It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 40


IETSTSMLARA | The Richest Merchant In The World | 40

Lin Su's marriage unexpectedly coincided with Cloud Visitor’s reopening to the Shen family, causing mixed reactions among the people. Those merchants who couldn't match up to the Shen family could only sigh while dragging their sons along. Their own sons were not as good-looking as the Shen family's sole heir.

Cloud Visitor helped the Shen family renovate their business, attracting a constant stream of customers. Just the sight of it made Shen Tang happy, and it also helped dissipate the tension between him and Lin Su from before.

"Compared to you, our Shen Family are like blocks of wood," Shen Tang remarked as he flipped through the account books and spoke to Lin Su.

It wasn't self-deprecation on Shen Tang's part, but rather, Lin Su's ideas and thoughts were things he had never considered before. No wonder the Shen family had been losing. They truly weren't wrong in their defeat.

"It's probably because I am standing on the shoulders of giants," Lin Su replied nonchalantly.

If it were before, Shen Tang would have thought this was just an act. However, after spending several days together and receiving his valuable advice, he knew that Lin Su genuinely didn't care about such things. It was this genuine modesty and talent that made him seem so profound.

Shen Tang closed the account book and leaned over Lin Su from behind, and lifted his chin affectionately. "Where did you come from? With your abilities, you shouldn't only be emerging now."

Lin Su tilted his chin slightly, turning his head to plant a natural kiss on Shen Tang's cheek. This simple action made Shen Tang's heart race, and he felt like he needed to see a doctor frequently.

"I'm asking you a question," Shen Tang continued, his voice tinged with a slight nasal tone, far from the arrogance he had just displayed.

"I spent all my time training in martial arts before," Lin Su replied calmly. "If I hadn’t met someone I truly admired, I would have never thought about going into business."

As he mentioned this, Shen Tang recalled their first encounter. "You said we first met when you were a beggar, and I gave you a meat bun. When exactly did that happen?"

He had no recollection of it at all. If he had given someone like Lin Su a meat bun, he should have distributed them by the basketful. But no, one was enough. More than one would have been too much for his body and heart to handle.

"I don't remember the exact time," Lin Su said, pulling Shen Tang's hand and pulling him into his arms. He had somehow taken the folding fan and lifted Shen Tang's chin, his words carrying a profound meaning. "But at that moment, I felt like Jingchen had descended from the heavens like an immortal."

His open feathers truly caught everyone's attention.

Shen Tang was caught off guard. He didn't know when he first met Lin Su, but Lin Su remembered their first encounter. When they reunited with each other by the lake, they could only sigh for the moon on earth.

With their breaths so close, Shen Tang didn't care about appearing unmanly anymore. When it was time to kiss, he didn't hold back, but still managed to mutter a few words, "How... how are you so good at praising people..."

In the midst of their newlywed passion, Lin Su hugged him tightly and said, "But I remember when you gave me the bun, you wiped your hands on your sleeve."

Shen Tang’s nose was close to his, He replied, "I just like cleanliness. Even if you were covered in dirt, I wouldn't let you touch me, especially since you were a beggar at the time."

"Oh?" Lin Su pinched his waist. "I can let that slide. But then why did you turn around and go to Lefand?"

Shen Tang was ticklish, he quickly grabbed his hand and said, "Of course, I went to listen to music. I never stayed there overnight."

"That's true. That night, you stayed at the inn where I was staying and ended up living next door to me," Lin Su recalled with a laugh. "We were separated by just a wall, it was like lying in the same bed. You even scolded me for being crazy."

Shen Tang blinked, a sudden realization dawning on him. If he couldn't remember giving a beggar a bun, he definitely remembered buying the inn. 

Before that, he had avoided returning home because he was afraid of his mother pressuring him to marry. Before that, he had told the girls about his good deeds. 

And before that... he remembered the dirty figure lying on the ground, almost at death's door after being robbed of his begging money. He had thought the person wouldn't make it, but they had miraculously survived.

Later, fearing he would be robbed again, he had decided to give him some silver coins, placing them inside a bun and handing it over.

But no matter how hard Shen Tang tried to recall, he couldn't remember the person's appearance, only the pair of dark and profound eyes.

Shen Tang held Lin Su's face, looking into those eyes that seemed to overlap with his memory. "No wonder I always felt like I'd seen you somewhere before."

"If I hadn't reminded you, you probably wouldn't have remembered," Lin Su said meaningfully.

Shen Tang smiled. "And here I thought, with such skills, how could you have been beaten by those thugs?"

Lin Su could only repeat the explanation he had given Lu Guo to Shen Tang verbatim, otherwise, the events happening now couldn't be explained with the original owner's experiences.

Shen Tang listened attentively, feeling a pang of regret. If he hadn't hesitated when he saw Lin Su being beaten, he wouldn't have had to endure those punches and kicks. A person of such outstanding talent being beaten by those thugs must have been a severe blow to his pride.

"What about you mentioning being separated by a wall..." Shen Tang suddenly remembered the laughter coming from the next room that night. Laughing so late at night meant either dreaming of romance or thinking of something unattainable. Little did he expect it was Lin Su next door. 

"So what were you laughing about? Did you already know it was me back then? So you've been scheming against me since then. Mr. Yan Gui, Su Wen musician, Cloud Visitor, all as traps for me, haven't you? But in the end, they were all given to me now."

Recalling the past often brings up old grievances, but without it, there's no way to make this person believe that he was sincere from the beginning. If he remains on guard at all times, it would create a rift, and their marriage would be doomed.

"I was laughing at the fate that allowed us to be separated by just a wall. As for the rest, the answer is yes," Lin Su replied earnestly.

Shen Tang couldn't say whether he was pleased or angry, feeling a complex mix of emotions. 

Lin Su had set trap after trap, and Shen Tang had fallen into every single one. Thinking about it made him feel trapped by this person. Back then, he had thought they were evenly matched. 

Now that he knew Lin Su's intellect was unmatched, could he really avoid being manipulated by him? But to ask if he would love and trust him for a lifetime... wouldn't that make him as indecisive as those women who fret over every little detail?

In front of this person, he felt a loss of confidence he had never experienced before.

Shen Tang sat up from Lin Su's embrace and casually propped his legs up on a nearby chair, pretending not to care as he asked, "When you said you were fond of me, what were you fond of?"

According to the statistics from System 06, everyone who spent time with the host liked to ask this question.

Lin Su thought for a moment, while Shen Tang absentmindedly played with his fan, "Fond of your... cuteness. It sneaked into my heart quietly at some point, and now I can't shake it off."

"Cuteness?" Shen Tang felt like he should give a beating to the person who dared to call a man cute, but deep down, he couldn't help feeling delighted. Leaning closer, he asked, "Where's the cuteness?"

"Right now," Lin Su said, tapping his nose lightly.

Shen Tang couldn't maintain his facade of being indifferent any longer.

The two of them were like a harmonious melody, whether they were going over account books or playing music together without any overtly intimate actions. Even the servants blushed when they occasionally caught glimpses of them, and even the shopkeeper felt that their master had been in an exceptionally good mood lately, laughing more than usual.

Madam Shen was initially annoyed by their closeness, but was now completely satisfied. Hadn't he stopped going to Lefang after her son got married? Indeed, marrying a virtuous wife was a blessing for the family.

While Shen's household was harmonious, the court was undergoing major changes. Some candidates' essays and poetry were incomprehensible, while others wrote with such sloppy handwriting that cheating during the exams was exposed on the spot, sparking heated discussions among courtiers. 

The emperor initially planned to invalidate the exams for the current year, but due to opposition from his ministers, he had to issue a new decree and hold the exams again.

The fortunes of scholars rose and fell dramatically within a year, with some even dying from exhaustion in the examination halls. After the exams were over and the results were announced, Yun Hui remained the top scholar. Those who had doubted him before now admitted defeat, and a month later, during the palace exams, he became the top scholar once again, truly becoming a triple top scorer.

Among the top scorers, while Yun Hui indeed possessed great talent, the emperor also realized that it was not the time to offend the old general.

The dust of the palace exams settled, but what should have been a time of triumph and joy turned sour due to the cheating scandal that had dragged on for months. By the time the palace exams concluded, it was already the scorching summer.

Shen Tang went to observe the proceedings. Although it was cool inside the pavilions, the streets outside were crowded and the sun was blazing. Yun Hui, clad in his brilliant red robe as the top scholar, was sweating profusely.

"Being the top scholar seems like quite a chore," Shen Tang remarked, waving to Yun Hui and throwing numerous flowers his way.

Lin Su didn't mind his flamboyant gesture and suggested, "Once he's done, we should invite him up for a glass of iced tea to cool off."

Shen Tang glanced back at him, pondering, and leaned in to sniff him. "Hmm, your not jealous at all?"

He had been worried that Lin Su might feel jealous because of Zi Yu, but it turned out Lin Su was indifferent.

"If you've let go of the past, there's no need for me to dwell on it either," Lin Su replied calmly.

Some jealousy was fine for spicing up life, like when Shen Tang had been a frequent guest at Lefang in the past. But some jealousy could really sting, like constantly reminding Shen Tang of his different treatment of Zi Yu, which wouldn't do anyone any good.

Shen Tang chuckled and fanned him with the open fan. "I'm lucky that you can think that way. After the Lu Ming Banquet, there will be a gathering of this year's scholars privately. Zi Yu will be there, as will Xiao Huang. Will you come with me?"

"What banquet?" Lin Su asked.

"The Flower Appreciation Banquet. The lotus flowers at Shen Family Manor are in full bloom, perfect for scholars to compose poetry," Shen Tang answered.

Lin Su roughly understood that this was a banquet for Xiao Huang to make connections. It was also Shen Tang's chance to test him. If Shen Tang didn't take some action, the peacock would want to display everything in the storeroom to everyone. How could it be called a Flower Appreciation Banquet if nothing was done?

It was not only a Flower Appreciation Banquet but also a Hongmen Banquet.

"Let’s go, even if we just pretend to be a harmonious couple, I still need to fulfill my duties as the lord," Lin Su said, not planning to intervene too much.

This is the kind of thing that is best left for Shen Tang to handle fully. Only after the results are out can he achieve complete trust. Whether Xiao Huang's character can withstand such a sudden test will depend on his actions.

The Banquet was not pleasant. The emperor arrived late and somewhat drunk, making inappropriate comments about Yun Hui's appearance with a hint of flirtation. He then hastily left after barely staying for a cup of tea, leaving the atmosphere awkward and uncomfortable.

After the banquet, news of the incident spread and became widely known. Although it was not suitable to discuss openly, signs of dissatisfaction could be heard in private.

"The emperor is indulgent and incompetent. He hurried through the Lu Ming Banquet as if rushing through a crowd of women. How can such a person be fit to rule?!" Shen Tang's eyes flashed with anger.

Despite being the wealthiest, Shen Tang's life was not as smooth as outsiders perceived. He not only had to pay heavy taxes and support Xiao Huang, but also faced occasional harassment from officials. If he didn't handle everything properly, the Shen family would have fallen long ago.

And this chaotic situation all stemmed from the current emperor's incompetence and indulgence in wine and women, neglecting state affairs.

Each incident was enough to label him as a foolish ruler, and Shen Tang had been accumulating anger for a long time. It was only during this Lu Ming Banquet that he vented his frustrations to Lin Su.

"Well said," Lin Su didn't express an opinion.

Whether it was about the emperor's incompetence or Xiao Huang's paranoia and extortion, neither topic could likely be understood by the person before them.

"Scholars also say the same thing." Shen Tang was convinced by him and vomited some bitter words, "If it weren't for this emperor, the Shen family's wealth would definitely be more than what is in front of them."

"You've endured a lot," Lin Su gently touched the corner of his eye. "But under such pressure, you still manage to keep everything in order, ensuring the Shen family stands firm and allowing your parents to enjoy their twilight years. That's something not everyone can achieve."

Shen Tang was originally in a bad mood, but after being praised by him like that, he felt a bit happier. Others' compliments didn't have the same effect, but who was Lin Su? 

He was a figure admired even by Cloud Visitor, and he was also the person Shen Tang loved. With this double blessing, Young Master Shen couldn't help but feel pleased.

"I am naturally not inferior to anyone else. Do you really think I'm amazing?" Shen Tang waved his fan gracefully and turned to ask.

"Yes, I really think you're amazing. Not only are you exceptionally talented and benefit the people, but you're also exceptionally handsome. There are very few in the capital who can surpass you." Lin Su praised in a casual tone.

But it was precisely these casually spoken words that made Shen Tang ecstatic, to the point that he even glanced at himself in the mirror as he passed by.

Lin Su said he was exceptionally handsome.

After looking himself over from head to toe and feeling satisfied with every aspect, Shen Tang leaned closer to Lin Su and asked, "Madam's words are so pleasing to the ears. But what kind of reward would you like?"

"Any reward will do?" Lin Su looked up with a smile that was not quite a smile.

Shen Tang's eyes began to wander, suddenly understanding why a foolish ruler could be so infatuated with beauty, simply because beauty was universally appealing. "Of course."

"Good, I recently acquired a new item. If used, it will surely be extremely beneficial to your health. I only hope to grow old with my husband. My husband surely feels the same, right?" Lin Su said earnestly.

Shen Tang felt a pang in his heart at his words. "Of course. What is this item?"

It wasn't until nightfall when he saw the medicinal jade in the box and heard its usage that his entire being felt thrown into disarray. "Lin Su! How can this be used on a person?!"

"Is my husband going back on his word?" Lin Su's eyes seemed disappointed.

Normally, Shen Tang would fall for this, but at this moment, he was sober in a way he had never been before. "Don’t even think about using this on me!"

This matter absolutely cannot set a precedent. Once the door is opened, it can never be closed again.

At this moment, he felt like a peacock about to have its feathers plucked, extremely vigilant, vulnerable, and helpless. 

Yet, in Lin Su's eyes, all of this seemed adorable.

Was he taking pleasure in bullying? No, he was doing it for the sake of his husband.

"Lin Su... can we change the conditions?" Shen Tang didn't want to be a man who broke his promises, but this definitely crossed his bottom line.

However, Lin Su was open to negotiation on other matters, only this one couldn't be compromised. It wasn't that he wanted to play around; it was just that men were naturally unsuited for indulgence. If not properly maintained, what might feel pleasant in the short term could lead to suffering in old age.

The previous two individuals (previous Tang’s), even if they resisted initially, they eventually complied obediently. He could not make an exception for Shen Tang.

"No." Lin Su's answer was firm, starkly different from his usual gentleness. He even explained to him the drawbacks of not using this item for the next few decades, which made his face, usually filled with vitality, turn pale with fear. 

Finally, he added an encouraging remark, "Husband is a man of great courage and bravery. He is not afraid of any danger. He won't easily back down just because of this small item, right?"

Shen Tang: "..."

Damn it, you're full of lies, you rascal!

In this regard, Young Master Shen was truly a rare sober individual.

Naturally, the item was used. It was like tying up a peacock's tail, emanating an aura of hopelessness.

Madam Shen was concerned about her son, and any slight change in him could be noticed. "What's wrong with you recently, my dear? Did something happen in your business?"

Shen Tang had a bitter pill to swallow. How could he possibly tell his mother about such things? 

Reporting his wife's behavior in front of her would only lead to unrest in the family in the future. Though his wife might lack benevolence, as a husband, he couldn't act unjustly.

"There were some minor issues in the south, so I couldn't sleep well. Mother, please don't worry." Shen Tang tried to muster his spirits and stepped on Lin Su's foot.

Lin Su remained as calm as ever, without a change in his expression.

Madam Shen didn't inquire further, only reminding him to take care of his health and saying no more.

After breakfast, when the couple left, Old Master Shen moved his foot, revealing a shoe print. "Is Tang'er dissatisfied with me as his father?"

"He wasn't trying to step on you." Madam Shen replied irritably.

Though the couple had been affectionate, today the son seemed to pretend not to see his wife. Others might not notice anything, but a mother knows her son best.

"Oh, then there shouldn't be any trouble between the couple, right?" Old Master Shen asked, "It's obvious that our son is being bullied. Shouldn't you intervene, my dear?"

"You blockhead, didn't you see Tang'er protecting him?" Madam Shen poked his head irritably. "It's probably nothing serious. We should stay out of their affairs for their well-being."

She maintained her health at her age precisely because she avoided meddling in matters she shouldn't.

Shen Tang felt a sense of satisfaction from stepping on someone, but when he realized there was no shoe print next to Lin Su, whom he had clearly stepped on, he couldn't ignore him anymore. "Didn’t I step on you just now?"

Lin Su shook his head and smiled. "Your foot landed on my father's shoe, I'm sure Mother has seen it by now."

"Then why are you so calm about it?" Shen Tang grew anxious. "If Mother troubles you... I might not necessarily help you."

Lin Su chuckled. "Don't worry, that won't happen."

Madam Shen understood her son well, but Shen Tang might not necessarily understand his mother. A woman who had been cherished and loved by Old Master Shen for many years, never casting a glance at other women, couldn't possibly be a simple character.

Smart women knew how to handle things appropriately and get along well with others.

As for the aftermath of this matter, Madam Shen didn't even inquire. The flower appreciation banquet held by Shen Tang had already arrived.

The lotus pond stretched on, with various colored lotus flowers interwoven, bringing a hint of coolness to the scorching heat.

Before Shen Tang arrived, many scholars had already arrived composing poetry and exchanging verses. Regardless of the quality of the verses, there were always people praising a line or two, which added to the enjoyment.

The Shen family was a wealthy merchant family. Although they were wealthy and noble, they were still merchants. According to reason, there shouldn't be so many scholars coming here to lower their status. 

However, with Yun Hui, the top scholar, they had to give face, they couldn't be overly proud. 

Furthermore, there were rumors that this banquet would showcase the calligraphy of Master Yan Gui, which naturally attracted countless scholars to come and watch.

When Shen Tang arrived, Yun Hui was already surrounded by many scholars. Although he had a graceful smile on his face, he clearly looked a bit tired from dealing with them. 

As soon as he saw Shen Tang and the others, he moved away from the crowd and walked over. "Jingchen, Lin Xiong, it's been a while since we last met."

"Zi Yu has been busy lately, and I didn't want to disturb you unnecessarily. Since you achieved the top scholar position this time, my gift will arrive on the chosen day, and you must not refuse it." Shen Tang greeted him warmly. However, he pulled Yun Hui and walked away, leaving Lin Su, who had come with them, behind.

Yun Hui wanted to remind him, but he saw Lin Su, who had been full of smiles on their wedding day, only glance over here before turning and walking away in another direction. Were the two husbands not affectionate towards each other?

"If you don't send any expensive gifts, I'll accept it," Yun Hui joked, but his gaze fell on Lin Su, who was sitting alone on a lake stone, and he said, "With so many people here today, won't you introduce Lin Xiong to everyone?"

"Although it's customary for men to marry women in our dynasty, husbands should still pay attention to the distance between themselves and unfamiliar men," Shen Tang said matter-of-factly. "Zi Yu cares about him more than he cares about me."

His words were quite ambiguous. Yun Hui just wanted the two of them, as husbands, to harmonize more due to Lin Su's unique temperament. He didn't expect it to lead to this misunderstanding. "It's my fault. I just feel that for a man to marry another man is already a sacrifice. If he's willing to do so sincerely, I just hope you can treat him well."

Shen Tang was speechless, feeling somewhat ashamed, though deep down, he muttered to himself.

He treated his wife so well, no other husband can let his wife top him every night, right? And then there was that medicinal jade!

System 06 diligently reported back to Lin Su: 【Host, you succeeded.】

Successfully causing the protagonist to misunderstand.

Taking advantage and still acting coy, their host was definitely powerful.

【Xiao Huang has arrived,】System 06 reminded.

Before Shen Tang could respond, he heard a series of respectful greetings.

"His Royal Highness Prince Chen has arrived..."

"Your Royal Highness Prince Chen."

Even though Xiao Huang's status was awkward, he was still a member of the royal family. His presence silenced the scholars and examinees present.

Xiao Huang motioned for everyone to rise and looked at Yun Hui. "What Zi Yu said makes sense. Harmony between husband and wife is essential. A husband's effectiveness in the outside world is dependent on marital harmony. It's not easy for a man to marry another man. Jingchen, even if you take a concubine in the future, you mustn't neglect your wife. If someone I favor is a man, I would elevate him to the position of a legitimate wife and allow him to realize his ambitions."

His gaze remained fixed on Yun Hui, giving him a strange feeling, as if these words weren't directed at Shen Tang, but at him.

Although he supported the legitimate son of the Empress, he had never thought of marrying a man, especially now, when he had just entered the court and was eager to pursue his ambitions, he didn't want to be entangled in matters of love and romance.

Yun Hui avoided eye contact, while Xiao Huang frowned slightly. 

However, Shen Tang spoke up, "His Royal Highness makes a valid point, but my Shen family has always married one wife, with no concubines."

"No concubines?!"

"Doesn't that mean cutting off your descendants?!"

The crowd was in an uproar. If Shen Tang had married a woman, it would have been understandable and seen as faithful. But marrying a man, no matter how handsome he was, it would be like having a rooster that couldn't lay eggs. If the Shen family were to die out, wouldn't their immense wealth have no one to inherit it? Could Old Master Shen and Madam Shen agree to this?

His words caused a stir among the crowd and put Xiao Huang in a somewhat awkward position. 

It was well-known that there were concubines in the Prince's Mansion, although no illegitimate children were born. There were even rumors that if a concubine became pregnant, the child would be aborted. While it was improper for illegitimate children to be born before legitimate ones, few people would agree to abort their own flesh and blood.

Meanwhile, Lin Su handed a perfectly bloomed lotus flower to Shen Tang, without any pretense or affectation, and even exuded more charm than the scholars present. "Husband, I've picked the flowers you wanted."

Just now, not everyone paid attention to Lin Su's whereabouts; they just assumed he had gone to pick flowers. Shen Tang descended the steps, still with a hint of coldness in his eyes, but not as harsh as before. "Thank you, dear. You've put in a lot of effort."

Why did they agree to act cold towards each other? Why did his wife show such a hesitant, affectionate expression?

He didn't understand, couldn't ask, and could only continue the act.

Although the scholars came to the banquet, they had little to say to Shen Tang. They drank a few cups of wine, gathered in small groups, and gradually formed circles.

After Yan Gui's calligraphy and painting were presented, there was a significant change in the atmosphere. The scattered people had gathered together.

Shen Tang spread out a scroll and said, "This is the latest work by Mr. Yan Gui. Mr. Yan Gui is known for his integrity. Today, the person who ranks first in poetry can take this piece home."

Mr. Yan Gui's calligraphy and paintings were now priced at three thousand taels each, but regardless of their value, they were priceless.

"We thank Mr. Yan Gui in advance."

"Self-discipline and dedication, what an excellent character!"

"If I could obtain this piece, I would hang it by my bedside for daily reflection."

"Mr. Yan Gui's characters are indeed profound."

Scholars who entered the court as officials, although young, could become pillars of the court with time. However, with conflicting interests, maintaining one's original intentions required constant self-reflection.

With just this deep meaning, Shen Tang was in awe of Lin Su.

As the atmosphere became lively with the unveiling of the painting, even Yun Hui couldn't help but feel a bit envious. "Mr. Yan Gui's characters are excellent."

"I'll go first!" Someone volunteered to compose a poem.

Yun Hui, suppressing his excitement, had originally intended to listen quietly, but Xiao Huang whispered beside him, "Zi Yu, just now, I..."

"We'll talk about it later," Yun Hui smiled. "That's a private matter."

Although speaking about it in public could potentially become a good story with witnesses, he had already glimpsed his lifelong aspirations in these work pieces and didn't want to be trapped in the inner courtyard's scheming for the rest of his whole life.

Xiao Huang's words stopped there, drowned out by the applause and poetry recitals.

【The protagonist shou and gong are in disagreement and could potentially affect their fate and career, which might impact the host's final score,】System 06 reminded.

Standing outside the crowd, Lin Su blinked at Shen Tang, who was surrounded by people, and said, 【When it comes to emotions, when you like someone, everything they do is right. When you no longer like them, everything they say is wrong. It’s natural to have disagreements.】

The possibility of separation exists for all couples in the world, and being protagonists doesn't exempt them. When their predetermined fate is disrupted, the red thread connecting them may very well snap.

After a brief silence, System 06 chose to remind, 【Host, the rating.】

Lin Su ignored it. System 06 quickly understood its host's meaning; ratings were irrelevant. If the host disliked what he saw, it could only mean that the protagonist was unlucky.

Though the poetry competition revealed the less refined side of these scholars, overall it remained relatively peaceful.

"Your Highness, have some tea," servants offered tea all around.

Xiao Huang casually glanced over, intending to take the teacup, but his eyes were suddenly dazzled by a flash of light. His instinctual sense of danger made him fling the teacup towards the servant. Before the cup hit the ground, a crisp sound rang out, and water splashed everywhere.

A cry of pain filled the air as the servant, who had been holding a dagger, suddenly clutched his face and crouched down. This spectacle immediately drew countless gazes.

"What's happening?"

"Your Highness?"

"An assassin!" Xiao Huang's words had barely left his mouth when several other servants abandoned their trays and drew their swords, rushing towards them.

With several attacks, Xiao Huang and Yun Hui found themselves surrounded. While Xiao Huang was skilled in martial arts, Yun Hui was completely defenseless. 

In a panic, Yun Hui was embraced and shielded by a man who kicked a table away and engaged the attackers with a sword.

The assassins seemed to be targeting only Xiao Huang. The scholars present had never seen such a scene before. Some hid behind tables, some fled, but as one person reached the door, they were forced back inside at swordpoint.

Lin Su squinted as he watched Xiao Huang and Yun Hui being surrounded, then turned to Shen Tang with a slight frown. "What's going on?"

Even if his flower peacock was testing Xiao Huang, it shouldn't put everyone in danger.

"They're not my people," Shen Tang said, also thrown into confusion by the sudden turn of events. Just as he was about to move, a masked figure pointed a sword at one of the scholars and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't move, or no one here will survive!"

The masked figure's voice was rough, and the trembling scholar looked to Shen Tang for help. "Master Shen, please... please don't act recklessly."

In the midst of the chaos, many masked figures pointed at the scholars and poets who had been chatting amiably just moments ago, leaving the guards who had rushed in at a standstill, watching the struggle between Xiao Huang and the assassins.

The assassins were numerous and skilled, while Xiao Huang, despite his martial prowess, was hindered as he was protecting Yun Hui. In a moment of carelessness, he was wounded on his right arm by a sword.

"Xiao Huang!" Yun Hui's eyes widened, forgetting to address him formally.

"I'm fine, don't worry," Xiao Huang's face visibly paled, but he still held Yun Hui protectively in his arms.

【The injury is real.】 System 06 reported.

【Hmm, but the people are fake.】 Lin Su appeared to be restrained, but he knew what was going on.

If they were real assassins, they wouldn't care about the scholars and poets; they would just kill everyone to eliminate witnesses. But they didn't. They focused solely on Xiao Huang and, although their swords seemed deadly, they avoided vital areas.

Shen Tang was formidable, but his strength lay in his business acumen. His ability to secretly plot wasn't necessarily on par with Xiao Huang, the future emperor from the original timeline.

Lin Su didn't particularly like him, but he had never underestimated him.

Seizing the opportunity, Lin Su held Shen Tang's handle, which would also help improve the impression he had made earlier in front of Yun Hui.

After all, nothing was more moving than saving someone's life.

"What should we do?" Shen Tang signaled to Lin Su. Although he was skilled in martial arts, it was impossible for him to deal with everyone at once.

If anyone was injured or killed at his flower-viewing banquet, the blame would undoubtedly fall on the Shen family.

He didn't know why he was instinctively turning to Lin Su for help in this situation, but he strangely felt confident that this man could handle it. If Lin Su intervened, everything would be fine.

His Peacock looked on anxiously, but Lin Su wouldn't really push him into the fire pit. He took out a pill from his pocket and quickly threw it into a nearby water basin, where no one except Shen Tang saw the action.

A faint fragrance, mingled with floral scents, drifted from the basin, causing a slight dizziness in everyone's minds. It wasn't until the first assailant collapsed and Shen Tang, feeling weakened, was caught by Lin Su and fed the pill that he realized the internal energy he had lost had instantly returned. 

When Shen Tang stood up and looked back, he saw the assailants lying on the ground, even Xiao Huang barely supporting himself with a sword, but his gaze was fixed on Lin Su.

No one in the room had lost consciousness, but they all felt powerless, while only Shen Tang and Lin Su stood tall amidst the fallen assailants, inevitably raising suspicions.

"Shen Tang, what's going on?"

"Could it be you..."

"Of course, it was I," Shen Tang reached out to Lin Su, "The antidote?"

Lin Su placed a vial in his hand, "Dissolve it in water, and one sip will detoxify it."

"Then why did you feed me a pill just now?" Following Lin Su's instructions, Shen Tang quickly helped several nearby individuals by feeding them the antidote. This swift action surprised those who had accused him earlier, and when they were able to sit up, they apologized, "We were too narrow-minded."

"No harm done," Shen Tang didn't expect gratitude from them, as long as the blame didn't fall on the Shen family, everything would be fine.

"Your Highness," Shen Tang presented a cup of tea to Xiao Huang, "I offended you just now."

Xiao Huang accepted it and, after regaining his strength, handed the cup to Yun Hui, feeding him the medicine, "If your wife hadn't acted wisely, I might not have been lightly injured. But we must find out where these assassins came from."

"Of course," Shen Tang replied with a bow, "As long as Your Highness doesn't blame the Shen family."

"No blame lies with you. Even if your guard was lax, your efforts to resolve the situation are enough to offset any fault," Xiao Huang's expression remained calm, showing concern only when Yun Hui rose, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. What about your wound?" Yun Hui still remembered Xiao Huang's act of shielding him from harm earlier, feeling both concerned and moved by it.

"I'm fine. I'll bandage it up later. Jingchen, arrange for your men to tie up these assassins," Xiao Huang instructed.

"I understand," Shen Tang turned to issue the orders.

Although his plan didn't go as expected, Xiao Huang sacrificing himself to protect Yun Hui shouldn't be considered entirely heartless. Perhaps in the future, he would weaken the power of the Shen family, but it shouldn't lead to Shen Tang's demise.

Lin Su also made an error in his calculations, but this situation provided an opportunity to bring that person over to their side.

With the assassins securely bound, and fortunately no casualties among the attendees, the scholar guests lost interest and took their leave one by one. Shen Tang could only bid them farewell and offer compensation in gold and silver as an apology.

Yun Hui carefully bandaged Xiao Huang's wound, and with Yun Hui's support, Xiao Huang approached the tied-up assailants and asked, "Who sent you?"

The masks were removed from the assailants' faces, and the leader sneered, "It was Young Master Shen Tang who sent us."

Shen Tang's smile vanished instantly upon hearing this slander, "You dare to slander me? If I wanted to assassinate someone, would I choose today to put myself under suspicion?"

"Young Master Shen said it's called 'going against the current,'" the man replied quickly.

If this matter were to be pursued, it would spell trouble for the Shen family. Shen Tang intended to step forward but was stopped by Lin Su. 

"Your method of 'going against the current' is indeed clever. Accusations of assassination require evidence before a conviction can be made. We cannot falsely accuse anyone. Assassinating a member of the royal family is a grave crime. However, given the relationship between Prince and Shen Tang, it's not something you can casually manipulate. Your Highness, wouldn't you agree?"

With this high-handed approach, Xiao Huang found it difficult to back down. Yun Hui furrowed his brows beside him, "How could it be Shen Tang? Though he may act recklessly at times, how could he be involved in such a serious matter..."

Moreover, Yun Hui knew that Shen Tang and Xiao Huang were on the same side. Shen Tang had provided significant support in the past, and he had just assisted timely in the recent crisis. Setting up a trap against oneself, what would be the point?

"You don't need to persuade me further. I naturally trust Jingchen," Xiao Huang waved his hand, ordering the guards to take the assailants into custody for interrogation, "Make sure to uncover the true mastermind behind this."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The guards escorted the assassins away, and Xiao Huang turned to Lin Su, who was standing nearby, "Brother Lin, you mentioned gathering on the day of your wedding that we would meet again, but it's been postponed until today. Thanks to your quick thinking and eloquence, we've avoided a disaster."

"Don't mention it. Protecting Your Highness is also my duty," Lin Su met his gaze without backing down.

Though he didn't underestimate Xiao Huang, he wasn't necessarily afraid of him either.

As System 06 said: When comparing those who spend money and those who cheat, the winner isn't always clear.

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