The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 68


| TBBOTOF | 68

Tang Xu, who was happily eating dumplings with his family, never expected that a huge pot was about to descend from the sky.

The incident originated from when Tang Sanhu returned home.

After the Tang family divided their property, Tang Sanhu's new house was built at the foot of Yuanbao Mountain on the village road in front of the Tang family's old house. It was situated in the south while the Tang family's old house and Tang Erhu's house were in the north.

At the time of purchasing this piece of land for the house, Tang family's old lady, Wu Guizhi, was quite upset for a long time. Because of its remote location, although the advantage of the location being cheap, it was too far away from home.

To put it bluntly, unless one was like Wei Dong's parents, who either had no money in hand or had a bad relationship with their family, they would hardly choose to build a house far away from their parents after splitting from the family. Of course, if all the neighboring plots were already taken, then that's another matter, but such situations were rare.

Before the separation of the family, Wu Guizhi originally thought that her three sons were all very respectful and filial to their parents. 

Even after the separation, their daily interactions remained close. She was well aware of her own temper, and with so many daughters-in-law in the house, there were often arguments, which troubled her.

During the separation of the family, she tried to be fair, giving each son almost an equal share. She gave a little extra to the eldest son only because they had been living together.

But what was the result?

Tang Erhu built his house closer to them, while Tang Sanhu chose to build his house right at the foot of the mountain! 

When Wu Guizhi found out that her third son had bought the land and started digging the foundation, she felt her world darken. Once she regained her composure, she was furious. Pointing at Tang Sanhu, she scolded him fiercely, even saying things like she wished she had never given birth to such a son, which showed how deeply hurt she was.

Why was she so angry?

This was how Wu Guizhi explained it at the time:

"I gave you twenty taels during the division. I scrimped and saved to raise you and marry you off, and once you got married, you forgot about your parents! You, brainless fool, you let yourself be manipulated by that cunning woman! 

You built the house so far away just because you don't want to bother coming back and forth, afraid that we'd rely on you in our old age! How could I have given birth to such a thing like you!"

Of course, the old lady's words were quite harsh at the time, the conversation went roughly like that. 

Anyway, because of Tang Sanhu building a new house, their family felt quite embarrassed, and the old lady didn't let the two of them visit for two years.

Later, it seemed that Li Xiu's mother found out about this and came to scold her, which made Li Xiu realize that she needed to repair the relationship with the old house, and Tang Sanhu didn't need to be caught in the middle.

However, all along, Wu Guizhi didn't like Li Xiu, even more than she didn't like Liu Xiangxiang. Liu Xiangxiang, although greedy for money, didn't focus on other people's money. How should she put it, she was more of a penny-pincher within her own circle.

Li Xiu was different. She was also greedy for money but liked to keep an eye on other people's affairs. Those who were close to her, if they happened to mention earning a few coins during a chat, she would grumble and be envious for a long time.

Why should they have it and not her?

If Liu Xiangxiang found out that someone else had money, she might genuinely envy them, feel a bit jealous, but not too much. Moreover, she would mention it once and then forget about it; the matter would pass, and she wouldn't be upset because the money didn't come into her hands.

For example, when Tang Xu earned some money and Tang Erhu took them from Liu Xiangxiang's hands and Tang Xu gave them to Luo Pingping because Tang Xu mentioned that she needed it more, Liu Xiangxiang might have cried and made a fuss at home. 

But once she realized that crying and fussing wouldn't get the money back, she would let it go, and the matter would be over.

However, if the same thing happened with Li Xiu, it would be a different story. 

She wouldn't just cry and make a fuss at home; she would go to the old house and cry and make a scene, demanding the money back. She wouldn't hesitate to lower her dignity and go to the clan leader's house to demand justice, insisting on getting back what belonged to her.

Another thing is, Liu Xiangxiang fears Tang Erhu, so if there were any real issues, Tang Erhu could intimidate people.

Li Xiu genuinely loves Tang Sanhu; otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to coax and keep him by her side for so many years. But she doesn't fear Tang Sanhu; she doesn't think there's anything she can't do, even if it might hurt her man's pride.

Ever since Tang Xu started selling skewers and cold noodles outside the main house, the news spread from the back village to the front village, and every household in the front village knew that Tang Xu earned quite a few coins every day. Li Xiu's eyes turned red with envy.

However, despite her jealousy at the time, she didn't think of doing anything about it. She was aware that the most crucial aspect of food business was taste, and taste was all about skill, which no one would teach others willingly.

Li Xiu mentioned this matter to Tang Sanhu several times, asking why Tang Xu was so good at cooking and who he learned from. But Tang Sanhu had no idea who Tang Xu learned from. 

He could count on his fingers the number of times he had seen Tang Xu. If things had just stopped there, Li Xiu's feelings of annoyance and jealousy would have remained within herself. But suddenly, one day, Tang Erhus house started selling skewers and cold noodles at his house.

Before, Li Xiu lived far away and had never tasted the skewers. Now that she lived closer, she went to taste them, taking ten skewers and a bowl of cold noodles without paying.

What did she say then?

She said she didn't bring any coins from home and would let Tang Sanhu send them back when she returned.

At that moment, Tang Erhu happened to return from the fields and met her. 

Upon hearing her words, he said there was no need to send them back; they were all family, so she should take them and taste the flavors.

After Li Xiu left with a smile and glanced back several times on the village road, she saw Tang Yang collecting coins, and her eyes almost burst into flames.

When she got home, she complained to Tang Sanhu, saying that if such a profitable business could be managed by a little girl, they could do it too. Tang Sanhu told her she was dreaming, that every profitable business was someone else's affair and had nothing to do with them. 

Li Xiu was so angry that she had stomach pains and even scared Tang Sanhu into calling the herbalist, who prescribed some medicine for a few days to ease her discomfort. Li Xiu could only console herself that Tang Sanhu was right.

However, later on, even the main house started selling cold noodles. Though she wasn't sure of the exact sales figures, she knew for sure that the money wouldn't be little.

Because of this, Li Xiu kept pestering Tang Sanhu every day, insisting that he ask the second house why the main house could do it and they couldn't. Tang Sanhu was worn out from her continuous nagging.

Not only did Li Xiu nag Tang Sanhu, but she also involved all three of their children. Ever since she found out that the main house was making money, there was hardly a moment of peace in their household.

And that's not all; Li Xiu complained of stomach pains every day, drinking the tonic regularly. Even though she insisted she wasn't feeling well, the truth was that she felt uncomfortable seeing others making money while she couldn't. She cried and wailed to Tang Sanhu, crying as if she were dying.

Tang Sanhu couldn't stand her constant complaints and genuinely felt sorry for her, which led to him seeking a solution today. Initially, he went to the old house to discuss the matter with his mother and intended to ask her to talk to his sister-in-law, hoping they could come to a resolution.

But when he was nearing the entrance of the old house, he dismissed the idea because he knew his own mother had significant issues with his wife.

As he was about to turn to find his second brother, he happened to see his brother coming out of the courtyard, so he called out to him. 

Tang Sanhu sighed and glanced at his eldest daughter, who was picking cucumbers in the yard, before asking, "Where's your mother?" 

Tang Xiaohua looked up when she heard his voice and called out, "Mom says her stomach hurts, so she went back to the room." 

Tang Sanhu nodded silently and went straight back inside.

Inside the house, Li Xiu was busy handling some small clothes. She had been told by many women in the village that she was having a son this pregnancy, which filled her with joy.

She was thinking that with Tang Sanhu's return, they could start making money, which made her even happier.

When Tang Sanhu entered, before he could speak, Li Xiu urgently asked, "How is it? When can I go learn how to make cold noodles? Did you ask your second brother how much they sell a piece of cold noodles for?"

Tang Sanhu felt bitter in his mouth, sat down on the kang, and reached out to help fold a piece of clothing.

Seeing him not speaking, Li Xiu frowned and pushed him, saying, "What's wrong? Why aren't you saying anything? Did you not end up talking to second brother-in-law?"

Tang Sanhu muttered, "I saw him, and I saw Xu Ge'er too."

Li Xiu's eyes lit up with joy, "What did he say? Quickly tell me!"

Tang Sanhu shook his head, "Xu Ge'er said it's not possible. Even if you want to learn, you'll have to wait until next year. This business won't last long this year. He said the restaurant side won't need as much, and when it gets cold, cold noodles won't sell well..."

"What did you say?!" Li Xiu exclaimed, her back straightening up, "Why not! Why can Luo Pingping do it but not me! How can he, a younger relative, speak like this! What benefits does he expect from pleasing the elders! No, I'm going to find him!"

She was about to get off the kang when Tang Sanhu grabbed her and said, "Don't go, what he said isn't wrong. If you want to do it, just wait until next year when it's warmer. It's not like he's saying you can't do it."

Li Xiu struggled and turned to spray him, "Tang Sanhu, are you stupid? He's rejecting you with his words! Why does he have the right to reject you?"

Tang Sanhu frowned, "It's their business, they can choose whoever they want to do it. Why can't they refuse me? Besides, he didn't refuse, and he helps my sister-in-law a lot, and he is also filial to our parents. You and him aren't close..."

"I may not be close to him, but I'm still his aunt! You're his uncle! It's bad enough that our parents favor the main house, but now even a younger relative is favoring them?" Li Xiu's face turned red with anger, her eyes widened in indignation. "I must ask why, why can't I make that money!"

After her outburst, her expression stiffened, and she grimaced a few times.

Tang Sanhu was startled and held her, asking, "Xiu'er, what's wrong? Xiu'er?"

Li Xiu hugged her stomach with both hands, crouching down, "My stomach, my stomach hurts, Sanhu, my, my stomach hurts." Beads of sweat instantly appeared on her forehead, and her face turned pale.

Tang Sanhu carried her to the kang and shouted outside, "Hua'er, Hua'er! Go find the herbalist, your mother's stomach hurts!" 

Tang Xiaohua frowned and threw the cucumbers into the basket, reluctantly standing up. "Got it."

She was tired of hearing her mother complain about stomach pains every day, let alone her father.

The herbalist's house was quite far from theirs. Tang Xiaohua looked up at the sun, pouting, as she walked in that direction.

"Where is Hua'er going?"

"My mom's stomach hurts again, I'm going to find the herbalist to take a look."

"Again? It's not time for her to give birth yet, why does she keep having pains? Hurry up, don't let anything happen." Tang Xiaohua responded and quickened her pace.

At Tang Sanhu's house, Tang Qi and Tang Xiaocao, who were napping inside, were awakened by the shouts from the main room. The siblings sat on the kang in a daze for a moment before heading to the main room.

As soon as they entered, they smelled a strong smell of blood. Tang Qi's foggy mind instantly cleared, and he turned around and pushed his younger sister who was entering the room, "Don't come in, go boil some water."

Tang Xiaocao, not understanding, obediently turned around to boil water. Tang Qi stood at the door and asked, "Dad, what happened?"

Tang Sanhu looked at his wife, who was writhing in pain on the kang, and then glanced at the blood between her legs. In a hoarse voice, he said, "Your younger sibling is gone." 

Tang Qi's heart tightened, "I'll go call the herbalist."

"Hua'er has gone, Ah Qi, you go to the old house, tell them, just say the baby didn't make it." Tang Sanhu's eyes were red, he sniffed, "Don't say anything else."

Tang Qi pursed his lips and nodded.

What else could it be? His mother had been arguing with his father at home every day because of the money his aunt earned. Every time they argued, she complained of stomach pains.

Who would have thought that she would lose the baby now?

Thinking about the little brother who would have been born in two months, Tang Qi felt a lump in his throat.

He wiped his face and ran out of the courtyard. Shortly after, he saw the herbalist carrying a medicine box following his sister. The herbalist seemed surprised to see him. 

"Where are you going Ah Qi?" Tang Xiaohua asked.

Tang Qi's face darkened as he said, "I'm going to the old house. Mom lost her baby."

"What?" The herbalist exclaimed in surprise. "The baby is lost?"

Tang Xiaohua was also stunned. Tang Qi patted her shoulder, "Hurry back, don't go inside with Xiaocao."

"Oh, okay, I got it," Tang Xiaohua said, looking flustered.

The herbalist had already run ahead with his medicine box, and Tang Xiaohua hurried to catch up.

Tang Sanhu numbly watched as more blood accumulated on the kang. When he heard someone entering the room, he turned his head. The herbalist was startled when he saw the condition of the kang.

"What's going on? Wasn't she supposed to be taking good care of the pregnancy?" He immediately checked her pulse, his brows furrowed. "This... We need to quickly find a midwife. I'll try to wake her up, maybe we can still save the baby."

Tang Sanhu's eyes lit up. "Save?"

"Let's try." The herbalist sighed and then turned to Tang Xiaohua, who was standing at the door with a pale face. "You go and call the midwife. Go to the Wang family nearby."

Tang Xiaohua nodded hastily, but as she ran out, she realized she didn't know which Wang family to go to. There were too many families with the surname Wang in the village.

In a panic, she grabbed a man carrying a pickaxe on the road and cried, "Uncle, do you know where the midwife Wang lives?"

"My mother, my mother, sob, sob, sob." Tang Xiaohua ran while crying, grabbing people and asking where midwife Wang's house was. Finally, she found the midwife Wang's house, pulled her out, and ran with her.

She explained while running and crying, "My mother is bleeding, a lot of blood. The herbalist asked me to find you, Auntie, please save her." 

Wang Wenpo's heart tightened. She grabbed Tang Xiaohua and said, "Wait, wait, you're Li Xiu's eldest daughter, right? Your mother is bleeding?" 

"Yes, Auntie, please save my mother!" Tang Xiaohua cried with tears streaming down her face.

Wang Wenpo frowned and said, "Wait here, I'll go back to get some things." She was an experienced midwife in the village and had her own set of handy tools.

Tang Xiaohua nodded anxiously, waiting outside her house. In no time, Wang Wenpo came out with a bamboo basket containing scissors and a strangely shaped wooden stick.

She looked at the stick, which was as thick as an arm with a large arc in the middle, feeling a chill in her heart for no reason.

Wang Wenpo covered the basket with cloth and turned to her, saying, "Let's go."

The two of them ran along. There were several women outside Tang Sanhu's house. Seeing them, they quickly waved. "I heard screams coming from inside, what's going on? It's not time for delivery yet."

"Delivery? No, she's bleeding."

"Bleeding? How many months along is she? Surely it's formed by now?"

"I don't know, but recently I've seen the herbalist running to their house all the time. Who knows what's going on." 

"Auntie Wang is here, quickly make way for her to enter."

Tang Xiaohua pulled Wang Wenpo inside and then closed the courtyard gate. The screams frightened Tang Xiaocao. She stood outside the house in a daze, then burst into tears when she saw her sister come back.

"Sister, sister!"

Tang Xiaohua hugged her sister tightly, while Wang Wenpo had already entered the house.

She didn't forget to turn back and stop the two sisters. "Don't come in. Boil some water and place it at the door. Take out some clean cloths from the house and put them in a basin."

Tang Xiaohua nodded, her face pale.

Tang Sanhu was also driven out of the house, after all, the herbalist was a man, so he was also driven out. 

Tang Qi ran to the old house, shouting as soon as he entered and said that his mother had a miscarriage.

The commotion disrupted everyone who had just finished their meal and was about to rest.

Without asking anything, Luo Pingping grabbed Tang Qi and ran outside, shouting back into the house, "Mom, I'm going to help." 

Tang Qi was dragged to Tang Erhu's house by her. Upon entering, Luo Pingping saw the cart and donkey in the yard and knew that Tang Xu hadn't left yet. She turned to Tang Qi and said, "Wait here, I'll ask your second uncle to drive us over."

Tang Qi nodded. He was exhausted from running all the way.

"Erhu," Luo Pingping entered the main hall, seeing Tang Erhu's flushed face from drinking, she sighed, "..." 

Tang Erhu looked up upon hearing her voice, squinted for a moment before recognizing her, "Sister-in-law?" 

Helpless, Luo Pingping glanced at Wei Dong, "Dongzi, come with me for a while."

"What?" Tang Xu was puzzled, "What's wrong Auntie?"

Luo Pingping glanced at the three children, said nothing more, just signaled to him with her eyes, then turned and left the house.

Tang Xu stood up and patted Wei Dong on the shoulder.

Wei Dong followed him out.

Tang Erhu had already reached his limit with alcohol. He stood up dazed and stumbled back into the house, flopping onto the kang and immediately started snoring. 

Outside, Tang Xu saw a tall young man standing in the yard and was momentarily confused.

Who is this?

Tang Qi also looked surprised to see Tang Xu coming out of the house, and he was even more startled when he saw Wei Dong. "Brother Xu, you're here."

Tang Xu nodded at him. "We were accompanying my dad for a drink," he turned to Luo Pingping and asked, "Auntie, what happened?"

Luo Pingping sighed, glanced at Tang Qi, and said, "Your third aunt, she lost the baby. I thought of having your dad drive us back home faster." 

Tang Xu nodded in acknowledgment and then turned to Tang Qi, asking, "Let Wei Dong drive the donkey cart over. Is there anything missing at home?" 

Tang Qi shook his head, looking troubled. "I don't know."

Tang Xu looked at Luo Pingping.

Luo Pingping thought for a moment and waved her hand, saying, "If there's ginseng at home, bring it over. It might help to lift the spirits."


Wei Dong said, "We have it at home."

"We have it at home, but we won't make it in time. You go ahead and take them over first, then go back home to get it and bring it over later," Tang Xu sighed, "Be careful."

Wei Dong nodded and went to hitch up the cart. Then he took both of them over. "I'll go home to get the ginseng and bring it over later," he said to Luo Pingping, who nodded in agreement, while Tang Qi thanked him.

Inside the house, Li Xiu's screams, initially growing louder with each passing moment, gradually weakened.

As Luo Pingping entered, she saw Wang Wenpo holding a stick with both hands, pressing it against Li Xiu's abdomen to support her swollen belly. The strong smell of blood filled the room, making Luo Pingping's face turn grim. She asked, "How is it going?"

Seeing her enter, Wang Wenpo breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat dripping from her face. "Take a look at her lower body," she said.

Luo Pingping exhaled and walked to the edge of the kang, lifting the blankets to take a look, then shook her head. "I can't see."

Wang Wenpo looked at Li Xiu, who had almost passed out again, and gritted her teeth. "I have to use the scissors."

Luo Pingping was shocked. "This..."

"There's no other way. She's too weak. If we delay any longer, we might not be able to save her," Wang Wenpo said, handing the stick to Luo Pingping. "Come over here and push, while I pull."


Luo Pingping's complexion worsened even more. Just the thought of that scene was terrifying.

"Hot water, bring in a basin of hot water!" Wang Wenpo shouted outside. Tang Xiaohua went to the kitchen to fetch a basin of hot water and brought it into the room, placing it at the door. Wang Wenpo washed the scissors in the hot water and then heated them over the fire. Li Xiu screamed in agony, her body writhing.

"Hold her down!" Wang Wenpo, with a stern face, yelled at Luo Pingping. Luo Pingping hurriedly held the person down.

What happened next...

When Luo Pingping came out of the room, she felt dazed. When the wind blew, she shuddered.

Wei Dong happened to stop the cart at the door. She saw it at a glance and walked over with trembling legs.

"Auntie, is this okay?" Wei Dong handed over the ginseng he had brought.

Luo Pingping didn't know if it was okay or not, but she nodded vaguely and took it. "Yes, it's okay. You should go back first, don't stay here."

Wei Dong nodded, didn't say a word, and quickly drove the cart away.

Luo Pingping looked down at the ginseng in her hand and turned to find the herbalist standing in the yard. She asked, "Can this be used?" 

"Yes!" The herbalist nodded. "I'll go boil some water."

Taking the ginseng, he thought to himself that this thing could fetch a good price, so he'd better use it sparingly.

Inside the house, Wang Wenpo was tidying up the aftermath. Li Xiu on the kang looked as if she were dead, barely breathing. Wang Wenpo glanced at her, sighed deeply.

The herbalist stood at the door holding a bowl, asking, "Can I come in?"

"Come in," Wang Wenpo replied in a deep voice.

As the herbalist entered, he took a deep breath, checked Li Xiu's pulse, and then administered the ginseng water to her. Wang Wenpo said, "The baby has no breath, he was deprived of air for too long."

The herbalist looked at the small bundle wrapped up, sighed, "As long as the mother survives, that's all that matters. Don't expect too much." 

Wang Wenpo thought for a moment and said, "She probably won't be able to bear more children in the future."

"Ah?" The herbalist was surprised. "Really?"

Wang Wenpo nodded. "The baby couldn't be delivered naturally, so I had to pull him out." The herbalist nodded. "You should tell Tang Sanhu about this."

Wang Wenpo carried out the basin of blood and helped drag out the blood-stained bedding before finally carrying out the small bundle wrapped in cloth. 

Tang Sanhu was standing at the door, his mind empty after hearing a lot of words from his sister-in-law earlier that he couldn't quite understand.

Now seeing Wang Wenpo come out, he grabbed her wrist and anxiously asked, "How is she? Is she okay?"

"She should be fine. I saw the herbalist giving her a bowl of ginseng water, but the baby didn't make it." She handed over the bundle she was carrying. "It's a son, such a pity."

Tang Sanhu's eyes welled up, almost shedding tears. He took the bundle with both hands, nodded silently.

"Your wife probably won't be able to bear children in the future. She was too weak earlier, and couldn't deliver the baby naturally. I had to prioritize saving the mother. I won't say more than that. It's best for you to wait until she wakes up and then take her to see a doctor in town. It's not certain." After Wang Wenpo finished speaking, she sighed again.

Tang Sanhu held the small bundle in his arms, feeling deeply distressed.

Luo Pingping had recovered her composure. She patted Tang Sanhu's shoulder and said, "Stop standing there. Find a place to bury him." 

After saying this, she handed a small pouch of money to Wang Wenpo. "Thank you for your efforts. Here's one hundred wen." 

Without even counting whether it was enough, Wang Wenpo nodded and took the coins. "I'll take my leave then." 

Tang Sanhu noticed their exchange and said, "Sister-in-law, I have money."

"It's okay, you can pay me back when you're done with your tasks." Luo Pingping wasn't afraid of him defaulting on payment. She waved her hand and said, "I'm leaving too. If you need anything, just call me."

Tang Sanhu nodded. Tang Qi, Tang Xiaohua, and Tang Xiaocao escorted their aunt to the courtyard gate.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine once your mom wakes up," Luo Pingping reached out and touched Tang Xiaocao's cheek, then turned to Tang Qi, "Ah Qi, go inside later and take all the soiled bedding to burn, don't keep it."

Tang Qi nodded, "Thank you, Aunt."

"Go on, go back and comfort your dad," Luo Pingping waved her hand, "Go."

The people gathered around quickly bombarded her with questions as she emerged, but Luo Pingping didn't bother to respond. She just walked away from the crowd. It didn't take long before she saw the mule cart waiting on the village road.

Wei Dong saw her approaching and asked, "Auntie, are you going back?"

Luo Pingping sat on the cart and nodded. "Yes, I'm going back. Why haven't you left?"

"If I went back by myself and left you alone, Ah Xu would be mad at me," Wei Dong patted the mule's backside, and the mule trotted off.

Luo Pingping sighed softly and muttered, "I don't know how she managed it. She was already seven months along, and yet she still managed to lose the baby. Such a pity that it was a son."

Wei Dong listened but remained silent.

Luo Pingping wasn't expecting him to engage in conversation; she was simply voicing her thoughts.

When Wei Dong dropped her off at home, the old lady hurriedly asked, "What happened? How could the baby be lost?"

Luo Pingping shook her head. "I didn't ask, and Sanhu didn't say anything. Mother, don't ask too much about this matter. Li Xiu suffered a lot this time." 

Wu Guizhi's face turned grim, and her voice became cold. "She was enjoying the spectacle at other people's houses not long ago, and now the spectacle has become her own." 

Luo Pingping sighed, "I thought she was carrying the baby quite securely."

"Who knows if it was secure or not? They never liked coming over to our side anyway. Apart from informing us when she got pregnant, she didn't even come over when Liu Xiangxiang was here for a visit. 

Wait, no, I heard from Ah Yang that she went to get some skewers and cold noodles to eat not long ago. Everything seemed fine back then, right?" Wu Guizhi couldn't understand it. 

Everyone says that it's risky in the early stages of pregnancy, but it's been over seven months, and the child was already formed. How could this still happen?

The old lady was furious and heartbroken for her grandson who didn't survive.

"Mother, don't worry about it. If Sanhu comes to talk to you, just listen to him, and don't ask too much about it. I can see that he's not taking it well." Luo Pingping finished speaking and waved her hand. "I'll go boil some water."

"Burn those clothes, they're unlucky!" Wu Guizhi frowned at her. "Take a good bath." 

Luo Pingping nodded. "Got it, Mother."

Wei Dong returned to the Tang Erhu household. Tang Xu and Tang Li had already tidied up the main hall. When they saw him return, Tang Xu picked up a backpack and went out with Wei Xi. 

As they left, Tang Xu said to Tang Yang, "Keep an eye on Dad. If he wakes up, give him some water to drink."

Tang Li added, "I'll watch him, Brother, don't worry."

Tang Xu nodded, then sat on the cart. "Tomorrow, I'll have your brother-in-law come over to bring you some bean dregs for fertilizer."

"Okay." The siblings saw them off and closed the courtyard gate.

On the way back, Tang Xu remained silent. When they arrived home and saw Wei Xi return to his own room, he finally asked Wei Dong, "Did Auntie say anything to you about what happened?"

Wei Dong shook his head. "She said a few words. The child didn't make it, it was a son."

Tang Xu furrowed his brow, his eyelid twitching uncontrollably.

He rubbed his eyes with his hand.

Wei Dong asked him, "Are you feeling sleepy?"

"Yeah, I'll go cook some pig feed, feed them, and then sleep." Tang Xu saw Wei Dong carrying the backpack to the kitchen and said, "Put the sugar and salt on the shelf."

"Got it."

As the sun slanted to the west, at the Tang Sanhu household.

Li Xiu slowly regained consciousness before it got dark. She felt particularly sore all over.

Tang Xiaohua entered the room carrying the ginseng water. Seeing Li Xiu open her eyes, she was startled at first, then exclaimed in joy, "Mother! Mother, you're awake! Dad! Mother's awake!"

Hearing the commotion, Tang Sanhu rushed into the room and hugged Li Xiu on the kang, "It's good that you're awake, it's good that you're awake."

Tang Qi held his little sister's hand as they entered the room. Seeing his father embracing his mother, he said, "The doctor said to take Mom to the town to see a physician, Dad. Just now, it was Brother Xu's husband who brought me and Auntie here. Uncle Erhu has a cow, and they can pull a cart to the town."

Upon hearing this, Li Xiu, lying on the kang like a corpse, jerked at the words, struggling to push Tang Sanhu away. She turned her head towards Tang Qi and shouted, "He killed my child!"

Tang Qi was stunned. What?

"Tang Xu, Tang Xu killed my child!" Li Xiu screamed at the top of her lungs. 

Tang Qi frowned.

Tang Sanhu's expression turned grim.

"Don't talk nonsense. What does Tang Xu have to do with this?"

"What does he have to do with it? It's all because of him! It's all because of him!" Li Xiu grabbed Tang Sanhu's clothes and shook him forcefully, crying uncontrollably. 

Tang Xiaohua quickly took Tang Xiaocao out and comforted her, saying, "Mom is just too sad, don't be afraid." 

Tang Xiaocao had been scared too much today; now she couldn't even cry.

Tang Xiaohua took her sister back to the room and made her a bowl of sweet water to drink.

Tang Qi stood by the kang, his face full of incomprehension as he watched his mother's frantic state. He sneered, "What did Brother Xu do to you? He earns money, and you're jealous. You got angry and ended up losing the baby. Are you blaming him?" He found it ridiculous!

"Tang Qi! How can you talk to your mother like that?" Tang Sanhu glared at his son.

Tang Qi looked at his father in silence, then couldn't help but retort, "Dad, can you stop indulging Mom all the time? You also bear responsibility for her becoming like this!"

Tang Sanhu didn't say anything, his expression grim.

Tang Qi finished speaking and turned to leave, heading back to his own room.

Meanwhile, Li Xiu was still screaming in the room. Suddenly, she let out a loud cry and fainted. Tang Sanhu was startled and quickly shook her, but there was no response.

"Ah Qi! Ah Qi! Your mother fainted again!"

Tang Xu had a restless nap, feeling like his whole body was being pressed tightly, making it difficult to breathe. He abruptly opened his eyes and found himself face to face with Wei Dong, whose body was nearly on top of him. No wonder he was having trouble breathing.

"My goodness, you're trying to crush me." Tang Xu nudged him awake. "Get up quickly, it's getting dark."

Wei Dong rolled to the side, rubbing his forehead. "I drank a bit too much."

"I thought you weren't drunk." Tang Xu stretched lazily and got off the kang, putting on his shoes.

After a simple dinner, he continued to cut radishes, intending to fill up a large jar and pickle them all.

"Brother-in-law, didn't you say you were going to make spicy cabbage?" Wei Xi sat next to him. "Is spicy cabbage tasty?"

"It's delicious." Tang Xu nodded. "Go cut two cabbages and bring them in. We'll pickle them overnight."

Upon hearing this, Wei Xi took the knife and went outside. In no time, he came back with two cabbages.

Tang Xu washed the whole head of cabbage and placed it aside to dry. 

Wei Xi asked, "Is there something going on today?" 

Tang Xu looked up at him, "Why do you ask like that?"

"I feel like when you and my brother came back, something seemed off." Although Wei Xi was young, he had experienced a lot, so he was good at reading people's expressions.

Tang Xu raised an eyebrow, "You're quite sharp. There's something going on, but it has nothing to do with our family." Wei Xi nodded, reassured.

But the next morning, things were far from peaceful at their doorstep.

After Li Xiu fainted, Tang Sanhu took her to see a doctor in town. After she was given some medicinal soup, she woke up and started clamoring to go home. 

Tang Sanhu brought her back home, and after a day of commotion, everyone was exhausted. When he finally fell asleep, Li Xiu had also fallen asleep.

He never expected that when he woke up the next day, Li Xiu was nowhere to be found. He searched around the front and back of the house, but couldn't find her.

Li Xiu banged on the big iron gate, and when Wei Dong heard the commotion, he put on his clothes and went out. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Li Xiu rushing towards him with disheveled hair. 

Tang Xu followed Wei Dong out and frowned as soon as he saw her.

"Tang Xu, give me back my child!" Li Xiu rushed towards Tang Xu as if she had gone mad, but Wei Dong pushed her away. 

Tang Xu tilted his head, puzzled, "Auntie San? What are you talking about? Your child has nothing to do with me."

"If it weren't for you not letting me earn money, my child wouldn't have died!" Li Xiu cried out as she got up from the ground, pointing at Tang Xu and cursing, "You evil person! Give me back my child!"

Tang Xu took a deep breath, disgusted, "If you're not sober, go back and rest, don't go crazy at my doorstep." He didn't see anyone else and guessed she had come running over by herself.

Glancing at her dirty clothes, he pursed his lips and said, "Auntie San, if you've lost your child and lost your mind, I won't argue with you. Now you have two choices: either you go back home honestly, or we tie you up and send you back. It's up to you."

Li Xiu was stunned for a moment, then jumped up to hit him.

Wei Dong didn't care who the woman in front of him was. Seeing her about to hit his husband, he waved his hand and pushed her away.

Tang Xu turned around and went back to the yard to fetch a hemp rope, his face cold as he said to Wei Dong, "Tie her up, gag her mouth, and send her back." 

Since she wasn't afraid of losing face, then she shouldn't care about it anymore.

They really took him for a pushover, daring to lay a hand on him! Tang Xu fumed.


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  1. yes tie her up in the pole like a pig.. hehe..
    thank you for the update.., 🐾❤️

  2. Thanks for the update!! 😮‍💨😮‍💨

  3. Wow. What kind of wives did these Tang Brothers take?


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