The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 19



Upon hearing Tao Yue's request, Teacher Li instinctively looked at Rong Que. She remembered that Rong Que was very attentive to Lu Xu and had been holding his hand since he arrived. Moreover, he brought band-aids to prevent Lu Xu from getting hurt with the scissors during class.

Rong Que frowned, his face darkened. He wasn't sure about Tao Yue's intentions, but he felt a sense of unease. Why did Tao Yue insist on holding Lu Xu's hand?

Suppressing his irritation, Rong Que couldn't bring himself to act shamelessly like Tao Yue but gritted his teeth and said, "Teacher, I also want to hold hands with Xiao Lu."

After saying this, Rong Que felt even more awkward. In order to contend with Tao Yue, he had deliberately called out using Lu Xu’s nickname "Xiao Lu."

Lu Xu, who was holding hands with Cai You in front, turned back, blinking in confusion. He didn't understand why suddenly everyone wanted to hold his hand.

Unable to resolve the situation, Teacher Li asked Lu Xu and Cai You, "So, Lu Xu and Cai You, who do you want to walk with?"

Upon hearing this, both Tao Yue and Rong Que looked at Lu Xu.

Rong Que was confident about this; he didn't believe that Lu Xu would choose a stranger over holding his hand.

However, Cai You seemed a bit reluctant. Lu Xu felt that Cai You's grip on his hand tightened slightly.

Looking at Cai You, who still had a bright smile on his face and seemed unwilling to trouble Lu Xu, Lu Xu thought about Cai You's previous efforts to help him.

After a few seconds of contemplation, Lu Xu felt that he couldn't abandon Cai You. However, he needed to find a way that wouldn't upset Rong Que.

Hesitating for a moment, Lu Xu firmly said, "But I've already teamed up with Cai You, and the teacher said we should stick with our partners. Also, according to the rules, Xiao Lu should be with Cai You."

Rong Que: ...

What to do if the little one who hasn't been fully raised yet runs away with someone else?

Although Tao Yue didn't succeed either, he seemed very satisfied to see Rong Que feeling uncomfortable.

Tao Yue continued to play the obedient role, saying, "Lu Xu is right. I will hold hands with Rong Que."

After all, Rong Que wouldn't be willing to hold hands with him anyway.

Lu Xu looked at Rong Que with a hint of apology in his eyes. He thought for a moment and added, "Xiao Lu’s piggy-shaped bun tomorrow morning will be for Rong Que."

Rong Que couldn't refute, he could only praise silently in his heart – indeed, Li Xuan was a master at calming situations.

But at least Li Xu helped Teacher Li resolve the issue. Although the two kids were still not holding hands, they were at least in the same line.

Teacher Li didn't want to force relationships that seemed strained, so she could only turn around and pay more attention to see if anyone was lagging behind.

Watching Li Xu and Cai You holding hands, swaying back and forth, Rong Que felt a bit envious. When he held hands with Xiao Lu, they had never swayed like that.

They arrived at the area for extracurricular activities. It was surrounded by a variety of play structures, including common slides and uncommon tire swings.

Xiao Lu looked at the rich array of facilities with shining eyes, finding them all very interesting.

Teacher Li explained today's activity plan, and Xiao Lu listened attentively. The plan was to go around the activity area, passing through each play structure and returning to the starting point.

Afterwards, it was free activity, followed by lunch after class.

Teacher Li arranged for everyone to form queues, pairing up in twos and taking turns in activities, making it easier for her to look after the children.

Lu Xu became a bit nervous because of the seating arrangement; he and Cai You were in the second group, with the first group consisting of two little girls who sat together.

With a whistle from Teacher Li, the two little girls ran out and began activities around each amusement facility.

Because the kindergarten had daily free activity sessions, everyone had good physical fitness.

The two little girls were very fast, almost tripping several times but always managing to catch themselves, appearing quite skilled.

Lu Xu started to hesitate; his sense of balance wasn't that good, and he would even stumble when getting off a ride.

Moreover, he had almost no experience participating in group activities.

Thinking about this, he couldn't help but glance back at Rong Que.

Having been paying attention to Lu Xu, Rong Que noticed his pleading eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lu Xu hesitated for a moment and said, "Will I be too slow and affect others?"

"It's okay, Little Deer. Everyone is slow at the beginning," Rong Que reassured.

Cai You also turned around and said, "I'll wait for you, don't worry!"

Fortunately, at this moment, Tao Yue just glanced at them without saying anything to affect Lu Xu.

Encouraged by everyone, Lu Xu relaxed a lot.

The two little girls who had just finished running a lap had also returned.

There was a slight sweat on their faces, and they wiped it off with hands that had touched the equipment, leaving some smudges.

Teacher Li took out small handkerchiefs with everyone's names written on them and helped wipe their faces. Then, she blew the whistle again.

Following the route from before, Lu Xu ran out. Cai You had promised to wait for him, so their pace wasn't fast.

The first activity was climbing a ladder to reach a slide and then sliding down.

Lu Xu had never been on a slide before; he couldn't get close to the playground equipment in the orphanage.

Climbing up was okay for him, but when it came time to slide down from the top, Lu Xu felt a bit scared.

However, seeing Cai You next to him sliding down while cheering himself on, Lu Xu gritted his teeth and let go of his grip.

Successfully sliding to the bottom, Lu Xu made an effort to climb up to the next game spot.

This game was considered the most challenging in the circuit. Two rows of tires were placed together, and the children needed to jump from one hole to the other on the opposite side.

Although the holes in the middle of the tires were large enough, for children with poor jumping ability, it was still easy to trip.

Lu Xu, already physically underdeveloped with short arms and legs, approached the first tire and tried to jump, with his ears swinging high behind him.

The highest distance he could jump was just enough to land in the first tire hole.

When landing, he couldn't stand steadily, swaying a bit until he pressed his hands against the tire to avoid falling.

With the experience of the first successful attempt, Lu Xu became a bit bolder.

Rong Que watched from behind as Lu Xu, like a little rabbit, hopped and bounced. His ears swung back and forth behind him.

Fortunately, in the morning, Lu Xu had used clips to secure his hat and hair together, or they might have bounced off.

When jumping to the middle, Lu Xu jumped too quickly, not realizing that his toe hooked onto the tire, causing him to stumble forward.

However, the tire was soft, and even though Lu Xu landed on it and hung there, he was not injured.

Lu Xu was stunned when he realized he was hanging. His palms couldn't find a point of support to climb up for a moment.

Just as Lu Xu was thinking of pulling his hand back to push himself up, Teacher Li had already picked him up and placed him back on the ground.

Teacher Li patted the dust off Lu Xu, encouraging him to continue.

Lu Xu, now full of energy, nodded and ran to the next activity, no longer feeling hesitant.

Although Cai You was young, he was good at taking care of his classmates.

Cai You intentionally slowed down his pace, accompanying Lu Xu to complete a lap.

When they returned to the lineup, Cai You didn't look tired at all, while Lu Xu was already a bit out of breath.

Supporting himself with his knees, Lu Xu took a couple of deep breaths and then earnestly encouraged Rong Que, "Brother Rong Que, come on!"

He hadn't expected going to school to be this tiring. Little Lu Xu was almost out of breath.

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