It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 49


IETSTSMLARA | It's Hard Being an Uncle | 49

Lin Su hadn’t walked very far when he was caught up. Wei Yuan ran urgently and was out of breath when he stopped, but he couldn’t say anything after blocking the way.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to speak, but Lin Su’s gaze was too calm—so calm that it made him feel uneasy and even afraid to ask what that kiss meant.

For the first time in his life, he loved someone, but it seemed like he had messed everything up.

“Uncle, it’s not gentlemanly to leave a lady alone,” Lin Su said, looking at him.

“What did you mean just now?” Wei Yuan finally asked, his heart in his throat, as if it could leap out at any moment.

“A goodbye kiss,” Lin Su said with a wry smile. “I’m sorry to have interrupted your date.”

He turned to leave, but Wei Yuan reached out to stop him, saying, “I don’t like her.”

“Then do you like me?” Lin Su asked, meeting his gaze levelly.

“Yes…” Wei Yuan’s heart was full of eagerness as he expressed his feelings. “But we…”

“Liking me and then going on a date with someone else, Uncle… Wei Yuan, you’re a liar. I won’t believe you anymore.” Lin Su pushed down his arm. “Don’t follow me again. Don’t make me hate you.”

Wei Yuan’s hand, which tried to stop him, paused, and he could only watch Lin Su’s figure disappear, standing there in a daze, not knowing how to make amends.

Wang Xinrui had already left. Zhai Lu came out of the restaurant and looked at Wei Yuan’s back with eyes full of worry.

Women are the most sensitive. If she couldn’t see what had happened just now, she would have wasted all these years living.

Her son, Wei Yuan, had fallen in love with a man. The gender was irrelevant, but the person he liked was clearly one of the children he had adopted and raised from a young age. Not to mention the age difference, a gap of a full generation—how could such a relationship endure into old age?

No wonder he was heartbroken. At this point, it would be wise to turn back.

When Wei Yuan returned home, he didn't see Lin Su. He wasn’t surprised by this result, but he felt utterly exhausted.

He had received a kiss from the beloved young man, but before he could savor it, he had lost him.

Lin Su liked him too, or perhaps he had said it many times already. He had carefully approached and expressed his love, but Wei Yuan had ignored it all.

“Sir, is Young Master Lin Su not coming back tonight?” Aunt Jiang asked. “Should we call to find out what's going on?”

“You call him,” Wei Yuan said, unable to hide his despondency in his tone. If he called, the young man might not answer, but he was really worried.

Aunt Jiang sensed something was wrong with his state and picked up the landline to dial Lin Su’s number. The phone didn’t ring more than twice before it was answered. Since Aunt Jiang had put it on speaker, a familiar voice came through: “Hello?”

Wei Yuan instinctively straightened his posture.

Aunt Jiang asked, “Young Master Lin Su, are you not coming back tonight? Where are you going?”

“Um, I’m going on a trip with some friends for a few days. I probably won’t be back. Could you please let Uncle know?” Lin Su's voice betrayed no hint of anything unusual.

Aunt Jiang exclaimed, “You’re going away without telling your uncle?”

“I’m almost an adult. Nothing will happen, don’t worry,” Lin Su said.

“Alright then.” Aunt Jiang laughed. “Sir is right here. Do you want to say something to him?”

“Xiao Su…” Wei Yuan called out, “When will you be back?”

Lin Su didn’t speak immediately. The silence was so profound that it seemed he had hung up the phone. 

Just when Wei Yuan’s heart tightened, he heard Lin Su say, “I’ll come back when Uncle has figured out what he truly wants. Otherwise, there’s no need for us to meet, is there?”

The phone call ended, and Wei Yuan lowered his head, suddenly feeling inferior to a child.

Aunt Jiang also realized that there might be some issues between the two of them. She cautiously asked, “Sir, did you have a disagreement with Young Master Lin Su?”

“I did something wrong.” Wei Yuan spoke up.

He was filled with regret, regretting going against his promises. He knew what he wanted but couldn’t have it, dared not have it. Yet amidst his regret, he still savored the softness and sweetness of that kiss.

He truly was a terrible person.

“A father and son shouldn’t hold grudges overnight. You usually have such a good relationship with Young Master Lin Su. Sit down and have a good talk with him. Clear up any misunderstandings,” Aunt Jiang advised. She was experienced and didn’t want to see them quarrel.

“I know. I need to think this through. You rest well,” Wei Yuan said, turning to go upstairs, his back stiff and straight.

He didn’t want to hurt him, but he couldn’t accept never seeing him again.

His young man seemed so soft, but when his heart hardened, it could leave people with broken heads and bleeding. He felt cold all over.

While Wei Yuan was contemplating what he wanted, Lin Su received an invitation from Zhai Lu.

When the tall and outstanding young man appeared in the cafe, he attracted countless stares. And when he greeted her and sat down, even Zhai Lu, who had seen countless beautiful men and women, couldn’t help but admire the young man's good looks and demeanor.

Interwoven with youthfulness and composure, his smile was inviting, making people want to get closer. Zhai Lu had seen his profile; such outstanding achievements weren’t something ordinary people could attain. With time, achieving success and fame wouldn’t be difficult for him.

If that were all, Zhai Lu would love a child like Lin Su. Wei Yuan had educated him well. But when it came to their future with Wei Yuan, she had to seriously consider their prospects.

“Hello, Auntie. Your necklace today matches your outfit very well,” Lin Su said with a smile.

Zhai Lu had heard many compliments like this before, but none felt as sincere and comforting as the words from this young man.

"You have such a sweet mouth. But according to age, you could easily call me Grandma," Zhai Lu smiled.

"You look so young. People would believe it if I called you sister on the street. Calling you grandma just doesn’t feel right," Lin Su chuckled.

Zhai Lu didn't dwell on this issue any longer and asked, "What would you like to drink? It’s my treat."

"Caramel latte," Lin Su ordered for himself.

As the waiter walked away, the two sat quietly. Lin Su smiled, not in a hurry. This calmness beyond his age made Zhai Lu somewhat amazed. She asked, "Do you want to study abroad?"

Lin Su was taken aback for a moment, then burst into laughter. "Auntie and Wei Yuan really do seem like mother and son."

"You know?" Zhai Lu was surprised. She hadn’t disclosed her identity when inviting Lin Su.

"I can tell. There’s a resemblance in their features," Lin Su smiled.

"What did you mean about the thing you said earlier?" Zhai Lu was curious.

Lin Su explained with a smile, "Uncle wanted to send Lin Ran’s lover abroad when he tried to separate them. Isn’t that just like mother and son?"

"You call him uncle and me auntie. Don’t you think you’re mixing up the generations?" Zhai Lu's tone carried a hint of seriousness.

In the past, when she spoke like this, even the most capable employees in the fashion industry would become cautious and careful. But the young man across from her seemed completely fearless.

Lin Su smiled, "Calling him uncle is just an affectionate term. In the future, I might still call him uncle, and perhaps call you mother."

"Young man, don’t think that just because my son likes you, you can enter the Wei family’s door," Zhai Lu's smile disappeared completely. "You should know, your identities, ages, and genders don’t match. Although you’re smart, sending you away is still easy for me."

Lin Su remained silent, just looking straight at Zhai Lu, as if assessing something. His gaze seemed to penetrate the heart, making Zhai Lu almost hesitant to meet his eyes.

"Sir, here's your latte," the waiter brought the coffee.

"Thank you," Lin Su averted his gaze, picked up the spoon, and stirred his coffee absentmindedly. He said casually, "If Uncle knew you were interfering in his life like this, the hard-won peace in your relationship might crack again."

"What do you know?" Zhai Lu, still unsettled by his earlier gaze, now felt even more uneasy. "Did Wei Yuan tell you?"

"He didn’t say anything, but I can find out on my own," Lin Su said, lifting the cup, crossing one leg over the other, and appearing extremely relaxed.

He wasn’t pretending to be unafraid; he truly wasn’t afraid.

"What do you know?" Zhai Lu asked.

"Everything," Lin Su looked at him, still smiling, but his eyes were completely indifferent. "Do you want me to tell you one by one?"

"You’re quite good at pretending," Zhai Lu said, observing him.

How could the affairs of the Wei family be so easily uncovered? Especially by an underage person.

"Alright, since you don’t believe me, I’ll prove it to you. When the Zhai family and the Wei family were allied through marriage, you and Uncle's father had feelings for each other at first. Both of you were outstanding in your work, and your families were harmonious, a model of commercial marriage," Lin Su said lightly. "But in the second year after Wei Yuan was born, your marriage was in crisis. I suspect it was because you didn’t want to be stuck at home as a housewife for your whole life. By the third year after Wei Yuan was born, you were fed up with your unemployed self and chose to divorce and focus on your career, abandoning Wei Yuan when he was just three years old."

"Wei Yuan's father was very busy, so Wei Yuan was taken care of by a nanny from a young age, which led to his kidnapping at the age of five. He went through hardships before being rescued, which drastically changed his personality… Do you want me to continue?" Lin Su asked.

"No need." Zhai Lu swallowed nervously. "How did you find out?"

"We are in a digital age. Many things are not difficult to investigate and recover," Lin Su remained polite. "Considering what happened back then, you chose your career over him. I have no say in your initial decision because everyone has the right to choose how they want to live their own life. But when you gave up on him, I believe you lost the right to interfere in his life. 

Even without the past, he is now an adult. He has the right to choose what he wants, instead of you using the excuse of doing it for his own good to interfere with his decisions. Am I right, Aunt Zhai?"

His words were gentle but sharp. Zhai Lu’s hand, holding the cup, turned slightly pale. "I was selfish before, but I… Parents' love for their children entails far-reaching plans. Lin Su, have you considered your age difference? It might not be apparent now, but what about ten years later, twenty years later? You will still be in your prime, but he will be old. He may appear indifferent, but he’s actually very sentimental. If you leave him then, I fear he won’t be able to bear it."

System 06 wanted to say, 【You don't need to worry. According to age calculations, the host is the old monster here.】

"Auntie, relationships between people need to be maintained. Just because I agree to a lifetime commitment now doesn’t mean I will actually stay by his side forever," Lin Su smiled. "And even if not me, can you guarantee that another person can accompany him forever? New couples may make beautiful promises at their weddings, but how many of them actually fulfill those promises?"

Zhai Lu felt he was unnecessarily worried, but she couldn’t refute him. As beautiful as vows may sound, when it comes time to break them, one can hardly remember what was promised. "Are you determined to be with him?"

"You could say that," Lin Su smiled. "You can't stop me."

"Although you are very clever and resourceful, when facing the Wei family, you have no chance of winning," Zhai Lu's expression was complex. "I can refrain from intervening here, but his father won’t make things easy for you."

"You don't need to worry about that. If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave," Lin Su smiled. 

Only then did Zhai Lu realize that his coffee was already finished. She had been led by the nose the entire time. She sighed, "Since you’re so determined, don't make him sad. Tang…Wei Yuan likes you. He really will be devoted to you. His previous blind dates were also based on the same consideration, not wanting to hold you back."

Lin Su didn't pay attention to anything else she said because he was fixated on one word Zhai Lu mentioned: "Aunt Zhai, does Wei Yuan have another name?"

Zhai Lu had casually mentioned it earlier, but now she was somewhat at a loss. Her son's nickname was something she didn't want others to know, but since it was the person he liked, it shouldn’t be a problem, right? "He used to love eating candy when he was young, so he had another nickname, called Tangtang. But please don't say I told you."

"Alright," Lin Su smiled. Today's meeting indeed left him extremely satisfied.

Tangtang, such a fitting name.

Wei Yuan's call came on the third day after their last conversation. His voice was hoarse but determined. "Lin Su, I want you. I love you. Are you willing to be with me?"

Wei Yuan had gone through three days of torment, thinking about his young man every moment, remembering his cute appearance when he was little, his smile, his playful antics... each memory filled him with both sweetness and anxiety. Without him by his side for the rest of his life, it felt like everything would lose its meaning.

He asked without hesitation because he had prepared himself for a long pursuit. If it didn’t work out in the end, he would keep his young man by his side, even if it meant breaking his wings.

"Uncle, such confessions should be said in person," Lin Su chuckled. "I'll be waiting for you at No. 10 Qiushan Road, Xingji District."

Wei Yuan grabbed his coat and left in a hurry, nearly bumping into Lin Ran who had just returned from outside.

Lin Ran was nervous. "Uncle, slow down. You almost ruined my cake."

"Sorry," Wei Yuan avoided him and didn’t pay much attention to his words.

Lin Ran asked, "Uncle, are you going out? It's my birthday today. Can you come back to have cake with me?"

"It's your birthday?" Wei Yuan stopped in his tracks.

Lin Ran nodded. "Yes, my birthday. Uncle, you didn't forget, did you? It's my eighteenth birthday, you know."

Although Uncle had already given him and his brother a supercar each before, not remembering the specific date made Lin Ran quite sad.

"Um, let Liang Heng accompany you today. I won't be able to come back," Wei Yuan realized that Lin Su and Lin Ran shared the same birthday. He had forgotten, but fortunately, it wasn't too late.

After the door closed,Lin Ran muttered to the seemingly invisible Liang Heng beside him, "My brother isn't coming back, and neither is Uncle. Why does adulthood feel so bitter?"

"Well, let's do something to make it less bitter," Liang Heng coaxed him, but he had a strange suspicion in his heart about the matter of both his elder brother in law and Uncle not returning.

"What?" Lin Ran became interested.

Liang Heng whispered something in his ear, causing Lin Ran's face to turn red with embarrassment. "I'm not ready yet, and there are people at home."

Wei Yuan didn't drive himself, but the driver seemed to sense his urgency and drove at a decent speed. When Wei Yuan reached the door of the villa and walked up, the door happened to open from the inside.

Their eyes met, and Wei Yuan greedily gazed at him. It was only when they finally met that he realized how much he missed him. "Xiao Su, I love you. Will you be with me? I'll treat you very well."

"Uncle, will you regret being with me?" Lin Su asked seriously.

"No, I won't," Wei Yuan replied earnestly.

"And if you do regret it?" Lin Su inquired further.

"You can do whatever you want," Wei Yuan described with his gaze fixed on him.

"Alright, if you regret it, then you'll be punished by being under me for a lifetime," Lin Su said with a sweet smile.

Wei Yuan was stunned. He hadn't expected his little young man to have such ambitions. "Okay, I promise you."

He promised at the time that he truly believed he wouldn't regret it, only to spend the rest of his life often regretting that he had been blinded by love and beauty at that moment, failing to carefully consider the trap within the young man’s words.

"'Uncle, you're so kind," Lin Su smiled, reaching out to take the thing he was holding. "Cake? Uncle, do you still remember my birthday?"

"'Hmm, I remember," Wei Yuan said, not foolish enough to admit he had forgotten earlier.

"'Come in," Lin Su stepped aside to let him in, closing the door behind him and placing the cake on the foyer counter. "Is cake the only thing for my birthday?"

"'I'll buy you whatever you want. I rushed here, afraid that what I bought wouldn't meet your taste," Wei Yuan squeezed with him in this narrow entrance but didn't want to go out.

"He still remembered the feeling of their kiss that day. He didn't know about other lovers, but he wanted to be close to this young man.

"'I don't lack anything that can be bought," Lin Su seemed to understand his meaning, pulling his tie to bring him closer. The two were very close, their breaths audible. This proximity made Wei Yuan's heart race; he wanted to kiss him.

"'Then what do you want?" Wei Yuan stared into his eyes.

"'How about Uncle becoming my coming-of-age gift?" Lin Su pressed his lips close, teasingly undoing his tie.

"'Okay." Wei Yuan was itching all over from this closeness, leaning in to chase after him. When they touched, it felt like their souls were resonating, dizzying and satisfying like never before.

So much so that he ignored the meaning in Lin Su's words, only realizing he was being tied up with his tie when he felt his hands bound.

His features were beautiful, his eyes shimmering with emotion, yet he exuded an aura of restraint throughout his body, a convergence of innocence and sensuality that truly stirred Lin Su's desire.

"Uncle, I like you the most." Lin Su easily lifted him up, walking while giving him a passionate kiss.

Wei Yuan faintly felt something was off. Although Lin Su's strength was somewhat intimidating, he didn't seem like the type to dominate. It wasn't until he experienced a night that shattered his worldview, lying sore and aching in bed, that he finally understood the meaning of not judging people solely by their appearance.

There was no sticky feeling on his body, it was rather comfortable. Even in the room, there was no trace of the cake. It seemed the young man had diligently cleaned up after the event.

But no matter how diligently he cleaned up, it couldn't cover up the fact that he had playfully pushed him down.

"Uncle~" Lin Su emerged from below with a hint of moisture, his voice as sweet as yesterday's cake. His every feature seemed satisfied, leaving Wei Yuan no room for anger, only smoke remained after his flames had been extinguished. "You're so sweet."

Wei Yuan's heart was tugged, his voice slightly hoarse when he spoke, "Are you a top?"

Lin Su leaned close, so intimate that their noses almost touched. "Hmm, isn't it obvious at a glance?"

Wei Yuan: "..."

At a glance, he looked like a sweet little bottom!

"Uncle, you touched my muscles last night. I'm very strong, and couldn’t you tell that I'm a strong guy?" Lin Su said affectionately.

He looked slim when dressed, muscular when undressed, His muscles are not bulging, but rather slim and well-shaped. It is a very beautiful and attractive body. 

Before actually coming into contact with him, one would never imagine that he has such great strength. After contact, Wei Yuan felt like a little white rabbit under the claws of a tiger. No matter how he struggled, it was useless.

"I'm top too." Wei Yuan felt that such mistakes should be corrected in time. It would be fine once, but not every time, otherwise his body would not be able to bear it.

Lin Su's eyes widened, and he was obviously a little surprised. His words were even warmer and stickier: "When two tops meet, there must be one who is defeated. Uncle is so good to me. I love you so much."

His love was so direct and passionate that Wei Yuan felt his whole body warm and his heart seemed to be full. "I love you, too, but we need to discuss this."

The sight of their pretty young boy with sweat dripping down his cheeks was sexy, but he would be even more delicious if he cried.

"Okay, that’s fair." Lin Su said with a smile, "Uncle decides whatever he wants. I'll listen to you."

Even if he can't always be on top, he has to give each other a hand and seek fairness in everything.

When Wei Yuan thought this, he did not realize that his bottom line was retreating step by step, but even if he found out, he would not regret it. The boy is young, and it is a disadvantage to be with him. He should be pampered and give in.

When Wei Yuan had such thoughts, he didn't realize that his bottom line was gradually receding. But even if he did, he wouldn't regret it. He was young, and being with him was a disadvantage, so he should be indulged and accommodated.

"How about we flip a coin? Whoever wins gets to be on top," Wei Yuan held his supple waist, reluctant to get up even as the sun rose high.

Lin Su smiled, "Okay, let's flip a coin. Uncle is really cute..."

Wei Yuan could feel his face burning, "You shouldn't use that word for a man."

System 06 silently commented: No, he really does find you cute.

Competing with the host, basically means you won't be able to turn things around in this lifetime.

"Uncle, I want to flip the coin now," Lin Su swallowed and said.

He wasn't a person driven by desire, but anyone would find it hard to resist when they see an iceberg willingly shedding its shell and presenting its most fiery and softest part to them.

Such a delicious feast was worth him losing face for over a decade, and he could even continue to lose face.

Wei Yuan hesitated for a moment, but also felt a little moved, "Okay, do you have a coin?"

Lin Su magically pulled out a coin from his pocket and handed it to Wei Yuan, "Uncle, you flip it and choose first."

He was innocent and proactive. Wei Yuan touched his soft black hair and said, "You're younger than me, so you flip and choose."

"Uncle, love should be fair. How about I flip and you choose?" With his innocence and taking the initiative, Lin Su took control, sounding particularly heartwarming.

"Okay." Wei Yuan let go of him.

The coin was tossed into the air by Lin Su, and Wei Yuan said, "I choose tails."

The coin landed on the soft bed, bounced a couple of times, and in Wei Yuan's somewhat nervous mood... it landed heads up.

"Uncle..." Lin Su smiled and bent down to kiss his lips.

Lin Su was careful not to leave any traces on Wei Yuan's clothes that couldn't be covered. 

Although it represented affection between lovers, seeing it in the workplace was not dignified. 

Yet even without any traces, the employees noticed that their big boss seemed to have signs of being exorcised lately.

"Let me tell you something strange today. Today, I saw President Wei smile!!! He actually smiled! It's like the ice mountain is cracking!"

"Oh my god, I really want to see it!!!"

"Pictures speak louder than words. Without pictures, there is no truth."

However, when a picture was actually posted, the group exploded.

"It seems I've discovered President Wei's beauty."

"Why did I used to think he was a big demon king? Clearly, he's sweet when he smiles."

"The ice mountain is really melting..."

"My eyes are watering with joy..."

When this picture reached Wei Yuan, his expression froze for a moment. He remembered it was the first day back to work after Lin Su's birthday. 

The youth insisted on accompanying him, but didn't get off when they arrived, instead demanding several kisses.

From others' perspective, was this how he looked at the youth?

Lin Su, Lin Su...

Just then, Lin Su's call came in: "Uncle, I got my driver's license today. Do you want to go for a drive together?"

"Okay," Wei Yuan agreed, "When will you come?"

"Uncle, when are you free?" Lin Su smiled and asked.

"I'm not very busy today, I'm free now," Wei Yuan said.

"Then I'll come pick you up." Lin Su's laughter came through, "I'm driving, see you in a bit."

"Okay." Wei Yuan watched the phone hang up and said, "Move today's meeting and documents back for me."

"Okay, Mr. Wei." The assistant, accustomed to the Big Boss's gentle demeanor these days, was immune.

He admired even more the person who could melt the iceberg, which was simply extraordinary!

Lin Su didn't go out alone; there were also Liang Heng and Lin Ran sitting in the back seat of his car. Liang Heng had just been pulled away from his heavy work by Lin Ran, while Lin Ran was curious about who his brother was dating.

"Brother, do I know her?" Lin Ran asked curiously.

"Yes, you do." Lin Su avoided him while on the phone, but he didn't avoid his question.

"Do I know... who is it exactly?" Lin Ran was curious, resting his chin on his hand. "Brother, did you go out with the person you like on your birthday?"

Lin Su replied, "Yes."

"Did you guys... you know?" Lin Ran became even more curious, his gossip desire reaching its peak in an instant.

Lin Su just responded with another "yes."

"Brother, you're up to tend." Lin Ran gave a thumbs-up. 

When Lin Su stopped the car and looked around with curiosity and anticipation, he was expecting something, but to his surprise, he saw his brother unbuckle his seatbelt, get out of the car, and soon come back holding a large bunch of fiery red roses.

He was handsome by nature, with a hint of smile on his face, and coupled with such a large bouquet of flowers, his attractiveness was off the charts.

"My brother is so romantic, which girl can resist?" Lin Ran applauded.

Liang Heng smiled, muttering, "It might not necessarily be a girl."

Looking how proud and confident his eldest brother-in-law was after his coming-of-age ceremony, more than ninety percent confirmed that he had already won over his uncle. 

Compared to them, they seemed slow. From middle school to high school, and now about to enter college, they had only just held hands and shared a kiss.

"Huh? What did you say?" Lin Ran didn't catch what he had just said.

"I'll buy them for you too," Liang Heng changed the subject.

"No need, I'm not a girl, and I don't really like flowers." Lin Ran rested his head on Liang Heng's shoulder and laughed.

Lin Ran thought only girls would like big bunches of roses. As a tough guy, he preferred... running shoes.

Lin Su got back into the car and continued driving. Lin Ran scrutinized his surroundings, and when he saw a familiar building, he paused. 

Then he heard his brother make a phone call, "I'm here, come down."

Someone seemed to respond from the other end. Lin Ran leaned against the window, staring at the familiar building, and asked in confusion, "Brother, is the person you like someone from Uncle's company?"

Those people should be at work by now, and they're much older than his brother. Could it be that his brother likes older women?

When the person appeared, Lin Ran's relaxed nerves suddenly tensed up. "Brother, are you bringing Uncle along on our date? Are we meeting the parents today?"

"Um, it's much easier if we go together," Lin Su said with a meaningful smile. He leaned over, opened the passenger's door, and handed the flowers to Wei Yuan. 

As Wei Yuan got into the car, Lin Su tucked the flowers into his arms and said, "Uncle, these are for you. Do you like them?"

Wei Yuan was suddenly surrounded by the scent of flowers, feeling a bit overwhelmed. "I like them. Why are you suddenly giving me flowers?"

"Uncle, today is Chinese Valentine's Day," Lin Su leaned closer and kissed him over the bouquet of flowers.

Wei Yuan didn't refuse and naturally kissed him back. When they separated, he apologized, "Sorry, I forgot."

He used to be insensitive to these occasions, but now that he had a partner, forgetting such days might disappoint his little lover.

"It's okay, it's not an important day. If Uncle forgets, I remember, that's enough," Lin Su smiled and rubbed noses with him before sitting back up straight.

Wei Yuan turned his head. "Why isn't it important? What gift do you want? I'll get it for you."

"Well, with Uncle, every day is Valentine's Day, every day is important," Lin Su re-buckled his seatbelt. "If Uncle wants to give something, let's get matching couple watches."

The corner of Wei Yuan's lips couldn't help but curl up. His words sounded much gentler than usual. "Okay, let's go pick them together."

Matching couple rings were too ostentatious; wearing matching watches felt like they were branding each other.

"We don't have to rush today. There's a new movie out recently. Let's go watch a movie with Lin Ran and the others after driving around," Lin Su drove the car. "We can go tomorrow."

"Watching with Lin Ran... Is it okay if he knows about us? He might not be able to accept it," Wei Yuan had never experienced such sweet feelings before but was also worried.

 Lin Ran might not be able to accept being an elder to being his brother-in-law.

"But..." Lin Su chuckled. "He already knows, right, Lin Ran?"

With a single sentence, Lin Su made Wei Yuan instinctively look back, and when he saw Liang Heng and Lin Ran almost petrified in the back seat, he also froze in place.

 If it weren't for his ears turning red quickly, one would almost suspect that the three of them were playing a game of 'statues.'

"Hi, Uncle Wei..." Liang Heng had a better acceptance ability. What shocked him more wasn't the relationship between the eldest brother-in-law and uncle, but the way his eldest brother-in-law’s lips seemed to be coated with honey, speaking such shamelessly sweet words so naturally. It made him, as an onlooker, feel dizzy, not to mention the people involved.

"Uncle... okay," Lin Ran's worldview was truly shattered.

He thought it was an older woman, never imagining it would be an older man, and one he couldn't be more familiar with.

He had just almost called out 'uncle,' but unexpectedly, his brother went right up and kissed him. He had thought his brother would be beaten up, but instead, the tough guy had become as soft as cotton.

In their hearts, a parade of bewildered emotions galloped past, each one spraying a mouthful of saliva, continuous and endless, with no end in sight.

Wei Yuan was also at a loss for words in his heart. In that moment, he actually experienced the same uneasy feeling Lin Ran had when he came out to him before. But his ability to cope was stronger. 

He forcibly managed his expression, his tone as icy as air conditioning. "What are you doing here?"

"My brother said he wanted to introduce my sister-in-law to me," Lin Ran said innocently.

Never in a million years did he expect his uncle to become his brother's wife.

Wei Yuan paused at this address, traces of red spreading from his earlobes to his face. "Actually, about us... do you mind?"

Lin Ran, shocked like a wooden person, shook his head. "I don't mind."

He was shocked, extremely shocked! Incredibly shocked! In the end, he summed it up in one sentence—his brother was truly amazing.

His uncle wasn't just an ordinary flower from the high mountains; he was a flower that could proudly stand even in absolute zero.

Impressive! He had to admit defeat! Unsurpassable!

"As long as you don't mind, what gift would you like?" Wei Yuan's internal unease eased slightly, not noticing that his tone had changed from 'uncle' to 'sister-in-law.'

Lin Ran also noticed this benefit. "Anything is possible?"

Although his uncle had spoiled him before, he had never given him free rein to spend recklessly. 

Although he had good self-control, now that his uncle wasn't his uncle anymore but his sister-in-law...

"Well, I've set my eyes on a pair of shoes," Lin Ran smiled obediently.

"You can look at a few more pairs," Wei Yuan tried to maintain his composure, still feeling his face heat up.

Before, when he looked at Lin Ran, he saw him as a junior, feeling a bit shy, but now, he just seemed so obedient in every way.

Was it because he loved everything about Lin Su?

"Really? I wish you and my brother a hundred years of happiness, growing old together, with every day like today, and every year like this moment," Lin Ran poured out words of blessing, suddenly realizing that his uncle didn't seem as intimidating as he had imagined.

Wei Yuan found himself considering giving Lin Ran a set of villas, and Lin Ran realized he had a soft spot after all.

They first went for a drive in the outskirts of the city, where the scenery was open and less crowded than the city, lifting their spirits. 

Then they went to a farmhouse restaurant, where they picked fruits, went fishing, and processed vegetables. Lin Su's cooking skills directly conquered the appetites of the other three.

Sometimes, being in a couple could double the sweetness, but sometimes it made them feel like they were losing.

Forget about the bouquet of flowers at the beginning; just Lin Su's cooking skills later on, and his adeptness at peeling crayfish for Wei Yuan during dinner, made Liang Heng feel inferior.

"Is it delicious?" Lin Su directly fed Wei Yuan and asked with a smile.

Wei Yuan's expression was somewhat stiff. This kind of blatant display of affection was something he used to disdain the most, but now he felt happy inside.

It turned out that when you liked someone, they were the only one in your eyes and heart, making it hard to notice anyone else's presence.

"You've been busy for a long time, don't worry about me, I'll help you peel," Wei Yuan said, reaching out, but Lin Su stopped him. "This requires skill; it's easy to get greasy. Don't touch it."

As he spoke, Liang Heng, who was trying to peel shrimp for Lin Ran, splattered himself with oil. 

If Lin Su hadn't swiftly used an apron to shield Wei Yuan's side, he would have been splattered too.

Wei Yuan stayed clean, but Lin Ran was the first to get greasy. He looked at Liang Heng and said, "I don't like eating crayfish."

Boyfriends really couldn't be compared; as soon as you started comparing, you'd lose. 

Such comparisons will truly harm boyfriends.

After dinner, Liang Heng and Lin Ran went to shower and change clothes, while Lin Su and Wei Yuan went to feel refreshed. Lin Su even leaned in to smell Wei Yuan's neck and said, "The scent on Uncle's body smells really good."

Wei Yuan felt like his little secret had been uncovered. "I sprayed perfume. If you like it, I can give you a bottle."

"No need," Lin Su lowered his head and nuzzled against Wei Yuan's neck. "This is fine. One person spraying perfume saves money."

Wei Yuan couldn't help but smile. "Hmm."

They were being affectionate while waiting for the others, but unfortunately, Lin Ran and Liang Heng saw this scene as soon as they came out. They overheard their whispered conversation and felt quite defeated.

Lin Ran pulled Liang Heng aside and whispered, "I think I can't go out on dates with my brother in the future."

Liang Heng touched his nose. "But today you wanted to see your brother's partner, right?"

Commonly known as meeting the parents.

"I regret it, okay?" Lin Ran didn't want running shoes anymore, nor did he want a villa. He just wanted a sweet relationship where he wouldn't be compared to others.

Lin Ran didn't want to be here anymore, but Liang Heng was determined to follow in his eldest brother-in-law’s footsteps. He really wanted to learn how to make his boyfriend so happy with just a few words!

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