It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 18


IETSTSMLARA | The Vicious Support Male Lead is a Bit Sweet | 18

Lin Tang's earlobes felt a slight warmth, and his initial struggle came to a halt as he appeared somewhat obedient. He looked up, meeting Lin Su's pitch-black and profound eyes.

Having never looked closely before, he only now realized how beautiful the man's eyes were up close. The slight droop of his gaze carried a hint of cold tenderness, as if capable of drowning someone within them.

Lin Tang had never experienced such feelings before. He wanted to say something, but his chin was lifted, and he found himself staring as Lin Su removed his glasses, his gaze drawing closer.

A warm sensation brushed against his lips, catching him off guard. Before Lin Tang could react, the initial tenderness turned into dominance. Like Lin Su himself, the kiss was sharp and possessive, yet irresistibly captivating, leaving Lin Tang breathless and his body feeling weak.

Lin Su, satisfied with the beautiful figure in his arms, gently kissed him twice more to soothe his emotions. After all, now that he had the person in his grasp, he couldn't afford to scare him away too soon.

Like boiling a frog in warm water, when the fire was finally turned up, the frog wouldn't be able to escape even if it wanted to.

Lin Su didn't need to rush things.

【The young master seems to be the delicate type, easily swayed.】System 06's voice echoed.

The next moment, Lin Su blocked the system into the system space. His current appearance was for his eyes only. Even though the system was an emotionless mechanical entity, it still wasn't suitable to witness such scenes.

Lin Tang's heavy breathing didn't quite match his stunning appearance, but who would have thought that the seemingly carefree young master was actually so innocent. Nonetheless, Lin Su was the only one who needed to know about this. 

After catching his breath, Lin Tang's thoughts began to settle. He looked at Lin Su and asked, "What do you mean by all this?"

Being ignored one moment and kissed the next, it left his heart in turmoil, with no clear direction.

"I've told you, I like you," Lin Su touched his cheek gently. "What's your answer?"

"But you... earlier..." Lin Tang's heart raced again. The bitterness from before suddenly turned into a sweet syrupy feeling, a sweetness he had never experienced before.

"I thought you were with Sheng Hong," Lin Su's fingers brushed over his slightly damp eyelashes, causing a tingling sensation. "So, I respected your choice. I didn't expect you to give me such a pleasant surprise." 

His gentle tone made Lin Tang's ears heat up. His empty heart suddenly felt filled with warmth. 

Unable to meet Lin Su's gaze directly, Lin Tang turned his head and stubbornly said, "Not liking him doesn't mean... “ I like you.

Lin Su interrupted Lin Tang before he could finish his insincere words. With a chuckle, he said, "Think about it before you answer, or I might misunderstand."

Lin Tang's fingers tensed, halting his words.

Lin Su's warm breath tickling his ear, and only the sounds of their intertwined breaths filling the air, he asked, "Tangtang, do you like me?"

Unable to contain himself, Lin Tang nodded. The warmth filling his heart felt like it was about to overflow. "Yes, I like you."

He liked Lin Su's scent, his kisses, the affectionate way he addressed him, and everything else about him.

Although his voice was quiet, Lin Su heard it clearly. He held Lin Tang tightly in his arms, his words filled with satisfaction and excitement. "I'm so happy."

A smile couldn't help but appear on Lin Tang's lips. Just like the sweetness of his name, he felt like he had turned into syrup, so sweet that even his stubbornness disappeared. He hugged Lin Su back and said, "I'm happy too."

Lin Tang, being straightforward in nature and experiencing his first real romance,and he felt a bit like he was being led by Lin Su.

But once the dizziness and excitement subsided a bit, Lin Tang began to ask some questions, his tone soft and sweet, "So, are you still going to meet that Miss Sun?"

Lin Tang thought Lin Su would refuse to go, considering they were now lovers. However, Lin Su held his hand tightly, interlocking their fingers, and with a hint of amusement, he teased, "I have to go."

Lin Tang was immediately engulfed by jealousy and turned to glare at Lin Su. "You're in a relationship with me now, and you're still going to meet her?"

As he mentioned the previous grievances, Lin Tang felt tears welling up in his eyes.

Back then, he had suppressed his tears, but now he felt like crying. After all, Lin Su had already seen him cry before, and he felt that he deserved to cry when feeling wronged.

Lin Su knew how easily Lin Tang could be swayed by his emotions. Holding his hand, he explained, "It's just a banquet, and the Sun family has already agreed. Rejecting the invitation would damage their reputation and harm the relationship between our families."

In the business world, making enemies was something to be avoided at all costs, and it wasn't worth causing trouble over such a trivial matter.

Lin Tang snorted, still feeling upset.

Lin Su couldn't help but laugh, pinching his nose gently. "It's just a meeting. I won't have any special thoughts about her, and Miss Sun might not even fancy me. With your jealousy, our family won't need to buy vinegar for a year."

Instead of getting angry, Lin Su patiently explained to him. Lin Tang's face flushed again, and he muttered, "Who says she wouldn't fancy you? This young master has excellent taste, and if she dares not to fancy you..."

Lin Tang was the epitome of beauty in the eyes of lovers. Although Lin Su had impressive standards, being an adopted son of the Lin family was enough to deter many wealthy young ladies.

Of course, if Lin Su's full wealth and assets were revealed, it would be a different story. But for now, he saw no need to invite such trouble.

"No matter whether she fancies me or not, I won't pay her any attention, okay?" Lin Su coaxed.

Handling situations with words was not a problem, and soothing his lover was the most basic skill in a relationship.

"That's more like it," the young master resolved the issue of his potential rival. Glancing around the room, he realized it was obviously a hospital room. Before he could say anything, Lin Su pulled him in and kissed him without a word. "Can't you kiss me somewhere else?"

Kissing in a hospital room wasn't romantic at all. He couldn't even tell who was kissing whom when he was still dizzy from the previous kiss.

Lin Su stood up, put on his glasses, and pulled Lin Tang to his feet. "Let's go."

Lin Tang was puzzled. "Where are we going?"

"Let's find a different place for me to kiss you," Lin Su replied naturally.

Lin Tang's face immediately turned as red as a tomato, and his words began to stutter. "Y-you, how can you..."

He was caught off guard again, yet also eagerly anticipating it. After all, the previous sensation had been particularly enjoyable, as if the two of them were the most intimate.

"Just teasing you. Let's go eat first. Aren't you hungry?" Lin Su hooked a finger under his nose.

Lin Tang's stomach promptly responded with a series of embarrassing growls.

"Alright, tone down the blushing. Don't let anyone notice," Lin Su said, cooling his face with the back of his hand, which surprisingly had the opposite effect.

Lin Tang grabbed his wrist. "Are you afraid of others finding out?"

The young master silently reminded himself that relationships should progress gradually; they couldn't rush things. But keeping it a secret felt uncomfortable, as if he is someone he couldn't bear to be seen with.

This thought reduced the blush on his face. Lin Su didn't explain, only leading him out by the arm.

As they walked, both remained unusually silent. Lin Tang's mind raced, and his thoughts extended to far-flung possibilities, even entertaining the idea of Lin Su never daring to confess to his father and their clandestine relationship lasting a lifetime.

Just thinking about it made the future seem bleak.

Their footsteps finally stopped, and Lin Su opened the passenger door for him. "It's not about avoiding being seen. Hospitals are crowded, and spreading the news now might upset Father. I want our relationship to be announced because we want it, not because someone else discovers it. What do you think?"

Lin Tang felt... how could Lin Su be so good with words?

All of his chaotic thoughts were like dark clouds were instantly illuminated by sunlight into pure whiteness.

Sitting in the car, Lin Tang watched as Lin Su got in from the other side and asked, "Why didn't you explain up there?"

Had he been thinking of how to explain the whole way? Organizing his words?

"If I explained it up there. You just wouldn't be able to hide your face," Lin Su leaned over, and Lin Tang instinctively closed his eyes. But he heard a click and opened them to meet Lin Su's meaningful gaze.

"I didn't think of anything!" Lin Tang felt his cheeks heating up at the prospect of being kissed.

"I did," Lin Su quickly pecked his lips and then sat back, leaving Lin Tang staring blankly and touching his lips, his mind racing.

How could Lin Su be so skilled?! How many partners had he had before? Not fair!

Wait, Lin Tang and his friends used to joke that his brother was like a modern-day ascetic, like Confucius or something. Maybe he was even impotent. After all these years, he hadn't even been in a relationship.

Now it seemed like he was just really pure-hearted.

They used to say the same about Sheng Hong too, but he had already broken up with them. So how could Lin Su be doing so well?

He must be completely self-taught! 

He felt a blow to his ego. As a young master of the Lin family, how could he lose in love? He couldn't!

Clearing his throat, Lin Tang turned to look at Lin Su driving, and his heart skipped a beat again. This handsome guy driving was his!

"Susu," he said, wanting to give his lover a nickname too.

The car screeched to a halt, and Lin Su parked by the roadside, ignoring the almost lascivious laughter in his mind. He looked at Lin Tang beside him and said, "Tangtang, if you want us to arrive safely at the restaurant, please don't call me that."

Lin Su was caught off guard by this naming method. If it weren't for his excellent driving skills, they could have ended up in the nearby flowerbed.

"You don't like it?" Lin Tang glanced at him. "But you still call me..." He couldn't bring himself to say those two words, but seeing Lin Su's surprised expression, he felt a sense of victory. He smirked and continued, "Susu, Susu, Susu..."

System 06's mechanical voice was filled with amusement: 【Hahaha, a first in history.】

Unexpectedly, it’s host also suffered.

Lin Su didn't stop and drove the car, saying: "How about we change the destination?"

Lin Tang was curious: "Where to?"

"To a hotel," Lin Su replied.

Lin Tang was full of question marks: "It's not time to sleep yet, why go to a hotel? ... Susu."

He still added the nickname.

Lin Su responded with two words: "To bed."

Lin Tang choked, almost biting his tongue.

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