It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 7


IETSTSMLARA | The Vicious Support Male Lead is a Bit Sweet | 7

For example, he leaned on someone's shoulder and cried like a fool, then complained like a woman.

"Ahh!" Lin Tang changed from hugging the cushions to throwing them, but the more he threw, the more similar scenes emerged.

Like agreeing to sleep with Hu Jie in a fit of madness, like brother Hong coming and bringing Bai Xiuran along, he... was being held by Lin Su, crying and talking about the embarrassing things he had done in his childhood.

He is dead…

Lin Tang felt he should deal with the first two matters first, like finding someone to beat up that jerk Hu Jie, or going to brother Hong's company to drive Bai Xiuran away. However, he grabbed a handful of hair, squatting on the sofa, thinking about how he could redo last night's embarrassing crying episode.

Crying in front of anyone was better than crying in front of Lin Su, right? No, a real man shouldn't shed tears like a woman.

The images of his short-term amnesia kept flashing in his mind. Lin Tang lay back on the sofa, his gaze inverted. Lin Su's dice-playing moves last night were actually quite cool, his skills were impressive. 

There were redeeming qualities. However, if Lin Su hadn’t seen him cry like that, they could have played together in the future.

But the situation had already occurred, and nothing could be more embarrassing than last night. Lin Tang felt he should avoid that person in the future.

“...But if you interfere after he's found a partner, you'll be intruding as a third party."

This sentence suddenly came to mind, and Lin Tang's flailing movements stopped abruptly, his fingers clenched tightly.

When he remembered everything that happened last night, Sheng Hong's intimacy with Bai Xiuran was naturally observed by him, and that person's departure without hesitation also meant that between him and Bai Xiuran, Brother Hong chose the latter.

Lin Tang lay quietly for a long time without moving.

Shortly after Lin Su went to the company to handle matters, he became involved in a new project—the Sea Feast Manor, as expected.

This was one of the recent major projects of the Lin family, constructing a villa area around the bay. The Lin family's financial resources alone weren't enough to fully undertake it, and Sheng Hong's Shengshi Group had a significant stake in the cooperating companies.

Naturally, Lin Su's assigned task wasn't to oversee the entire project. Father Lin's purpose in involving him was quite simple: to let him gain experience, truly see the world, and understand the Lin family's financial power; and to give him a layer of gold.

This outcome didn't put him at a disadvantage. However, his workload suddenly increased, coupled with the new developments on Qu Tu's side, inevitably leading to a decrease in his attention to matters outside of work.

Such as Lin Tang's emotional issues.

When the call came, Lin Su's tone was calm: "Hey, Lin Tang, what's up?"

Based on his memory, the probability of this young master calling him voluntarily was basically zero. Was it to express gratitude for his assistance last night? Currently, that possibility didn't exist.

Sure enough…

"Lin Su, what do you mean by me interfering in someone else's relationship? Am I the third party?" Lin Tang's side was clearly agitated, clearly here to demand answers, but to Lin Su, it seemed like there was a hint of insecurity in his tone.

Without immediately answering the young master's question, Lin Su asked the system: 【Is there a possibility of recovering memories after blacking out?】

There was a slight fluctuation in System 06's data: 【Host, although such cases are rare, there is still a probability of memory recovery.】

In simple terms, the young master remembered what happened last night, to what extent Lin Su didn't know, but his words of advice had been recalled by him.

"Speak," Lin Tang continued to bombard from the other end, his tone shifting to anxiety, as if only a negative answer from Lin Su could support him to continue.

But since Lin Su had caught on, the most pressing matter was to sever his attachment to Sheng Hong. A three-legged toad is hard to find, but a three-timing man is everywhere. Why hang yourself on that tree?

"Lin Tang," Lin Su began, "Love is something that involves two people, it can't be achieved just because one side desires it. You remember what Sheng Hong said to you, but you can ask him if he remembers."

A man's mouth is full of lies, a deceitful ghost, this is a truth only men can truly understand, but does the young master not understand? People in love often indulge in wishful thinking and self-deception.

After a long silence, click, the call was disconnected.

06 pondered for a moment: 【Cut the rope with a quick knife?】


How can it not be painful when the heart is forcefully dug out. However, for a relationship that had no future and was already rotting away, it had to be ruthlessly dug out. Only then could the wound slowly heal.

Only by emptying the heart can one accept another person.

Lin Su allowed Lin Tang to contemplate and take action. If one attempt wasn't thorough enough, there would be second and third attempts. The process might be painful, but the result would be good.

He continued to work as usual. Although he didn't need to oversee the Sea Feast Manor project, he still needed to review all the project data. He didn't go home after work. Instead, he drove to see Qu Tu. This time, Qu Tu brought a contract with him.

A long-term cooperation contract.

The content of the contract was straightforward, it divided each party's interests and highlighted Qu Tu's maximum value. There were no traps in the wording, but between the lines….his ambition was evident.

Lin Su scrutinized it carefully, sitting across from Qu Tu with his head slightly lowered, the black-framed glasses obscuring the gleam in his eyes. He flipped through the pages at a steady pace, displaying a serious attitude that made Qu Tu feel like he was facing not the rumored abandoned eldest young master of the Lin family, but a powerful individual who could control his destiny.

The last person who made him feel this way was Sheng Hong, but at that time, he was only observing from afar, far from facing Lin Su face-to-face.

"Your coffee is getting cold," Lin Su suddenly lifted his head, adjusted his glasses, and reminded Qu Tu.

"Huh? Oh," Qu Tu's gaze flickered at his eyes for a moment, feeling inexplicably nervous. He picked up his coffee cup, "What does Mr. Lin think?"

Lin Su closed the last page of the contract, placed it on the table, then pulled out a document from his briefcase and pushed it across to Qu Tu. With his slender fingers, he tapped the tabletop. "I think your conditions are all reasonable, but I'd like to discuss the specifics of our cooperation after you've reviewed this document."

A certain  way to accumulate wealth just by stock trading, but if he wants to catch the young master and take people under his wing, he needs to quickly accumulate a large amount of wealth, at least to a level that can rival Sheng Hong, or even higher. .

On one hand, there's the need for comparison; on the other hand, it's essential to win over his father-in-law. Otherwise, merely nurturing an adopted son only to end up with the biological son would be enough for Father Lin to cast him aside.

To rapidly accumulate a large amount of wealth, the paths available for people in the upper class have already reached the limit. The only way out is to possess technology that others don't have.

Like Lin Su, Qu Tu was also earnestly examining the document. From initial skepticism to later eyes lighting up, and finally to a smile creeping onto his lips, when he closed the file, there was even a sense of urgency in his expression. "Mr. Lin, if these chips are truly released, they could monopolize the current electronics industry."

This mission world doesn't allow too much advanced technology to exist beyond this era, but developing one or two chips is still possible. Moreover, the data for these chips doesn't come from the system; it's new one derived by Lin Su himself from the old chips. However, compared to the original, this is a leap forward into a new era.

Anything that belongs to him personally will be protected by copyright laws of the source world, and even the system requires his consent when collecting data.

Lin Su clasped his hands together. "Now, let's discuss the details of our cooperation."

To motivate Qu Tu to give his best effort, shares must be offered. People always prioritize their own interests.

With slight modifications to the other conditions and the addition of details regarding shares, they both signed their names on the printed documents, with copies for each party.

Lin Su's handwriting, restrained yet sharp, was difficult to conceal. Qu Tu traced over the characters. If he had doubts about Lin Su's capabilities at the beginning, now he fully believed that the man before him would shake the entire capital, maybe even the entire country.

"The patent for this chip needs to be applied by you," Lin Su said, then pushed over a card. "I'll leave the company registration to you as well."

Trust those you employ, but doubt those you don't. Lin Su had chosen this man and bestowed him with complete trust.

Qu Tu was visibly surprised by Lin Su's words. His expression was complex, and after a moment, he seemed to lick his teeth. He grasped Lin Su's outstretched hand with both of his own and lowered his head. "I will definitely not disappoint your trust, Mr. Lin."

To be entrusted and trusted wholeheartedly by someone felt like being affirmed entirely. Although Lin Su's methods were not without calculation, Qu Tu needed this affirmation.

The foundation of the Shengshi Group, which would eventually dominate half of Country C, was laid in this small café in the capital. The Shengshi Group also welcomed a regular customer.

When Lin Tang entered, naturally, no one dared to stop him. Besides the Lin family is on good terms with the Shengshi Group, Lin Tang's identity and temperament alone were not something a front desk staff member could easily provoke.

It seemed that Sheng Hong anticipated this. He specifically instructed them not to obstruct Lin Tang when he arrived. However, they should report to him when Lin Tang entered the elevator to avoid inconveniencing innocent staff members.

After hanging up the call, Sheng Hong looked towards Bai Xiuran, who was currently reading documents with his head lowered. They made eye contact. "Lin Tang will be coming later, probably about last night's matter. Do you want to see him?"

"I don't want to see him. Can you send him away?" Bai Xiuran smiled and said before Sheng Hong could respond. Then he continued, "Okay, I know he's your brother. I won't argue with a child."

"Who are you not willing to argue with?" The office door suddenly swung open, and Lin Tang stood at the doorway, followed by a secretary who looked embarrassed, unable to stop him.

Sheng Hong gestured for the secretary to leave, frowned, and glanced at the domineering Lin Tang. 

He felt like the slight family affection from last night had disappeared, and the young man in front of him always seemed to remain immature. "You're here."

Unreasonable, incommunicative, yet not easily shaken off, it made people... weary.

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