The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 41



The kindergarten teachers announced the Halloween arrangements a week in advance. They would decorate the classroom the day before and have a day of outdoor activities in their Halloween costumes the next day.

This gave Lu Xu a week to prepare a birthday gift for Rong Que. The money in Lu Xu's little savings could cover it completely.

Lu Xu wasn't sure what birthday gift to give.

Rong Que, his older brother, usually seemed disinterested in everything, only showing enthusiasm when taking care of him.

Unable to find helpful information online about choosing gifts for best friends, as there were few posts discussing the matter, Lu Xu decided to create a post himself.

Despite having a limited vocabulary, he had become adept at using voice input.

#What's the best birthday gift for the best friend who seems uninterested in everything?

The first response asked about his budget.

Lu Xu recognized the characters for "how much" but was unfamiliar with the term "budget." Puzzled, he replied, "What does 'budget' mean?"

Another person commented, "If you don't even know what a budget is, you probably don't have much money. Just buy a small cake."

Lu Xu felt a bit upset – what did they mean by not having much money? On Weibo, many aunties praised him as a little wealthy kid.

Lu Xu put in a lot of effort searching online, copying and pasting to find out the meaning of "budget."

After figuring it out, Lu Xu thought for a moment. He had a small savings of almost ten thousand, and he decided he could use it all for Rong Que's birthday gift.

He replied, "A budget of fifty thousand."

The other person thought he was bragging since someone who didn't even know the meaning of "budget" couldn't possibly have that much money. Nevertheless, with a hint of wanting to see Lu Xu make a fool of himself, the person asked, "Is the person you're buying for a guy?"

Lu Xu, sensing that the person wanted to offer some advice, quickly responded, "Yes."

The netizen recommended several brands, mentioning donkey-logoed shoes, fork-logoed clothes, and watch brands with a fork logo.

Lu Xu then went to an online shopping website and pasted those names for a search. They were indeed expensive, but he found out they also had children's versions.

Lu Xu clicked on the link, and the prices seemed much more reasonable. He carefully browsed through the options, realizing that buying shoes might not be a good idea since Rong Que had mentioned they would quickly become too small. The same applied to clothes; Lu Xu wanted something that Rong Que could use for a long time.

After some consideration, Lu Xu found a beautiful brooch worth over forty thousand. It was exquisite, and Rong Que could wear it from a young age to adulthood.

Lu Xu finally managed to place the order and thanked the netizen for their help. He replied, "I've bought it."

The netizen still seemed skeptical and asked what Lu Xu had bought. Lu Xu shared a picture of the brooch.

The netizen responded, "What are you pretending for? If you have the guts, show me a picture when it arrives."

Lu Xu sensed the unfriendly tone of the conversation. Additionally, the post had gained attention, and some people began criticizing Lu Xu.

They all thought Lu Xu was pretending and probably bought a knockoff due to being poor. Lu Xu felt a bit upset but decided to close the post. He planned to prove it later when the brooch arrived and Rong Que could wear it. Besides, he intended to use his art class to create a character design drawing for Rong Que.

When Qi Sui received the message about Halloween preparations in the class group, he asked them what they wanted to dress up as during dinner. Lu Xu was a bit distracted, still thinking about the unpleasant incident and the criticism he received.

Feeling something amiss, Rong Que asked him what was wrong, but Lu Xu didn't want to reveal the gift-buying situation and brushed it off. They then joined the others in selecting Halloween costumes.

Lu Xu was immediately drawn to the little devil costume with pointed fake teeth. However, he could control his canine teeth to substitute for the fake ones.

Rong Que chose a ghost costume, mainly because he just wanted to reveal his eyes. With great anticipation, Halloween arrived quickly, and Qi Sui deliberately decorated the entrance, creating a somewhat haunted house atmosphere.

In the morning, they went to school together with a little devil and a little ghost. The attention was high when they got off the car. The little devil was too cute, with a pair of red horns, a glimpse of tiny fangs, beautiful red eyes perfectly matching the costume, small and cute wings, and an animated heart-shaped tail that was bought at a high price.

Qi Sui couldn't resist taking numerous photos of the little devil from the moment they left home, and the little ghost served as a perfect background. Reluctantly saying goodbye to the kids, Qi Sui went back to buy a cake and prepare for the birthday.

Rong Que asked him to keep it a secret and create a memorable first birthday for Lu Xu. Qi Sui also contacted Lu Xu's school friends, and they were planned to be secretly picked up and gathered at their home after school on Halloween.

On the other hand, Lu Xu, with a small fortune hidden in his little backpack in the form of the brooch, also had a beautifully designed card featuring a group photo. Being clever, he had informed the aunties in advance, and they promised to keep the secret about this special delivery.

Auntie, although shocked at first, soon realized that given Qi Sui's wealth, his allowance for the kids should be quite generous. Lu Xu felt a bit conflicted about when to give the gift to Rong Que.

Because it seemed like everyone had forgotten that today was the birthdays of both Rong Que and little Lu Xu. There was no sign of the legendary birthday cake, and they didn't hear anyone singing "Happy Birthday."

Lu Xu thought it was probably because Halloween was considered more important.

When they arrived at school, everything seemed normal, except for the many paper-cut ghosts and pumpkin lanterns hanging around. The teacher distributed a pumpkin to each student, and then demonstrated how to turn it into a pumpkin lantern.

Lu Xu, showing his artistic talent, carved a pumpkin lantern that looked even more standardized than the teacher's. The teacher went up to the front to showcase it to everyone.

The carved pumpkin lanterns would decorate various corners of the classroom, and everyone would be able to take one home after school.

In the morning, the plan was to play games in the classroom, and the winning kids would receive small candy rewards. The children were very enthusiastic, and the atmosphere was lively all morning.

Among them, Lu Xu's candy bag had the most items. Not because Lu Xu was the most skilled, but because he was always a bit slower than others, never winning a single round. The teacher would give him a consolation prize each time, and other kids liked Lu Xu's little devil costume, willingly sharing their candies with him.

Rong Que, in particular, gave all his candies to Lu Xu, but reminded him not to eat too many to avoid cavities.

As lunchtime approached, a teacher suddenly ran past the window, chasing a student into their classroom. Lu Xu instinctively glanced at them and saw the teacher pursuing a child all the way into their class.

Li Si, holding a handful of candies, walked over and spread them on Lu Xu's desk. Before being taken away by the teacher, he said a line from his dad's favorite historical drama, "Lu Er, look, this is the empire I've conquered for you!"

Li Si spent quite a while contemplating that sentence. His dad had told him that the character “zhen" sounded too distant, and “I" was more intimate. When you like someone, you should call them by a nickname.

However, the surrounding classmates burst into laughter upon hearing Li Si's line. Lu Xu, with a peculiar expression, thanked him and took out a basket full of candies from his small basket, saying, "But Xiao Lu already has a lot; you should keep some for yourself!"

Li Si stood still, and Lu Xu felt like a gust of wind could shatter him at that moment. Why would someone be upset about keeping their own candies?

Li Si's expression changed several times, and in the end, he stared at the basket of candies, realizing they were given by the other kids around. It seemed like he was harboring resentment towards them. He glared at them, leaving everyone puzzled. As Li Si was being dragged away, he shouted, "I want to transfer to Xiao Lu's class!"

Their class teacher, embarrassed, covered her face and said, "Li Si, you can't transfer from the middle class to the preschool class."

The teacher on the stage couldn't help but laugh, "Want to repeat a grade at such a young age?"

Lu Xu was still a bit worried. Li Si would always make a big fuss every time, attracting everyone's attention.

Fortunately, their teacher had already taken Li Si away.

When it was time for lunch, as usual, Rong Que habitually took Lu Xu to the cafeteria, but Lu Xu refused.

Rong Que was a bit puzzled.

Lu Xu looked up at him and said, "Can you wait for me at the door, Rong Que?"

Though feeling strange, Rong Que went out first.

Lu Xu took out the box of the brooch from his backpack, searched for a place on his own body for a while but couldn't find one.

After some thought, he put the brooch box into the pile of candies, then carried the basket of candies and went out.

Rong Que thought Lu Xu just really liked those pretty candies, so he came out after tidying up.

"But it's also strange to let him go out first. Do I need to avoid him?

Rong Que remembered the surprise birthday party they secretly prepared for Lu Xu. Could it be that Lu Xu also has something prepared?

But recently, Lu Xu hasn't bought anything, and it seems like there haven't been any packages for Lu Xu either.

Could it be the painting he did himself?"

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