It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 98


ITOTIABSAM | Young General | 98

The warm breath, warmer than usual, gently brushed past Gu Cong's ear, instantly causing his ears to burn.

Like discovering an interesting new toy, the hand that had originally hooked around his neck slowly moved up along his neck, then flicked his earlobe, repeating the question as if urging him to answer:


Gu Cong's Adam's apple bobbed nervously.

Xie Ye was always quiet, giving off an innocent aura. Gu Cong never expected that when he spoke normally, he would render him so defenseless.

...Did the medicine work so quickly? Was this remedy really that miraculous?

Sensing something amiss, but in this moment, everything else could wait. Acting on instinct, Gu Cong gently kissed the palm of Xie Ye's hand that covered his mouth, tender and pleading, as if seeking comfort.

Sure enough, the young man's expression softened, and he loosened his grip on Gu Cong's hand, wrinkling his nose and poking his shoulder. "Shower."

Knowing that Xie Ye valued cleanliness, Gu Cong didn't feel offended. Although he didn't have any odor on him, he had sweated a bit while brewing the medicine, and if he wanted to share the bed with Xie Ye, it was indeed necessary to freshen up.

Moreover, such intimate matters should not take place outdoors.

Reluctantly, Gu Cong released his hold on Xie Ye's waist.

However, when he finished washing up and entered the room, the young man who had previously initiated the kiss had already wrapped himself up in the blanket, like a spring roll, not even showing his head.

Gu Cong, who had only belatedly realized and retrieved the small jar, understood that although he rarely made mistakes on the battlefield, it seemed that he had fallen into a trap set by Xie Ye here.

Expressionless, he approached the bed and tugged at the blanket. "Come out."

The motionless "spring roll" seemed to be asleep.

After all, Xie Ye still remembered a certain unexpected encounter at an inn, where he felt the size firsthand. Despite the temptation, he decided to let it go.

He was not particularly shy in the bedroom and was quite open-minded, but he had never thought of pushing his limits.

"Xie Ye," Gu Cong called patiently, ignoring the lack of response but maintaining a serious tone. "It's hot, don't suffocate yourself."

In fact, the May night was quite cool, and Xie Ye was naturally prone to feeling cold. Even if he wrapped himself in a blanket all night, it wouldn't be a problem.

Gu Cong probably realized that coaxing was ineffective. After a while of silence, without much fanfare, the bed, layered with thick quilts, sank slightly, and just when Xie Ye thought that Gu Cong had compromised and was ready to rest, suddenly, the world spun, and he was lifted up along with the blanket.

With only one arm firmly encircling the young man, Gu Cong lifted his free hand and, with the precision of unwrapping a rice dumpling, carefully peeled Xie Ye out of his "spring roll" state.

...But he intentionally left the part below the shoulders covered by the blanket. What should have protected Xie Ye now became a constraint, forcing the young man to sit obediently on his lap.

Gu Cong didn't feel the least bit inappropriate using brute force to win. Meeting Xie Ye's stern phoenix eyes head-on, he remained calm. "First civility, then military action."

He had just tried to coax Xie Ye out with gentle words.

Xie Ye had now fully experienced someone's dominance, even more so than in previous lives when he had firmly held the initiative.

He wanted to explain, but found that the effect of speaking had expired.

Gu Cong didn't give him a chance to speak.

With one hand lifting Xie Ye's chin, he found his target and planted a firm kiss on Xie Ye's lips.

Unlike the previous imitation, this kiss was entirely Gu Cong's own rhythm—simple, direct, and passionate. It left no room for breath, and in a daze, Xie Ye felt that his every breath was filled with Gu Cong's scent—faint soap and a hint of fresh vegetation.

His fingers instinctively wanted to grasp something, but they were firmly trapped under the blanket. The awkward position made it difficult to exert force, and the more he tried to resist, the deeper he found himself ensnared in the man's embrace.

At first, Xie Ye was all restless, trying to break free from the blanket, but gradually, he unexpectedly became obedient, allowing the man to leave his marks—biting his own lips, kissing his jawline, until finally, he lowered his head and rested his forehead against Gu Cong's right shoulder.

"Now you know how to behave?" Gu Cong chuckled softly, realizing his voice was unusually hoarse. He had never intended to truly force Xie Ye. He gently wrapped his large hand around the back of the young man's neck, stroking it twice, then ran his hand down his spine to comfort him. "Don't worry, I won't do anything you dislike."

As for the kisses, it always seemed like the other party was more proactive.

Snuggled close under the blanket, feeling the intense heat from Gu Cong: Dislike or not, he was a little scared.

Always feeling like he would eventually reveal the fact that his stutter stopped when kissed by the other, Xie Ye forcefully suppressed the urge to speak and wrote in the safest spot near the man's shoulder:

【Go down.】

Go down?

What did he mean, go down?

Gu Cong was slightly puzzled for a moment until Xie Ye sneakily lowered his eyes and glanced downwards. Only then did Gu Cong realize what the other was trying to convey.

This matter, like starting a fire, was easy to ignite but difficult to extinguish. It couldn't be controlled solely by willpower. Worried that he might lose Xie Ye's trust, Gu Cong tensed his jaw and earnestly explained, "If you stay still, it'll go down."

Xie Ye, with his eyes slightly narrowed and tinged with red from the brief lack of oxygen, sitting sideways on Gu Cong's lap, finally found himself a little taller than Gu Cong. His gaze, though faint, seemed to excite the man even more.

One moment Xie Ye was glaring, the next he wanted to slip away.

But Gu Cong held him firmly in place.

Gu Cong originally intended to ask the other to relax and, incidentally, restore his credibility, but at the moment, "contrary to expectations" was the only way to describe the situation.

Instinctively, Gu Cong covered Xie Ye's eyes with his hand.

Xie Ye had never encountered such an unreasonable person, let alone such an unreasonable Gu Cong.

First, he was told not to move, and now he wasn't even allowed to see. The other held him like one would hold a lightweight large doll, occasionally planting kisses on his neck and lips.

Deprived of sight, Xie Ye's other senses naturally became more acute. He felt a bit itchy and was about to dodge, but was gently pushed back onto the bed by Gu Cong, lying flat.

The thick "spring roll" covered his eyes, and his left hand, which had covered his eyes, hadn't moved. Xie Ye heard Gu Cong's hoarse voice say, "Go to sleep."

Rarely, he felt a bit guilty about what he was doing.

With his eyelashes held down by Gu Cong's palm, Xie Ye blinked. Everything was dark, and the only way to navigate was by feeling around.

Before long, he heard Gu Cong take a deep breath and grip his wrist tightly. "What are you touching?"

Xie Ye promptly pretended to be mute.

However, Gu Cong continued to hold onto him. In terms of strength, Xie Ye couldn't match Gu Cong. After a silent stalemate for a while, he opened his mouth, "I can... help."

Gu Cong's hands, which were nearly twice the size of Xie Ye's, instantly tightened.

In this regard, Xie Ye only knew the basics. In front of Gu Cong, who was not accustomed to hardship, he soon felt his arms grow sore and wanted to escape.

But Gu Cong didn't give him any chance to retreat.

The hand that once held him down now became a guide, covering his own hand, tightening, clasping, giving him no choice but to push forward. It seemed gentle and considerate, but in reality, it blocked all retreat.


In the dimness of the room for too long, Xie Ye had forgotten to open his eyes. When he saw the flickering candlelight inside the main room again, Gu Cong was sitting by the bed, wiping his hands with a clean cloth.

The newly purchased bedding was quickly put to use, and Xie Ye buried his face in the soft pillow, his dark hair scattered, pretending to be asleep.

Surprisingly, Gu Cong didn't expose him. Instead, he lowered his head and kissed Xie Ye's ear.

Before long, there were rustling sounds outside the courtyard. Gu, refreshed and clear-headed, quietly cleaned up the surroundings overnight.

A dreamless night.

After traveling for nearly half a month in succession and experiencing such a disturbance on the first night in the city, Xie Ye, who was unaccustomed to sleeping in a bed, didn't wake up until midday the next day.

Gu Cong had probably already visited the military camp and was now standing in the sunlight, checking the books he had brought to see if they had gotten wet. Two boxes of jade chess pieces were also placed on the table in the main room.

Hearing footsteps from the inner room, Gu Cong immediately turned around. "Awake?"

"I left some porridge for you in the kitchen, along with stir-fried wild vegetables cooked by Zhang Dama this morning," he reported, "If you want something meaty, you can go out and buy some lamb soup with naan or maybe some small dumplings."

Xie Ye: "What time is it now?"

Can I skip breakfast?

Gu Cong: "You have to eat something." Gradually figuring out what works best for the young man, Gu Cong put down the books and took two steps forward. "Or I can feed you."

"Sit on my lap."

"Be a baby again."

Xie Ye: "You..."

Gu Cong: "I'm strong, can't help it." Gently pinching the young man's fingertips, who was trying to write something in his palm, Gu Cong spoke seriously. "So you have to eat more."

In a place like Sanggan City, food was indeed not to be wasted. In the end, Xie Ye obediently drank a bowl of porridge and had a small plate of well-seasoned vegetables.

After the meal, Gu Cong took him to feed the horse, Wuyun, personally. "In a while, I might take you to the grasslands to get acquainted with Wuyun. It's always beneficial."

Xie Ye: ?

"That Nadamu Festival, held every July when the livestock are fat and the grass is lush, they hold such a celebration." Patiently, Gu Cong explained. "After the new Khan took office, he invited me several times, wanting to demonstrate his loyalty and also to assess the strength of my city defense troops."

Both enemies and friends, if one side's strength was too weak, the delicate balance between Yan Dynasty and the grasslands would soon be broken.

Xie Ye remembered what Gu Cong had said before: "Treading on snow?"

"Exactly, it was won from a horse race," Gu Cong nodded. "But, I just want to take you to relax, don't need to think too much about anything else."

Xie Ye nodded:

Most of the original perspective was focused on the main characters, and this part was not mentioned. However, judging from the later development of the plot, this trip should be safe enough.

1101 chimed in at the right moment: "Understood, honeymoon trip."

Whether you want to play or show off, I heard that horse milk wine and roasted whole lamb on the grasslands are amazing. Can we try them?

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