It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 42


IETSTSMLARA | The Richest Merchant In The World | 42

Lin Su raised an eyebrow and didn't press further. 

Shen Tang was a little restless while sitting in the carriage:  "Aren't you curious about what I gave him?"

"I would asked, but you won’t tell me." Lin Su took one of Shen Tang's hands and played with his fingers.

Shen Tang's hands were exceptionally well-formed, a fact Lin Su had noticed immediately. His fingers were long and slender, with distinct joints, not as soft as a woman's but flexible like jade, surpassing any jade ornament.

Shen Tang felt a bit ticklish but mostly comfortable under Lin Su's touch. Unable to resist, he leaned closer and said, "Can't you ask me a few more times?"

While others might not be interested, Shen Tang wanted to share with Lin Su.

Lin Su squeezed his fingertips like one would a cat's paw, smiling. "Alright, what did you give him?"

Shen Tang couldn't help but move his fingers, whispering in Lin Su's ear, "If you beg me, I'll tell you."

"Okay, I beg you," Lin Su easily lowered his pride.

Shen Tang, no longer holding back, whispered in Lin Su's ear with a proud look. "Do you think he'll be amazed?"

"I just think he'll come back in a few years to cause you trouble," Lin Su had already guessed what it was, but was still a bit taken aback by Shen Tang's provocative behavior.

Shen Tang paused. "Didn't you say he liked those things?"

Lin Su asked, "When did I say that?"

Shen Tang stared at him, stunned.

Lin Su pondered aloud, "I recall that such an item has flirtatious connotations and is typically exchanged between lovers. Could it be that you...?"

"No, no, I had no such intention," Shen Tang quickly denied, feeling cornered, "Please don't be mad."

His instinctive, submissive behavior was so endearing that Lin Su almost wanted to squeeze him completely.

"Mm, I'm not angry," Lin Su said calmly.


Yun Hui watched the capital recede through the carriage window, feeling an unexpected sense of relief. His gaze fell on the box Shen Tang had given him, and he couldn't help but be curious about its contents, considering Shen Tang's mysterious look.

Opening the box, Yun Hui found several books inside. He casually opened one to inspect its contents but immediately tossed it away upon seeing the illustrations within. "This... This is outrageous! Jingchen!!!"

His face flushed, his mind in disarray. He never imagined Shen Tang would send him such items. Though Shen Tang was playful, this seemed out of character.

"Master, are you alright?" The servant outside the carriage asked upon hearing the commotion.

"Nothing, just accidentally knocked something over," Yun Hui forced an explanation.

Realizing the book couldn't be left out in the open, he retrieved it and placed it back in the box, covering it. Out of sight, out of mind.

However, he couldn't stop thinking about Shen Tang's motive for sending such a gift. Could it be... No, that couldn't be. Shen Tang had a loving spouse, and it wouldn't make sense for him to act this way—it would be an insult to all three of them.

Unless... Had Shen Tang discovered Yun Hui's previous observations of them?

A gentleman does not observe what is improper. Was Shen Tang warning him? But why send a collection of such images? Was there a deeper meaning?

Yun Hui eyed the box, his hand hovering over it before retracting as if burned. After several attempts, he finally resolved to open it again, only to be interrupted by the carriage coming to a halt.

"What is going on?" Yun Hui asked.

Outside the carriage, a familiar voice replied, "Zi Yu, are you leave the capital to avoid me?"

It was Xiao Huang's voice.

In the past, Yun Hui found that he could talk endlessly with Xiao Huang and regarded him as a confidant. Occasionally, he even looked forward to meeting him, unknowingly on the verge of crossing that line into romantic feelings. 

But now, all he felt was indifference. When one truly dislikes someone, even hearing their voice becomes a burden.

"I am leaving on official business," Yun Hui said. "The frequent flooding is a serious matter that cannot be delayed. Your Highness, you should not let personal matters overshadow public duty. Please, return."

"Zi Yu, do you not even want to see me?" Xiao Huang asked. "I came alone just to see you. You know how perilous the capital can be, and one misstep could lead to failure and death. Now that we part, who knows if we will ever meet again, Zi Yu."

Yun Hui truly did not wish to see him. As he was contemplating how to refuse, he heard the sound of arrows slicing through the air, followed by cries of alarm and the clashing of weapons. More people quickly surrounded them.

"Protect His Highness, the Crown Prince!"

"Your Highness, are you hurt?"

"Where did the arrows come from? Investigate at once!"

Shouts and commands were exchanged among dozens of people.

Yun Hui knew that Xiao Huang would be guarded during his travels, but at this moment, it felt somewhat ironic. "I am on my way to assume my post. Please, Your Highness, let us pass."

"Your Highness, should we investigate..." a guard asked.

But Xiao Huang stopped him. He knew that today’s incident had been disrupted again, and it was uncertain when he would have another chance to meet Yun Hui. If they investigated further, it would only deepen Yun Hui's disdain for him. "Zi Yu, I will wait for your return. Let them pass."

As the carriage departed, Xiao Huang's face darkened. "Find out who leaked the information about today’s outing. Investigate!" 

Overnight, all his informants in the Shen residence had been eliminated. Xiao Huang was certain this was not Shen Tang's doing, but Lin Su's.

After the flower appreciation banquet, Xiao Huang had considered eradicating them entirely. 

However, he realized that the skilled warriors around Lin Su were far beyond his expectations, guarding the entire Shen residence like a fortress. 

Moreover, on the court, Xiao Shao was constantly obstructing his plans.

Lin Su's support for someone was clear as day, and it seemed that person was indeed a thorn in his side...


The Shen residence was close by, and when the carriage stopped, Shen Tang was the first to jump out, attempting to be chivalrous. "Be careful, Madam. Let me help you down."

Lin Su, holding onto the carriage door, should have not thought of getting married so quickly. He should have spent more effort to bring Shen Tang into his own home, but now it was too late, and he had to make the best of it.

Lin Su allowed Shen Tang to help him down, but as soon as he put his arms around Shen Tang's neck, he let his body sink. 

Shen Tang, after a few steps, started to sweat. "Why are you so heavy, Madam?"

Despite being a martial artist who could easily lift a stone lion at the gate with one hand using his inner strength, carrying his wife seemed to be a challenge. It didn't make sense.

Lin Su, holding onto his neck, smiled. "Yes, I've put on a bit of weight recently. Thank you for your hard work, Husband."

To avoid being carried around in the future, Lin Su had to cooperate and use some of his inner strength.

Shen Tang was struggling, but the weight was indeed overwhelming. As soon as they entered the house, he started negotiating. "Madam, how about I just support you as you walk?"

His husband hadn't just gained a bit of weight; it felt like he had swallowed a mountain.

"Sure, thank you for your hard work." Lin Su jumped down and, seeing Shen Tang shaking his arms vigorously, and picked him up effortlessly and said, "Reciprocity is key."

Shen Tang tried to muster all his strength, but despite his efforts, Lin Su carried him with ease, showing no sign of difficulty.

"Madam, you are truly impressive." Shen Tang didn't know what to feel.

Lin Su modestly replied, "I am not as strong as you, Husband."

Shen Tang, "...”

He’s such a liar, stop talking!

In the hot afternoon, Shen Tang sat as close to the ice as possible, eating shaved ice and calculating the profits from selling ice during the summer heat. He was feeling so pleased that his feathers metaphorically spread open in delight. 

Just then, someone burst through the door, carrying a bow and arrow, and shouted, "It's so hot! In this weather, no one should be working outside."

Shen Tang's train of thought was interrupted. Lin Su, who was tuning the strings of his qin, paused and said, "Brother Lu, could you knock before entering next time?"

"We're all men here..." Lu Guo's gaze fell upon Shen Tang, who was lounging on the couch in just his undergarments. The sight of his vibrant beauty was so overwhelming that Lu Guo quickly averted his eyes.

When he first met the young master of the Shen family, he had thought Shen Tang was merely good-looking. But now, it seemed as if he had been born with a natural allure, radiantly enchanting. 

Lin Su certainly knew how to chase someone, no wonder he was reluctant to let others see. If he had a wife like that... but he didn't have a wife.

"Ahem, apologies, I ran several dozen miles today and was truly exhausted. There won't be a next time," Lu Guo apologized.

His white clothes were covered in dust, and sweat was dripping down, clearly indicating his hard work. 

Lin Su only merely reminded him, not blaming him. The Shen residence's current impenetrability was due to Lu Guo's efforts.

"Just be more mindful, Brother Lu," Lin Su said, standing up as a servant brought water for Lu Guo to wash.

Although Lu Guo was careless at times, he could still see that he kept his head down while delivering water, and he didn't even look where he shouldn't have looked with his peripheral vision.

After a quick wash in a separate room, Lu Guo came to report the day's events: "I did as you instructed, I shot one arrow and then left."

As he was speaking, Shen Tang emerged from the inner room, now wearing an outer garment. 

His long hair was casually tied to one side without any ornaments, yet he exuded a certain charm. Lu Guo could only stare at his own feet, silently reminding himself that one should not covet a friend's spouse. He didn't have an interest in men and liked women.

But among the women, there weren't many as strikingly beautiful as the Shen family's young master. Lin Su had raised his standards thus he could not find a wife.

"What did you order?" Shen Tang asked as he sat down.

"I sent him to follow Yun Hui's carriage," Lin Su replied openly.

"Hmm? Why is that?" Shen Tang asked, puzzled.

Lu Guo, still looking down, mumbled, "You should ask your husband about this."

Shen Tang drew out his words, "Husband?"

Lin Su thought that Lu Guo's chances of ever getting married were practically zero with his knack for stepping on landmines.

"He misspoke, he meant to say 'wife,'" Lin Su corrected with a smile. "I had him follow Yun Hui's carriage to prevent Xiao Huang from catching up and rekindling any old feelings."

Shen Tang, who had initially been puzzled, broke into a laugh. "So, you were worried about that?"

"Of course," Lin Su said earnestly, his gaze steady. "I don't want to leave anything to chance when it comes to Xiao Huang's ambitions. Yun Hui might be a useful ally for him, and we can't afford to let them join forces."

Lu Guo, still standing by, finally looked up, admiration and a hint of amusement in his eyes as he observed the interplay between the couple.

This world revolves around Yun Hui, and most of its favor rests on him. Without Yun Hui's support, Xiao Huang loses half of the world's favor. 

Shen Tang, now distracted, rested his chin on his hand and said, "Logically, it shouldn't happen. Zi Yu is not a soft-hearted person."

Even a heart of stone can be worn down by constant scheming and entanglements, so Lin Su simply decided to put an end to it once and for all.

"That Prince Chen has a deep mind. He claimed he went alone, unafraid of danger, but it was all to deceive that Young Master Yun," Lu Guo couldn't resist sharing the details, explaining everything with a smooth flow despite almost wanting to hide under the table out of embarrassment.

Shen Tang, initially unaware of the reason, slapped the table and ground his teeth in anger, "Why not just kill him?"

"If we kill him, it would leave only Xiao Shao to face the current emperor alone. He might not have the courage for that," Lin Su explained.

Xiao Shao is primarily concerned with self-preservation. Though he has a heart for the people, he wouldn't rashly engage in actions that endanger his life. If he ascends to the throne, he would be more than capable as a conservative ruler, but he lacks the boldness for rebellion that Xiao Huang possesses.

"True," Shen Tang acknowledged, having seen Xiao Shao before. Choosing such a person has its merits in avoiding disaster, but it also has its drawbacks.

During court struggles, Xiao Huang frequently targeted the Shen family. 

However, before Yun Hui left, he instructed the old general to protect the Shen family. 

Additionally, the Shen family recently presented many rare treasures to the emperor, indicating a potential change in loyalty. 

The emperor had long been displeased with Xiao Huang and began to ignore his suggestions more often, especially with Xiao Shao's assistance. Despite Xiao Huang's apparent power, he was becoming increasingly isolated.

Over time, Xiao Huang's power would likely be severely weakened, leaving him with no chance to vie for the throne.

"Aren't you afraid that pushing him like this will make him act desperately?" Lu Guo, being a man of the Jianghu, knew that pushing someone to the edge could lead to unpredictable and dangerous outcomes.

"That's why I left him a way out," Lin Su smiled. "Besides, I want him to act desperately."

In the original timeline, Xiao Huang had Yun Hui as his wife. The old general held high prestige in the army. 

Xiao Huang eventually stormed into the imperial palace under the guise of 'removing traitors from the emperor’s side,' forcing the current emperor to give him the throne. 

Three months later, the deposed emperor died mysteriously. It was clear who was behind it, but by then, Xiao Huang's hold on the throne was unshakeable, and no one dared to question the fate of the deposed emperor.

However, without Yun Hui's help now, Xiao Huang's influence in the court had already been diminished by Lin Su through a corruption case. The remaining forces could be easily exposed to the current emperor, ensuring someone would take action. 

For Xiao Huang, there would be only one path left to seize the throne.

"Ah..." Lu Guo pondered. Although he could handle straightforward questions, strategizing was not his forte. He had to follow Lin Su's instructions step by step.

Lin Su's anticipated events did not take long to unfold. 

In the golden autumn of September, the palace shone brightly throughout the night, with flames illuminating the sky, leaving countless households awake and wondering what had happened.

However, the Shen residence remained tranquil. Shen Tang slept soundly in Lin Su's embrace, occasionally tightening his hold in his sleep.

It wasn't until the early hours of dawn when the palace bells rang throughout the entire capital, signaling the results of the matter.

The sound of knocking roused Lin Su from his sleep. He gently moved Shen Tang's arm aside, got out of bed, and opened the door.

A servant reported, "Master, the situation in the palace has been resolved. Prince Chen, Xiao Huang, poisoned the emperor and attempted to usurp the throne with a forged edict. However, he has been surrounded and captured by the imperial guards, along with all those involved in the rebellion. Prince Ning, Xiao Shao, has been appointed emperor according to the late emperor's will."

The situation in the palace was undoubtedly more complex than what was described, as each development could potentially lead to a reversal of fortunes. But in the end, everything had settled.

Xiao Huang was detained in the imperial prison, a place not as easily entered or exited as depicted in some TV dramas. Barring any unexpected events, he would spend the rest of his days there.

The host's cheat code won.】 System 06 summarized.

A win is a win, regardless of the means.】 Lin Su smiled.

"Retrieve the agents carrying the emperor's decree, but keep the other three decrees," Lin Su ordered, waving his hand. "You may go."

The servant bowed again and left, disappearing from Lin Su's sight.

As Lin Su turned to enter the room, he was suddenly embraced from behind by the affectionate Shen Tang, who had a habit of being clingy in the morning. 

Shen Tang's voice was slightly dazed as he asked, "What happened?"

"Xiao Huang has been imprisoned, and a new emperor ascended the throne," Lin Su replied succinctly.

Although his words were brief, the implications were clear. Shen Tang was instantly wide awake and leaned forward from behind, his voice tinged with surprise, "When did this happen?!"

"It all unfolded last night," Lin Su replied, turning around and lowering his head. "And you're running around barefoot again."

"My biggest concern right now is not about wearing shoes; it's about us having a new emperor while we're sleeping!" Shen Tang continued to speak even as Lin Su carried him, "What do we do now?"

"If you want to continue sleeping, you can go back to bed for a while," Lin Su suggested.

Shen Tang, ever the peacock, didn't stop chattering. "We need to discuss serious matters."

"What does the palace have to do with us," Lin Su chuckled, stroking his neck. "If you can't calm down, we can do something else."

Shen Tang indeed found it hard to calm down. Having a new emperor was like waking up to find breakfast replaced with a different dish—it didn't feel real, just like he hadn't fully woken up yet.

He hugged Lin Su's neck tightly and agreed decisively, "Okay."

He needed something to settle his emotions.

As the emperor ascended the throne and handled the affairs of state, including the appointment of empresses, management of the former dynasty, and the integration of the Shen family into the imperial commerce, allowing their descendants to enter officialdom through imperial examinations, dissent in the court gradually subsided.

There was opposition in the court, but the opposition subsided when the Shen family donated three million taels of silver to be used for floods in the south of the Yangtze River to make up for the emptiness of the national treasury due to the past years of extravagance.

Corrupt officials were removed, funds were secured, and signs of recovery appeared in Jiangnan. The reputation of the Shen family spread, and amidst the clamor of the people, their position as imperial merchants was solidified when the petitions of the masses reached the emperor's desk.

"I never thought of this approach," Shen Tang, draped in a fiery red cloak, admired the snowfall while holding a colorful hand-warmer, unique to the capital.

Master Shen certainly wasn't holding it because he was afraid of the cold, but because it looked good. Everywhere he went, people praised how nice it looked, even his mother was so amazed that she wanted to take it for herself, until Lin Su gave her a different one to calm her down.

This item would soon be available in the capital, so Shen Tang naturally wanted to show it off as much as possible while he could. According to his wife, it was a living advertisement, more effective than spending any amount of money.

"Problems that can be solved with money are not really problems," Lin Su said, looking at the snowy landscape outside the window.

To gain something, one must give something up. He was willing to spend money to build a reputation, so Xiao Shao wouldn't be able to easily move against him. However, that person was different from Xiao Huang. By offering some benefits proactively, both sides could take a step back, which was better than a destructive conflict.

"Young master, young master!" Suddenly, a servant's shouting voice came from outside. "Young master!"

"What is it?" Shen Tang's mood for enjoying the snow was interrupted, leaving him somewhat displeased.

Lin Su, however, immediately got off the couch and straightened his clothes, saying, "Husband, come down quickly. According to the time, the new emperor should be here."

"Huh?" Shen Tang was confused but followed his instructions to get off the couch and put on his shoes. When he saw the large, bustling group at the door, he poked Lin Su in the back. "Are you a worm in the emperor's belly?"

Lin Su held his mischievous hand and said, "Don't joke around; I'm the worm in your belly."

The new official took office with only three skills, and even more so for a new emperor ascending the throne. When Xiao Shao stepped down from the sedan chair, his demeanor was completely different from before.

However, when Lin Su knelt in greeting, Xiao Shao quickly stepped forward to help him up. "The Shen family is a family that accumulated good deeds. Minister Lin, please rise."

The Shen family was a royal merchant, so addressing Lin Su as a minister was not inappropriate.

Xiao Shao came today not for anything else but to deliver the royal merchant's seal and to hang the plaque, showing the world the new emperor's favor.

But that was just for show. When he was welcomed into Lin Su and Shen Tang's residence, he laughed upon seeing the garden full of plum blossoms. "Minister Lin truly lives elegantly."

"Your Majesty jests. It's just that Jingchen likes to use plum blossoms for brewing water, so they were transplanted here," Lin Su replied with a smile.

This action was somewhat like burning zither wood for cooking, but it made Xiao Shao laugh. "That's quite alright too."

After entering the outer room, someone served tea. Xiao Shao dismissed the attendants and looked at Lin Su. "In fact, I came today just to ask about your thoughts. A man's ambitions should extend across the world. Are you truly willing to spend your life confined within the inner quarters?"

This question had a hint of probing Lin Su's true intentions, and Shen Tang, who hadn't left, felt somewhat nervous.

Even as an imperial merchant, he was ultimately at the emperor's mercy, and if he offended the emperor, he might not even be able to keep his life. 

However, Lin Su showed no fear and instead smiled, saying, "My duty is to fulfill the responsibilities of my position. As a merchant, only when the people live in peace and their granaries and wardrobes are full will they have the surplus to buy goods. Unless absolutely necessary, I have no intention of meddling in other affairs. I only wish to grow old with Jingchen and live a peaceful life. If Your Majesty has any commands, I am still Your Majesty's subject."

Xiao Shao relaxed a bit. He certainly knew Lin Su was formidable. Given his current methods, replacing the emperor with someone easier to control wouldn't be difficult for him. A merchant capable of this was far from ordinary.

Knowing Lin Su's capabilities naturally made Xiao Shao wary. He wanted to understand Lin Su's intentions. 

Lin Su spoke frankly: if Xiao Shao were a wise ruler, ensuring the people's welfare, Lin Su wouldn't interfere. But if he were a foolish ruler, harming the people and causing widespread starvation, Lin Su could easily replace him as emperor.

Being threatened like this, any emperor would find it intolerable to have someone so powerful nearby. Yet Xiao Shao couldn't forget when this seemingly carefree man visited him during his precarious days and asked if he wanted to be a good emperor. Lin Su's demeanor and words back then still lingered in Xiao Shao's mind.

Compared to himself, Lin Su seemed more like an emperor, decisive and authoritative, capable of accomplishing anything he set his mind to. 

Although Xiao Shao feared him, he also harbored hidden admiration. Lin Su had a beloved by his side, enjoying music and painting, brewing tea and admiring the snow, out of Xiao Shao's control but he greatly envied him.

"Then Minister Lin, you must continue to do well in business, so we can prosper the nation together," Xiao Shao said, patting Lin Su on the shoulder.

Xiao Shao didn't stay long, but when he left, he took with him a jar of plum blossoms and a long zither from Lin Su, claiming it was to share joy with the people.

Once the house quieted down, Shen Tang paced back and forth in the room before approaching Lin Su, who was reading. "I can't shake the feeling that the emperor has some interest in you."

"Falling flowers have feelings, but flowing water is heartless. He knows what he needs to do, so you can put your mind at ease," Lin Su said, tapping Shen Tang's chest with a smile.

While Lin Su remained calm, Shen Tang felt as if his heart was on fire, constantly worried that everyone was trying to steal his wife. Every day, he fussed over Lin Su's well-being, making sure he ate well and dressed warmly, frequently buying him nice things. He had given Lin Su more than ten long zithers, spending lavishly.

Madam Shen, receiving many new clothes and accessories from Lin Su—though they were passed on by Master Shen—knew they were gifts from Lin Su. With his support in business and the honor of being an imperial merchant, she was very satisfied with Lin Su. Consequently, she looked upon her idle, troublemaking son with much less favor.

Every time gifts are sent, his mother has to snatch them from him. How can there be a daughter-in-law who is both filial and sensible?

"What is he up to these days?" Madam Shen sent someone to ask.

When Lin Su received the gifts, he placed them in his room. He seemed to cherish them, though the room was a bit cramped. Upon hearing the question, he smiled and said, "Mother don’t worry. Jingchen is just fussing; he'll calm down in a while."

As Lin Su predicted, when the room became so cluttered that it was hard to move, Shen Tang realized he might have overdone it. Sending gifts every day wasn't necessary: "Madam, I was wrong."

Young Master Shen's attitude in admitting his mistake was even more pronounced than Old Master Shen's.

"It doesn’t matter, if it's too crowded, we can just get a few more rooms," Lin Su laughed. "What's most important is your sincerity, my husband."

Shen Tang beamed with joy. This behavior continued for a while, but once he noticed that the emperor had stopped coming, he finally calmed down.

By the end of winter, three months had passed since the new emperor ascended the throne. When good news frequently came from Jiangnan, Lin Su was summoned to the palace. 

However, it wasn't the emperor he met, but Xiao Huang.

With the new emperor's ascension, some people could stay, while others could not. Although he could imprison Xiao Huang for life, Xiao Shao clearly intended to eliminate future troubles by killing him.

When Lin Su saw the man imprisoned in the dungeon, it was hard to associate him with the once high-spirited Xiao Huang. The stark difference between the formerly dashing Xiao Huang and the dirty, disheveled prisoner in front of him was striking.

It wasn't that Xiao Huang didn't want to be presentable, but this place didn't allow for it.

The cell door opened, and Lin Su walked in. He borrowed a stool used for interrogations from a guard and sat down, asking, "What do you have to say to me?"

"Why do you assume I have something to say to you?" Xiao Huang's limbs were bound with black iron chains, ones that even Lin Su couldn't break with his internal power.

"If you hadn't requested it, His Majesty wouldn't have let me see you," Lin Su smiled. "But I thought you'd prefer to see Yun Hui."

"I want to see him, but he may not want to see me," Xiao Huang suddenly looked up at Lin Su, his eyes full of resentment. "It's all because of you. Why have you targeted me at every turn? Have I ever wronged you?"

Xiao Huang was emotionally agitated, but Lin Su's expression remained calm. "Your question is strange. In a struggle for power, it's a matter of life and death. There's no need to ask for reasons."

"I'm about to die." Xiao Huang sat back down, his tone filled with despair. "When a person dies, they lose everything. I agreed to take my own life in this cell in exchange for Xiao Shao's peace of mind and lasting reputation. I just wanted to see you one last time and ask why. Otherwise, I won't die in peace."

He should have ascended to the throne, or at least lived a life of wealth as a prince. Living in such a wretched state was probably something even he couldn't endure.

Lin Su looked at him for a long time before speaking. "Actually, at first, I didn't want you to become emperor at first. You seem upright and sincere, respectful to virtuous people, but in reality, you're ruthless and cold-hearted."

Xiao Huang stared at him intensely but didn't say anything.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with your personality. Your environment shaped you this way, and otherwise, it would have been hard to survive. If it weren't for me, you might have successfully ascended to the throne, become emperor, eradicated those who mocked and insulted you, and then eliminated those who were capable of supporting you..." Lin Su paused here, seeing the expected reaction in Xiao Huang's eyes. "You wouldn't have kept Shen Tang after you ascended the throne, am I right?"

This was a fact. Shen Tang's immense wealth could help Xiao Huang ascend, but it could also support someone else. Keeping him around would only bring trouble. Xiao Huang thought he had hidden his intentions well, so well that even Shen Tang didn't know.

Everything changed when Lin Su appeared.

"How do you know?" Xiao Huang felt a chill, the sensation of being seen through creeping up again.

"It doesn't matter how I know. I just do," Lin Su smiled. "As I said initially, I just didn't want you to become emperor. After that, whether you became a prince or something else, I had no intention of interfering. But it's a pity you had other thoughts. Targeting Shen Tang was the cause, plotting against Yun Hui brought you to this effect. Scheming isn't wrong, but when you over-scheme, you end up trapping yourself."

Xiao Huang let out a derisive laugh, his face twisted. "That's just the victor's arrogance. You outwitted me, so I lost. But can you guarantee you'll always outwit everyone?"

"Of course not." Lin Su admitted readily. There are always people better than oneself, thinking otherwise is a path to self-destruction. "But why would I need to outwit everyone?"

Xiao Huang's smile faded momentarily, but then he started laughing softly, growing louder. "I lost. I lost... But don't be so pleased. Do you think Shen Tang willingly married you? He compromised for our great cause. It's laughable how your genuine heart was outmatched by mere calculation."

Lin Su stood up and walked out of the cell, naturally locking the shackle behind him. "If you're referring to that, Jingchen told me long ago. Goodbye."

Never to meet again.

Xiao Huang looked up in astonishment, but Lin Su had already vanished. His carefully laid schemes seemed to dissolve into nothingness in an instant. Finally, he curled up on the ground and began to sob. It wasn't that he didn't regret or hate, but what use were regret and hate now?

Even his last attempt at sowing discord had failed.

Xiao Huang died by smashing his head against the wall. Xiao Shao, in the end, buried him with the honors of a prince, maintaining his dignity one last time.

When Shen Tang heard the news, he froze for a moment, falling into silence. He showed no emotion in front of others, but that night, as he held Lin Su, he sighed heavily. "I thought we could be brothers for life."

The bonds of youth and brotherhood were perhaps deeper than the feelings he later developed for Yun Hui. However, royal struggles, power games, and the blindness they caused meant everything eventually became a matter of calculation.

Shen Tang was deeply saddened, but as a man, he couldn't always express his sorrow openly and had to keep it to himself.

"When he first became friends with you, he must have been sincere," Lin Su said, pulling Shen Tang's head into his embrace. "Even for the sake of that initial sincerity and support, you should cry. If you don't want me to see, don't lift your head."

Shen Tang didn't speak. Lin Su felt his clothes being clutched tightly and a slight dampness spreading through the fabric as the person in his arms trembled, trying hard to stifle his sobs.

Caught between his parents' safety and his brother's betrayal, Shen Tang bore many burdens. But crying could help release much of the pressure.

The candlelight burned all night. Shen Tang didn't know when he fell asleep. When Lin Su pulled away, he saw a tear-streaked face, looking both pitiful and endearing.

Crying so much at night would surely result in puffy eyes the next day. Shen Tang, realizing this, almost tumbled out of bed, rushing to the mirror. He could lose his head or bleed, but he couldn't damage his looks.

However, when he looked in the mirror, he found that his eyes, though slightly red and sore, were not as puffy as he had feared. Instead, the faint redness around his eyes seemed to enhance his appearance, making him look even more attractive than usual.

"Could it be that I'm different from ordinary people? Those girls who love to cry must be so envious of me," Shen Tang mused to himself, admiring his reflection in the mirror and feeling even more handsome than before.

When Lin Su entered the room, he saw a peacock preening in front of the mirror. He placed a towel and some ice in front of Shen Tang. "Since you're awake, you can apply the ice to your eyes yourself," he said.

"Hmm?" Shen Tang turned his head.

"Hmm," Lin Su nodded.

Shen Tang picked up the towel, wrapped the ice in it, and pressed it to the corners of his eyes. Occasionally, he glanced back at Lin Su, who was engrossed in reading a ledger. "Did you help me apply ice last night?"

Otherwise, he wouldn't have recovered so well.

Lin Su closed the ledger and smiled. "If I hadn't helped you, you might not have been able to go out today."

Shen Tang laughed. "What are we doing for today?"

"Shopping for supplies. We might need to take a trip to Jiangnan soon," Lin Su replied.

"To Jiangnan?!" Shen Tang stood up, his face full of surprised joy. "Really?"

Although he managed many businesses, most were inherited from Old Master Shen. At most, he had visited nearby towns but he had never been to the legendary and prosperous Jiangnan.

"Really. The profits from Jiangnan aren't as good as here. There might be some issues, so it's a good chance to visit and have some fun," Lin Su said with a smile.

Shen Tang leaned on Lin Su's shoulder and laughed. "You're mixing business with pleasure."

"We can do both. If you don't want to worry about it, just leave it to me," Lin Su said. He had gathered enough information to understand the situation. The trip was not only to handle some dirty business and expand their enterprises but also to give Shen Tang a chance to explore.

Being confined to the capital would be too much of a pity.

"How could I let you handle everything, Madam? That would be too exhausting for you," Shen Tang insisted, determined to be a good husband, even though their initial plans had shifted significantly. "I've heard there are beautiful women and excellent performances in Jiangnan. It will be a great opportunity to relax."

The little ledger-keeper, System 06, turned its pages: 【Host, should I record this?】

【Record it,】 Lin Su responded, his smile especially gentle. 

Unlike the rushed journey with Yun Hui, Lin Su and Shen Tang were traveling to Jiangnan by a large boat, taking the scenic water route. They leisurely brought the latest items from the capital and disembarked at various points along the way to explore and enjoy the local customs for two or three days at each stop.

Both men were strikingly handsome, but Shen Tang's charm carried an air of flirtatious allure, which seemed to put him at a slight disadvantage compared to Lin Su's mature and steady demeanor. Consequently, the women on the streets often directed their glances at Lin Su, leaving Shen Tang to simmer in jealousy.

"Sir, this is a sachet my lady embroidered. She would like to invite you to her boat for a chat," a young maid said, her face flushing as she approached Lin Su.

This gentleman was exceedingly handsome, no wonder her lady had taken a liking to him at first sight, casting aside her reserve for an invitation.

Shen Tang's smile barely held, and he scoffed, "May I join as well?"

The maid glanced at Shen Tang, furrowing her brows slightly. "My lady is still unmarried; it's inappropriate for her to meet with too many men."

Shen Tang ground his teeth, while the servant behind him struggled to contain his laughter. It was the first time their master had been snubbed like this.

Seeing that if he didn't intervene, his peacock at home might turn into a fiery phoenix, Lin Su smiled and said, "Thank you for the invitation, but I already have a family, so it wouldn't be appropriate."

"Oh?" The maid looked disappointed but had no choice but to leave, casting several reluctant glances back as she walked away.

Once the maid was gone, Shen Tang glared at Lin Su. "You certainly have a knack for attracting admirers, Madam."

"Not as much as you, who is famous throughout the capital," Lin Su retorted.

Feeling somewhat guilty, Shen Tang scrunched his nose and wrapped his arms around Lin Su's waist. "Let's walk like this."

Lin Su leaned in and gave him a brief kiss on the ear, causing a wave of gasps from the surrounding onlookers.

"Turns out they're cut-sleeve lovers..."

"Looks like they're married too, what a perfect couple."

"Though one of them does seem rather flirtatious."

The hushed discussions around them were manageable. A servant following behind asked, "Young master, I've heard that the courtesan at Peony Pavilion is excellent at playing the qin and dancing. Shall we invite her for a performance tonight?"

Shen Tang regretted mentioning the beauties of Jiangnan, realizing now that his interest in the group dances might invite misunderstandings, especially with his spouse present. No beauty could compare to even a fraction of his dear spouse. He turned and glared at the servant. "Do not bring this up again!"

"Why not bring it up?" Lin Su mused. "I've never seen Jiangnan dances. It would be a shame to miss out. Didn't you say you wanted to relax before we came?"

Shen Tang met his gaze, feeling like he'd shot himself in the foot.

Is there any way to take it back?

Yet, Lin Su, who usually understood him easily, seemed oblivious today. "A dance can be entertaining. It might even inspire new music. Don't you agree, husband?"

"Dance... it doesn't necessarily have to be performed by the beauties here, right?" Shen Tang said, bracing himself.

Lin Su made a thoughtful sound. "If not by the beauties here, then will you dance for me?"

"Sure," Shen Tang agreed quickly, immediately regretting it.

Before he could backtrack, Lin Su smiled and said, "A gentleman must keep his word. It's settled then."

Shen Tang: "???"

Why is he having a streak of bad luck lately?

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