It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 50


IETSTSMLARA | It's Hard Being an Uncle | 50

On Valentine's Day, the streets were filled with couples holding hands and stalls selling flowers. It seemed like couples had agreed to flock out and show off on this particular day.

In such a crowd, it was nearly impossible for single people to survive.

When Lin Su and his three companions appeared, they indeed attracted a lot of attention. Four men usually meant four singles, but it was a different story if the four men were all exceptionally attractive and charming.

There was the abstinent type, the sunny type, the cute type, and the one with the sweet smile.

“I like that one, so sunny,” someone said.

“I like the one who smiles a lot. Oh my god, his smile is so heartwarming!” another exclaimed.

“Me too!”

“That’s my type…”

“Four people, they might be two couples.”

This sudden statement caused the previous curious gazes to become hesitant.

When Wei Yuan appeared in the crowd, the cold aura he exuded was almost boundless. Faced with numerous stares, he emitted an even stronger aura of “Don't come near me, mortals.”

It was this unapproachable aura that cut the number of gawking eyes in half, and the blatant stares turned into sneaky glances.

“Uncle, you're too stiff,” Lin Su said with a cheerful smile.

“I’m trying,” Wei Yuan was genuinely trying to appear less stiff, but it was his first time being out so openly with his young lover, and on Valentine’s Day no less. It was impossible not to be nervous.

“Wow, it’s my first time seeing a living iceberg.”

“Iceberg top x sweet and cuddly bottom, I’m into this dynamic!”

Just as Wei Yuan was focusing on managing his expression, Lin Su poked him in the waist, causing Wei Yuan to shiver from the ticklish sensation. 

When he turned around, he couldn’t help but look a bit confused and innocent.

"I think it's more like a seemingly innocent but actually cunning sweet top paired with a cold-on-the-outside but passionate-on-the-inside abstinent shou," added the girl who had earlier awakened everyone to this dynamic.

"That dynamic!"

"I absolutely love this dynamic. Pretending to be innocent but actually shameless, I adore it so much. My eyes are practically crying tears of joy," said another girl. A few couples gathered together, whispering among themselves, while the boys accompanying them wore wooden smiles, clearly accustomed to this.

Though they spoke quietly, Wei Yuan had keen senses and occasionally caught a word or two, leading him to have some doubts. Following the principle that lack of communication could lead to a generation gap, he turned his head slightly and asked, "What does 'pretending to be innocent' mean? Isn't it an insult?" 

Lin Ran glanced at his innocent-looking brother, finally understanding why his brother seemed like a different person at home compared to outside.

Uncle, look at him—my brother is the textbook example of pretending to be innocent but actually shameless.

Lin Su smiled, a smile so charming that it made passing boys drag their girlfriends away like excited huskies: "It's actually a compliment. Pretending to be innocent requires one to have the capital to do so, right?"

Liang Heng choked on his saliva at this. Although there was nothing wrong with the statement, but something about it felt off.

Wei Yuan nodded slightly, making a sound of agreement. "And what about 'cunning'?"

These questions were like testing a relationship's endurance. Lin Su laughed and said, "They're praising me for being smart. Nowadays, kids like to use irony to compliment people. Saying I'm pretending to be innocent and cunning means they think I'm good-looking and clever. Uncle, don't you agree that's the truth?"

His smile seemed to gather all the sunlight, making people's hearts tremble. Wei Yuan indeed thought Lin Su was both good-looking and clever, though he felt that the methods of complimenting were somewhat off. "Yes, you are very good-looking and smart."

The four of them were heading to see a movie, and by the time they finished talking, they had already moved on from their original spot.

The girl who had earlier stated the facts calmly said, "See, I was right."

"Yeah..." agreed another girl.

"But it's still so sweet..."

"Sweet enough to give you a toothache."

"Though his gaze when looking at his partner was sweet enough to kill, when he glanced around earlier, it was sharp enough to kill."

"Even though he's pretending to be innocent, at least he's willing to pretend..." 

The girls' gazes drifted towards their boyfriends, who all sat upright, exchanging glances until one of them suddenly cupped his face with both hands and asked, "Darling, am I cute?"

"Pfft!" The girl burst out laughing, her milk tea spraying out to the side.

As they cleaned up with tissues, they exchanged thoughts.

"I think that statement is spot on. Pretending to be innocent does require some capital."

"High emotional intelligence seems to be a hallmark of those who come out. You can't expect that from straight guys."

"Being straightforward has its perks. I don't have the keen eye to see through appearances to the essence of things like my sisters do."

Their brief interaction might soon be forgotten, but regardless of what was happening elsewhere, Lin Su was busy buying a large bucket of popcorn and some cola.

Lin Ran watched in silence as his brother occasionally fed Uncle Wei popcorn piece by piece, and when he got tired, he took a sip of cola. He deeply suspected that the uncle who once advised them to eat less junk food had been replaced by someone else.

"Ranran, try some popcorn," Liang Heng said, imitating Lin Su.

They hadn't entered the theater yet, and Lin Ran was still a bit uncomfortable with such blatant displays of affection in public. "I don't like sweet things."

"I don't really like sweet things, you go ahead and eat it," Wei Yuan said after being fed a few pieces of popcorn. His mouth was sweet, and so was his heart, but he still felt a bit uncomfortable.

The bitter, icy shell he wore was being soaked in sugar and warmed by someone's care, melting at a disconcerting rate.

Both men said nearly the same thing and exchanged a glance, feeling a strange connection.

Lin Su knew Wei Yuan felt uneasy, but he believed they needed to eventually step into the light. 

He didn’t care how Wei Yuan acted in front of others, but with him, their intimacy as lovers should be as natural as any straight couple, without any need for concealment.

"Uncle, you seem so sweet, like you're made of sugar. Is it because you eat sweets, or were you just born this way?" Lin Su whispered in Wei Yuan's ear, successfully making it turn red.

Although they spoke softly, Lin Ran, standing close by, heard every word clearly. He then glanced at Liang Heng, curious about his reaction.

"Ranran is so sweet..." Liang Heng tried, but his attempts paled compared to the high-level exchange between Lin Su and Wei Yuan.

Learning from this was something he needed to do when not on a date, as the contrast highlighted his shortcomings.

"Stop!" Lin Ran interrupted, "I'm going to the restroom. I’ll be right back."

Guys typically don't have the habit of going to the restroom together, so as soon as Lin Ran left, Liang Heng started frantically typing on his phone. Lin Su's phone buzzed repeatedly with messages from Liang Heng.

He asked questions like: "How should I talk to my partner?", "Why is he unhappy again?", and "Why does this date feel like I'm still single?" could be summed up as: "How did dating suddenly become infinitely more difficult?"

"Don't look at us, look at him," Lin Su replied with a single message before putting his phone away.

When he was with Wei Yuan, Lin Su rarely focused solely on his phone. Even their mundane conversations seemed more intimate than those of others.

Seeing Lin Su's message, Liang Heng was initially confused until he observed Lin Su's natural and attentive demeanor, realizing the essence of his advice.

Lin Su's ability to win over the icy Wei Yuan wasn't just due to strategy and cunning, but largely because of his patience and focus. When he was with Wei Yuan, even though he wouldn't be rude to others, most of his attention and gaze were always on Wei Yuan.

Everyone likes to feel valued. Liang Heng realized that in his eagerness to learn, he had lost what initially attracted Lin Ran, getting his priorities reversed.

Having found the key, the rest of the movie time passed harmoniously. Although when they left the theater, the color of all four's lips was a bit deeper than before, they all tacitly understood and didn't mention it.

Wei Yuan felt relieved that they had booked a private screening, yet also regretted it. This kid was too bold when no one else was around; if there had been an audience, perhaps he wouldn't have been so daring...

"Uncle, we had a lot of sweets today. How about we flip a coin tonight?" Lin Su naturally held his hand. Although the night was deep and others might not see clearly, this action still startled Wei Yuan, making him subconsciously agree, "Alright."

Lin Su tickled his palm, and Wei Yuan, realizing what he meant, stared at Lin Su, words at the tip of his tongue but unsure how to express them: "Don't be ridiculous."

"This is our little secret; no one else will know," Lin Su said with a mischievous smile. "Doesn't Uncle want to get his side of the coin?"

In the festive atmosphere of the night, the young man was the brightest spot in the scenery. Wei Yuan, naturally, enjoyed being close to him.

He had once thought that being lovey-dovey was something only for young couples, that as a mature and composed adult, he shouldn't engage in such childish behavior. Yet deep down, he always wanted to be with him, to see him and hear him speak at all times.

"I do," Wei Yuan said, tightening his grip on Lin Su's hand.

The boy was brave and fearless. As an elder and an adult, he shouldn't always let Lin Su take the initiative and bear the scrutiny of others alone.

They walked hand in hand, and although there were occasional glances and comments from passersby, most people just passed by. 

When someone took out a phone to take a picture, Lin Su was about to stop them, but Lin Ran had already pulled Liang Heng over and smiled, "Miss, could you please not take pictures? It would really trouble us."

Although Lin Ran didn't know what kind of activity his brother and uncle's "coin toss" referred to, he knew it couldn't be just a simple coin toss. He didn't want anyone to casually interrupt their intimate moments.

"Sorry," the girl said, putting away her phone and leaving with a hint of embarrassment.

Usually, it was his brother who solved problems for him, so being able to help his brother for once felt quite rewarding. Lin Su gave him an approving look, and Lin Ran smiled.

"Big flower sale! Show your love with 99 flowers~"

"Your partner deserves these 99 flowers, don't they?"

"Win a heart-shaped lollipop in the maze! Love makes everything sweeter."

There were street vendors calling out, and a crowd of couples had gathered around one spot. A screen displayed a complex maze, with a couple starting from opposite ends. If they succeeded in meeting in the maze, they would win a large heart-shaped lollipop.

The candy wasn’t expensive; it was the sentiment that mattered.

Liang Heng was intrigued. "Ranran, do you want to try?"

Lin Ran hesitated for a moment before nodding. His brother and uncle weren't afraid to show their relationship, so he had nothing to fear either.

To participate, they had to buy a flower, which was pricier than usual but still reasonable. The girl at the stall covered her mouth in surprise when she saw Liang Heng and Lin Ran approach. "Are you two a couple?"

Liang Heng held up Lin Ran's hand. "Yes, we're a couple."

Blushing, Lin Ran nodded. "Yes, can we participate?"

"Of course," the girl replied, trying to stay calm. She couldn't help but bounce a little when Liang Heng took the flower and handed it to Lin Ran. 

As they turned away, she resumed her professional smile, showing eight perfect teeth. "The maze is random, so there are no repeating paths, and you have three minutes."

Just then, the couple currently navigating the maze failed. The girl was slightly disappointed, but another vendor handed her a small heart-shaped lollipop. "No matter if you win or not, gesture is what matters, love is always sweet. Thank you for participating!"

The couple that received the small heart-shaped lollipop walked away with smiles. There were many people watching, but not a long line to participate. This type of game, while engaging, could affect one's mood if they didn't successfully reach the center.

"Next, our 65th couple today," the girl managing the maze looked at the number card Liang Heng handed over, then glanced at Lin Ran holding a pen on the other side. Surprised, she smiled and asked, "Ready? Starting the timer now."

A randomly generated maze appeared on the screen. It was not only complex in design but also adorned with various beautiful colors, earning an A-level difficulty rating. The crowd gasped.

"This maze is tough!"

"And two guys doing it!"

"Does this mean it’s even harder for two guys?"

"They look so good together; I hope they make it through."

The surrounding onlookers were a bit anxious, but Lin Ran and Liang Heng exchanged a calm glance and began methodically working through the maze. Just as they seemed to be nearing the center, a twist brought them back to the edge. 

The crowd felt a pang of disappointment, but the two boys continued navigating skillfully. Eventually, their pen tips met in the center, and a large heart appeared on the screen.

"Wow! They did it!"

"I believe in love again!"


"The lollipop, boss, your lollipop is gone."

"Congratulations, you two." The vendor handed them the large heart-shaped lollipop, maintaining her composure despite the crowd's cheers. "Although the A-level lollipop is gone, I still have an S-level one. You haven't seen this life-sized lollipop behind the screen, have you?"

She tapped the enormous lollipop that looked like a model and laughed, "This is custom-made. Sweet enough to give you a toothache. Who dares to take on the challenge?"

Lin Ran was already feeling a toothache just holding his heart-shaped lollipop, wondering where to place such a large candy at home. The idea of an even larger one, the giant-sized lollipop, seemed almost ludicrous.

The A-level maze had been challenging enough to make people want to give up, let alone the S-level one. The crowd exchanged glances, but no one stepped forward to take on the challenge.

"Uncle, do you want to try?" Lin Su asked, looking at the enormous lollipop with a smile.

The candy was colorful, adorned with ribbons, looking incredibly large and sweet. Yet, no one had noticed it initially, and even when they did, no one dared to challenge it to see how it tasted.

Wei Yuan turned to him and said, "I don't know how to do mazes." He wasn't skilled at it and just looking at it gave him a headache.

"Do you want to play?" Wei Yuan asked, "If you do, I'll accompany you."

"I do." Lin Su held his hand and bought a flower to get a number card.

The girl at the stall looked like she might faint, covering her mouth. "Are you two also a couple?"

"Without a doubt." Lin Su smiled, holding Wei Yuan's hand.

As they approached the maze screen, another wave of exclamations erupted from the crowd.

"I'm so jealous. Are all the handsome guys taken?"

"Do you think it's an older-younger pairing?"

"I love younger guys!"

When it came to this topic, the men usually stayed silent, watching the vendor change the maze on the screen.

The maze that appeared this time was incredibly complex, covering the entire screen. Its intricate and chaotic design left the onlookers in awe.

It wasn't its colorful appearance; it was a simple black and white design, resembling a massive QR code.

"As a spectator, my mind is already blown."

"No wonder it's S-level difficulty."

"Does this maze's difficulty represent the challenges couples face together?"

The crowd's murmurs reflected their amazement and curiosity about the daunting challenge Lin Su and Wei Yuan were about to undertake.

Wei Yuan had been examining the maze when he heard the comment, his fingers tightening slightly. He glanced at Lin Su, who was intently studying the maze, and said, "Let's give it our best shot."

Even if they failed, they wouldn't regret trying.

Lin Su turned, smiled, and pointed to the starting point on Wei Yuan's side. "Uncle, just wait for me at the entrance."

"Do you think you can do it?" Lin Ran asked Liang Heng.

"Probably not," Liang Heng admitted. Most guys wouldn't like to admit their limits, but just a glance at the maze made his head spin. He even wished he could just scan it with his phone. Successfully navigating it seemed impossible.

Lin Ran stayed silent, doubting his brother's ability to solve a maze that looked like a jumble of QR codes in three minutes.

Both men picked up their pens simultaneously. Wei Yuan, as instructed, did not move his pen, while Lin Su's pen swiftly began to trace through the maze, moving from the left side towards the right at a dizzying speed.

"How is he doing that?!"

"I can't even see clearly, but he keeps going."

"There's no way to cheat with a touch pen like that!"


"Go for it!"

The crowd was getting excited, but Lin Su remained calm and composed, a slight smile on his face.

The maze was intricate, often looping back to the far left side just as it seemed he was nearing the center. However, Lin Su showed no signs of panic. The murmurs of the crowd fell silent, with everyone holding their breath and watching the moving pen tip intently, almost forgetting to breathe.

Lin Su kept moving, his pen tracing intricate patterns as he steadily approached Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan remained still, watching Lin Su intently like everyone else. He observed Lin Su's intense concentration, the seriousness in his gaze when he looked up, and the determination in his posture when he looked down. 

Lin Su, the seemingly spoiled youth, had always been more than meets the eye. In this moment, Wei Yuan realized clearly that Lin Su was the one who had been taking care of him all along.

Their eyes met, and Lin Su's pen tip was now close to Wei Yuan's starting point. With a gentle smile, Lin Su said, "Tangtang, take one step forward."

Wei Yuan's pupils dilated, and instinctively, he moved his pen tip. The two pens met, and a gigantic heart filled the entire screen.

There was no cheering from the crowd. Instead, they watched the two men with stunned expressions. Even though there was no kiss or embrace, that moment felt as sweet as honey, enveloping everyone in its warmth.

Lin Su had traversed all obstacles, endured all hardships. As long as you take one step forward, it's eternal.

"Screams erupted from some of the girls. "What a legendary love!"

"This is the sweet romance I've been dreaming of!"

"Other couples showing affection can't even compare to this!"

"I'm so envious. I want a sweet love like this too!"

The festive atmosphere seemed to reach its peak at that moment. The vendor approached with a broad smile, carrying the enormous lollipop. "Congratulations to both of you! Here's to 99!"

"To 99!"

"Absolutely must be 99!"

"I got a taste of the ultimate beauty in this world."

"Seeing such a comparison, I might never get married in the future."

"Even though it's such a beautiful love, I feel like crying with excitement."

"This lollipop is for you, Uncle." Lin Su laughed as he took it from Wei Yuan and then swiftly left amidst the cheers of the crowd.

"Brother, I won't be able to stop it this time. This is definitely going online," Lin Ran said closely behind.

"No need to worry," Wei Yuan said beside him.

For such unauthorized filming incidents, the Wei family could handle the public relations well, and the real trouble wasn't the online comments.

The giant lollipop was nearly two meters tall, and if it weren't for Lin Su's spacious car, it might not have fit.

With Wei Yuan there, Lin Ran felt much more at ease. Sitting in the car holding his own lollipop and comparing it to the two, he felt he could never surpass his brother in this lifetime.

The news spread quickly online, and even though Wei Yuan swiftly contacted the public relations team, the scene of the pen tips touching and the eye contact still caused quite a stir among those who stayed up late.

Envy, jealousy, and hate filled the comments, and the hype quickly accumulated, forcing the public relations team to work overtime all night.

Wei Yuan tossed coins all night, knowing it wasn't ethical to make people work overtime on Valentine's Day. In consideration of others, the overtime pay was also multiplied by five.

Little did he know that the people in the public relations team didn't really mind at all—they were too busy eating candy, their teeth aching.

"Our Boss Wei's lover is so sweet it's giving us toothaches."

"Is that the child President Wei adopted? There won't be any ethical issues, right?"

"With someone like President Wei, who wouldn't want to pursue them? It must be the kid chasing after President Wei."

"That sweet romance, as long as you look good, you can have a partner even when you're in college, and they'll just be born."

The involvement of the wealthy families was not to be taken lightly, and such news absolutely couldn't be exposed, as it could easily trigger a series of social issues.

Wei's public relations acted swiftly, and many people were unaware that the news had disappeared without a trace. The hype gradually died down, and just when it seemed like it was about to come to an end the next day, a breaking news story exploded onto the fifth spot of the hot search, climbing up one spot within an hour.

This news not only included the videos from the previous night but also delved into the process of Wei Yuan adopting Lin Su and the growth experiences of the Lin Su brothers.

After their parents died, they were adopted. They were good-looking, excelled in academics, and were even twins. Such children had promising futures, but one ended up with their uncle who raised them, and the other ended up with another boy.

Suddenly, a wave of doxxing surged forth, and the voices of condemnation were directed at Wei's family.

"An eighteen-year age difference, could it be pedophilia?"

"Talking about fairy-tale love, it's really disgusting."

"These people should be arrested..."

"Lin Su looks so good, no wonder that old man fancied him."

"Disgusting, I used to think highly of Wei's brand, but with such a low-quality chairman, how good can their products be?"

"They were adopted out of goodwill, weren't they?"

"Who knows what intentions are behind this, after all, the two brothers were so cute when they were young, so pitiful..."

"President Wei, the sudden rise of this hot search, the hype is unstoppable," said Wei's PR team on the phone, sounding quite helpless.

Wei Yuan had already seen the numerous hot searches and the overwhelming criticism. The plummeting of Wei's stock price under such criticism was very likely, but what he was concerned about wasn't that, it was whether Lin Su and their lives would be disturbed.

“President Wei, we need Young Master Lin Su to come out and talk. If he can deny it, it will greatly help us handle the situation,” the PR manager said.

"Have him face the media? No way," Wei Yuan said coldly. "We can't wake up someone pretending to be asleep."

Their situation was akin to the difficulty of that maze he heard about yesterday. He wasn't good at mazes; every step was difficult, but now he had the ability, so he wouldn't just take one step forward. He would do everything in his power to protect his beloved.

"If we can't get Young Master Lin Su to come out and clarify, then we'll have to spin it as his dependence on his elders. You haven't shown any excessive intimacy, so it'll be...” the PR manager said.

Wei Yuan interrupted him, "No, you go organize a press conference. I'll personally handle this."

"Alright, we'll arrange it right away," the PR manager replied.

【Host, Wei's news was supposed to be suppressed, and that explosive news suddenly appeared,】 reported System 06.

Lin Su looked at the news heading to the headlines and narrowed his eyes slightly, 【Someone did this on purpose.】

He wasn't afraid of being exposed to the public eye, but the uninformed speculation could greatly affect people's emotions, especially Wei Yuan's.

【Who could have done it? Wei's competitors?】 analyzed System 06.

【It's possible, but the most likely culprit is Wei Yuan's father,】 Lin Su sneered.

The higher the position, the stronger the desire for control.

As Lin Su expected, Wei Yuan's father had already called him. Despite being in his fifties, his voice was still full of vigor, "Wei Yuan, separate from that child, and I'll pretend this never happened."

Wei Yuan closed the balcony door, his gaze fixed on the bedroom, "That's impossible."

"Even if it costs the Wei Family?" Wei Yuan's father said. "What happened that day wasn't inappropriate. As long as you explain it clearly, others will only think that you have a good uncle-nephew relationship and were joking around, rather than involving moral and ethical issues like now."

Wei Yuan listened quietly, then asked after his father finished speaking, "And what after we separate?"

"What?" Wei Yuan's father asked.

Wei Yuan took a deep breath. "What do you expect me to do after we separate? Go on blind dates and marry a stranger? Make the Wei Family's flourish?"

"What's wrong with that?" Wei Yuan's father asked. "You should consider the future generations of the Wei Family's."

"I'm just a selfish person," Wei Yuan said. "I want to be with him."

"Then leave Wei Family's," Wei Yuan's father snorted coldly. "The Wei Family's doesn't need a CEO with questionable morals. If you don't separate, I'll contact the board to discuss your position, but I'd prefer if you resign voluntarily to save face for both sides. But let me warn you, once you resign, you might not be able to keep your little lover. A single disciplinary action could get him expelled from A University. You need to think carefully."

Wei Yuan remained silent for a long time. Eventually, he let out a heavy, muffled laugh. "Father, I now believe I am truly your child that you had with my mother."

Being controlled by someone else's decisions, just like his parents did to him, was truly unpleasant. He had tried to avoid becoming like his parents, but in the end, he found himself wanting to control others' lives. Thankfully, he had turned back in time and hadn't let Lin Ran become estranged from him.

Wei Yuan's father's voice carried obvious anger. Even though he knew how he was, he didn't want to be criticized openly. "It seems you're sticking to your choice."

"Yes, even if you force him to drop out in this country, I can take him abroad. With my assets, even if he doesn't study or work, I can support him for a lifetime," Wei Yuan said calmly. "I'm an adult now. I'm not the child who had nothing and let you control everything."

Wei Yuan sighed deeply as he hung up the phone. Despite his casual tone, if the child were really expelled from school, bearing such unfair treatment, he would surely feel uncomfortable.

“Tangtang, what are you thinking about?” A deliberately softened voice sounded in Wei Yuan's ear, and when he turned, he met Lin Su's smiling face.

"Don't call me that," Wei Yuan replied, his tone not stern but deliberately gentle.

"But I like calling you that," Lin Su wrapped his arms around Wei Yuan's waist, resting his head on his shoulder like a freshly baked cake, seemingly capable of absorbing all worries away. "Tangtang, Tangtang..."

Being called like that warmed Wei Yuan's heart, so he finally relented. "Well, alright, you can call me that in private."

"Is Uncle worrying about the online stuff?" Lin Su asked.

Wei Yuan denied, "No, don't worry about the online stuff. I'll handle it. You just focus on preparing for school. Have you got everything ready?"

"I've got everything else ready. It's just you, Uncle," Lin Su chuckled.

Wei Yuan's face flushed a bit. He thought Lin Su was too good with words for his age. "Where did you learn all this? Before... have you fooled other little girls?"

"Uncle, you're my first love," Lin Su said innocently. "You can't wrong me."

System 06 thought to itself that Uncle didn't wrong you.

Wei Yuan glanced at him sideways, and Lin Su winked at him. He felt a bit unsettled in the early morning, but Wei Yuan calmed himself and said, "Don't look at the online stuff these days. I'll have it sorted out by the time you start school."

Lin Su didn't say anything, just sighed softly and buried his head on Wei Yuan's shoulder. "Uncle, even though I'm younger, I'm still your lover. Lovers should walk through storms together. If one person always bears the burden alone, it'll be very tiring."

"But you shouldn't get involved in these matters right now. Besides, you're still young. If it weren't for me leading you on, you might not be like this," Wei Yuan always felt responsible for Lin Su as he was the older one.

He should have stopped Lin Su when he started going down the wrong path and guided him back to the right one, instead of enjoying it and not wanting to separate.

Lin Su looked up at him, his smile fading for a moment.

System 06 asked, 【What's wrong host?】

【It seems I overplayed the innocent act a bit,】 Lin Su replied.

Being cute and acting coy with your own lover was fine, but when your partner wanted to shoulder everything alone, it was too much. He needed to know when to stop. 

Wei Yuan may seem cold to those around him, but he was actually very sensitive to Lin Su's emotional changes. He asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Su released the hand that was holding Wei Yuan's and tilted his head with a smile. "Let me convince your father."

For a moment, Wei Yuan felt that something was different about the child, but he couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. "He's a very stubborn person."

"Let me try. As long as I see him, I'm sure I can persuade him.  Uncle, if you step down from the position of CEO of Wei Corporation, the person who replaces you will definitely be the last person you want to see," Lin Su's faint smile turned innocent for a moment, his voice even sweeter, "Uncle, I'm also an adult now. Don't you trust me?"

Wei Yuan fell silent for a moment. "I'll go with you."

"Uncle, just wait for me at home," Lin Su kissed his cheek naturally. "This whole thing started because of me, so it should be me who deals with the subsequent troubles."

Wei Yuan was puzzled but didn't get a clear answer. He could only watch as Lin Su got the contact information and drove away, unable to stop him.

When children became stubborn, it was still as headache-inducing and helpless as before. He didn't look like an adult at all.

"You guys wait outside the old Wei family mansion. If Lin Su hasn't come out after an hour, bring him out directly," Wei Yuan made a phone call and couldn't resist driving after Lin Su. "Forget it, I'll go myself."

No matter what, he couldn't let the child be bullied.

Lin Su's phone call with Wei Yuan's father wasn't exactly pleasant, but in the end, Wei Yuan's father agreed to meet him.

The Wei family mansion was nestled within a grove of trees. Despite being located in the city center, the environment was tranquil. Lin Su underwent several rounds of scrutiny as he made his way inside.

Wei Yuan's father didn't look too far from Lin Su's imagination. He wore comfortable silk suits, and even in his fifties, his hair was still dark and shiny. He shared at least seventy percent similarity with Wei Yuan's appearance. 

Lin Su used to think that Wei Yuan resembled his mother more, but now he realized that Wei Yuan was more like his father. 

However, unlike Wei Yuan, Wei Yuan's father had a deep frown between his brows, indicating that he wasn't an easy person to get along with.

Wei Yuan's father used to be a dominant figure in his youth. If Lin Su didn't have the identity of Wei Yuan's adopted son, it would have been almost impossible to meet him.

"You don't look too bad. No wonder Wei Yuan likes you," Wei Yuan's father sneered when he saw Lin Su, sitting directly on the mahogany chair. "Why did he learn something bad? Why not learn something useful instead of playing around with a little boy?"

Lin Su didn't bother to be polite either. He sat down in the atmosphere among the quiet servants and smiled, "If Uncle heard you say that, he would be very upset."

"He doesn't even want his face anymore. Why would I care if he's upset?" Wei Yuan's father glanced over, his gaze sharp. "Even if you're teaching him bad things, do you have no respect for your elders?"

Lin Su burst into laughter and casually propped up one leg. He had always been very polite, and he wouldn't intentionally adopt such a superior posture in front of others. But when he did, it meant...

System 06: Host is about to put someone in their place.

"Manners are for polite people," Lin Su's smile was very dignified, but it looked obviously fake. "Mr. Wei, just because you're older doesn't mean I have to blindly obey you."

Lin Su's actions and words made Wei Yuan's father's pupils suddenly shrink. He had been in a high position for a long time, and he was used to having others follow his orders. Even in business partnerships, he could still make others defer to him. He had never encountered a junior who would directly defy his intentions like this.

"You're young, but you have quite the audacity," Wei Yuan's father's face turned very serious.

"Mr. Wei really has keen insight. You can see through things at a glance. Unlike Uncle, who always thinks I'm timid," Lin Su bantered with him until he saw his anger reach its peak, then smiled, "Let's cut to the chase. The purpose of my visit today is very clear. I want Wei Yuan. We will be engaged, married, and spend the rest of our lives together. Please stop using any means to obstruct us."

His words were blunt, and the butler who was serving tea beside them was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. He was astonished beyond words. In all these years, he had never seen such an ignorant and fearless youngster.

Wei Yuan's father's cane struck the ground harshly. "What gives you the right? Although I can't make you disappear from this world, I can certainly make sure Wei Yuan never finds you again."

"Why? Because you can't easily manipulate me," Lin Su chuckled. His reckless behavior truly resembled that of an ignorant child, but even the most ignorant child would still have some sense of aura. Being so brazen in front of Wei Yuan's father was truly unprecedented in his life.

Should it be said that ignorance is bliss or that a greenhorn isn't afraid of tigers? Wei Yuan's father burst out laughing in exasperation, "You think I can't touch you? In this world, money can move mountains. Wei Yuan himself may not be able to stop me, let alone you."

"You've really grown old. Wei Yuan wouldn't easily look down on someone like you do," Lin Su calmly stood up. "People in the business world know not to underestimate others easily. You'll soon understand why you can't touch me anymore. If you continue, I don't mind letting you live out your days in peace."

Lin Su remained calm as he left, dealing with the bodyguards blocking the door by swiftly twisting one's arm and tossing him to the ground. Then, he looked at the other hesitant bodyguards and said, "Please step aside. Even if you all come at me together, you're no match for me. It's not worth it to get hurt for no reason."

The bodyguards hesitated, but Wei Yuan's father coldly snorted, "You have good skills. So you have this reliance. Step aside and let him go. I want to see how you'll let me live out my days in peace."

"Please wait and see," Lin Su didn't look back as he confidently left the Wei family's old mansion.

Wei Yuan's father's words were not wrong. Money can move mountains indeed.


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