It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 6


IETSTSMLARA | The Vicious Support Male Lead is a Bit Sweet | 6

Lin Tang was still sobbing, as if trying to let go of all his grievances through tears. Being too persistent with this relationship is definitely not a good thing.

Lin Su patted his head. "Sheng Hong may not even remember what happened back then. It was probably just a joke. He already has a partner, so you don't need to bother him."

"But I liked Brother Hong first," the little drunkard's logic was surprisingly clear.

"Feelings don't care about who liked whom first, they only care about whether you like them or not," Lin Su said.

It's not like just because you liked someone first, that person will definitely like you back. Feelings are irrational, which is why so many people end up heartbroken.

"Brother Hong... Brother Hong used to only care about me," Lin Tang was clearly even more upset now.

"He sees you as a younger brother," Lin Su stated the truth. "If you see him as a brother, he'll still care about you. But if you interfere after he's found a partner, you'll be intruding as a third party."

06 chimed in: 【Host, this kind of straight-laced consolation will only backfire.】

Lin Su was well aware of this, but if he didn’t tell Lin Tang, no one would tell him. If Lin Tang insisted on finding a male partner, Lin's father clearly preferred Sheng Hong, and Sheng's mother also treated Lin Tang as her own child since childhood. Compared to Bai Xiuran, she would prefer Lin Tang.

In the original timeline, it took a lot of effort for Sheng Hong to get Sheng's mother to accept Bai Xiuran. As for Lin Tang, even if Sheng's mother favored him, she couldn't force her own son into a relationship.

As soon as Lin Su spoke, the seemingly docile kitten in his arms exploded. "You're the third party!!! You bastard who stole my mom, and now you're stealing my dad! You're the third party! You're not even part of the Lin family!!!"

When he cursed, he was surprisingly articulate and showed no hesitation. It was clear that these words had been pent up in his heart for a long time.

Lin Tang hated the original host, always had, even from a young age. Lin Su initially thought it was because of the malice carried by the original host, but now he realized it might not be the case.

This clueless little drunkard hadn't yet developed the sensitivity to feel that deeply. His reasons for hating Lin Su likely stemmed more from the perspective of his parents.

No matter how favored a child is, they always feel that their parents favor the other child more, especially since the original host had spent five years by Lin's mother's side, while Lin Tang had never met his own biological mother.

The role of a mother is irreplaceable by anyone else. Even though Lin's father provided everything Lin Tang could want, he lacked the subtle care that only a mother could provide.

Having not found emotional fulfillment from elders, Lin Tang poured all his emotions into his encounter with Sheng Hong.

Lin Su pinched his chin. The little drunkard was a mess from crying, his face sticky like a dirty cat, but his usually proud and disdainful eyes were now devoid of their usual arrogance. They resembled the eyes of a newly born fawn, pure and innocent, enough to make one's heart skip a beat.

In the original timeline, he had made mistakes and faced consequences. But now, before everything had begun anew, there was still time for change.

System 06's mechanical voice was cold and indifferent: 【It's too late, Host.】

As a system, it naturally detected Lin Su's physical reaction first.

What conversation with your younger brother would elicit a physical reaction?

Lin Su snorted and pulled Lin Tang into his arms, patting him lightly as if soothing a child. Even though just now he had a strong urge to kiss those tempting red lips, he hadn't stooped to that level of indecency.

But he had indeed been captivated by Lin Tang's... beauty.

To put it bluntly, men are visual creatures, and thinking in the lower body is also worthy of it’s name.

But since he was attracted, he had to win him over. Rather than watching him suffer alone, it was better to gather him into his arms and warm him. His treatment of a mission target and a lover were completely different.

As Lin Su continued to pat him gently, Lin Tang grew tired from crying, overwhelmed by alcohol, and fell into a deep, drowsy sleep. He felt himself swaying, but couldn't seem to open his eyes.

Father Lin naturally knew about Lin Su bringing Lin Tang home late, but after learning the whole story, he suddenly patted Lin Su's shoulder and said, "You did a good job."

At that moment, Father Lin's attitude seemed to change somewhat.

Lin Su could also understand the reasons behind it. To put it plainly, Lin Tang was definitely not a qualified heir. Father Lin didn't want him to endure the hardships of business. After Father Lin retired, the most likely scenario was hiring a professional manager to run the Lin family business. Combined with various assets, it would be enough to ensure Lin Tang a worry-free life.

But how could a professional manager compare to the affection of a foster son? 

If Lin Su had a good relationship with Lin Tang and had the protection of this big brother, Lin Tang could live a more carefree life. 

While a foster son couldn't compare to a biological child, there would still be emotions involved. Based on emotions, Father Lin wouldn't be stingy. It's just a pity that the original host didn't see through this point, instead opting to hide his strength and eventually resorting to forcefully seizing the company.

Lin Su washed away the lingering scent of alcohol from his body. During this period of time, his workouts had notably increased his arm strength, and his once faintly visible four-pack abs now stood out prominently. With an eight-pack physique, his body, thoroughly sculpted through exercise, was definitely not inferior to Sheng Hong.

System 06 spoke with a formal tone: 【Host, if Lin's father really offered you shares in the Lin Corporation, would you accept?】

【Of course, why wouldn't I?" Lin Su elongated his tone, chuckling softly. "Didn’t you hear my father-in-law say 'You did a good job'?】

【Host...】 System 06 hesitated to speak.


【You're quite sly.】

System 06's voice disappeared instantly, leaving Lin Su with no chance to catch it.


The next day, Lin Su was awakened promptly by his biological clock. When it was time for breakfast, Lin Tang leisurely descended the stairs. 

Unlike his usual brightness, today he seemed a bit listless from the hangover, even his glare carried a hint of softness.

"After a hangover, it's better to eat something light," Lin Su scooped him a bowl of congee, and even the side dishes he pushed towards him were mostly mild.

Although he didn't plan to startle the snake immediately, he still needed to show the necessary gentleness and thoughtfulness. 

Father Lin just glanced at him without saying anything, but Lin Tang seemed somewhat startled, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. He widened his eyes and looked at Lin Su, whispering, "What are you trying to do?!" 

Offering kindness for no reason often hides ulterior motives!

What exactly happened yesterday when he came back? He has no idea what happened along the way, only that his head was spinning. And now this annoying guy is here to push his limits.

System 06: 【Looks like blackout from drinking.】

After getting drunk, people usually wake up in one of two states: either remembering everything they did while drunk, or remembering nothing at all. It's clear that Lin Tang belongs to the latter category.

Yesterday, Lin Tang the little sticky cake was all sticky and wet, but today he's back to his usual self. System 06 reminds himself not to laugh; it's enough for rumors of the host's bad luck to circulate internally.

System 06 can see it, and how could Lin Su not? Chasing after someone requires patience, strategy, and distance. Lin Su lacks none of these, so there's no need to rush.

"I’m just concerned for my younger brother," Lin Su focused on his breakfast as if he hadn't just been tender a moment ago, "You drank too much yesterday, eating greasy food won't sit well with you."

After saying this, it seemed like he had fulfilled his duty as an older brother without further ado. 

However, Lin Tang remained vigilant. After all, not long ago, he had replaced Lin Su's toothpaste with mustard, smeared ink on the back of his towel, and even managed to break his alarm clock. Although none of these pranks succeeded, perhaps this concern was the calm before the storm... or the calm before the hurricane?

Young Master Lin's level of education was truly limited; even thinking of hurricanes was the result of wracking his brain.

However, until breakfast ended, Lin Su didn't do anything to him. There was nothing mixed into the buns, and the porridge was clean and delicious.

But it was precisely because he didn't do anything that kept Lin Tang on edge! There must be a bigger conspiracy brewing, definitely!

It wasn't until Lin Su left that Lin Tang's heart relaxed. The first thing to do was to ask Luo Fei what exactly happened last night. He did remember getting heavily drunk while playing dice with Hu Jie before passing out.

If he doesn't show his power as a young master, people really think he's a sick cat and can be bullied to death.

"Hey, Luo Fei," Lin Tang yawned.

Luo Fei picked up quickly on the other end, as if he had been holding his phone waiting for the call: "Hey, Lin Tang, you finally called me. Are you sober now? Damn, your older brother was so awesome yesterday, he's like my idol. Is my idol there? I didn't expect you brothers to get along so well. When were you going to tell us..."

He was babbling on and on, so Lin Tang moved his phone further away. He understood every word Luo Fei said, but stringing them together into meaning was beyond him. It felt like listening to a foreign language, as if he had slept and woke up in a parallel world.

"Stop!" Young Master Lin cut off Luo Fei's topic, then asked, "Forget about my older brother, what exactly happened yesterday? How did I get back? Did brother Hong come to pick me up?"

With both sides speaking, communication became convenient. Luo Fei recounted everything from start to finish, emphasizing the key points when Hu Jie brought up the bedroom scene, which successfully made Young Master Lin grind his teeth in anger. 

Then Luo Fei described how Lin Su descended from the sky, protecting his brother's dignity amidst a sea of enemies, leaving opponents crying for their mothers and lying dead on the ground. The posture of holding his brother was simply bursting with dominance.

Lin Tang: "..."

If Luo Fei wasn't part of his group, he would have suspected him of rebelling.

Just when Luo Fei thought he could idolize Lin Su for another hour, a small voice came from Lin Tang's end: "Did brother Hong go?"

It sounded like he was carrying hope but was afraid to hold onto it for fear of disappointment.

"He did go," Luo Fei continued before Lin Tang could get too excited, "but he only went after Young master Lin took down that group of people, and he brought along his partner."

Lin Tang fell silent on his end, and Luo Fei's chatter on the other side ceased: "How about you…” Stop pursuing him.

"I got it. I'll treat you to drinks next time," Lin Tang hung up the phone, then buried himself in a pile of cushions, as if by doing so he could turn himself into one of them and avoid thinking about the things that made him sad.

However, the mind doesn't work that way. For example, a sudden image flashed in his mind, causing him to sit up from the pile of cushions like a startled groundhog.


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