It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 183


ITOTIABSAM | Infinite Flow | 183

The home Gu Cong mentioned was a three-story villa, jointly funded by Jiang Chuan and other team members. It was a proper "residence" that couldn't be intruded without invitation.

In the transfer station, staying in hotels was much cheaper than buying a house. Perhaps many players couldn't understand this "waste of points" non-essential behavior, but those who could accompany the original owner naturally shared the same path.

Just like now.

A group of people gathered around a steaming hotpot, laughing heartily and raising their glasses.

It was Xie Ye's first time eating hotpot.

The conditions in the copy were mostly very harsh. Even if there were candy houses and various delicacies like in fairy tales, no one dared to really touch them. After all, both craving and hunger could be endured with willpower, waiting until they left the copy to satisfy them. If they really violated some taboo and triggered the death condition, they wouldn't even have the chance to regret it.

Considering the age of the "children", Xie Ye and Cheng Xiaorong's cups were not filled with alcohol, only cola. Ice-cold, with a sip, the crackling bubbles made the black-haired Xie Ye close his mouth tightly, his eyes full of curiosity.

While others were busy eating, they didn't notice this detail. The habit cultivated in the copy made everyone continue chatting without stopping, but their chopsticks moved quickly. With each plate of meat that went down, it was cleaned up in less than two minutes.

Xie Ye, on the other hand, showed no intention of competing for food, only earnestly eating what was in his bowl.

As a ghost, he ate to satisfy his taste buds, whether it was more or less.

However, the man sitting beside him clearly didn't think so. Noticing the slow pace of Xie Ye, Gu Cong remained calm, but he suddenly had an extra pair of chopsticks in his hand. While casually engaging in conversation, he skillfully picked up the most delicious beef, vegetables, and meatballs, stacking them into a small mountain of clean plates in front of Xie Ye.

Zhao Dong slapped his forehead, "Look at us, devouring food like wolves and tigers. Must be frightening to you, huh? Brother, let me treat you to some grilled chicken wings."

With the clearance achieved safely and no casualties, he felt happy. He drank a few more glasses of wine, his face a bit flushed, but he remained sober. His attitude towards Xie Ye also became more relaxed.

The chicken wings were coated in honey sauce, perfectly cooked with a slightly crispy outer layer gleaming gold, yet locking in juicy tenderness inside. With one bite, Xie Ye's eyes narrowed in pleasure.

Cheng Xiaorong, responsible for marinating the ingredients, immediately laughed, "I knew you'd love sweet things."

With that, she poured half a glass of cola for Xie Ye to help balance the sweetness.

In Xie Ye's memory, he had never eaten a meal so lively before. In past copies, he was always isolated, and his appearance would immediately raise players' alertness.

Subconsciously, the black-haired Xie Ye lowered his gaze and glanced at the wristwatch covered by his jacket.

It's really nice.

He mustn't give himself away.

"Are you full?" Sensing Xie Ye's distraction, Gu Cong paused with his chopsticks, deliberately letting the corn he was holding make a turn in front of Xie Ye's eyes.

Sniffing the aroma, Xie Ye immediately snapped out of his reverie, shook his head, and reached out to rescue the nearly "lost" corn, taking a few bites. Then, he stared straight at Gu Cong's untouched glass of wine.

His thoughts were easy to guess, even Cheng Qing, who had just met him, could see it and chimed in with a smile, "If you want to drink, just have a sip of beer, it's okay."

Gu Cong actually wasn't sure about Xie Ye's alcohol tolerance.

The world they first met in had a fantasy background, where logic couldn't explain everything; even children wouldn't get drunk with spiritual energy running through them.

...But beer had low alcohol content, so it should be fine if he only took a few sips.

Although the other person was an independent individual and didn't need his consent for anything, Xie Ye's gaze, similar to a question, still made Gu Cong feel deeply gratified. It was as if at the whole dining table, he was the most special one, worthy of the other person's trust and reliance.

So, he didn't disappoint Xie Ye's expectation and nodded, emitting a soft "hmm".

Normally, if Xie Ye wanted to drink, he should have poured him another glass, but Xie Ye's cup still contained a beverage. Therefore, Gu Cong handed his own glass to him: it was untouched and very clean.

Xie Ye only took two sips, seeming to find it not to his taste. After satisfying his curiosity, he put the glass aside.

The first one to notice something amiss was Gu Cong.

When there were many people around, Xie Ye wasn't very talkative, but today, he was noticeably quiet, like a beautiful doll that needed winding up to move.

For example, when it was time to say goodbye, Cheng Xiaorong said goodbye, and Xie Ye followed suit. It seemed normal, but his eyes were full of confusion. Once the surroundings quieted down, he would stare back at the dishes on the table.

Feeling amused, Gu Cong reached out at the end and gently shook in front of him, "Xie Ye."

Blinking, the black-haired Xie Ye responded blankly, "Hmm."

—-Very good, he still remembers his own name.

With a clear understanding, Gu Cong decided to let Xie Ye sit and sober up first. After finishing washing the dishes, he would send Xie Ye back to his room. Although in the past, Jiang Chuan and the team would wait until the next morning to clean up together after a gathering, Gu Cong couldn't stand leaving leftovers in the living room overnight.

As he turned on the tap and adjusted the water temperature with a clatter, he didn't forget to instruct, "Keep an eye on Xie Ye for me."

[Carbonated drinks can accelerate the body's absorption of alcohol. It seems like none of you at this table have much common sense,] 0028 commented objectively. [But his alcohol tolerance is also quite poor, is it his first time?]

"Clearly," Gu Cong replied. Otherwise, why would Xie Ye have been staring so intently at his glass from the beginning?

The location chosen by the original owner for the base was very good. The villas were far apart from each other, with the kitchen sink facing the window, spacious and airy. One could lift their head and see the moon in the sky.

The moon in the game was a bit different from reality; its edges were red, with small fragments falling like frozen, suspended scraps of paper.

When most of the dishes were washed and stacked neatly, Gu Cong heard 0028's reminder: "He's moving."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Cong turned his head and saw Xie Ye slowly making his way from the living room to the kitchen.

His pace was a bit slow but steady. When he got closer, he asked, "Do you want water? I'll get it for you."

With determination, the black-haired Xie Ye shook his little head.

He knew something was off with himself, but instinctively felt no danger. Warmth flowed into his bloodstream from his heart, saturating his limbs and entire being. The whole world seemed enveloped in a hazy beauty.

Somewhere between clarity and confusion, he took two steps forward and looked at the man's hands wrapped in foam. "I want to play too."

Gu Cong couldn't help but laugh.

He had already quickly washed the dishes in the sink, ensuring they weren't too greasy. He then slightly shifted to the left, making space, and invited, "Come."

Foam flew as Xie Ye immediately wanted to plunge his hands into the sink but suddenly remembered something.

"Yours," he said cautiously, rolling up the cuff of his shirt that covered his fingertips. He looked at his left wrist, where the black watch sat solemnly. "This needs to come off too."

However, the item the system used to bind and monitor players couldn't simply be removed. In the end, Gu Cong reluctantly wiped his hands clean and held Xie Ye's fingers, preventing him from almost tearing the round band apart. "It's okay, it's waterproof."

Xie Ye tilted his head slightly. "Really?"

Gu Cong nodded. "When have I ever lied to you?"

This sentence had a great impact, and Xie Ye immediately stopped struggling, allowing the man to place his hand in the sink.

The water temperature was just right, making him sigh softly and comfortably. He mimicked Gu Cong's movements, washing the dishes one by one.

0028 in his mind couldn't help but comment, "Is this considered child labor?"

Gu Cong replied, "He's an adult."

0028 fell silent. Indeed, according to bone age scans, Xie Ye was definitely an adult. However, in reality, he might not have the knowledge and understanding of an eighteen-year-old from school. He seemed as simple as a blank sheet of paper.

But Gu Cong didn't see it that way. "Even a blank sheet of paper has its edges."

Under certain circumstances, it can be just as sharp.

With an additional "assistant" playing in the water, foam quickly accumulated in the sink. inevitably, Gu Cong's vision was obstructed, and he often found his hand touching Xie Ye's.

Without making a fuss, Gu Cong subtly stepped back, leaving more space for Xie Ye.

But Xie Ye seemed to have found a fun game. Like a playful fish, he abandoned the dishes and pursued Gu Cong relentlessly.

In the process, Xie Ye's entire body leaned towards him.

The space in the sink was limited, and it seemed that if they continued like this, a certain drunkard would crash straight into Gu Cong's arms. With no room left to retreat, Gu Cong had to grab Xie Ye's restless hand.

"Be good," he said, a rare display of gentle affection that made even himself feel awkward before Xie Ye could react.

But Xie Ye seemed to respond well to it. He stopped fidgeting and raised his chin, reminiscent of the calm acceptance he showed in the dungeon. "I'm very good."

Previously, he had been busy playing in the water, keeping his head down. But now, as Xie Ye lifted his head, Gu Cong realized the subtle distance between them. They weren't quite touching, yet there was an indistinct sense of each other's breath.

The last food eaten was half a plate of glutinous rice cakes. In Xie Ye's breath, there was a sweet taste of red sugar, mixed with a hint of malt aroma from the beer. He didn't seem like a drunkard, but more like a soft and sweet dessert.

...He should have let the other person crash into his arms directly.

In hindsight, Gu Cong thought, having Xie Ye crash into his arms would surely be easier to endure than the current situation.

As he took a step back and slightly tilted his neck, intending to politely create some distance, Xie Ye persisted and closed in again.

Due to the difference in height, when they were too close, the still growing Xie Ye had to tilt his head up to meet Gu Cong's eyes, revealing the graceful curve of his neck, reminiscent of a swan.

The faint blush brought on by alcohol seeped through the edges of the pure white bandage, causing Gu Cong's throat to dry up. He wanted to ask what the other person was looking at, but his voice was unusually hoarse.

"Eyes," Xie Ye said softly.

Despite only knowing each other for a few days, there were moments of such profound understanding that they could communicate without words. With focused attention, Xie Ye provided his answer: "Your eyes are very beautiful."


As if something substantial, the thought of pushing the other person away that crossed Gu Cong's mind was instantly shattered. He was playing as Jiang Chuan. Appearance, experiences, friends... Only those eyes, the same color by chance, belonged to "Gu Cong".

Countless memories from the past and present intertwined and surged. The white-robed immortal and Xie Ye in front of him gradually merged together. In a moment of inexplicable impulse, Gu Cong slowly lowered his head.

Then, before he could react, Xie Ye tiptoed and planted a kiss on the corner of his eye, leaving behind the taste of melted amber honey.

"Melted amber honey... I want to taste it."

Author's note:

Xie Ye: Eating candy.

Gu Cong: That's a kiss.

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