewell. Lu Xu looked around.

Many families were seeing off their children, and there were also couples parting ways.

It was in moments like these that the pain and reluctance of parting could overcome the gaze of others.

Couples who spent most of their time apart would tightly embrace, kiss, and then part ways after a brief reunion.

Lu Xu suddenly smiled and said to Rong Que, "We're like them."

After all, they were already grown up, and Rong Que wasn't resisting as much anymore. He patted Lu Xu's head and said, "Take care of yourself while you're away."

"No." Lu Xu narrowed his eyes, "Unless you promise me not to be involved with anyone else during the years I'm away."

Hearing this, Rong Que also smiled. He didn't think he would develop feelings for anyone else. "Alright."

"Okay, then I promise you I'll take good care of myself." Although Lu Xu didn't want to be apart from Rong Que, he tried to appear cheerful.

After all, the next time they met, he could openly pursue Rong Que.

Rong Que then gave Lu Xu many more reminders. Looking at the time, he reluctantly said, "You should go now."

"Alright." Lu Xu agreed so readily that it surprised Rong Que.

Rong Que was ready to say goodbye when Lu Xu unexpectedly approached.

Standing on his tiptoes, Lu Xu pressed his hand firmly against the back of Rong Que's head.

Their lips met.

But Lu Xu didn't do more; he released the kiss before Rong Que could react, then quickly ran to the security check line and waved back at Rong Que.

Rong Que saw Lu Xu mouthing, "See you next time."


Lu Xu's university life was not easy; adapting to the new environment and coping with heavy coursework kept him busy without much time to rest.

After all, it was the best art university.

Everyone there was a genius, and everyone worked very hard.

Due to the time difference, Lu Xu had very limited time to talk to them over the phone. He could manage a call once a week during relaxed times.

His messages were also infrequent. Most of the time, friends initiated a lot of conversations, and Lu Xu would find time to respond.

He always replied with sincerity.

So, this seemed to have little impact on their relationships.

Lu Xu had almost no holidays because he wanted to graduate early and take on some commercial projects. Therefore, he utilized all his holidays to the fullest.

He almost lived in the art studio.

In addition to painting supplies, his studio also featured a few small trinkets brought from home. Among them were a pair of small cat and big dog figurines, a memento from when Lu Xu and Rong Que first got in a children's meal. There was also a small rabbit that Rong Que had won for him at the arcade.

Although he took good care of them, they had sustained some damage. Fading seemed inevitable.

Whenever Lu Xu felt emotionally drained or tired, he would look at these little trinkets. However, he didn't tell Rong Que that he was working on some surprises for him by completing tasks in advance.

Lu Xu wanted to graduate early and return to give Rong Que a pleasant surprise.

Their birthdays coincided, and it was also Halloween.

It was lively outside, and after the nanny finished cooking, she applied to leave to spend time with her own children. In the spacious villa, Lu Xu was left alone.

Lu Xu took out his phone, intending to call Rong Que to wish him a happy birthday. He had been busy painting during the day and had forgotten about it until the evening when the nanny asked to leave.

However, Lu Xu's several messages went unanswered. Frowning, he made a video call, still receiving no response.

Feeling a bit down, Lu Xu thought that Rong Que was probably celebrating his birthday with friends in China. Considering this, Lu Xu abandoned the idea of messaging Qi Sui.

Not sure what to do, Lu Xu decided to continue painting.

Now, the commercial assignments Lu Xu took were quite lucrative. When he painted, Lu Xu was always deeply focused, forgetting about time, meals, and sleep. When interrupted by his phone's ringing, it was already close to midnight.

Lu Xu took out his phone to find a voicemail from Rong Que. Although Lu Xu wasn't in the best mood, he still answered.

"Xiao Lu, happy birthday," Rong Que's voice sounded a bit breathless, as if he had just finished running.

Lu Xu responded somewhat indifferently, "Same to you."

"Xiao Lu, can we have a video call?" Rong Que continued, seemingly oblivious to Lu Xu's indifference.

Lu Xu followed the request and opened the video call. However, before Rong Que turned on his camera, Lu Xu could only see himself on the screen with messy hair and a tired look.

His face and clothes were still smeared with paint. Rong Que's voice sounded somewhat concerned, "Xiao Lu, is it tough living alone?"

Lu Xu, feeling a bit unhappy about Rong Que not opening the video, replied with a cold tone, "I'm fine."

But he hadn't even received a birthday gift, not even a package from a courier.

"Look outside the window," Rong Que said.

Lu Xu didn't quite understand; outside the window, there were only people celebrating the festival, and he couldn't see anything special.

He glanced out and said, "No fireworks."

"Go to the window and take a look," Rong Que suggested.

Lu Xu, with a subtle premonition, followed his advice.

But he didn't dare to expect too much.

At this moment, Rong Que's school was still in session; how could he possibly come over?

Thinking this way, Lu Xu turned his gaze towards the window.

There, outside the fence, was Rong Que holding a suitcase and a phone, making eye contact with him.

Under the faint moonlight, Rong Que's face appeared almost like an illusion, blurry yet unmistakably real to Lu Xu.

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