The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 30



Teacher Gu seemed quite satisfied with Lu Xu's attack on him. After pausing his laughter, he suddenly began chanting some incomprehensible language, like a spell.

It inexplicably sent shivers down one's spine, instilling a sense of fear and coldness.

Meanwhile, Lu Xu's condition became even more unsettling. The shape of his eyes seemed to be changing—facial proportions were no longer human.

"Lu Xu..." Rong Que called out with a weak voice.

Teacher Gu only knew that he had successfully made Lu Xu lose control. However, he failed to notice that Lu Xu's uncontrollable actions were still aimed at protecting Rong Que.

Even though the spell seemed to have the power to catalyze Lu Xu's deterioration, his actions were, at the core, still about protecting Rong Que.

Outside the door, Qi Sui, who didn't understand the previous events with Rong Que, now felt a familiar and even more terrifying aura of the evil god than when he first entered the orphanage.

Lu Xu had lost control again?

What exactly is Rong Que's plan?

Qi Sui felt somewhat uneasy and, calling on Xiao Yi, entered together, leaving Xiao Er to guard outside.

Regardless of Xiao Yi not being a reincarnator and being unaware of Lu Xu's special abilities, Qi Sui broke into the room with his companion.

Lying in the darkness, Rong Que saw the light pouring in from the door.

It was Qi Sui's sudden intrusion that interrupted Teacher Gu's chanting.

However, this was just a momentary disruption. Teacher Gu then ignored Qi Sui rushing in and continued his incantation.

However, in these few seconds of pause, Rong Que noticed a moment of struggle on Lu Xu's face, with his features even contorting slightly.

It worked... Xiao Lu, although controlled and brainwashed, is still fighting.

Lu Xu will become a kind human.

Rong Que suddenly pushed himself up from the ground, using inertia to rush behind Lu Xu and embraced him. Then, with his almost voiceless throat, he called out Lu Xu's name.

Lu Xu had lived as the so-called evil god, weirdo, and monster in the eyes of others in these two lifetimes.

His name seemed like proof that he was human.

"Lu Xu... Lu Xu..."

In his arms, Lu Xu emitted a painful whimper. He tried to release the arm in his mouth but was promptly noticed by Teacher Gu, who pressed his head forcefully and chanted even faster.

Qi Sui quickly directed Xiao Yi, who was stunned by the supernatural events, to stop Teacher Gu.

Once Xiao Yi snapped back, he rushed forward and landed a punch on Teacher Gu's head.

After all, Xiao Yi was a professional bodyguard, while Teacher Gu had the physique of an ordinary person. He was instantly disoriented, released Lu Xu, and stumbled backward, falling to the ground.

But Teacher Gu's mouth didn't stop, still chanting the horrifying incantation with fervor.

Even though he was beaten to the point of being unable to get up.

This time, Xiao Yi didn't wait for orders. He went straight to cover Teacher Gu's mouth, preventing him from continuing the chant.

However, Teacher Gu didn't panic. He even emitted a maniacal laughter.

That unpleasant and frenzied laughter was audible even when his mouth was covered.

Meanwhile, Lu Xu, after Teacher Gu was knocked down, fell onto Rong Que.

Rong Que used his hand to stroke Lu Xu's head. Lu Xu's hair, in a frenzy, entangled and even tore Rong Que's skin on his hand, greedily drawing fresh blood.

However, Rong Que didn't retract his hand. Despite the resistance of the hair, he continued to stroke Lu Xu's head.

Finally, a glimmer of consciousness returned to Lu Xu's eyes. He pushed himself away from Rong Que.

The hair also loosened its grip on Rong Que's hand.

Lu Xu looked at the barely conscious Rong Que, and his eyes instantly filled with tears.

The whites of his eyes remained gray-black, and his hair continued to float restlessly.

However, he regained control over his actions.

Rong Que, looking at Lu Xu, felt a sense of relief. Lu Xu was stronger in his heart than any of them.

Lu Xu dared not meet Rong Que's gaze, his voice trembling as he said, "I'm sorry..."

"Xiao Lu is amazing, using his own strength to protect me." Rong Que curled his lips, and the handprint on his neck pulled slightly, causing some pain.

Presumably, even Teacher Gu didn't expect that the eldritch god he had been experimenting to summon for a long time without success would appear when he harmed Rong Que.

Lu Xu had turned into this state to save Rong Que.

Although he almost lost control under the influence of the opponent's incantation, looking at it now, Rong Que's initial plan seemed to have succeeded in allowing Lu Xu to maintain reason in this form.

It was a very good outcome.

Lu Xu knelt on the ground, sobbing intermittently. He said, "Xiao Lu, I'm so scared..."

Although Qi Sui didn't fully understand the situation, the priority was to take Rong Que to the hospital. As for Teacher Gu, he had fainted, and despite his ability to control Lu Xu, he was just an ordinary person.

Given the current circumstances, explaining the bite marks on his hands in the police station wouldn't work. They could only have Xiao Yi tie him up and keep an eye on him for now.

As Qi Sui was preparing to take Rong Que to the hospital and Teacher Gu was being tied up, Lu Xu suddenly stood up. Under his control, he reverted to his usual appearance and picked up his beloved hat and hairpin, walking to where Teacher Gu was bound.

Qi Sui, unsure of Lu Xu's intentions, stopped and said, "Xiao Lu, aren't you coming to the hospital with us?"

Lu Xu suddenly bit his finger hard, then dripped his blood onto the abnormal wound on Teacher Gu's hand.

Similar to the injuries on Rong Que's face from before, the darkened wound on Teacher Gu's hand began visibly healing at a remarkable speed.

However, Rong Que's injuries couldn't be treated in the same way.

The strangulation marks on his neck didn't manifest as visible wounds, and they still needed the imprint to accuse Teacher Gu of his crime.

Xiao Yi, having just witnessed that mind-boggling scene, now found it unsurprising, almost nonchalant.

Qi Sui looked at Lu Xu with confusion, but Lu Xu turned around after completing the act, earnestly saying, "He almost killed Brother Rong Que. Now we can call the police, right?"

"That's right..." Lu Xu had resolved a significant issue. Originally, Rong Que's injuries were clearly the result of intentional harm, which would have attracted the attention of the police when taken to the hospital. Additionally, Teacher Gu's arm wound couldn't be easily explained.

Qi Sui hadn't even considered that Lu Xu would think about these aspects.

Qi Sui regained his composure. "Then let's go to the hospital together."

Lu Xu shook his head. "Xiao Lu... won't go."

Xiao Lu didn't want to harm anyone else.

However, Rong Que suddenly opened his eyes and, with a somewhat hoarse voice, said, "Without Xiao Lu, I'll have nightmares."

Lu Xu's drooping head suddenly lifted, looking at Rong Que.

There was no trace of blame on Rong Que's face, as if he were merely stating a fact.


Xiao Yi took the person to the police station, while Xiao Er drove them to the hospital. Qi Sui sat in the back seat with them, helping Lu Xu put on his hat and securing it with a hairpin.

Lu Xu cared a lot about these two items, as if they were symbols of his human identity.

In the car, Rong Que had lost his strength and remained in a semi-conscious state.

Feeling the atmosphere too heavy, Qi Sui wanted to say something, but hesitated, feeling that any words might not be appropriate.

Upon reaching the hospital and completing the examination, fortunately, Rong Que didn't have severe irreversible damage, and his injuries were treatable. However, he needed some time to recover, especially considering the vulnerability of a child's body to potentially trigger other health issues.

After treating the wounds, Rong Que was kept in the hospital for observation. Lu Xu remained silent throughout, sitting quietly in a chair with his head bowed.

Qi Sui thought about it but decided not to inform Xue Ying about this incident. Xue Ying had not fully accepted Lu Xu yet, and keeping this matter confidential seemed to be the best course of action.

When the police arrived, they questioned everyone and, with plenty of eyewitnesses, there was no suspense in the case. Due to Qi Sui's connections, he learned about the subsequent procedures that evening.

It turned out that Teacher Gu's real name was Gu She, and he was a high-ranking member of that cult mentioned in the newspaper a few years ago. Due to their fanatical beliefs, that group of people had managed to keep the higher-ups' identities well-hidden.

However, there were likely more than just Gu She among the higher-ups.

Surprisingly, when he was taken to the police station, Gu She bit into the poison hidden in his mouth, choosing to end his own life. It was evident that he had no intention of revealing any information.

The news brought by Qi Sui was not good news. Although Gu She was no more, it meant that anyone who came into contact with Lu Xu in the future could potentially be a member of their organization.

When discussing this matter with Lu Xu, neither Qi Sui nor Rong Que avoided him. After all, Lu Xu was directly involved and had the right to know about these potential threats.

Glancing at their worried faces, Lu Xu whispered, "I won't be controlled again."

Hearing this, Rong Que looked at him. He felt a twinge of guilt for using Gu She to trigger Lu Xu's potential, as Xiao Lu seemed visibly upset.

However, if they hadn't done that, and Lu Xu lost control again, it would have been hard for him to trust himself. "Xiao Lu wasn't controlled; I intentionally let him trigger your uncontrollable side."

Lu Xu looked at Rong Que in shock, as if feeling betrayed. Rong Que had to explain, "I'm sorry, Xiao Lu, but now you can control your other form, right?"

"I've always believed in you, that you can overcome your instincts."

It finally dawned on Lu Xu that, by saying this, he wouldn't hurt Brother Rong Que anymore in the future?

Lu Xu's mood seemed to improve a bit, and he recalled something. "Xiao Lu remembers something from before."

"Xiao Lu won't be controlled because he is Little Deer's dad."

Qi Sui and Rong Que were both slightly shocked upon hearing this. They had speculated about Lu Xu's background—whether he was a child abandoned by a normal family or if he had no parents at all. When Gu She claimed to be Xiao Lu's dad earlier, they thought it was related to the brainwashing during the previous research.

Qi Sui didn't know what to say but tried to comfort him, "It's okay, Xiao Lu. You have us and your Uncle Xue Ying."

Lu Xu tilted his head, not understanding why Brother Qi Sui suddenly comforted him. He didn't say all this to seek the fatherly love of Gu She; Xiao Lu had no emotional attachment to his "dad."

"Xiao Lu's memories were always controlled by Dad, so it was challenging to escape his shadow."

"Uncles thought the summoning ritual failed and abandoned Xiao Lu. Xiao Lu doesn't know why Dad suddenly came back."

Originally thinking that Lu Xu was going to confide something, both Qi Sui and Rong Que listened attentively. Little did they know, Xiao Lu calmly continued, "But Dad is already dead, and other people's influence on Xiao Lu is not significant."

After hearing this, the two understood Xiao Lu's meaning. They initially thought that a child would have some feelings for their father, making the situation a bit sad for him. 

However, Little Deer's explanation made it clear that he just wanted them to trust him. What he truly feared was being abandoned by Rong Que and Qi Sui.

Qi Sui reassured him, "What are you thinking, Xiao Lu? Even if someone tries to control you, we will protect you."

Rong Que felt a pang of heartache, but it was challenging for him to speak at the moment. He had already said too much earlier, so he could only use his phone to type messages for Qi Sui to convey.

"Your Brother Rong Que said he would always be your best friend, and you're his lifesaver," Qi Sui said, trying to keep the tone light.

He hopes that Lu Xu won't have too much psychological pressure.

Rong Que nodded, indicating that it was also his intention. He himself was a part of this plan. In the situation where a single hug comforted Lu Xu, he knew that Lu Xu's kind heart always wanted to overcome the evil god.

Therefore, Lu Xu would surely protect him, successfully regain his sanity, and take control of his body.

Upon hearing this, Lu Xu, once again, couldn't hold back his tears. Tears rolled down his cheeks like beads with a broken string.

"Sob, sob, sob, Xiao Lu..." Lu Xu couldn't finish his sentence, crying so much that he couldn't speak.

He wasn't sad; he was happy.

Lu Xu had always been living under the shadow of worrying about losing control. Even with everyone's company, he would often imagine waking up only to see the corpses of his friends.

But now, he no longer had this concern.

Lu Xu jumped off the chair and tightly clung to the bedside, instinctively using his tear-soaked and slightly cold face to nuzzle Rong Que's palm.

Like an obedient stray cat, longing for the warmth of humans.

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