The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 40



In the morning, Lu Xu was awakened very early.

Still half-asleep, he got his face washed by Rong Que and then was dressed in the main part of the dress. Soon after, he was sent to the makeup room.

The makeup artist, who was arranging her tools, was somewhat surprised. It's rare to see a child who already looks so much like Little Rabbit Sister even before getting dressed up. And those rabbit ears are just too cute.

The makeup artist pinched the still not fully awake Lu Xu's face and sighed with envy, "So tender."

Lu Xu mumbled a thank you to the makeup artist. The artist, touched by the sweetness, quickly sat Lu Xu in front of the mirror and began her work. Because the client had mentioned it was a child in advance, she was given money to buy the best tools.

However, Lu Xu had great skin, and almost no foundation was needed. Contouring wasn't necessary either, as forcibly making him look like an adult would be strange.

Once the makeup was done, the makeup artist began working on Lu Xu's hairstyle and accessories. The length of the recording hair was just right, so there was no need for a wig.

For Little Bunny Sister's hairstyle, two twisted braids were left behind the ears and curled up, secured with carrot-shaped hair accessories. The front hair was left long in two strands, making it look cute without much trouble. After a short time, everything was completed, and when Lu Xu put on all the accessories, a Q-version of Little Bunny Sister appeared in the mirror.

The makeup artist couldn't help but take several pictures and asked Qi Sui, "Was this cosplay outfit custom-made by someone? It's too authentic and delicate. Can you give me the contact information?"

Qi Sui looked at Rong Que, and Rong Que didn't hide anything, answering, "I made it."

The makeup artist sighed again, marveling at how children these days were like max-level human children. Seeing Rong Que's appearance, it seemed he wouldn't take orders, so the makeup artist reluctantly gave up.

After getting dressed up, everyone took Lu Xu to a full-length mirror. Lu Xu looked stunned when he walked up. Although he felt it was strange to wear a short skirt, when paired with long socks and a pair of princess sleeves, he looked exactly like Little Bunny Sister from the anime.

Lu Xu happily looked at the group behind him, "Thank you! Xiao Lu likes it a lot!"

"As long as you like it," said Rong Que, taking out his phone and snapping a few pictures.

Lu Xu wasn't used to it, but after thinking about it, he took out a pink wand and struck a few classic poses of Little Bunny Sister.

Children with slightly clumsy movements looked even cuter.

After getting ready, Qi Sui took them to the comic exhibition together.

Today, Xue Ying would also come, being a homebody; this was the activity he looked forward to the most. Moreover, some special character cosplay outfits could openly cover his entire face.

Qi Sui intentionally didn't ask his dad for VIP tickets because he was sure that when they were queuing outside, people would come to take pictures with Lu Xu. 

Sitting in the car, Lu Xu was still a bit nervous, fidgeting with his feet, and asked, "Rong Que, does Qi Sui not change clothes?"

Rong Que wasn't interested in these things, but he supported Lu Xu in doing such activities. Qi Sui turned around and tugged at his T-shirt with a printed paper man, saying, "This is my equipment."

They arrived at the venue on time, and as soon as Lu Xu got out of the car, he attracted the attention of many people. Little Bunny Sister cosplay was quite common, but seeing a child in this outfit was still quite rare. Especially since most children's cosplay outfits on the market were relatively simple and not as faithful to the original character.

However, the clothes on this child were even more exquisite than those of adults. From the drop-off point to the queue, many people had already come to take pictures with Lu Xu.

Lu Xu was initially a bit reserved, holding his little hands, but later on, he started to cooperate and pose. Many Little Bunny Sister cosplayers also came over to take pictures with him. The two Bunny Sisters, one big and one small, looked very cute.

Qi Sui, as the guardian, had added those who wanted the photos for themselves, and all the pictures would be sent to him later.

After entering the venue, Lu Xu could stand in the middle alone, facing a row of cameras. Xue Ying also found their group when he came to join in the fun, but with many targets today, he briefly gathered with them and then left.

Lu Xu couldn't take a few steps without being pulled for photos. The photographers also guided him to pose in some cute ways, and the effects were all adorable. Rong Que also took quite a few pictures with his phone.

This continued until the end of the expo, and Lu Xu was surrounded by people throughout.

Rong Que's phone gallery was also filled with various photos, each one incredibly adorable. If used as wallpapers, changing one every day for a week would take several years to go through. However, Lu Xu had become quite stiff from posing.

Seeing him exhausted, Qi Sui helped decline some shooting requests for him and created a Weibo account for Lu Xu. In the future, when he learned to draw, he could share his artworks here, including cosplay creations.

The Weibo username was "Xiao Lu."

When leaving, Lu Xu suddenly grabbed Rong Que and said, "Let's take one more picture of Xiao Lu and Rong Que, okay?"

Rong Que wasn't a fan of taking pictures, but in his eyes, being able to take a picture with Lu Xu was already satisfying. "Xiao Lu is tired; let's go back and rest."

Lu Xu shook his head, pulling Rong Que back a few steps. Then, he struck the simplest pose.

 The two heads leaned close, with Lu Xu instinctively tilting his foot outward. One hand was holding onto Rong Que, and the other, originally intending to make a peace sign, ended up holding the magic wand near their faces.

Qi Sui took several more pictures and showed them to Lu Xu. Lu Xu smiled satisfactorily and said, "Remember to send them to Xiao Lu."

Rong Que also approached with the photos. Looking at the carefully designed pictures, different from others, this set seemed more casual, like snapshots of two good friends' lives. He decided that this picture would make a good wallpaper.

Once in the car, Lu Xu fell asleep immediately, and Rong Que was by his side, carefully removing his accessories to prevent any discomfort.

Qi Sui was busy managing Lu Xu's Weibo. Many people were searching for Lu Xu's Weibo in the trending topics of the expo today. If Lu Xu could become a small internet celebrity, it would be less likely for him to be bullied for his appearance.

After verifying Lu Xu's Weibo account, Qi Sui changed the profile picture to a selfie that Lu Xu took today. Then, he posted nine attractive pictures of Lu Xu as additional content.

After adding the expo's tag, the number of fans on Lu Xu's Weibo visibly increased. Every time Qi Sui reopened Weibo, he could see the message notification showing 99+.

After a while, Qi Sui noticed a direct message. It was an invitation for Lu Xu to become a child model from an official Weibo account of a well-known children's clothing brand. The clothing brand's style was quite unique, featuring vibrant and outstanding designs.

Qi Sui thought it was a good opportunity and asked Rong Que for his opinion. Rong Que suggested waiting for Lu Xu to wake up and asking for his opinion directly.

Child modeling didn't attract as much paparazzi attention as in the case of Xue Ying, so it wouldn't interfere much with Lu Xu's private life. If Lu Xu wanted to do it, it seemed like a reasonable option.

Qi Sui replied, telling them to wait for Lu Xu to think about it and respond later.

The other party was also very polite and patient.

After returning home, although Lu Xu woke up, he felt sore and uncomfortable all over his body. A day of taking photos was exhausting.

Rong Que prepared a bath for Lu Xu, and after removing all the miscellaneous items from his body, he let Lu Xu soak in the water while giving him a massage. Rong Que's strength was gentle, and the massage felt very comfortable, making Lu Xu feel much more relaxed.

The cosplay outfit was sent to the dry cleaners by Qi Sui. Children grow quickly, and perhaps in a few months, Lu Xu would have outgrown the outfit. However, the outfit held sentimental value, and Lu Xu bought a personal display stand online, planning to showcase the outfit at home as a decoration.

After tidying up, Lu Xu practically threw himself onto the bed.

Once lying down, he didn't move again.

Rong Que recalled something Qi Sui mentioned and asked Lu Xu about it.

"What are the benefits of being a model?" Lu Xu pondered and replied, "Do you get money and wear pretty clothes, or something like that?"

Lu Xu readily agreed.

He knew that Qi Sui would spend a lot of money on them every day.

He also wanted to earn money to buy gifts for everyone.

Rong Que informed Qi Sui about this matter, and they added the person on the other side as a friend for further communication.

The other side explained that the workload wasn't significant because their models were almost never fixed. They could choose to decline jobs each time.

This was what Qi Sui was most concerned about. He didn't want these things to affect Lu Xu's normal life. He was still looking forward to the day when Lu Xu became a great artist and could draw his own wife in the future.

Recently, Lu Xu's drawings had become more and more vivid. His teacher even mentioned his talent and started teaching him how to draw dynamic figures.

Life continued to pass peacefully. Lu Xu's drawing skills improved, and he had reached the stage of adding colors. His teacher was amazed; Lu Xu's line art completion level had already reached what an ordinary person might take several years to achieve.

Lu Xu's color sense became very strong after he started learning to add colors. He could consistently create stunning color combinations. Currently, he could produce high-quality fan art.

Qi Sui posted the pictures on Lu Xu's official Weibo account, and many people couldn't believe that a kindergarten child could draw such artwork. Qi Sui had to post the entire process in fast forward to convince them.

Lu Xu's fan base increased once again.

After participating in several child model photo shoots, many students at school learned about him. Walking on campus, he would often catch the curious glances of other children. Lu Xu had already adapted to these non-malicious looks.

During the photo shoots, Lu Xu's expressive skills surprised everyone, and due to his strong understanding and high level of cooperation, everyone in the photography studio liked working with him. The clothes he modeled also had impressive sales.

Because the model photos were often tagged in Lu Xu's Weibo posts, his auntie fans increased even more.

A good-looking, talented little human child.

All the money Lu Xu earned was stored separately in his own account. After the first photo shoot, Lu Xu used his earnings to buy gifts for everyone. He gave Qi Sui an earring, Rong Que received a beautiful dreamcatcher, and Xue Ying got a hat. Several close classmates also received different gifts.

Tao Yue proudly displayed the pen Lu Xu gave him on his shirt collar, eager to flaunt it in front of Rong Que. Li Si turned the rabbit-shaped eraser Lu Xu gave him into a makeshift bracelet and wore it daily.

One day during PE class, Li Si accidentally tore a hole in it, losing the eraser. He cried and asked Lu Xu for another one.

Cai You, being more normal, used the pencil sharpener Lu Xu gave him every day. His mom once scolded him for using up pencils so quickly.

In the cafeteria, Li Haili received a small necklace. She hugged Lu Xu for a long time, making it hard for him to breathe.

Even the aunts at home received gifts, and each of them smiled with joy. Everyone already liked Lu Xu a lot, and after receiving the gifts, they became even more fond of him.

However, their affection led to a slight problem - every time the aunts served Lu Xu food, they would load his bowl with lots of meat. Lu Xu, in the presence of elders, was a bit less willful. When elders asked him to eat more meat, he would make an effort to finish it. This made him even more endearing.

The busy days passed quickly, and Halloween was approaching. The teachers at school organized preparations for the Halloween event. It was only then that Lu Xu remembered his and Rong Que's upcoming birthdays.

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