It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 97


ITOTIABSAM | Young General | 97

Technically, at the age of twenty-three, in ancient times, Xie Ye's body wasn't considered "young" anymore. However, Gu Cong's tone was extremely natural, conveying a gentleness that contrasted sharply with his cold and tough exterior.

Returning briskly to the young man's side, he reached out his hand. "Let's go."

Standing up from the chair, he didn't really need anyone's support, but Xie Ye still cooperated by placing his hand on Gu Cong's palm. As they left, he politely nodded to the stall owner.

They had taken quite a while with their meal, but fortunately, most shops hadn't closed yet; they just hung up lanterns for illumination. The street stalls were still lively, and the prices were much cheaper.

When he lived alone, Gu Cong never felt like his home lacked anything, but now, holding Xie Ye's hand, he realized there were so many things that suited him.

All the bedding and furniture needed to be replaced with new ones. In addition to that, he needed to prepare a bathtub specifically for the young man... As he was calculating, Gu Cong suddenly realized that when he had instructed Lu Jin to take away the carriage, he had forgotten about the paper and pen, as well as the jade chess set and books that Xie Ye had brought with him.

He would have to find time tomorrow to retrieve them.

Although it was ancient times, there were still delivery services for some overly heavy items. Gu Cong took Xie Ye around, and they became familiar with almost half of the shops. On their way back home, Xie Ye even carried a pot of flowers that a friendly old lady boss had given him. The flowers were small, with just a few light yellow buds.

"These are golden dew plum blossoms," Gu Cong said as he walked shoulder to shoulder with Xie Ye, holding various small and large wooden boxes and paper-wrapped packages. He carefully shielded Xie Ye on the inside. "They're the most common wildflowers on the grasslands, blooming in June. They're not considered a precious variety."

Xie Ye shook his head earnestly. "I, like it."

Regardless of whether the variety was precious or not, as a villain, he rarely received kindness from the world and those around him. Even though today's goodwill was somewhat thanks to Gu Cong, he was still very happy.

Even if it were his alter self, he had never truly smiled because of the lavish gifts sent by those young masters and misses.

"As long as you like it," Gu Cong said, feeling more relieved than just exhaling. He shook the medicine package in his hand and said, "Doctor Qian isn't here today. Let's make some throat-clearing and voice-enhancing herbal soup to drink."

Although there were military doctors in the camp, they were mainly skilled in treating physical injuries. As for Doctor Qian, whom Gu Cong mentioned, he was even more adept at handling situations like Xie Ye's.

But as luck would have it, Doctor Qian had personally taken people up the mountain to gather herbs during the day, leaving only a few apprentices in the shop. So Gu Cong could only grab a prescription for a mild and soothing throat remedy.

At the opportune moment, 1101 couldn't help but provoke: "Or you could just say a word and kiss him."

[Anyway, there are harmony regulations, and I can't see it.]


Suddenly, a chilly gust of wind swept through the sea of consciousness, knocking it down completely as it transformed into a ball of light. "Noisy."

But 1101 wasn't afraid at all.

Because it could clearly sense that the aura around the host was gentle.

When alone, Gu Cong liked peace and quiet. When he purchased the house, he specifically chose a relatively secluded courtyard. He didn't like outsiders coming into his home. He only instructed the shop assistants to pile things up at the door. After all, in Sanggan City, there shouldn't be anyone bold enough to steal from him.

Especially not heavy furniture.

Xie Ye wanted to help, but as soon as he put down the flowerpot, Gu Cong pressed him back into the chair. "I'll do it."

Everyone has their specialty. Gu Cong couldn't bear to let those beautiful hands, fair and slender, used for anything other than holding a pen or playing chess, handle heavy objects.

Moreover, there weren't any particularly difficult items to move. After all, things like beds, wardrobes, screens, dressing tables, bathtub, and bookcases were already present in the house from the beginning. After making several trips back and forth, it was only a warm-up for Gu Cong.

When he went to fetch medicine for the young man, Gu Cong also bought some worm-repellent powder. This remedy was brought from the grasslands and had excellent effects. Gu Cong scattered it around the yard before entering the house.

Xie Ye had already prepared tea.

The tea leaves were newly bought, and the water was drawn from the well by Gu Cong earlier. There was still some firewood left in the kitchen that could barely be used. While Gu Cong was setting up a small study for himself, Xie Ye went out of the main house and made a fire on his own.

This startled General Gu.

Quickly approaching, he held Xie Ye's hand and examined it back and forth. "Did you burn yourself?"

Knowing that the other was genuinely concerned about him, Xie Ye didn't tease him further and shook his head honestly.

Usually, Gu Cong drank only water, rarely indulging in tea except for rinsing his mouth. But since it was brewed by Xie Ye, he immediately took it seriously, blowing on it before drinking cup after cup, consuming nearly half a pot to quench his thirst.

Xie Ye couldn't help but curl his lips. "It's just ordinary green tea."

"Just like your earlier answer," Gu Cong tilted the empty cup back and forth, raising an eyebrow. "Even if it's ordinary, I like it."

Fetching his pure black clay pot and a small stove that he had previously purchased, Gu Cong turned and left the house again. "The kitchen is getting hot. You rest first, I'll go brew some medicine."

Yesterday, he had made Xie Ye accompany him in the rain. Despite covering him with an outer robe, Gu Cong still couldn't help but worry a little, which was why he hurriedly went to the pharmacy on the first night in the city.

But the young man was like a little shadow—perhaps it wasn't quite accurate to call him a little shadow, as his expression was very calm, calmly following behind.

Gu Cong couldn't help but worry about Xie Ye choking on the fumes, so he moved the location of brewing the medicine to the courtyard and found a stool for Xie Ye to sit on to rest his feet.

By now, the sky had already darkened, but the moonlight was exceptionally bright. Apart from the city walls, there weren't any particularly tall buildings in Sanggan City. Without needing to climb walls or sit on rooftops, one could see the stars faintly twinkling.

Gu Cong squatted in front of the clay pot filled with medicine and water, using a large fan commonly used by cooking ladies to fan the flames. At first glance, he didn't look like a general at all, and he seemed completely unrelated to the romantic notions of flowers, moonlight, and snow.

But he was still handsome.

The flames rose from the small stove serving as the base, reflecting off the man's amber eyes like gemstones, his bronze skin and well-defined muscles giving him a wilder look than in previous worlds.

"I've also boiled water in the kitchen pot for you to bathe later," noticing that Xie Ye's gaze had been fixed on him the whole time, Gu Cong paused his fan-hand, searching for something to say. "I'm used to living alone and didn't have servants like in the General's Residence. If you're not comfortable, then tomorrow I'll..."

His voice gradually trailed off as he felt the words written on his back. "This is fine."

Xie Ye was someone who enjoyed leisure and comfort, but that didn't mean he was incapable of anything else. Moreover, Gu Cong hadn't really made him do any work from start to finish.

Since the other liked the idea of spending time together, then they would just do that.

For one or two hours, to most people, brewing medicine was undoubtedly a boring and tedious task. But Gu Cong was extremely patient. In the meantime, he also added water to the bathtub for Xie Ye. While the young man went to bathe, Gu Cong stretched his legs and naturally took over the small stool that Xie Ye had been sitting on.

However, his hearing was indeed a bit too sharp. The windows of the main house weren't tightly closed, and he could easily distinguish the noise, far different from the bubbling in the medicine pot.

Slightly deliberately, Gu Cong adjusted his posture, trying hard to prove his innocence by sitting with his back to the windows of the main house.

Trying to cover up only makes it more obvious.

Mechanically fanning with the palm leaf fan, Gu Cong thought to himself with a wooden expression. What good does it do to appear so upright? The image of that night in the bridal chamber, reflected on the screen, kept intruding into his mind.

Finally, when Xie Ye finished tidying up and he heard the footsteps leaving the house, Gu Cong turned around. Suddenly, under the bright moonlight, after enduring the hardships of travel for nearly half a month, he noticed that Xie Ye had indeed slimmed down considerably.

During the daytime, the wide robes provided ample coverage, but now Xie Ye was wearing only plain sleepwear. His half-damp black hair cascaded down, contrasting sharply with his snow-white skin and rosy lips. The intense collision of colors made him appear delicate and fragile, yet the faint aura of nobility between his brows prevented him from being underestimated.

"General?" Perhaps his gaze was too direct, as the young man called out in confusion.

Gu Cong replied, "Nothing."

"Tell me what you want to eat tomorrow."

With his careful nurturing in the future, Xie Ye would surely gain some more weight.

But Xie Ye only took a handkerchief, stepping forward to wipe away the thin sweat on Gu Cong's forehead.

In the kitchen, there was only a small stool usually used for tending to the stove. Gu Cong moved to stand up, but Xie Ye's hand on his shoulder stopped him. Gu Cong didn't want Xie Ye to leave just like that, so he lowered his right leg slightly, adjusting the height, and pulled Xie Ye back, using himself as a chair for the young man.

This was actually quite an awkward posture, relying entirely on Gu Cong's stable foundation to make Xie Ye comfortable. Gu Cong confirmed this by testing Xie Ye's weight with a slight frown.

Indeed, he had become thinner.

Previously, the layers of clothing had obscured his judgment when he carried Xie Ye onto the horse.

However, before Gu Cong could say anything, Xie Ye tapped his shoulder, indicating that the medicine was almost ready.

There were clean bowls prepared on the side. Gu Cong calmly extinguished the fire, opened the medicine jar, and waited until it cooled to a suitable temperature before pouring it into the bowl and handing it to Xie Ye.

The taste was even more bitter than expected, causing Xie Ye to instinctively wrinkle his nose.

The next moment, a sweet and sour dried fruit was offered to him.

"These were sent by the assistant at the pharmacy. Sometimes you need to coax little kids to take their medicine," Gu Cong said casually, though his tone carried a hint of meaning, accompanied by a smile. "I didn't expect to actually use them."

Xie Ye: He's teasing me for being like a little kid, isn't he?

Gently, Xie Ye picked up another piece of dried fruit, nibbled on it carefully, and waited until the sourness faded away and the sweetness spread before raising his hand and hooking it around Gu Cong's neck.

The soft and moist touch left an imprint on Gu Cong's lips.

As if wanting to completely immerse himself in the sweetness of this moment, Gu Cong, who was taken aback by Xie Ye's initiative, tensed his spine, feeling his teeth being gently pried open and meticulously invaded by Xie Ye, who seemed to conquer and conquer with great care.

Gu Cong felt as if he had just lost a battle without any resistance, but he accepted it willingly.

Fortunately, although he lacked experience, he was a clever and quick learner. Soon enough, he wrapped his arms around the young man's waist, twining his fingers through the strands of silver, returning everything as it was given.

But just as he was about to take it further, the other party suddenly called a halt and covered his mouth with his hand.


In a low voice, the young man breathed softly into his ear, "Would a little kid kiss you like this?"

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