It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 17


IETSTSMLARA | The Vicious Support Male Lead is a Bit Sweet | 17

Since Father Lin had intentions in this regard, it naturally needed to be conveyed to Lin Su. Having experienced a lot in the business world, even biological brothers could turn against each other, so Lin Su's actions were indeed commendable.

Lin Su didn't pay attention to the situation with Lin Tang anymore because the outcome could only go two ways: either the young master ends up together with Sheng Hong, in which case he would step back, and the two would eventually part ways due to discord, or the young master would truly remember the things he had said and realize they weren't suitable for each other, making a decisive break.

The probabilities of these two scenarios were 30% and 70%, respectively.

However, regardless of the outcome, it would require adding fuel to the fire, and that fire would come from Father Lin.

Naturally, there would be some clues that he was responsible for things like reinforcing the car. Doing good deeds without leaving a name was not in line with Lin Su's style of doing things.

Since he did it, there had to be some form of repayment.

Lin Su knocked on the door and entered the hospital room, briefly explaining where the young master had gone.

Father Lin nodded and scrutinized him for a moment before asking, "Lin Su, have they found out the cause of the accident this time?"

Lin Su replied, "Yes, they found out. It was the Rongcheng Group. There was a dispute between Lin's and Rongcheng over a piece of land in the northern suburbs. Some people from Rongcheng were unhappy about it, which led to this incident."

The accident had a cause. In the world lines that Lin Su was aware of, not every detail was recorded. The world was vast, and there were too many people. It was impossible for him to know every action of every person. Father Lin is somewhat closer to the protagonist. He had recordes to the accident, but Lin Su didn't know the exact cause of the accident initially.

"When did you find out?" Father Lin asked, clasping his hands together.

"When I contacted the Sea Feast Manor," Lin Su adjusted his glasses. "There were significant disputes over interests, and Rongcheng's villa in the suburbs was adjacent to that piece of land, so I kept an eye on them, although I vaguely knew they might take action, I didn’t know when they would take action."

So, he could only intervene with the car.

Father Lin relaxed his clasped hands. Such incidents were indeed hard to prevent. What Lin Su found out was almost the same as what Father Lin had discovered. In the capital, he had many business rivals and plenty of people who wanted him dead. Bodyguards and high-performance cars were necessary, but Lin Su's ability to reinforce his car to military-grade levels without anyone noticing showcased his skill and resources.

His son might not be as simple as he appeared, but someone who could be easily seen through didn't deserve to be the head of the Lin family.

"Aren't you afraid that I might suspect you deliberately did this to gain my trust?" Father Lin asked bluntly.

Outside the hospital room, Lin Tang's hand, which was about to open the door, paused upon hearing this question. His heart raced nervously. It was his first time eavesdropping on a conversation between his father and Lin Su, and he felt tense.

But what trust were they talking about?

"I'm not afraid," Lin Su suddenly chuckled. The sound made Lin Tang rub his ears. He heard Lin Su continue, "I trust that you will uncover the truth."

There was some silence in the hospital room. Lin Tang glared at the assistant who tried to stop him and gestured for silence, openly pressing his ear against the door.

So what if Dad caught him? He could just ground him. How could he be scared?

After a while, Father Lin seemed to sigh and asked with an unprecedented seriousness, "Lin Su, do you want the Lin family?"

Lin Tang's heart skipped a beat, and he listened intently as his father continued, "You suddenly became close to Lin Tang and being attentive to me as a father, is it because you want the Lin family?"

The smile at the corner of Lin Tang's lips faded slightly but then he heard Lin Su's voice, "Father, I don't want it."

Having control over the Lin family would indeed save him a lot of trouble, but it might also fundamentally deprive the young master of a place to settle down. For someone who wanted to live freely and recklessly, money was the most basic requirement.

Of course, not wanting it didn't mean he wouldn't take control of the Lin family. After all, letting the young master manage the company on his own would lead to its downfall in less than three months.

Father Lin was somewhat surprised but quickly regained his composure. "Tell me your thoughts."

"The Lin Family belongs to Lin Tang," Lin Su didn't care about the nominal father, but the man in front of him was his future father-in-law, so he had to show some respect. "I won't take what belongs to him. If you don't trust me, I can sign an agreement with you."

An agreement to waive inheritance would be enough to reassure Father Lin.

"What are you after then?" Father LIn found himself unable to understand his adopted son.

"The Lin family has sheltered me for many years, Father. I still have a conscience," Lin Su chuckled.

There wasn't much left of it, though. What was he after? Naturally, he was after the young master who was eavesdropping outside the door.

Lin Tang coming over meant that things were almost resolved with Sheng Hong. After putting in so much effort, it was only natural to bring both the person and his feelings over.

However, what was still missing was the final, wholehearted acceptance.

People always liked to compete for things. When something precious lay peacefully untouched, it was often undervalued. But once someone started fighting for it, it suddenly became incredibly precious.

The pounding of Lin Tang's heart outside seemed deafening, making it hard for him to hear the conversation inside the room clearly. Lin Su really did care about him.

Father Lin breathed a sigh of relief, a smile forming on his face. He looked at the composed young man in front of him with satisfaction. "You're a grateful child. You're a child of the Lin family. What's rightfully yours won't be shortchanged. In the future, your brother will also need your care. I'll host a celebration party after I am discharged from the hospital. Sun Chun from the Sun family has just returned from overseas, and she seems decent. How about meeting her?"

Lin Tang's initially excited heart sank again. Even the assistant beside him found it strange how quickly his expression changed. What exactly did Mr. Lin say to make the young master's expression change so dramatically?

Lin Tang didn't have time to pay attention to his Father’s words. All his focus was on Lin Su's next answer. Would he agree?

Earlier, Lin Su had said he didn't want to just be the elder brother, but his recent attitude had been so cold. Lin Tang's nervous heart contracted. He wanted Lin Su to say no, but why did he want that?

Because he was the elder brother? Then why did it matter if he brought back a sister-in-law?

The answer was already clear. He rejected Sheng Hong, and he didn't want Lin Su to meet someone else, all because he... liked him.

"Has Miss Sun agreed to meet as well?" Lin Su asked.

He seemed to be considering meeting her.


"Miss Sun's family has agreed to meet, but whether it will work out depends on both parties. As for you young people, we elders can only play matchmaker, we can't force it," Father Lin said casually. "How about it?"

"Then let's meet," Lin Su said. Since Sun's family had agreed, rejecting it further would be inappropriate. As for the outcome after the meeting, he could just refuse then.

System 06 could only open it’s mouth into an O shape and then returned to its original shape. Host, just pretend.

"I don't agree!" The door of the hospital room was suddenly flung open, and Lin Tang's voice was resolute. His usually healthy complexion was pale as a sheet.

He stared at Lin Su tightly and said, "I don't agree!!!" He didn't want to, he didn't want the person he had just started to like to belong to someone else.

Lin Su remained silent, but Father Lin furrowed his brows. Just as he was about to speak, he remembered Lin Su's previous words: "Didn't you go out with Sheng Hong?"

The fact that his younger son was gay had already made him uncomfortable. Chasing after Sheng Hong had caused him discomfort many times, but if he had to choose a man, Sheng Hong was indeed the best option. 

Just when things were finally going well, he came to cause Lin Su trouble. Could it be that Sheng Hong had instigated something?

Being a cunning old fox, he easily jumped to conclusions.

Lin Tang's heart clenched. Watching Lin Su still not turning to look at him, he felt a bitter and indescribable feeling. It was even more painful than being rejected by Sheng Hong initially. 

He gritted his teeth and looked at his father. "I went out with Sheng Hong to make things clear. I won't like him anymore. So I don't want to be with him in the future."

Father Lin paused for a moment, not quite sure what had happened here, but seeing his usually shameless son give up so decisively, he knew something must have happened.

"What did Sheng Hong do to you?" Father Lin temper rose. Not supporting his son's persistent pursuit was one thing, but his son being bullied was another.

He's his only biological son, like a precious treasure. How could he let others bully him?

"It's none of his business," Lin Tang muttered.

"Then whose business is it?" Father Lin temper flared. "You're still defending him at this point!"

The misunderstanding ran deep.

Lin Tang looked at Lin Su's back and silently answered in his heart, "It's none of my big brother's business." He had developed feelings for someone else, but he couldn't say it, and it was frustrating!

Seeing him remain silent, Father Lin became more convinced that his child was being bullied. He was about to say something, but Lin Su interrupted, "Father, I'll go arrange for you to be discharged. You two talk first."

He left without even casting a glance at Lin Tang, and the room fell into silence. Lin Tang suddenly felt lost and disoriented. He had never felt so miserable before, as if tears could fall with just a blink of an eye.

Why did it always happen like this? Whenever he liked someone, that person stopped liking him? Couldn't they wait a little longer, until he sorted out all his emotions inside?

Lin Tang's emotions were off, and how could Father Lin not notice? He looked like he was about to burst into tears, the heavy blame fell squarely on Sheng Hong's head.

It looked like he had been greatly wronged.

Father Lin couldn't bring himself to continue with his harsh words. His attempt to soften his approach failed, leaving him silently frustrated. "A man should have dignity, not stoop so low for just one person..."

Lin Tang kept his head down and remained silent.

Father Lin coughed lightly and changed the subject, "Didn't you like a car last time? How about I buy it for you?"

"Are you hungry? I'll have the assistant order your favorite dishes from Old Chen's Private Kitchen..."

"I'm fine," Lin Tang muttered gloomily. Once the moisture in his eyes dried up a bit, his shoulders slumped, and he seemed dejected. "I'll go out first. You take care."

"Mm, take care," Father Lin watched him leave, craning his neck to catch a last glimpse even after he disappeared from sight.

He had never seen his child so downcast before. This time, he needed Sheng Hong to provide an explanation. While it was a matter between friends, it couldn't be allowed to escalate so unfairly.

Lin Tang left the ward not knowing where to go, simply following his instincts. He needed to find Lin Su and confess that he knew he liked him, but he didn't know where to start looking.

The person always appeared when he needed them the most, as if he could bump into them just by turning around. But now, it seemed unlikely.

"Bastard!" Lin Tang cursed under his breath, feeling his eyes stinging. But the next moment, his arm was grabbed, and before he could react, his back was pressed against a door as it closed shut. Before he could panic, he heard a deep voice with a hint of amusement whispering in his ear, "Who are you calling a bastard?"


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