The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 31



The situation at the research institute has been roughly understood. Although Lu Xu's memories are not very clear, he was too young at the time and didn't know what was happening.

However, the general content he was exposed to involved experiments related to summoning evil gods. Moreover, Lu Xu's memories include not only himself but also other victims who were experimented on.

Perhaps there were other sufferers.

However, Lu Xu once heard his dad say that their goal wasn't just to control evil gods. Instead, they aimed to cleanse humanity through some means.

Lu Xu didn't understand the meaning of "cleansing humanity," but Rong Que and Qi Sui did.

Back then, the apocalypse led to the emergence of various mutated creatures and the appearance of individuals with supernatural abilities. At the same time, the terrifying being, Lu Xu, also emerged during that period.

Initially, everyone believed that the appearance of evil gods caused the apocalypse, infecting other living beings. However, according to Lu Xu's descriptions, it seemed that even after the research institute was sealed off many years ago, they didn't stop their plans. They might have even successfully brought about the apocalypse back then.

After being reborn, Gu She wanted to retrieve Lu Xu to continue their experiments, perhaps aiming to hasten the arrival of the apocalypse. This revelation left Rong Que and others feeling exhausted.

They had thought that preventing Lu Xu from becoming what he had turned into would prevent the world from returning to that state. After some consideration, they decided to inform Xue Ying about the situation but didn't mention Lu Xu specifically, only saying that they were injured by Gu She.

Xue Ying had recently joined a film crew and was busy, so he couldn't come over. He could only express his concern through a phone call.

The three of them held a small meeting via video call.

Qi Sui furrowed his brow, "We can only prepare in advance."

Rong Que glanced at him and said, "We can try to identify those people and prevent this disaster."

Although Lu Xu didn't fully understand, he listened attentively.

The discussion about this topic ended there.

While they talked about finding those people, Qi Sui, despite being wealthy, lacked connections. His father would not allow him to act recklessly. 

Previously, Qi Sui's attempt to adopt Lu Xu and Rong Que was unsuccessful because it was deemed unfavorable to his reputation, fearing it might be perceived as having a love child, which could tarnish the family's brand. 

As for Xue Ying, being a sociophobe and a member of the entertainment industry, he didn't have much knowledge in this area.

However, there was a high probability that those people would come back for Lu Xu. They could only take it step by step.

Several more years remained before the original apocalypse, even with the research institute personnel having undergone rebirth. Speeding up the arrival of the apocalypse wouldn't be that quick.

Qi Sui took sick leave for Rong Que and Lu Xu, planning to return to school together after they recovered. It wasn't safe for Lu Xu to go to school alone.

Qi Sui and Xue Ying had already begun searching for information. Unusual occurrences might be related to the organization.

Lu Xu and Xiao Er stayed at the hospital. With Lu Xu guarding, there was almost no need to worry about anything happening.

Lu Xu was quite happy when assigned to this task. "Am I a capable adult now?"

Rong Que reassured him sincerely, "Little Lu is the most powerful, and you'll become even more formidable in the future."

He spoke the truth since the group of reincarnated individuals showed no signs of regaining their abilities.

On the contrary, Lu Xu was currently the strongest in terms of combat capabilities.

Lu Xu was extremely happy. Everything he used to dislike about himself was now accepted by others, and he had gained value.

To prevent Lu Xu from getting bored at the hospital, Qi Sui specially bought a portable small TV, with functions similar to a tablet, making it very convenient.

During these days of recovery, the daily routine involved the two kids, along with Xiao Er, watching Lu Xu's favorite anime together.

When Lu Xu was asleep, Rong Que would try to make some cosplay accessories.

He stored them in a small bag nearby.

They didn't plan to tell Lu Xu until the whole set was completed, considering it a little surprise.

In the afternoon, Lu Xu saw the protagonist in the anime getting injured in battle and hospitalized. Someone came to visit and brought him sliced apples.

The protagonist looked at the visitor with gratitude, and it deeply moved Lu Xu. On the spot, he went to find Xiao Er to buy some fruits.

Xiao Er, being quite knowledgeable, even bought a peeler and a fruit knife.

Because Lu Xu was quite short, and the bedside table was a bit high, Xiao Er brought a chair to the bedside table and had Lu Xu kneel on the chair to play.

Excitedly holding the fruit knife, Lu Xu wanted to peel the apple like in the anime. Although Rong Que was deeply moved, he insisted on having Lu Xu use the peeler.

Despite Lu Xu's strong healing ability, he was still afraid of pain.

Lu Xu switched to the peeler and peeled the apple in a messy way, but at least the skin was removed.

Thinking that he could finally eat the apple, Rong Que then noticed that Lu Xu placed the apple on a clean piece of paper and focused on pressing it down with the fruit knife, cutting it into pieces.

It turned out he was playing house.

Rong Que and Xiao Er repeatedly reminded him to be careful with his hands.

Cutting without peeling might lead to injuries, but Xiao Er was still worried. After helping Lu Xu cut it in half, he let the child play on his own.

Once it was cut in half, it wouldn't roll anymore, and Lu Xu wouldn't easily cut his own fingers, as long as he didn't actively cut towards his own fingers.

Rong Que didn't forget to take a photo of Lu Xu. After some consideration, he sent it to Qi Sui and Xue Ying.

"Xiao Lu is peeling apples for me."

Qi Sui replied with an audio message, and Rong Que directly opened the text version, "Hahaha, it looks like Xiao Lu is immersed in playing house, huh?"

Luckily, he didn't open the audio, or it would be too noisy.

Rong Que thought to himself.

Xue Ying also replied, "Be careful with your hands." It seemed he was concerned about Lu Xu.

After dealing with the apple, it had already changed color due to oxidation.

Lu Xu looked worriedly at it and then at his hands. "Did Xiao Lu wash his hands?"

Unable to hold back his laughter, Rong Que explained, "After peeling, apples will change color quickly, it's not your fault."

Lu Xu seemed skeptical, pitifully saying, "But the apples they peeled for Little Bunny just now were still white."

Rong Que was momentarily speechless, and Xiao Er promptly answered, "Because the author was lazy and didn't draw the color-changing effect on the apples."

Lu Xu suddenly realized and exclaimed, "Oh!"

Xiao Er had bought everything they needed. Lu Xu poured the apple chunks into a disposable plastic bowl and then skewered them with toothpicks.

Holding the small bowl, he carefully extended one leg to find the ground.

Xiao Er promptly picked up the child to prevent him from tumbling over with the apple pieces.

After Lu Xu came down, he held up the small bowl and smiled at Xiao Er, saying, "Uncle, eat some fruit."

Xiao Er was stunned for a moment. Lu Xu smiled at him, revealing a little tooth gap where a new tooth had just grown, looking extremely cute and innocent.

He took a toothpick, tasted a piece, and said, "Delicious, Xiao Lu is amazing!"

Facing such an adorable child, everyone couldn't help but praise him.

Lu Xu, affirmed for his hard work, happily offered the bowl to Rong Que.

Rong Que praised Lu Xu once again after finishing the fruit.

Lu Xu was very satisfied, staring at Rong Que and Xiao Er after they finished eating and enthusiastically asked, "Is it delicious?"

The answer was naturally that it was very delicious.

So, Lu Xu climbed onto the chair again, rolled up his sleeves, and said, "Then Xiao Lu will cut another one for you."

An apple was not small, and after eating, Rong Que, who was already a bit full, fell silent for a moment but still didn't interrupt Lu Xu's enthusiasm.

And so, Lu Xu busily cut apples all afternoon, becoming more and more skilled and faster.

Until Rong Que and Xiao Er, even if they couldn't withstand Lu Xu's expectant gaze, had to say, "Xiao Lu, take a break. Cutting apples is hard work."

Lu Xu hesitated for a moment and said, "Xiao Lu is not tired!"

Then, he wanted to climb up on the chair again to get busy.

Rong Que hesitated for a moment, then said, "Rest for a while, Xiao Lu. Cutting apples is tiring."

Fortunately, Lu Xu didn't insist on continuing to cut apples.

Xiao Er carried him to wash his hands, and then they both came back to rest.

Lu Xu was very serious about cutting apples, so when he stopped, he felt a bit tired. He yawned and rubbed his slightly moist eyes, looking visibly sleepy.

Rong Que had napped a bit on the side and said, "Come over and take a nap."

"Okay." Lu Xu's voice sounded exhausted, as if he could fall asleep right there in the next moment.

Children were like that; when they were excited playing, they didn't notice anything else, but fatigue hit them as soon as the excitement ended.

Xiao Er carried Lu Xu to the bed. Lu Xu obediently took off his jacket, but due to his tiredness, he couldn't manage to take off his clothes on his own.

Rong Que helped him, and after taking off his clothes, Lu Xu immediately crawled into the blanket.

"Good night..." Lu Xu, still trying to maintain a hint of politeness, bid everyone good night before closing his eyes.

His breathing became steady and calm, and he had fallen into a deep sleep.

Rong Que, who was also in the process of recovering, had been influenced by Lu Xu's drowsiness. After a brief word with Xiao Er, he closed his eyes as well.

The two of them slept until around four or five in the afternoon. When Qi Sui returned with food, it finally woke them up.

Upon waking up, Lu Xu saw that the table was set for a meal.

Qi Sui and Xiao Er unpacked the takeout boxes, and the hospital bed's folding board was filled with a variety of dishes—quite a sumptuous spread.

Still a bit groggy, Lu Xu rubbed his eyes and mumbled, "The nurse said that Rong Que can't eat these things."

Qi Sui chuckled quietly and then pulled out the last item from the bag, "That's right, these are for us. Rong Que's food is right here."

Rong Que's expression remained somewhat numb.

Having filled their stomachs with apples, he wasn't particularly hungry. However, the vibrant colors and enticing aromas of the dishes on the table couldn't be ignored. But he probably could only eat things that lacked flavor.

Noticing Rong Que's resigned expression, Lu Xu shook his head and said, "I'll stick to plain food with Rong Que. We'll have simple meals together."

"Lu Xu, no need for that. Eat what you like. I don't have much of an appetite," Rong Que expressed deep gratitude for Lu Xu's consideration but wasn't selfish enough to drag him into sharing bland food.

"Where did you pick up that new term, Lu Xu?" Qi Sui teased as he opened the last box. "Do you really call this abalone rice 'simple meals'?"

Once the box was opened, a small can was revealed. Qi Sui lifted the lid, and a rich and wholesome aroma wafted out. Placing it in front of Rong Que, he said, "Go ahead and eat!"

Rong Que's forehead twitched slightly.

It might have been better if they hadn't given this to him. Now, he was faced with the dilemma of watching a delicious dish he could eat right in front of him, yet unable to do so because his stomach was filled with too many apples. Once the abalone rice cooled down, it wouldn't taste as good.

Rong Que reached out, scooped a bit with the spoon, checked its temperature, and offered it to Lu Xu's lips.

"No need, Rong Que gege. You can only eat this, but Lu Xu can eat many things," Lu Xu blinked and replied.

Rong Que forced a smile, "It's okay, Xiao Lu. I'm not hungry."

Upon hearing this, Lu Xu's eyebrows furrowed together. He recalled the story he heard in Uncle Xue Ying's car about a poor mother often saying, "I'm not hungry," to let her child have the food.

He absolutely wouldn't eat it!!

Seeing the determined expression on Lu Xu's face, Rong Que sensed something wasn't right and felt a bad premonition in his heart.

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