It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 8


IETSTSMLARA | The Vicious Support Male Lead is a Bit Sweet | 8

The impatience in Sheng Hong's eyes, which Lin Tang might not usually notice, was exceptionally clear today. It pierced not only his eyes but also his heart.

As his heart contracted, Lin Tang felt a slight stinging sensation in his eyes, and his lips involuntarily pursed.

He couldn't cry. He refused to show weakness in front of Bai Xiuran. Lin Tang clenched his fist tightly, looking at Bai Xiuran. "Could you please step out for a moment, Mr. Bai? Brother Hong and I have something private to discuss."

Before Bai Xiuran could speak, Sheng Hong interjected with utmost indifference in his voice, "If you have something to say, just say it directly. Xiuran is not a stranger. If possible, he could even be your..."

"I don't care!!!" Lin Tang's low roar filled the entire office, echoing back at him. He couldn't suppress the bitterness that surged up as he lowered his eyes.

"How about I leave first, and you two can talk," Bai Xiuran stood up. He wasn't the type to gracefully step aside for another man, but Lin Tang's current state was clearly off, and he felt somewhat awkward being here.

If it were any other unrelated romantic rival, he could easily eliminate the threat. But it was Lin Tang, someone treated by Sheng Hong like a younger brother, neither close nor distant. It didn't sit entirely well with Bai Xiuran.

"No need," Sheng Hong sighed deeply. "Lin Tang, whether you agree or not, my relationship with Xiuran is set. You and I can only be brothers, never lovers."

His words were firm and resolute. Lin Tang's eyes blurred slightly as he stared ahead, but then suddenly cleared. He noticed the damp marks on the floor.

The dark red hue, dampened by the water stains, looked almost like blood. Lin Tang blinked, and when he spoke, his voice was hoarse, even startling Bai Xiuran. "Then what am I?"

In Bai Xiuran's impression, this young master only made others cry with his arrogance. When had he ever shed tears himself?

Does he really like this person that much?

"What?" Sheng Hong asked.

Lin Tang wiped the tears from his eyes with his sleeve, staring straight at Sheng Hong. "Did you forget when you said about marrying me as your bride in the future?"

Sheng Hong stood still, stunned by Lin Tang's words. Bai Xiuran, on the other hand, felt somewhat bewildered. At that moment, he actually felt like a third party.


When Lin Su came out of the coffee shop, he didn't head back to the Lin residence. Instead, he drove straight to the headquarters of Shengshi Group. One advantage of being involved in the Sea Feast Manor project was that he could easily learn about Sheng Hong's schedule.

After saying those words, there was an 80% chance that Lin Tang would go to Sheng Hong for clarification. As for the remaining 20%, one call to the Lin residence proved Lin Tang wasn't there, and another call to Luo Fei indicated Lin Tang wasn't out socializing with friends either. 

So, the 80% probability rose to 100%. The young master's life seemed colorful, but was actually quite dull.

You'd expect a 20-year-old to be in school? That's a joke. If the young master could actually manage to attend school properly, it would be a miracle. Usually, someone would attend classes on his behalf, and during exams, the teachers would turn a blind eye. 

After all, the Lin family donated a building to the school just for the young master's education, so getting an extra diploma wasn't a big deal. Although, those so-called diplomas from prestigious universities were pretty much the same whether you had one or not.

The car parked in an outside spot, and although it was late at night, the city lights would likely be on until sunrise. Many floors of the Shengshi building were still lit up, indicating ongoing activity.

Especially in the CEO's office on the middle floor, where the young master would likely feel a lot of grievances. 

The car parked, but Lin Su didn't have any intention of going upstairs. He had already delivered a blow to the young master's heart, and while coming to the rescue might earn him some gratitude, it would mostly result in awkwardness. 

In the previous timeline, Lin Tang would almost be humiliated before nearly jumping off the building, indicating that while the young master might seem soft on the surface, he had a strong will deep down. This also meant he wouldn't want more people to witness his embarrassing moments or his rejection.

Moreover, what Lin Su wants isn’t gratitude. He's not a warm-hearted guy, nor does he want to be a supporting character to Lin Tang. If he wants to be something, he wants to be the absolute protagonist for that person.

The silence upstairs spread a bit. Sheng Hong deeply furrowed his brows, saying, “When did I ever say such things?”

In his mind, he could absolutely never say such words to Lin Tang, such irresponsible...

"You... really don't remember," Lin Tang felt a bit lost. It turned out that everything Lin Su said was true. He was the only one who took it seriously. He was the only one who was being sentimental and meddling in other people's feelings.

Even though he wasn’t hit in the face, he felt hot. His self-esteem was trampled into the mud. A hint of resentment even rose in Lin Tang's heart as he looked at Sheng Hong, the once intense affection in his eyes slowly fading away. "You don't remember. When I was seven and you were twelve, we rode the Ferris wheel together..."

Sheng Hong's pupils dilated slightly. He still had memories from when he was twelve, and he had only ridden the Ferris wheel once in his lifetime.

It was the evening after he graduated from elementary school. The enormous Ferris wheel slowly turned, much smaller than the current Lin Tang. But a little guy carved from the same mold sat beside him. 

The height scared him to tears, streaks marking his soft, fair face. Perhaps because he was too good-looking, the Lin Tang of that time didn't annoy people like other children when crying. 

Instead, his trembling resembled a little milk kitten, making people's hearts ache.

Sheng Hong still remembered how protective he felt at that time, holding the little child in his arms, feeling more comfortable than holding a bunch of clouds.

He clumsily wiped away tears, told him stories, and diverted the little one's attention. By the time the Ferris wheel reached its peak, the night sky was already adorned with stars. In his former adolescence, had delusions of being able to pluck stars and moons,  found himself immersed in the sparkling depths of those eyes.

"There are stars..." The young Lin Tang pointed at the sky, as if the entire sky was caught in his eyes.

Like scooping the moon from water, Sheng Hong caressed those eyes and, amidst the puzzled gaze of the little Lin Tang, said, "Can you be my bride in the future? The most beautiful bride?"

Children’s words are innocent.

Little Lin Tang seemed to not understand the meaning of a bride. "What's a bride?" he asked.

"It's... a person who will always, always be with Brother Hong," Sheng Hong explained as he ruffled his head.

Little Lin Tang's eyes shimmered even brighter, filled with joy. "I always want to be with Brother Hong, I want to be Brother Hong's bride!"

The dusty memories stirred awake, leaving Sheng Hong feeling somewhat awkward and complicated.

He could confirm that he was truly serious back then. It's just that at that time, he didn't understand the feelings between lovers. He only knew that he wanted to stay with Lin Tang all the time, a very pure sentiment.

But how did things change afterward?

Later, he went to junior high school and drifted apart from Lin Tang. Because of his good grades, he skipped several grades, while Lin Tang struggled even with the simplest studies. Eventually, he started skipping school, claiming to come to see him.

At first, Sheng Hong's words still had some effect, but later they became ineffective. The once intimacy seemed to quickly distance itself. 

Later he went abroad to study, while Lin Tang stayed in the country, indulging in whatever fun he could find, seeking thrills, daring to do anything except for prostitution and drugs. He squandered his wealth, acting recklessly, as if they had become two people from different worlds.

If they were just brothers, Sheng Hong would be willing to protect him, but Lin Tang wanted more, and Sheng Hong couldn't give it. He couldn't sacrifice his own happiness for his brother.

But those initial words echoed in his mind. In the very beginning, he wanted to protect Lin Tang. In truth, Sheng Hong bore some responsibility for Lin Tang's current state. He hadn't fulfilled his duty of protection and guidance, nor had he ever tried to understand the reasons behind Lin Tang's transformation.

"I’m sorry," Sheng Hong's heart was filled with self-reproach. He got up and walked over to Lin Tang, intending to pat his head, but Lin Tang's step back evaded the gesture.

"Are you going to choose him over him?" Lin Tang pointed to Bai Xiuran beside him.

Bai Xiuran closed his eyes, feeling as if his whole body had submerged in water, cutting off all air.

"Lin Tang," Sheng Hong tried to make things clear to him, "listen to me. At that time, I was only twelve, and you were only seven. We couldn't really understand the meaning of being a bride. I've always seen you as a little brother."

"Snap!" A crisp sound interrupted.

Bai Xiuran's gaze was drawn to the commotion. As his eyes landed, he saw Sheng Hong's face turned away, revealing faint red marks. Lin Tang's hand, which had just been raised, was slowly lowering, his eyes showing a mix of astonishment and anger. He seemed like he wanted to say something, but in the end, he just clenched his lips and shouted, "You bastard!"

He turned and left, slamming the door behind him, his figure disappearing from sight.

Bai Xiuran nervously watched Sheng Hong's back, unsure of what he was waiting for.

"Lin Tang!" 

The next moment, Sheng Hong chased after him.

The empty office was now occupied only by Bai Xiuran. He sighed heavily, his eyes widening, and he suddenly cursed under his breath, "Damn it, what the hell is going on!"

One of the peculiar scenes today in Shengshi Corporation was when Young Master Lin Tang clearly ran out of the CEO's office in tears. Employees glanced at each other, understanding dawning on them— the CEO had finally rejected Young Master Lin, a cause for celebration.

But the next moment, the CEO chased after him, looking extremely anxious, with a handprint on his face.

The entire employee group chat instantly erupted into excitement.

"Damn, today's drama is a bit too intense!"

"What's the big deal? Maybe the CEO will turn around and realize that Young Master Lin is his true love. Ah, we don't understand the world of the rich."

"Let's just watch the drama unfold. The love triangle is escalating, let's see who ends up with whom."

"You guys enjoy the drama, I just want to go home..."

"... "

Lin Su leaned against the wall, his cigarette dangling between his lips. As he saw a familiar figure dart out from the building, he extinguished the cigarette on the cigarette box, put it back in his pocket, and walked forward.

Behind Young Master Lin, there was clearly someone following him. Judging from the height and figure, it was obviously Sheng Hong. As they got closer, he could even see the handprint on his face. It seemed that the thorn in Young Master Lin's heart was about to be plucked out.

The most pressing matter... Lin Su took a few steps toward the building, then waved to Lin Tang, who seemed intent on running away. "Tangtang, over here."

His voice was low and mellow, still carrying a hint of lingering smoke. However, the use of the nickname startled Lin Tang, almost causing him to freeze on the spot.

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