It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 39


IETSTSMLARA | The Richest Merchant In The World | 39

"Seriously, this is so unfair!" Lu Guo followed behind Lin Su, complaining, "When I courted girls, I'd give them anything they wanted. But you, you play tricks on people, and yet they still want to marry you. This, this..."

Lin Su stopped and turned to look at him.

Lu Guo almost bumped into him but managed to stop himself with a large stride. He asked eagerly, "How did you do it? Teach me."

His eyes were filled with genuine curiosity.

Lin Su patted his shoulder and said, "This is all about talent. It's something you can't learn, Xiao Lu."

Since ancient times, deep affection couldn't always be retained, only strategies could win people's hearts. If Lu Guo played tricks like this with others, he would definitely get trapped and find it hard to escape.

For a moment, Lu Guo didn't know whether to take this as a compliment or an insult to his intelligence. Although he had been tricked into several meals, but...

"Hey!" Lu Guo called out to him.

"Keep your true feelings safe and don't waste them on unworthy people," Lin Su said from afar before disappearing.


When Shen Tang woke up, his whole body felt sore, and unusually, he didn't feel like getting up. 

The darkness in the room didn't affect his vision, but the person who had been playing the piano earlier was nowhere to be seen.

Ignoring the slight sense of loss in his heart, Shen Tang sat up and called for a servant boy to inquire. He learned that he had slept for a whole day and night.

"Master Lin instructed not to disturb you," the servant boy added, "He said you should rest well."

Shen Tang, feeling his bones softening, opened his eyes wide at this remark. "Are you guys just going to listen to him? Aren't you afraid something might happen to me?"

Although his words sounded like a reprimand, there was no blame in them.

The servant boy chuckled, "Master must be joking. Madam is already planning the wedding for you and Master Lin. The whole city is buzzing about it. How could anything happen?"

Shen Tang sat up abruptly, his drowsiness instantly dissipating. "The whole city knows?!"

"Yeah, didn't everyone see Master Lin hugging you that day? Everyone thinks you two are a perfect match," the servant boy said with an endearing smile.

Shen Tang couldn't help but chuckle at his words, but the next moment he quickly composed himself. This matter might not be important when it involved others, but he had already reported it to Xiao Huang…now, it seemed as if he had compromised for the greater cause.

If Lin Su found out, he might think too much. But if he didn't let Lin Su know, and Lin Su married into the Shen family, it would be the same as supporting Xiao Huang. 

In the future, if Xiao Huang sensed any feelings between them, he would use it to his advantage. 

Shen Tang might not have thought of Xiao Huang in this way before, but after many years of knowing the man's cold-heartedness, he knew that their past brotherhood meant nothing in the face of power. 

When necessary, he could also become one of Xiao Huang's discarded pawns.

The Shen family was the wealthiest, but also the most vulnerable to covetous eyes. A tall tree catches the wind; if Xiao Huang were to ascend to the throne and still abandon him, Shen Tang wouldn't mind. But his parents were getting old, and if Lin Su were tied to the Shen family, could he still leave unscathed?

Shen Tang's mood shifted from joy to melancholy. The servant boy, sensing his change, cautiously asked, "Young Master, are you not happy about marrying Master Lin?"

"I am," Shen Tang waved his hand dismissively, "You go out first, I need some quiet time."

"Okay." The servant boy looked at him with concern before leaving.

Shen Tang, no longer feeling sleepy, walked barefoot to the table and began to write down some of his plans and goals with Xiao Huang. 

For Xiao Huang to ascend to the throne, he needed to win over powerful officials and eliminate those who opposed him. Both manpower and resources required the support of the Shen family's wealth.

Shen Tang realized he knew too much. A monarch could be ruthless, but his covert actions couldn't be known to too many people. Once they spread to the public, his reputation would be tarnished, and his name wouldn't be remembered in history books with honor.

To prevent others from knowing, he needed to reduce the number of people who knew his secrets. Shen Tang pondered deeply. If one day he did many things for power, killed many people, would he let the person who knew everything about him live?

No, he wouldn't.

This answer came with such certainty. He wouldn't! 

Would he let the person who had the ability to support him to the throne live?

Considering his own character, perhaps he would take away that person's abilities to ensure his safety. But whether to kill or not was just a thought away. Based on his understanding of Xiao Huang, people who were useless to him often disappeared without a trace.

In the past, Shen Tang had thought that Xiao Huang's status was legitimate, being the eldest son of the Empress Dowager, and he would treat his subordinates with benevolence like the Empress Dowager. But he was only good at surface-level gestures.

At that time, he thought it wouldn't be his turn. But now, he realized, where did he stand in the grand scheme of things?

A good bird chooses its tree to roost on. The words he once said to Lin Su now echoed back to him.

The reality was before him. He didn't want to gamble with the lives of his family and parents for Xiao Huang's character. He didn't want to lose Lin Su either.

But he couldn't make a direct decision. He needed to do one final test to determine the future direction of the Shen family.

The imperial examination drew scholars from all over, young and old alike, all seeking fame and recognition. Cheating in such an exam was the greatest blasphemy.

There was a tavern of the Shen family opposite the Imperial College. Previously, due to the influence of the Cloud Visitor, it was struggling, but in recent days, customers seemed to be returning.

"What's so special about this? It's rumored that the young master of the Shen family is going to marry someone from Cloud Visitor. They'll be like one family from now on. How could they compete for business?" someone downstairs was talking openly.

"The Shen family's business was completely taken over before. Now, with this marriage, isn't it a compromise?"

"Who knows, anyway, this marriage benefits us. The food and drinks at Cloud Visitor are excellent. It's not about whether we can afford them; it's about them being fully booked. It's great now."

"Maybe they're truly in love. But both the young master of the Shen family and the owner of that Cloud Visitor are both men. Aren't you curious about that?"

Upstairs, Shen Tang listened intently, his smile unchanged, but with a hint of interest.

Occasionally, Xiao Huang glanced at the Imperial College, checking the identities of the candidates one by one. Seeing his posture, he smiled and asked, "So, are you really going to be betrothed to the owner of Cloud Visitor?"

"Yeah, we'll probably exchange betrothal gifts in the next few days," Shen Tang's face showed no signs of distress. "My mother won't nag me about it anymore."

"I'm sorry about the other day," Xiao Huang felt a twinge of guilt at their unpleasant parting. "I've wronged you."

"Based on our identities, we have to be willing to put up with those women we don't like for the sake of the future. I'm just marrying a man. If I don't like him, I'll just treat him like a statue at home. It won't interfere with your affairs," Shen Tang said casually. "It's just a bit troublesome to go through the formalities. If we could go straight to the bridal chamber, that would be better."

Shen Tang's last sentence was definitely sincere.

Men are often more straightforward in matters of intimacy compared to women. If a man doesn't take the initiative, how can he expect the other to? Shen Tang refrained from indulging in such activities, but once he did, it would be difficult to resist.

"After this matter is settled, if you truly don't like him, I'll help you get rid of him discreetly," Xiao Huang said.

Shen Tang's hand tightened suddenly. "He's quite cunning. Keeping him alive might be more useful than killing him. Just his idea of planting rice in the outskirts for the benefit of the common people is enough. There's no need to kill him."

"What Jingchen said makes sense," Xiao Huang pondered. "Since the marriage is decided, and he's a man, why not let him meet me in person?"

"There's no rush for this matter. We still need to wait for Zi Yu's affairs to conclude. We can't distract him at this time," Shen Tang said understandingly.

But in his heart, he resolved to remind Lin Su to be more restrained next time they met, to ensure Xiao Huang didn't suspect anything.

The imperial examination was to last three days, and Shen Tang had no intention of waiting there the whole time. However, as soon as he arrived home, a servant came rushing up to report excitedly, "Young Master, you're back! Master Lin has been waiting for you for a long time."

There's usually no taboo for men and women to meet before marriage but men had no taboo. Instead, it allowed him to make three trips a day, providing gossip for all the servants in the Shen family's courtyard.

As his future husband, he shouldn't lack any modesty, right? Shen Tang planned to teach a lesson to the future mistress of the Shen family as his future husband. 

However, upon entering the courtyard and seeing the person sitting under the tree covered in peach blossom petals, any hint of reproach vanished.

"Why are you here?" Shen Tang asked, receiving a strange look from the servant. "You come here every day. Isn't there any business to attend to?"

"I missed you, so I came," Lin Su raised his head, attempting to brush away the peach blossom petals on him, but Shen Tang stopped him. With a flick of his folding fan, the petals danced in the air, falling gracefully back onto the fan, creating a beautiful scene against the exquisite spring scenery.

Shen Tang handed the peach blossom petals to Lin Su. "The peach blossoms are in full bloom, vibrant and radiant. When my bride returns, we will live in a suitable home."

The peach blossoms bloomed in abundance, their vivid red hues resembling flames. This bride-to-be was returning joyously to his husband's home.

System 06 silently made another note. 

This young master was the first person to call its host his bride.

Lin Su picked up a peach blossom and  lightly touched the corner of Shen Tang's eye with it, and observed, "The flower complements the beauty of the person, it’s quite fitting."

With that, he kissed the corner of Shen Tang's eye, taking the peach blossom with him as he brushed it against his lips and then gently took it into his mouth.

It was a simple gesture, but it made Shen Tang feel as if Lin Su wasn't just eating the peach blossom but was consuming a part of him.

Once again, Shen Tang lost.

"I have something important to discuss with you," Shen Tang swallowed hard and pulled Lin Su's arm, leading him to sit in the courtyard.

Lin Su complied as if he hadn't been flirting with his husband just now.

Shen Tang tried to calm his heartbeat and speak calmly with Lin Su. But every time their eyes met, he couldn't help but think back to the scene from earlier, and his face unconsciously grew warm, his gaze drifting downward.

When could they get married? It was really troublesome; he had to find reasons to take advantage of him.

"Aren't we here to discuss important matters?" Lin Su's words brought Shen Tang back to reality.

Shen Tang smiled awkwardly, trying to focus. "This matter concerns Xiao Huang. Since you wanted me to see his ruthlessness clearly, you must have heard some rumors."

"Yeah, they say you're marrying me because of Cloud Visitor," Lin Su cut to the chase.

Shen Tang choked a little. "Cough, cough... Actually..."

"Actually, it's because Xiao Huang doesn't want to harm the Shen family. He said I'm just holding the position of your legitimate wife, and as long as I don't interfere now, he'll decide whether to keep or remove me when he ascends the throne," Lin Su added.

Shen Tang was left speechless, hesitating as he looked at Lin Su. "Did you overhear our conversation?"

With his skills, it wasn't impossible.

"I can guess about seventy to eighty percent," Lin Su tapped his forehead with a smirk. "Don't think of me as so despicable."

System 06 muttered silently: Truly despicable, surpassing your imagination.

Shen Tang touched his forehead, worried that Lin Su might be angry. But he didn't seem to be. "Actually, what you said isn't wrong. But I am not marrying you because of Xiao Huang and the Shen family's interests. It's because I... like you."

He didn't want this person to misunderstand. After all, his brain had already malfunctioned once, so he didn't mind if it happened a couple more times. Saying such things would naturally make people feel repulsed. 

Shen Tang knew that if someone said these words to him, he wouldn't easily believe them. But he said them to Lin Su, it made him feel much better.

"Alright, I’ll trust you," Lin Su lifted his teacup and asked, "So, what do you want me to do next?"

"Huh?" Shen Tang was a bit puzzled.

Lin Su found Shen Tang's confused expression quite adorable. He reached out and pinched his cheek, patiently explaining, "Given your relationship with Xiao Huang, you probably won't just be able to walk away from this. Or maybe, you may still harbor some hopes for him. Since you want to test him, wouldn't you need my cooperation?"

His words were almost spot-on with what Shen Tang was thinking. Shen Tang scooted back a bit, looking at Lin Su with curiosity. "Could it be that you can read minds?"

"I can't read anyone else's mind, only yours," Lin Su said calmly.

Little did he know that this sentence made Shen Tang feel like it was sweet talk. It made him think that all the sweet words that he said to girls in the past was child's play compared to this. 

His heart was pounding, and this man seemed to fit his aesthetics perfectly. When would they finally get married?

"Ahem... Indeed, I need your cooperation in this matter. After the imperial examination is over, I want to take you to meet Xiao Huang and Yun Hui. At that time, you'll need to pretend that our relationship isn't as close as it seems."

"No problem," Lin Su agreed without hesitation.

"Really?" Shen Tang felt he agreed too readily.

"If you don't believe me, we can act on it in advance," Lin Su smiled.

If their relationship is not intimate, they just needed to ignore each other, so what else did they need to act ? Shen Tang was puzzled. "What would we need to act?"

"Of course, we should start by simulating a loving husband and wife relationship!" Lin Su grabbed his collar and pulled him close, planting a kiss on his lips.

Shen Tang had been stealing glances at his lips unconsciously earlier, and since Lin Su responded to it, it was impossible for him not to feel any excitement. With no one else around in the courtyard, Lin Su kissed him passionately. 

When he finally let go, Shen Tang seemed a bit dazed, but as soon as he snapped out of it, his eyes sparkled like sunshine piercing through fog. "If you ever decide to become an actor, you'd be top-notch."

If he were a maiden, she wouldn't behave like this, but Shen Tang just loved this kind of initiative, which made people yearn for it and linger in their memories.

"Thank you for your praise, Mr. Jingchen. I will strive to do better." Lin Su modestly replied.

Shen Tang felt that Lin Su was impeccable in every way. "If you practice well, I'll reward you."

Lin Su didn't take the bait. Instead, after discussing the matter at hand, he pulled Shen Tang into the room. "Even if you don't practice well. I will still have a gift for you."

There were seven or eight boxes on the table. Shen Tang clicked his tongue. "Are they all for me?"

"Naturally. Open them and have a look." Lin Su sat down beside him.

Shen Tang casually picked up one, pretending to be indifferent despite his curiosity, so as not to be looked down upon by Lin Su and seen as inexperienced. However, when he saw what was inside, he couldn't care less about being looked down upon.

Inside the box lay something resembling a knotted branch, but its color was as deep blue as the sea. When he leaned in closer, he could even smell the scent of the ocean. "Is this coral?"

Most corals he had seen were mostly red or white, and he had never seen such a unique deep blue color. If taken out, it would surely be a rare treasure, not even found in the inner courts of the palace.

"It was sent by the Treasure Pavilion along the coast," Lin Su improvised.

Blue corals were extremely rare. There wasn't a single one in the entire Qian Dynasty seas. 

However, they were available in the system store, and compared to items like healing pills, a coral was cheap beyond measure.

System 06 marveled at the generosity of the host, he was willing to spend Star Coins for the people of the task world, but also remembered his words: 'Something that I can easily get can make him happy for a long time, so spending Star Coins is worth it.'

"Truly a remarkable item!" Shen Tang held the box tightly, unwilling to let go, even being cautious when touching it, afraid of causing any damage. "Should I display it or keep it hidden?"

He wanted others to see and envy it, but also feared the slightest damage, not wanting anyone else to touch it. It was quite a dilemma.

"If you want to display it without it being touched by others, sealing it in glass would be the way," Lin Su pointed to the lamp hanging by his bedside. "Just like that."

Shen Tang found this suggestion quite good, and immediately let go of his dilemma. He put down the coral and took down the lamp, placing it in front of Lin Su. "This item is called glass? How is it made?"

"If there's anything else you want to know, just tell me, and I'll have Lu Guo send you the entire recipe and process later, so you don’t have to remember it," Lin Su generously offered.

Shen Tang felt a bit embarrassed. "You're telling me everything. Aren't you afraid I'll learn it and turn against you?"

"If that's the case, then I'll have to just cry every day, regretting that I misjudged you," Lin Su teased.

Shen Tang felt unprecedented joy at Lin Su's candid treatment. Besides his parents, perhaps only Lin Su would be so open and unrestrained with him.

While Yun Hui didn't look down on him, thinking back now, their relationship was more like that of friends, casual and sometimes tiring. It was not as comfortable as being with Lin Su, where he could truly speak his mind without reservations.

"If you marry me, I'll make sure you smile every day, without shedding a single tear," Shen Tang teased, flicking Lin Su's chin with his folding fan before quickly turning away to open another box.

And he discovered the secret to winning — which is to not give the other person a chance to retaliate.

Essentially, it was a foolproof strategy.

In the second box lay a stunning glass hairpin, resplendent in its colors and grandeur. While such a bright accessory might seem vulgar on most people, Shen Tang found that it complemented his attire perfectly when he tried it on in front of the mirror. A future wife with the same taste as him was truly a blessing.

The third item was a folding fan made of black gold, adorned with intricate floral patterns. Each peach blossom shimmered with golden flecks, delicately sprinkled onto the ink. In the sunlight, it would surely blind anyone who looked at it.

The subsequent gifts included jade silk ribbons, silk embroidered with silk from the sky silkworm, jade ornaments, and several large purple pearls. Each item seemed tailored to Shen Tang's preferences, even though he was the wealthiest man in the world, there were still some things he had never seen before.

"Do you gift these mundane items to others as well?" Shen Tang instructed his servants to store the items in the warehouse, suddenly remembering Lin Su's identity as Yan Gui.

"Why would I give gifts to others?" Lin Su countered.

Shen Tang truly loved the way Lin Su spoke, but he also felt that this person was too good at making him happy. Even he found himself basking in joy from time to time. If it were someone else facing such sweet words and flattery, they might have kneeled before him and pledged allegiance long ago.

"When you meet your friends, how do you return the favor?" Shen Tang felt a bit petty asking, but he genuinely wanted to know, as if he needed to verify his special place in Lin Su's heart.

"I cater to their preferences. Most people appreciate calligraphy and painting as gifts," Lin Su answered seriously.

Shen Tang gave him a half-smile. "Then why didn't you gift me a painting or calligraphy? Am I just another person in your eyes?"

"That folding fan in your hand was created by me, unique in the whole world," Lin Su pointed to the fan that Shen Tang held in his hand. "It took me three days to paint this fan. If I were to give it to someone else, it would be just a casual stroke. How could it compare?"

Shen Tang admitted that he was pleased. It felt as if fireworks were exploding in his heart, making him unable to suppress a smile.

He wished to marry soon. Why was his mother taking so long?

Since Lin Su treated him sincerely, he naturally wanted to reciprocate. In the six formal gifts exchanged in the betrothal process, the list of gifts from the Shen family shocked the entire capital city, including Shen Tang's parents.

Although Madam Shen loved her son dearly, she couldn't help but feel a headache when she thought about her son giving away half of the family's fortune as a betrothal gift.

"What's gotten into you?" Madam Shen asked, tugging at Shen Tang's sleeve.

"He's marrying into our family as a man. He's offering all his wealth as a dowry. As his future husband, I can't touch my parents' share, but I'll do everything I can for him," Shen Tang answered his mother. "Mom, I don't want him to suffer."

With her son speaking like this, Madam Shen could only be glad that there was no one else from the Lin family. The dowry sent out today would return as the dowry for her son's marriage tomorrow. 

She sighed to Master Shen, "Our son is just like you when you were young. Even when he's serious, he's a fool."

He wished he could give his heart and soul to the person, but if the person knew how to reciprocate, they would live harmoniously and lovingly. If the person couldn't reciprocate, it would be a sincere heart wasted, a lifetime squandered.

Master Shen wasn't bothered. "A fool has its advantages. I think that kid from the Lin family is good. Our Shen family has always been lucky, each one finding a good wife."

Madam Shen pushed him playfully, finally smiling.

Before the announcement of the imperial examination results, the marriage of the Shen family was arranged in a lively and festive manner. The banquet hosted by the wealthiest man in the world was a rare sight, with friends and allies invited. 

On the other hand, the banquet on the street was open to anyone who wished to attend, even beggars, as long as they washed their hands before sitting down to avoid causing trouble for others. Such free feasts rarely stirred up any trouble, and the banquet was truly eye-opening.

The upscale dishes from Cloud Visitor were not affordable for everyone, yet every table was adorned with them, and even the drinks were of the finest quality from Cloud Visitor. 

"People say the Shen family will surely rise to greater heights now."

"With Cloud Visitor’s assistance, it's a given."

"Congratulations, congratulations..."

"Congratulations to Young Master Shen for marrying a virtuous wife."

Congratulations filled the air, firecrackers popped, adding to the excitement. When the bridal sedan arrived, everyone turned to look. 

Cloud Visitor guests were numerous, yet none had seen the true face of the owner. Some said he was as handsome as Pan An, while others claimed he was as plain as unsalted food. 

Otherwise, why would it take an entire fortune to marry into the Shen family?

Wearing a red robe, Shen Tang leaped off the sedan with grace, earning applause for his swift and decisive movement. Regardless of Shen's reputation, his appearance, martial skills, and family background were enough to surpass ordinary people by far.

Even the officials who came to congratulate sighed. If not for the Shen family's commercial status, with Shen Tang's looks, marrying the daughter of a high-ranking official would have been a breeze. Though being an official had its perks, who wouldn't envy the Shen family's wealth?

Xiao Huang was also among the spectators, with Yun Hui standing beside him. He had topped the imperial examination, but any cheating would have to wait until the palace examination in a few days. It was rare to have such leisure time.

However, what he didn't expect was that within a month, Shen Tang would be marrying. As a friend, he was the last to know: "I haven't even had time to prepare a decent congratulatory gift."

"Whatever you prepare, Jingchen won't mind," Xiao Huang said.

"If I were to give him a piece of rotten wood, he'd probably use it as firewood," Yun Hui laughed. 

True friendship lay in sincerity. Although he sometimes found Shen Tang's extravagant gestures of wealth too much, he wouldn't disregard them and make a joke at the most important moment in Shen Tang's life, "If I could see what his wife likes, it would surely make both of us happier."

Xiao Huang nodded silently without responding. Amidst another round of ceremonial cannon fire, Shen Tang shot an arrow at the sedan door, welcoming the newly bride out.

The groom didn't need to cover his head. To everyone's surprise, the man who stepped out left them all stunned. Shen Tang was exceptionally handsome, his red attire shining brightly with interwoven golden threads that dazzled everyone's eyes. 

However, the man in red beside him was incomparably handsome, with an extraordinary demeanor. He didn't look like the one being married, completely defying everyone's expectations.

The brief moment of shock quickly gave way to renewed excitement as the ceremony continued. The two newcomers seemed infected by the atmosphere, laughing contagiously, leaving the ladies around them dizzy with joy.

"He truly fits Jingchen's aesthetic," Yun Hui followed along, genuinely happy for him. It was a good thing for a man to establish a family and career while choosing a partner he liked.

Xiao Huang trailed behind them, but his gaze was fixed on Lin Su's back. Unlike the guests who only saw appearances, he sensed a dangerous aura emanating from this man. He was someone who had fought fiercely with Shen Tang for months and emerged victorious, with such exceptional looks and a calm demeanor, clearly skilled in light-footedness—could Shen Tang truly control him?

"The ceremony is complete, send them to the bridal chamber!" An attendant's shout heightened the excitement, snapping Xiao Huang back to reality.

If he had previously debated whether to meet Lin Su or not, now he had made the decision to have a real face-to-face conversation, but not today.

If Lin Su's abilities and methods could be utilized, it would be a significant asset. If not, agreeing to Shen Tang's proposition wouldn't matter, as he couldn't afford to have a potential threat lurking under his nose.

As the newlyweds entered the bridal chamber, unlike the bride who traditionally scattered flowers and sweets on the bed, the groom didn't need to do any of that, nor did he have to wait seated in the new room.

The two of them toasted together, sparking another round of praise and discussion.

"You two are truly a match made in heaven."

"Young Master Shen has a great eye..."

"Master Shen is so lucky."

"Thank you," Shen Tang raised his glass, accepting all the blessings.

"May I ask, where did Cloud Visitor get Mr. Yan Gui's calligraphy and painting come from?" Suddenly, someone asked, prompting others to look over.

In addition to being curious about Cloud Visitor’s appearance, they were curious about many other things because this person was too mysterious, and his methods were beyond imagination.

Shen Tang frowned slightly, his smile fading. Asking such questions at his wedding was basically giving him no face. He was about to speak when Lin Su stopped him.

"It's just some connections," Lin Su smiled, "Mr. Yan Gui is generous. He doesn't ask for payment for his calligraphy and paintings, only wanting scholars and literati to appreciate them. 

As for his whereabouts, I have promised him not to tell others, so it's not appropriate to disclose."

Although he said it with a smile, there was a hint of firmness, causing the guest to awkwardly smile and remain silent.

Shen Tang also witnessed his ability to tell lies.

The toasting continued, and when it came to Yun Hui's table, Xiao Huang politely congratulated, "I've heard of Mr. Lin's great name, I am glad to meet you in person."

"The same goes for His Royal Highness Prince Chen," Lin Su replied courteously.

Yun Hui, scrutinizing him up close, suddenly remembered the painting hanging in his room, depicting vast ambitions and heartfelt aspirations.

"Zi Yu, by drinking my toast, you'll be my brother for life," Shen Tang smiled.

He had made some mistakes in the past, but now he would never step into it again.

Yun Hui came to his senses, glanced at the two of them, and finished his drink, saying, "I don't know why, but seeing Brother Lin gives me a sense of familiarity, as if we've known each other for a long time."

"I am honored," Lin Su smiled. He held no ill will towards Yun Hui. Although he was the reborn protagonist, he only targeted those who had wronged him in the past. 

Apart from that, he conducted himself with the demeanor of a gentleman, despite having a bit of literary arrogance.

Most importantly, in the later stages of the original timeline, his relationship with Xiao Huang was not smooth sailing. With the coldness of the emperor and the intrigues of the imperial harem, even though Xiao Huang favored him the most, it wasn't wholeheartedly. 

Over time, how could there not be some estrangement in their relationship?

In the original timeline, when the Shen family was destroyed and exiled, it was precisely when Yun Hui was sent to the cold palace and in danger. 

Although he caused the death of Emperor Xiao Huang and supported the young emperor's ascension to the throne as the empress, his rebirth couldn't be considered extremely fortunate.

After numerous toasts, even Shen Tang, with his tolerance for alcohol, was feeling dizzy, and Lin Su needed support to stand. It wasn't until the two were sent into the bridal chamber and the guests departed that the celebrations ended.

Shen Tang thought of this rare wedding night and struggled to sit up, pouring a cup of wine for the ceremonial toast. He drank one cup himself and brought the other to Lin Su's lips. 

As he watched the wine half-drunk, half-spilled, shimmering liquid sliding down, directly staining the clothes, it was truly a tempting sight.

However, just as he was about to take action, he suddenly found himself dizzy and being pressed down by someone. After trying to see clearly, he realized that the man who had been completely drunk just now was now sober beyond belief.

Though his head was spinning, Shen Tang still had his wits about him. "You... you pretended to be drunk?!"

"Yeah," Lin Su shamelessly nodded, "If I didn't pretend to be drunk, I'd have to sleep alone tonight. Spending the wedding night cuddling with blankets is boring." His words sounded noble, but his actions were dangerously provocative. 

Shen Tang grasped his hand, saying, "You... you did this on purpose! Despicable! You... you're marrying me!"

"Yeah, I'm despicable, shameless, sly, and lustful..." Lin Su accepted all his accusations as if praising himself. "As for who's the wife in this marriage, we know it ourselves. There's no need to tell anyone else."


The red candle shed tears all night long and burned until dawn before it could be extinguished.

The greatest advantage of being a martial artist is having good physical strength, so exercising all night was not a big problem at all.

Shen Tang dressed himself and looked at Lin Su handing him a towel nearby. If he still didn't know this man's ambitions by now, then he would be a fool.

"Husband, please wash your face. Mother is probably waiting for us to serve tea," Lin Su poked his cheek gently, urging him with a gentle tone.

As a good "little top," it was essential to pamper the "little bottom" after exhaustion; it was basic etiquette.

"Do you even remember I'm your husband? Hiss…" Shen Tang moved abruptly and almost twisted his waist, suddenly finding his "wife" even more annoying.

Shen Tang's waist used to be so good. He could climb walls, trees, and run for miles without breaking a sweat, but now, just a slight twist and he could throw out his back.

Did he have some brain damage when he agreed to marry Lin Su? Shen Tang questioned himself as he washed his face.

As he stood up, Lin Su hugged him from behind and gently pinched his waist. "Is my husband angry because I didn't serve you well last night? Was it uncomfortable?"

Shen Tang twitched all over from the itchiness, torn between laughing and being angry, feeling extremely uncomfortable. He pulled Lin Su's face, saying, "I really want to see what your face is made of to say such derogatory things to undermine the characters of scholars!"

Forget about now; just thinking about the words from last night made Shen Tang want to bury himself underground for a hundred years.

This man was too confident in his abilities, too high in rank, and too arrogant.

"In the bridal chamber, it's only natural to say such things to my husband," Lin Su hugged him and whispered in his ear, "I apologize to you. Can you forgive me?"

The two of them intertwined, their breaths mingling intimately, just like last night. If Shen Tang was slightly surprised at first, he was completely willing after sobering up.

They were both men, Shen Tang inevitably had some face-saving concerns. "I can forgive you, but you have to show me face in front of my Mother. Do you agree or not?"

Substantive interests were the most important, and matters of face were secondary. Lin Su agreed decisively, "Whatever my husband says goes."

Shen Tang smirked, but then Lin Su added, "Except in bed."

Shen Tang gritted his teeth, then suddenly noticed a red mark on Lin Su's neck. He smirked and leaned in to deepen the mark, ensuring it wouldn't fade for days. Then he said, "My dear, let's go serve tea to our parents."

He didn't believe this guy would dare to show up in public with this mark on. He'd voluntarily confine him for a week.

But to Shen Tang's surprise, Lin Su actually had the audacity to appear in front of everyone with the mark. Madam Shen couldn't help but let out an exclamation when she saw it, then glared at Shen Tang. "Your wife has just entered the door, can't you be a bit more gentle?"

Shen Tang felt like tearing off his clothes to show her his full-body marks. Who wasn't being gentle here?

To compensate for Lin Su's fright, the red envelopes given by Shen's elderly parents were more than doubled in thickness. Madam Shen kept scolding her son, "Although my son sometimes lacks restraint, if he bullies you, you can tell us, and we'll take care of it for you."

Master Shen also chimed in.

Shen Tang felt like he had married someone, he was no longer his parents' favorite, and he threw a glare at Lin Su.

"My husband has a pure heart and won't mistreat me," Lin Su smiled, "Mom and dad can rest assured."

Just when Shen Tang was satisfied, he heard his own mother say, "Su'er is such a sensible child, calm and steady. From now on, Tang'er will be under your care."

"You can rest assured, Mom," Lin Su replied with a smile.

Shen Tang began to suspect once again if Lin Su was actually his parents' biological child, and he was the one who was adopted.

It wasn’t until they finished paying their respects that they were invited to stay for breakfast. At the dining table, Master Shen always doted on his wife, serving her whatever she wanted. He was truly skilled in pampering his wife.

However, just as Shen Tang wanted something on the table, Lin Su had already placed it in his bowl. "My husband, try the vegetables. The Shen family's cooking is really good."

His virtuous demeanor was quite standard, and Shen Tang felt he couldn't lose anymore. As a man, a man who had been losing all along, it was time to throw away his pride. When one had no shame, one was invincible.

"These are Madame's favorite pea cakes. Try them and see how they compare to Cloud Visitor's," Shen Tang smiled mischievously, returning the gesture. As for whether Lin Su liked pea cakes or not? How could a husband not eat what his wife served?

Lin Su indeed enjoyed the pea cakes, every movement of his exuded elegance. "My husband's cooking is a hundred times more delicious than what Cloud Visitor makes. Thank you, my husband. Here, have some," he said gracefully.

His thickened skin was still holding strong. How could he lie without blushing?

Encouraged by Lin Su's response, Shen Tang continued, "My wife’s cooking is a hundred times sweeter than what a famous chef makes."

It was as if their meal had received a buff just from using the same pair of chopsticks.

As they continued to exchange compliments, they could see Madam Shen and Master Shen couldn't stand the lovey-dovey atmosphere any longer and found an excuse to leave the table.

From a distance, they could still hear, "I’m getting older. I can't stand this lovey-dovey behavior of young people. We never behaved like this when we were young..."

As their words drifted away, only Shen Tang and Lin Su remained at the table. They exchanged glances, and suddenly Lin Su softened his gaze and chuckled, causing Shen Tang to laugh too. "Haha, driving away the in-laws on the first day of marriage. You are considered the first in the capital"

"I have to thank Jingchen for his help," Lin Su said, not wanting to take all the credit.

"I dare not take credit," Shen Tang responded.

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