It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 43


IETSTSMLARA | The Richest Merchant In The World | 43

Surely, Shen Tang must have offended some deity recently, given his string of bad luck. But even as he mentally pleaded to various gods for forgiveness, he knew he still had to dance. If he didn't, he'd have to find a beauty to dance in his place.

As a husband who doted on his wife, dancing was not a difficult task. After all, men could perform sword dances too.

However, Shen Tang couldn't help but feel nervous when he saw the specially tailored dance costume. He turned to Lin Su and asked, "Do I really have to wear this?!"

Lin Su chuckled. "No need to worry, dear. I'm the only one who will be enjoying your dancing."

Shen Tang felt slightly reassured. It wasn't so embarrassing to make a fool of himself in front of just his spouse, especially considering it wasn't the first time he'd embarrassed himself.

While many women were renowned for their dancing, Lin Su felt that none could compare to his peacock's unabashed display of beauty.

Once Shen Tang agreed to dance, he didn't hesitate or falter. With a masculine grace blended with flexibility, he exuded an infinite charm.

As Lin Su's fingers danced across the strings, the melody filled the air, drawing countless inquiries from passing boats. Unfortunately, they all left disappointed, as the song remained a mystery.

Though the sound of the qin didn't fill the night, the cabin lights remained on throughout, until Lin Su carefully folded the scattered dance costume and locked it away in a box, saying it was a keepsake for memories.

Meanwhile, Shen Tang lay with his arm over his eyes, resolving never to offend his wife who might displease his wife again. He held grudges far too well, and he couldn't risk it, though he certainly couldn't voice these thoughts in his presence.

As the affair with the beauties came to an end, Lin Su busied himself with purchasing numerous shops along the way, spending a considerable sum.

 Yet, he had a keen eye for promising businesses, and once they were open, the crowds flocked in. Shen Tang had no doubt that by the time they returned, the profits from these shops would more than make up for the initial investment.

With the reputation of the Imperial Merchant, even the local ruffians dared not cause trouble. 

Even the officials offered their protection. Shen Tang truly appreciated the benefits of their partnership, and his admiration for Lin Su reached new heights.

"I don't know how I've been so fortunate to meet you, Madam," Shen Tang mused as he lay on Lin Su's lap, gazing at the moonlit river.

"I think that's something I should be saying," Lin Su replied with a smile.

Whenever they were together, Shen Tang couldn't help but feel in high spirits. "You, with your silver tongue, could convince countless people to follow you, even without any material possessions."

"Having you alone is enough." Lin Su patted his cheek gently. “Stop overthinking.”

“I was complimenting you,” Shen Tang remarked. He used to think that the lovers depicted in novels were always overly sentimental, but now that he was experiencing it himself, he understood that even when your beloved was right in front of you, you could still long for them.

“Thank you for the praise, husband,” Lin Su accepted with a smile.

As they journeyed through the water towns of Jiangnan, the waterways were clear, and though there were still some destitute people, the overall cleanliness and the hopeful expressions on people's faces indicated a promising future.

The women in the water towns were gentler in demeanor compared to those in the north, as if they had been cleansed by the water itself. They spoke softly and delicately.

However, no matter how soft-spoken they were, Shen Tang remained aloof and cold, setting an example of a proper husband by not even glancing at them. After all, even a single glance made his back ache, and he had a legitimate reason to prevent his wife from looking.

Dealing with these situations was a bit taxing for the servants, as they had to constantly refuse the advances of those attracted by their presence. Most were understanding, but there were some who were willing to become concubines for two men.

Shen Tang dealt with these situations ruthlessly, like a gust of wind sweeping away fallen leaves. “A virtuous woman would never willingly degrade herself and offer herself as a concubine. Perhaps it's because of lax upbringing that someone would become so shameless as to sell themselves,” he declared.

The girl with red eyes covered her face and fled, leaving Shen Tang feeling no guilt as he folded his fan. He was about to return to his wife to boast of his achievements when he heard a familiar voice. “Jingchen?”

Following the voice, Shen Tang's eyes widened as he saw the figure he recognized. “Zi Yu? What are you doing here? When did you arrive?”

“Not long ago. I just finished watching the entire process of you arguing with that girl,” Yun Hui laughed.

Though only half a year had passed, his temperament had undergone earth-shaking changes, losing some of the frailty of a scholar, and actually becoming somewhat as hard as a rock.

Shen Tang felt a bit embarrassed. “Apologies you had to see that, Zi Yu.”

"It was nothing much, I was just looking around." Yun Hui glanced around and then greeted Lin Su with a nod, "Long time no see, Brother Lin."

Although he knew Lin Su's name, to avoid causing trouble for him, Yun Hui refrained from addressing him directly.

Lin Su stood up and gestured for Yun Hui to take a seat, "Long time no see, Brother Zi Yu. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. It's been several months since we last met. If you hadn't initiated the conversation, I might not have dared to recognize you."

"You flatter me, Brother Lin." Yun Hui casually sat down in the tea house. He was not wearing official attire, just a plain blue robe, yet when passing pedestrians saw him, they would bow respectfully before leaving. Even the owner of the tea house politely served him tea, calling him "Master Yun."

Though the reception was warm, it was not intrusive.

Yun Hui was in charge of managing the waterways, effectively serving as the local magistrate. If not genuinely beloved by the people as a father, he wouldn't receive such respectful treatment.

As Yun Hui took his seat, a youthful-looking boy followed behind him, diligently wiping the table. Even the owner of the tea house found himself with nothing to do but offer tea. He addressed the boy as "Master Yun," reflecting both respect and familiarity.

The boy's actions were diligent but unobtrusive, and he didn't interrupt conversations. After finishing his tasks, he stood to the side, his eyes sparkling with liveliness.

Though young-faced, with fair skin and bright, lively eyes, the boy looked like a young master from a prestigious family. Seeing Lin Su and the others engage in conversation, Shen Tang couldn't be bothered to join in. He occasionally interjected with anecdotes but his attention was drawn to the boy, whom he invited over for a chat.

"How old are you, little one?" Shen Tang teased the boy like he would a child.

"I'm not a little one. I'm sixteen this year, and I'll be an adult in a few years." The boy's voice was clear and bright, akin to the flowing waters of the region.

Shen Tang became interested, "Do you always follow your master? How long have you been with him? What does he usually do?"

The boy glanced at Yun Hui who nodded, then quickly approached Shen Tang.

"I've been following Master since he arrived. I take care of his daily needs. As for what Master does, I'm not knowledgeable about scholarly matters, so I don't know."

"Hasn't your master taught you to read?" Shen Tang wasn't concerned about Yun Hui's daily activities; he was merely curious and found the conversation amusing.

"Yes, Master has taught me, but I'm just not good at it. I can't seem to learn no matter how hard I try. It's not Master's fault." The boy's round eyes flashed with a hint of embarrassment.

"You're just making excuses. As the saying goes, 'If the learner isn't taught, it's the father's fault. If the learner fails, it's the teacher's fault.' If you can't learn, it's because your teacher hasn't taught you well." Shen Tang enjoyed bantering with the clever boy.

Though the boy was quick-witted, he truly struggled with academics. Unable to outsmart Shen Tang, who was once known for his eloquence, his fair face turned red with frustration, "You're Master's friend, how can you say something like that about him?"

"You're so protective, are you in love with your master?" Shen Tang tapped his gilded folding fan. Just as he felt pleased with himself, Lin Su reached over and pinched his waist as a reminder.

Though the boy might have feelings for his master, the customs here favored subtlety. Being confronted so directly left him standing in place, cheeks flushed and tears welling up in his eyes, "You're talking nonsense, you... you're not a gentleman!"

Shen Tang hadn't expected to make the boy cry and felt uneasy, especially under Yun Hui's gaze. Yun Hui pulled the boy to sit beside him, handing him a handkerchief and comforting him, "He often likes to tease people. You don't need to pay him any mind."

The boy tried to hold back his tears, and Yun Hui turned his gaze towards Shen Tang, saying, "Before I left the capital, Jingchen gave me a gift, which I haven't yet reciprocated. Now, it seems I owe him."

It wasn't a gift; it was clearly settling a score.

Shen Tang chuckled awkwardly and said to the boy, "Don't be angry. I'm usually quite outspoken, and today I felt close to you, so I said a few more words than I should have. I apologize. If you feel offended, I'll try to be more restrained in the future and not offend you."

The boy looked up at Yun Hui, then said to Shen Tang, "It's okay, I was being too sensitive. Please don't blame me for my rudeness."

"No blame at all." Shen Tang smiled and then turned to Yun Hui , saying, "I've apologized to your companion, and he's forgiven me. Can we skip the gifts?"

Yun Hui glanced at Lin Su. Seeing him indifferent, he knew they were just joking with each other, "Sure, no problem. As for the gift Jingchen gave me before leaving the capital, the album is still well-preserved and has been quite enlightening. I'll collect ten times the amount of information on Jiangnan and send it to Brother Lin soon as a reference."

"Thank you, Brother Zi Yu, for your generous gift," Lin Su responded.

"Why not give it to me?" Shen Tang's expression turned subtle.

"What use would it be to give it to you?" Yun Hui lifted his teacup, sipping leisurely.

Shen Tang: "..."

Yun Hui, you've changed. You're no longer the pure Yun Hui from before! Look at all the nonsense you've learned. Don't you know that gentlemen don't speak improperly?

Wait, why would it be useless to give it to him? Shen Tang glared at Yun Hui, "Do you know something?"

"How would I know anything? Why not let Jingchen explain," Yun Hui gracefully smiled.

Shen Tang couldn't possibly reveal it; if he guessed wrong, their identities as husband and wife would be exposed. As the last bastion of defense as a husband, this matter must be kept hidden.

"Nothing much, thank you for your kindness, Brother Zi Yu," Shen Tang felt he really needed to go seek a protective amulet.

Meeting old friends in a foreign land was a cause for joy. The teahouse wasn't a place for long conversations, so Yun Hui invited them to his residence directly. Despite being a fourth-ranking official, his living quarters were simple and clean. 

Though the courtyard wasn't large, it was spacious enough for Lin Su and his entourage. "I was still wondering where to stay, but staying here is much cheaper, and I can also teach the young lad to read and write," Shen Tang, though preferring spaciousness, wasn't the least bit unhappy. 

Besides, he was in high spirits with the turn of events.

"In that case, I look forward to it," Yun Hui smiled.

After settling in their respective quarters, Yun Hui had to attend to official duties, leaving the boy Ming Zhao to serve as a guide. Ming Zhao, true to his name, had a smile that could dispel any darkness from one's heart.

Shen Tang, rarely in the role of a teacher, was enthusiastic, but he paused when he learned about the boy's background. Unlike what he had imagined, the boy came from a modest background, orphaned by a flood. He survived thanks to Yun Hui's rescue, who provided medical treatment and employment afterward.

"With a roof over my head and food to eat, I'll never forget Master Yun's kindness," the boy emphasized. "So you mustn't speak ill of him. He's the best person in the world."

Shen Tang pondered, feeling fortunate that he had agreed to Lin Su's donation of three million taels for disaster relief.

"You don't need to worry; I wouldn't dare speak ill of him," Shen Tang chuckled.

"That would be best," Ming Zhao nodded. "Actually, I know you're a good person too. Master Yun said the success of this flood control and the availability of food and medicine were all thanks to the silver donated by the Shen family in the capital. I shouldn't have said those things to you that day."

"Ah, don't worry about it. It's enough to keep the favor in mind. We should just maintain the teacher-student relationship," Shen Tang felt an urge to do more good deeds.

Sitting on vast wealth was nothing more than being a wealthy family. If he could save more people, dozens, hundreds, or even tens of thousands, would such merit allow him and Lin Su to meet and stay together for generations?

"Yes, sir, what does the phrase 'The bird of prey does not flock together, but rather is inherently so from past lives' mean?" Ming Zhao asked, looking up.

Shen Tang attempted to read the phrase but was left with a headache from the whole passage. "Learning characters must start from the simplest. It's not feasible to run before you can walk. Starting today, you'll copy the Thousand Character Classic first, then the Three-Character Primer. We'll talk about it after you've learned them."

"Yes," Ming Zhao complied obediently, letting Shen Tang off the hook successfully.

Unlike Shen Tang's leisure, Lin Su was busier. Jiangnan was ripe for development, but it required time and effort to manage it comprehensively. Nevertheless, every time Shen Tang sought him out, Lin Su was available.

"Wife, how about we donate more money to various places?" Shen Tang returned excitedly. "The money donated that day saved many lives. If we could save the common people from floods and fires..."

He rambled on, and Lin Su listened attentively until Shen Tang stopped, his face full of excitement. "What do you think?"

In a different era, it would be a great thing indeed. However, in this era, overly consolidating public support could be seen as challenging royal authority.

But Shen Tang's heart was kind, and kindness should not be stifled. After a moment of thought, Lin Su suggested, "Perhaps we could approach it differently."

Shen Tang was puzzled. "How differently?"

"Instead of directly donating money, why not take action yourself? Establish private schools, hire teachers to educate children who can't attend public schools, or improve the trade routes to remote villages, connecting them to the outside world. It doesn't have to be limited to these ideas; it just requires some effort. What do you think?" Lin Su explained patiently.

"Mutual benefit." Shen Tang pondered the deeper meaning behind his words and suddenly understood.

Donating money as a wealthy merchant was charitable, but continuous donations might arouse suspicion of buying public favor. Moreover, some places might not need relief and could even fall victim to corrupt officials misappropriating funds.

Lin Su must have considered all this but didn't want to dampen Shen Tang's enthusiasm.

"Wife, you truly have the talent of a sage." Shen Tang's admiration for him grew, feeling deeply touched.

Even parents sometimes might not support his whimsical ideas as seriously as Lin Su does. He listens attentively to every word and carefully considers them.

"If you're unwilling, I could just marry you as my husband in the future," Shen Tang conceded, showing great determination. He didn't regret it, even if everyone knew he was the wife.

"What nonsense are you talking about, husband?" Lin Su chuckled. "You married me with all the proper ceremonies. Are you suggesting you want to divorce me and remarry?"

"Of course not," Shen Tang didn't want to go through all that trouble. What if something happened, and his wife wasn't his anymore? He'd regret it terribly.

"Well, then it's perfect as it is now. No need for any changes," Lin Su replied casually.

Shen Tang suddenly felt like his hesitation wasn't so important after all. "You're just concerned about appearances and what others might say, aren't you?"

"Would it change our relationship?" Lin Su countered.

"No, it wouldn't," Shen Tang admitted.

"Well then, there's no need to change anything," Lin Su smiled. "Husband, don't overthink it."

"Oh..." Shen Tang felt like he had worried for nothing.

Nevertheless, he was very dedicated to doing good deeds, even more so than to his own business. He planned meticulously, even going to the extent of researching local customs and cultures, which piqued Lin Su's curiosity.

During one of Shen Tang's busy moments, Lin Su casually asked, "Why are you so enthusiastic about doing good deeds?"

"To accumulate merit," Shen Tang casually replied, but then realizing his mistake, he stared at Lin Su warily. "Don't try to trick me!"

Accumulating merit for the sake of meeting again and again across lifetimes was too shameful, not fitting the intelligent image of the young master of the Shen family.

But Lin Su was perceptive. Just from that sentence, he recalled Shen Tang's remark on the boat, feeling that he was genuinely concerned about accumulating merit.

Shen Tang hoped for another encounter, and Lin Su didn't mind. If they were to meet again in another world, perhaps he would still choose this person, just for that moment of emotional connection.

Their journey in Jiangnan wasn't all about business; as the host, Yun Hui would often lead them out to explore the local sights and scenery during his breaks. And to avoid any awkwardness, Shen Tang brought along young Ming Zhao as well. With all four of them being strikingly handsome, they undoubtedly attracted many onlookers during their outings.

But the four of them were content. Ming Zhao was simple-minded, Yun Hui was used to being observed by others, as for Shen Tang, he hadn't felt anything even during the busy crowds in the past, and Lin Su, as mentioned by System 06, had the thickest skin among the three of them, so being watched didn't bother him much.

Ming Zhao was the most cheerful, always curious about new things. Occasionally, his eyes would brighten up when he saw something interesting.

"Do you like this inkstone?" Yun Hui followed his gaze and asked with a smile.

Ming Zhao came back to his senses and shook his head. "Just thought it looked similar to the one Master uses, so I looked at it a few times."

"Pine and bamboo, this inkstone is quite unique. How much is it worth?" Shen Tang asked as he approached the shopkeeper.

"Not much, just two taels of silver," the shopkeeper replied, his smile deepening as he looked at Shen Tang's luxurious attire.

Shen Tang looked at Yun Hui and said, "It's not very expensive."

Two qian of silver was less than the price of a dish for Young Master Shen, but for Yun Hui, who was an honest and upright official, it was not a small amount.

"If you like it, shall I buy it for you? I've been practicing calligraphy lately, and a good inkstone can last for years," Yun Hui said to Ming Zhao.

However, Ming Zhao shook his head vigorously like a rattle drum, "No, no, how can I use your money, sir? I'll come back and buy it when I have enough money one day."

The shopkeeper chimed in, "Ah, this good inkstone is appreciated by many connoisseurs. If you come across a buyer, it won't be kept for long."

Those with market experience knew this was a sales tactic, but Ming Zhao, clearly unaware, looked slightly dejected without realizing it himself.

"Can’t you keep one on hold for us?" Shen Tang had been merely teasing the child, not intending to make him genuinely upset. He turned to the shopkeeper and said.

The shopkeeper laughed awkwardly, "Well, we don't have such a thing in this business."

"That's fine," Shen Tang agreed. Lin Su, standing nearby, stepped forward and said, "Your shop is valued at six hundred and sixty taels of silver. How about I give you double to buy it outright?"

"Ah, this..." The shopkeeper was clearly taken aback by the silver placed on the table by Lin Su. 

The next moment, he beamed with joy and said, "Young master, you're truly knowledgeable in business. We won't haggle with you with this deal."

Shen Tang and Lin Su exchanged a glance, their smiles deepening unconsciously. Shen Tang snapped open his folding fan and said, "Now it can be kept. Little Ming Zhao, come back and buy it when you have saved enough money one day."

Not only was the shopkeeper stunned, but even little Ming Zhao widened his eyes in surprise, "I can't accept this without doing anything in return... it's really not appropriate."

Yun Hui sighed and said, "In that case, shopkeeper, wrap it up for me. Today, I'll consider it a loan to you. You can return the money when you have saved enough."

Ming Zhao nodded repeatedly, his eyes clearly filled with joy.

The shop assistants and the shopkeeper were busy, while Shen Tang, covering his mouth with his fan, leaned towards Lin Su and said, "I didn't expect Zi Yu to be so oblivious to romance, making my efforts seem in vain."

"Thank you for your effort, my husband," Lin Su laughed.

He didn't think Yun Hui's handling of the situation was inappropriate; rather, he found the child's pure-heartedness to be quite precious.

After all, not everyone grew up receiving countless gifts like Young Master Shen.

Young Master Shen enjoyed both gourmet delicacies and street food. As they strolled along, Lin Su would buy whatever caught Shen Tang's eye, and it was not uncommon for them to occasionally buy out an entire shop when overwhelmed by the variety.

Ming Zhao, holding the candied hawthorn given by Shen Tang, was astonished by such a grand gesture. The amount of money spent was more than he had ever seen in his life. But what surprised him even more was the subtle intimacy between the two. Though they were husband and wife, some of their actions were indeed blush-inducing.

Although the atmosphere of the current dynasty was not overly reserved, it had not yet reached this level of openness. Observing this vaguely, he felt deeply envious, yet the usually proper official had no objections to their behavior.

"Sir, do you not find this improper?" Ming Zhao asked softly.

Yun Hui smiled, "It's alright. Jingchen has always been thick-skinned. If he doesn't think it's improper, why should we?"

Ming Zhao: "..."

Sir, didn't you previously teach that one should not speak, look, or listen to what is inappropriate?

Shen Tang heard this exchange clearly and turned around, only to see Yun Hui giving him a somewhat provocative look.

Who exactly is the thick-skinned one here?

He regretted it. He shouldn't have given that "Book of Longyang" back then. Please bring back the pure-hearted Brother Zi Yu!

Life cannot be reset; one can only move forward. Since Young Master Shen brought this upon himself, he had to see it through, even if it meant doing so on his knees.

This trip to Jiangnan was quite convenient with Yun Hui around. The Shen family had already scouted most of the shops they wanted. The previous issues with the shops didn't even require Lin Su's intervention; Shen Tang himself was able to root out those parasites.

Young Master Shen seemed very good-natured and easy to talk to now, but previously, when he managed the Shen family alone, he had to be extremely decisive and efficient. Otherwise, the Shen family would have collapsed long ago. 

On this trip, anyone who dared to touch the Shen family's silver was severely dealt with—those seriously guilty were handed over to the authorities and forced to return the money, while those less guilty were simply expelled, and their dishonesty was made known.

Since they dared to reach out, they couldn't blame others for not showing mercy.

Due to his resolute actions, Young Master Shen received endless praise from Lin Su. The screen feathers behind him were constantly glowing, as if competing with the sun in brilliance. Consequently, he felt even more motivated.

It was as if he was caught in a loop—doing well led to praise from his spouse, which in turn made him more motivated to work hard, which then led to more praise.

By the time the peacock realized this cycle, they had already left Jiangnan.

Regarding this, Lin Su said, "Seeing my husband achieve so much makes my heart flutter with admiration every time I see him."

Shen Tang, feeling extremely excited, wanted to perform an impromptu sword dance to express his emotions. "Ahem, truly?"

"Truly," Lin Su replied earnestly, looking at him.

System 06 gathered some data and found that apart from an accelerated heartbeat during intimate moments, the host's heartbeat was otherwise remarkably steady, steady enough to lull a fawn to sleep.

However, the impact of Lin Su's words made Young Master Shen feel like a restless fawn. If Lin Su hadn't taken him away, he could have stayed up all night reading the account books.

"My husband is naturally accomplished at a young age, but if you ruin your health by overworking, I will be heartbroken," Lin Su said, and this single sentence made Young Master Shen obediently go to sleep.

The trip to Jiangnan was very fruitful. The Shen family, with the status of imperial merchants, had accumulated unimaginable wealth. 

Although there were always voices in the court opposing the excessive wealth of the imperial merchants, fearing it could disrupt the social order of scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants, these voices were silenced when the Shen family and other wealthy merchants donated large sums of money during times of national crisis.

With the soldiers well-fed and equipped with excellent weapons, not only was the border crisis resolved, but they also pushed into enemy territory. This battle ensured decades of peace on the border.

After the dust settled, the status of merchants significantly improved. Although they couldn't surpass the status of farmers, the emperor, showing special grace, allowed the children of merchants who had donated during the national crisis to participate in the imperial examinations.

This move shocked the court but met with little opposition.

Ten years into Shen Tang and Lin Su's marriage, Madam Shen, at an advanced age, gave birth to another son for Young Master Shen, providing him with a younger brother.

With the elderly couple needing more care themselves, Madam Shen handed the child over to Shen Tang and Lin Su after weaning, only occasionally playing with him. This effectively turned her son into a grandparent's plaything.

Faced with this little dough-like child, Shen Tang was afraid of bruising him with even the slightest touch. He feared he might break if held him. Watching Lin Su expertly making the little one giggle, Shen Tang could only muster one sentence: "My wife is truly a virtuous mother. If you could bear children, ours would surely be even cuter than this little one."

System 06 quickly brought out the data ledger.

Because of this remark, the increasingly radiant Young Master Shen was truly subjected to an experiment, with Lin Su attempting to see if he could conceive a child.

Young Master Shen was like a delicate flower that had been ravaged, and his whole body was miserable: "I really can't bear children..."

His downfall lay in his own words. He resolved never to provoke his wife again.

The little dough's nickname was "Dough," given by Shen Tang.

His name was Shen Xuan, chosen by Lin Su, not aspiring to titles and power, but to possess qualities as fine as beautiful jade.

Little Shen Xuan is indeed wise, truly capable of composing poetry at the age of three. Lin Su taught him everything quickly, and at such a young age, his name has spread throughout the capital.

Because the little guy has been sticking to Lin Su, it has made Shen Tang jealous for a while, as if he were not his own brother, but picked up from the roadside. From this, he also somewhat understands why he always felt like he was picked up in front of his parents.

The little one is cute and cuddly, but their affection for each other really gets in the way.

Lin Su teaches Shen Xuan poetry, literature, and etiquette, without even needing to invite a master. Shen Tang teaches the little one to climb trees and practice martial arts, without needing to invite a martial arts master.

It's naturally great that little Shen Xuan's name has spread throughout the capital, but becoming too famous has inadvertently revealed Lin Su's identity as Mr. Yan Gui.

For a while, the Shen family's gate was crowded with visitors, a group of scholars came to visit, and words of admiration were endless.

"These people are really crazy." Shen Tang looked at the stack of invitations handed over, unable to help feeling sour and jealous. Look at these worshipful invitations? They're clearly marriage proposals.

What 'wild geese yearn for', what 'lotus sheds tears hoping for your mercy', what 'if the tune is wrong, Zhou Lang takes notice'.

Clearly, they want to marry Lin Su and don't even care about their dignity.

"I'm so mad." Shen Tang looked at those invitations, wanting to burn them all.

Shen Xuan was writing something on the side, and seeing his anxious posture, he said, "Brother, there's no need to worry, Sister-in-law has never glanced at those people."

"You don't understand. If you have the best person in the world, you certainly wouldn't want others to even look at them." Shen Tang naturally believed in Lin Su, but he still had to feel jealous.

The palace is strict everywhere, and on the table in the inner hall, there are several calligraphy and paintings spread out.

"Mr. Yan Gui..." Xiao Shao lightly brushed over them as if afraid of staining the already dried ink marks, "How much talent has he not yet shown to Us? Yun Aiqing, do you know about Lin Su's pseudonym Yan Gui?"

Yun Hui returned to the court from Jiangnan several years ago and is now a second-rank official. It's only a matter of time before he enters the cabinet and is appointed as a minister at such a young age.

He still wore official robes, with a hint of elegance that others lacked. "Your Majesty, I dare not deceive you. I have known about it for many years, but I didn't know Your Majesty was also interested in Mr. Yan Gui's calligraphy."

"His calligraphy could be passed down through the ages. Look, who could surpass him?" The Emperor sighed, "Such a talent, if he were my subject, he would assist in my eternal achievements."

This praise carried great significance. Yun Hui bowed and replied, "Your Majesty's favor towards Brother Yan Gui is his fortune, but he may not have such aspirations."

How could Xiao Shao be unaware? 

He had once been wary of Lin Su, but over the years, Lin Su had never overstepped his bounds. He rarely interacted with officials in the court. Xiao Shao used to think he had cut off Lin Su's path, but over the years, it was clear that Lin Su's ambitions lay elsewhere. He had no intention of entering the court.

"Enough, let those scholars who besiege his door disperse. They must not disturb him without permission." Xiao Shao rolled up the calligraphy and paintings, saying, "You may leave."

As the Emperor, he couldn't indulge in whims, so let Lin Su indulge in his whims for his whole life.

The rumors in the capital had not even touched upon Lin Su when Shen Tang intervened and stopped them completely. However, he did notice that someone was aiding him. When he investigated, he found it was the current Minister of Works, Yun Hui. 

However, Yun Hui didn't intervene directly in the matter; it must have been someone higher up.

Shen Tang had originally intended to keep this matter secret. However, as he walked to the pavilion and saw the person sitting quietly underneath, the wind outside seemed to be stirring up his clothes, even the falling petals seemed to cast down on him. Only that person remained calm, just as stunning and intoxicating as when they first met.

Lin Su sensed someone looking over and when he saw his peacock standing there dumbfounded, its peach blossom eyes seemed mesmerized, he stood up and waved a book in front of him, "What are you staring at?"

Shen Tang suddenly snapped out of it, trying to shift his gaze but unable to. He simply smiled, "Who else is there to look at? The beauty of this garden can't compare to even a fraction of my wife."

After years of immersion, Shen Tang had also acquired some of Lin Su's eloquence. It would have been better if he didn't blush or feel his heart race when speaking.

Lin Su chuckled and took his hand, leading him to sit in the pavilion, "Thank you for the compliment, husband. What brings you to find me?"

This time, Shen Tang shifted his gaze and recounted the happenings in the capital, "I've resolved this matter for you. However, the trouble was solved from someone higher up. After all these years, he still has a whole bunch of concubines and sons in his harem, yet he still has thoughts about you."

A big radish with a wandering eye even coveted his wife.

"Are you treating him like a rabbit, like he has a huge nest?" Lin Su didn't mind others having thoughts about him. As long as that person kept their distance and didn't come to disturb, what harm would it be if they thought about him a little? 

But he couldn’t say that to Shen Tang. "Then I'll go to the palace tomorrow and reject him, so he won't dare to have thoughts about me anymore, how about that?"

"No, no!" Shen Tang quickly stopped him. "You going there would be like a sheep entering a tiger's den!"

There was no way to argue against that. It was inappropriate to bring up this matter in front of his wife.

Lin Su shrugged. "Then what do you suggest?"

Shen Tang found himself at a loss and could only keep a closer eye on his wife.

Among the flowers, despite playful banter, there was a sense of peaceful years.

The flowers had bloomed and fallen for decades. Even though Shen Tang had practiced martial arts since childhood and paid great attention to his health, he had reached the end. 

With white hair and still a strong sense of vanity, feeling the passage of life, he didn't want to die in a cold room but instead be held by Lin Su lying in the flowers. "I wonder if my merits in this life could be exchanged for meeting you again in the next life?"

"Of course they can," Lin Su squeezed his hand. "Even if I drank the Meng Po soup, crossed the Naihe Bridge, I would still fall in love with you at first sight when I see you again."

He had said countless sweet words in his life, but this sentence reassured Shen Tang the most, comforting him to rest peacefully here.

Lin Su held his hand, feeling the coldness of his fingertips. Shen Tang had suffered in his earlier years, even though he had recovered later, his life was not as long as Shen Tang's. Life in this era was not particularly long; Yun Hui had already passed away, Shen Tang had done countless good deeds in his life, living a long life, and had not suffered much in his later years.

Since they had agreed to spend their lives together, Lin Su would accompany him for as long as he lived. Now, it had finally come to an end.

【System 06, let's go.】

The two figures were concealed by the flowers, as if sleeping in the midst of them, unaware of the passing of time.

Lin Su returned to the system space, knowing that their bodies would be properly buried by future generations and did not worry. Now, he was just waiting for the system's evaluation.

【System evaluation: The task completion evaluation is A-grade. Task one earned four million star coins, task two earned five million star coins, with an additional bonus of five million star coins, totaling fourteen million, already deposited into the account. 

Reason for score downgrade: Hindered the protagonist's career development and clashed with their luck. 

Reason for additional bonus: Prompted the protagonist to attain the position of a supreme minister, fulfilling his lifelong aspiration and saving countless people from disaster.】

The world revolves around Yun Hui as the main protagonist. When Xiao Huang and Yun Hui drifted apart, he actually lost the identity he should have had. The additional bonus should be more attributed to the good deeds done, which is not bad.

【Host, this is your second time receiving an A-grade, don't give up on yourself.】 System 06 suggested, 【There can be a second time, but not a third or fourth.】

【06, you don't understand, there's a difference between being in love and purely pursuing a career.】 Lin Su chuckled.

Purely pursuing a career doesn't involve personal preferences, but being in love certainly does.

System 06 realized that it indeed didn't understand: 【Hmm, the host still needs to strive, you can't just go with the flow. Being in love is important, and maintaining a good score record is also important.】

Lin Su felt that System 06 truly was a bachelor advocate: 【Alright, let's start the next world.】

【System prompt 06, world loading, memory transfer in progress...】

When Lin Su's consciousness returned, he heard exclamations around him.

"He's awake..."

"That's great, that's great..."


Lin Su was barely conscious, only managing to exchange for a recovery potion from the system, then lost consciousness again due to a headache.

Thank you, System 06, for finally letting him lie in bed this time.

However, when Lin Su opened his eyes again and looked around and at his hands, he let out a sigh. His voice was hoarse, but extremely tender and soft, indistinguishable between male and female.

【System 06, you did great.】Lin Su smiled.

System 06 seemed quite embarrassed: 【Sorry, host, I was only focused on searching for a world with a bed.】

Who would have thought that the host lying in bed would actually turn into a little kid? 

Oh well, Lin Su had also been a child before, so he might as well embrace it.

As Lin Su just opened his eyes, he was urgently grabbed by a nearby adorable little child with fair and tender skin. The little one, teary-eyed, said, "Brother, brother, you're awake..."

The child had big eyes and long eyelashes, looking extremely cute and angelic, like a little angel descending from heaven. Lin Su was amazed when he looked at him: 【He's really cute.】

System 06 began reciting the laws of the original world regarding the healthy growth of children, and after finishing, asked, 【Are you really interested, host?】

【Am I a beast?】 Lin Su retorted.

System 06 analyzed for a moment and replied, 【According to data statistics, it seems so.】

Lin Su: 【...I just simply find him cute.】

Even if he were a beast, he wouldn't be interested in such a young child.

System 06: 【I'm sorry for slandering you, host, but this child looks exactly like you and even has a direct blood relationship with you. Please refrain from getting involved even after he reaches adulthood.】 

The system was truly concerned about the host's healthy growth.

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