It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 25


IETSTSMLARA | The Vicious Support Male Lead is a Bit Sweet | 25

Hu Jie’s crime didn't deserve death, but some people couldn't tolerate any loose ends. Lin Su couldn't afford to leave any potential threats to the young master.

Moreover, in the original world, Hu Jie had committed quite a few crimes. Although he hadn't succeeded, just the fact that he forced the young master to drink spiked wine and then made him jump off the building and die was enough for Lin Su to take action.

"Well done," Lin Su replied to the message, pouring the wine into the decanter. Just as he was halfway through pouring it out, the doorbell rang.

Not many people knew his address, and those who would come at this time...

When Lin Su opened the door, he was immediately enveloped in a hug from Lin Tang, who was breathing heavily and rubbing against him like a little cat. "Lin Su, Lin Su, I'm going to burn to death."

His voice was soft and sweet, but there was an unmistakable sense of urgency.

Lin Su confirmed that the drugs provided by Luo Fei were just for enhancement, not enough to impair one's judgment. He lifted Lin Tang's chin and saw the fleeting hint of guilt in those hazy eyes.

The little guy was quite good at acting. He could play along.

"What's going on?" Lin Su asked, holding Lin Tang's restless hands and turning to Luo Fei. "How did he end up like this?"

Luo Fei could only stick to the script. As both embracing partners hoped he would follow the script. "When we went out for drinks today, someone sent a bottle of wine. We didn't think much of it at first, but Lin Tang took a sip and ended up like this."

Even though both parties were willing, Luo Fei still had to play along. It wasn't that he found it troublesome, but rather that he, a fine young man, was being force-fed so much dog food that he might burst.

"Who did this?" Lin Su's tone grew heavy.

Luo Fei sensed that he might actually be angry. "I don't know, but I'll find out now. Goodbye, Big Brother Lin."

Whether Lin Tang had drunk it or not, it seemed that Big Brother Lin was angry because someone coveted him.

As the door closed, the air between the two of them seemed to change. The drug might not impair judgment, but it could make people follow their most instinctual desires.

Like Lin Tang wanting to be held by Lin Su. It wasn't out of jealousy or possessiveness, but simply a pure desire to be in his arms, a desire so strong it hurt his heart.

"Tangtang, are you feeling uncomfortable?" Lin Su knew it wasn't the time for reprimands. He spoke softly, "Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

Lin Tang shook his head, his eyes moist. "Don't you... don't you want me?"

Could it be that he really wasn't attractive enough?!

Lin Su lifted his bangs and kissed his nose gently. "How could I not want you? But I'm afraid you wouldn't want it in this situation..."

"I do, I want to be with you," Lin Tang said, not sure if his flushed cheeks were due to the drugs or his own words. But with the alcohol supporting him and the drugs burning away his shyness, Lin Tang hugged Lin Su's waist tightly and began to act spoiled. "Will you embrace me? I want to, really."

"You're not in your right mind now, you'll regret it when you wake up," Lin Su sighed.

Lin Tang deeply regretted what he had said about love being about restraint. Restraint, my foot!

He caught a whiff of the alcohol and immediately grabbed the decanter, taking a sip. Then, he kissed Lin Su's lips, the taste of alcohol lingering between them as they didn't part for a long time.

The air became heated, Lin Tang's words becoming slurred. "If you don't embrace me, you're not a man... Mmm..."

Lin Su was momentarily stunned, but then he chuckled softly. His voice became deep and husky. "You brought this upon yourself."

Labeling him as "not a man" couldn't be tossed around lightly.

Everything seemed to become chaotic with that sentence.

Perhaps due to pent-up frustration, the chaos of that night lasted the entire night. According to human physiology in this world, the results could be considered quite impressive. Lin Tang slept from dawn until deep into the night. If he hadn't checked the date, he would have almost thought he was still on the previous day.

His eyes felt a bit sore, not from pain but from the natural tears his body produced. Although his body felt a bit sore, it was just from exhaustion, nothing like the description of being run over by a dozen trucks. Instead, he felt dry and comfortable.

If Lin Tang had to summarize his first experience in one word, it would be — exhilarating!

He had delayed experiencing such a wonderful thing for so long; he must do it more often in the future.

No one was beside the bed. Lin Tang got up with some support from the bed frame. As he stepped out of the bedroom, he came face to face with Lin Su, who had just come out of the kitchen. 

Suddenly feeling hungry he asked, "What delicious food did you cook?"

With anticipation, Lin Tang looked at the white porridge in front of him and was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyes and looked at Lin Su opposite: "You just finished eating and you are giving this to me!"

White porridge made by his lover couldn't be considered gourmet cuisine.

Not cherishing after having it...

Lin Tang's thoughts twisted and turned like a winding mountain road. Lin Su spoke up, "After what we just did, it's best to eat something light, or you might feel uncomfortable."

Lin Tang's train of thought abruptly stopped: "How many days do I have to eat this?"

"Three days," Lin Su replied.

Lin Tang wrinkled his face slightly, stirring the white porridge, saying, "If we take a break for three days after each time, then we can only do it twice a week."

He seemed very dissatisfied.

"This is only the case for the first time. Afterward, if we maintain ourselves well, it won't be so troublesome," Lin Su also understood traditional Chinese medicine.

"Really?" Lin Tang's regret vanished instantly. "Then, can't we do it every day..."

The young master's cheeks turned red, feeling a bit embarrassed, as if he were a little thirsty, without much restraint.

System 06 exclaimed: 【There are no ruined fields, only an exhausted cattle.】

Lin Su chuckled softly, saying, "As long as you're not tired, I'll accompany you anytime. But when the time comes, you're not allowed to cry."

Exhausted cattle? What a joke. The young master was at most a drop in the bucket.

Physical intimacy could promote the development of feelings. Lin Tang became even clingier than before, following wherever Lin Su went, unable to hide the scent of love in the air.

"Young Master Lin looks so in love," employees chatted during their leisure time.

"You can tell it's the nourishment of love, practically shining," another person said. "Love really can nourish people, huh? I never realized how good-looking the young master is."

"The problem is, if the young master stays in Mr. Lin's office all day, then who is his lover?" an employee raised a question.

The people who were just discussing suddenly stopped, looking at him one after another, their hearts in confusion. It wasn't until one person broke the silence, "No way..."

Those two people were brothers, though not by blood.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, I understand!" a female colleague clenched her fist suddenly, sharing a smile with another female colleague. The meaning behind it made the male colleagues momentarily puzzled.

Of course, they didn't really want to understand.

"This is juicy gossip for me."

From then on, the discussion group was divided by gender. The female colleagues were lively and excited, while the male colleagues seemed abandoned in the Arctic, quite desolate.

Once such clues emerge, they tend to lead to more entanglements. Although the Lin Family seemed to be firmly held by Lin Su, there were inevitably some individuals who didn't want him to sit so securely.

They wanted to gain greater benefits, clearly preferring Lin Tang to take control.

When the details of the clues were presented to Father Lin, who was leisurely enjoying his senior years while playing with his pet bird, he merely glanced at them, not even setting down the bird food, "Alright, I know about this. He can do what needs to be done."

The person who made the report was stunned, turning pale as they left. Only when there was no one around did Father Lin finally put down the bird food and place a hand over his heart.

He still remembered asking Lin Su what he really wanted. Lin Su had said he had no demands regarding the company's shares. Now it seemed that was because that guy had set his sights on his son.

With Lin Tang being so stubborn, wouldn't he just do whatever the other person said he should?

Father Lin felt stifled. He made a phone call to Lin Tang, but it took a long time for the call to be answered. The voice on the other end sounded unnaturally muffled, "Dad, what's up?"

He normally spoke coquettishly and Father Lin was experienced; how could he not hear that something had just happened?

"Where are you?" Father Lin asked.

Lin Tang began to fabricate a lie while holding Lin Su's hand, "I'm with Luo Fei and the others... playing pool."

That's why it sounded relatively quiet.

"Oh?" Father Lin felt a headache coming on. "Come back today, bring Lin Su with you. I have something to discuss with you both."

"Oh... uh? Dad, you..." Lin Tang looked at the disconnected call for a moment, then nervously turned to Lin Su, "Dad wants us to go back together. What do you think it's about?"

He tried to deceive himself, but Lin Su shattered his illusion with one sentence, "He must have found out about us."

"What should we do?!" Lin Tang jumped off his lap, "Oh no, Dad must be furious."

"If we're found out, we should be honest about it, get engaged and get married," Lin Su reassured him, smiling to calm his anxious emotions. "Do you suddenly not want to take responsibility after sleeping together?"

Lin Tang stopped his pacing and wrinkled his nose, "Of course not. It's mainly because if we confess, Dad will definitely come after you. I definitely want to... marry you."

"Don't worry, leave it to me," Lin Su pulled him into his arms and patted his head. "Okay, let's continue discussing what an assistant should do. After we finish, we'll conduct an assessment."

Lin Tang: "!!!"

Shouldn't he be preparing to explain things first?

The young master usually had a bit of a hard time grasping things, so Lin Su had to patiently teach him step by step. Now, with his mind preoccupied with other matters, he couldn't remember anything, and after making several mistakes, he was punished quite severely. Even splashing cold water on his face didn't cool down the heat on his cheeks.

"How can I face people like this?" Lin Tang fumed at Lin Su, rubbing his slightly swollen lips. "It's all your fault!"

If his father saw him with such a lovesick expression on his face, he'd probably wield his cane in fury.

"Yeah, it's all my fault," Lin Su said calmly, putting the documents provided by the assistant into his briefcase and patting the young master's head. "Let's go, we're going back."

The contrast between his calm demeanor and Lin Tang's was stark.

Father Lin had been waiting impatiently for them to return, but as time passed without their arrival, he finished his lunch without appetite and took out the books he had previously read about Lin Tang's orientation, reminding himself not to oppose him too much, no matter what.

As the fire of anger dwindled, he found himself eagerly awaiting their return, almost craning his neck to look out the window when he heard the sound of a car outside. When he saw the two of them coming down, he couldn't help but feel relieved.

Although his younger son was nervous, he could see the affection in Lin Tang's eyes, and Lin Su...

Father Lin noticed that it had only been a short time since he had last seen Lin Su, yet his son seemed to have undergone a transformation.

While compliments from acquaintances in public were one thing, seeing them in person was another. If Lin Su had been timid and hesitant, unwilling to admit to anything, his father would have surely kicked him out. But now, he was holding Lin Tang's hand with a clear sense of protection, even if he was called back suddenly, there was no hint of evasion or unease.

This person was no longer under his control.

Seeing them arrive late, Father Lin sighed suddenly. As he descended the stairs, he came face to face with the two who had just entered. Lin Su remained composed, but Lin Tang slipped out from under Lin Su's shoulder, appearing somewhat guilty.

His younger son was so spineless, Father Lin almost felt like covering his face.

"What's going on with you two?" Father Lin chose to take the initiative.

After learning the truth to calmly analyze the pros and cons, Father Lin realized that apart from Sheng Hong, Lin Su was indeed the best choice. It just depended on his intentions. Did he truly love his younger son, or did he want to use Lin Tang to completely control the Lin family?

If it was the former, then it was acceptable. He was not young anymore and didn't have the energy to meddle in his son's future life. If it was when he was younger, such matters between brothers would never have been allowed, but now, he felt helpless.

If it was the latter, even if it meant putting his old bones on the line, Lin Su would be kicked out of the company and out of the Lin family.

Although he had affection for his adopted son, if he used their relationship to achieve his own goals, then he couldn't blame him for being heartless.

"Father, let's discuss in the study," Lin Su remained composed, causing Lin Tang to grow anxious.

If he had been there, he could have still restrained his father. But a conversation between just the two of them would surely end in a beating.

"Lin Su."

"Stay here like a good boy," Lin Su patted his head, and the young master, who had just been ready to rebel, immediately retracted his claws and behaved.

They weren't even married yet, and yet his son already bent over backwards for Lin Su, Father Lin felt a mix of sadness and frustration. He became less friendly toward Lin Su, regardless of his intentions. "Come with me."

He wanted to see what Lin Su had to say to move him, as if he could just whisk his son away like that. What wishful thinking!

In the study, as Father Lin was about to speak when Lin Su took out a folder from his briefcase and pushed it toward him. "This is the summary of the assets I had someone compile today. It took a bit of time, so we came back late. Please take a look first, Father."

The words on the tip of Father Lin's tongue were swallowed back. Of course, he knew Lin Su had his own assets, but he hadn't expected him to be willing to show them. But even if he showed them, could they compare to the Lin family's assets?

With such thoughts in mind, Father Lin opened the folder. When he saw the first page, he nearly dropped it.

Lin Su's company held more than 67% of the shares, and his individual stake alone was enough to achieve full control.

If it were any other company, Father Lin might not have paid much attention. But this was Susheng Company, a legendary presence in the industry. Susheng Company was an absolute legend, rapidly accumulating capital by pioneering technologies that others couldn't easily conquer. 

Within a few months, its assets had multiplied countless times. Unlike typical companies that required three years to go public, Susheng went straight to the market through special channels. It was the most eye-catching dark horse in Beijing, and even the whole country.

Its position in high society was just a matter of time. Everyone knew its proxies, but the initial capital registrant had remained elusive, despite everyone's efforts to track them down.

Speculations about overseas capital, government support, and many prestigious families abounded, but the one thing that was impossible was that this person could be Lin Su, his adopted son.

Yet, the facts were right in front of him, with the official seals leaving no room for doubt in Father Lin’s mind.

With just Susheng's assets, it could rival the Lin family. When it came to future prospects, the Lin family was far behind Susheng.

Father Lin struggled to maintain his composure as he flipped through the asset records. His breath hitched when he reached Lin Su's personal assets.

For Lin Su, Susheng Company was not the primary source of his wealth. His assets came more from shares in various prestigious enterprises, both domestic and overseas, all of which seemed to have benefited from his investments, generating enormous wealth for him.

His foresight and shrewdness far surpassed Father Lin's own in his youth. With such wealth at his disposal, it seemed unnecessary for Lin Su to regard the Lin family highly. But who would complain about having too much money?

Taking a deep breath, Father Lin realized that regardless of whether Lin Su was his son or not, for the sake of the Lin family and Lin Tang, he had to handle this politely. "What's the purpose of showing me all this?"

If it was meant as a threat, then his calculations were wrong.

Lin Su smiled, "These are meant as a dowry. What do you think, Father?"

System 06 was surprised, 【Host, are you giving it all away?】

【What’s mine is his,】 Lin Su replied.

Starting a business is easy; maintaining it is hard. And it was evident that the young master lacked both qualities. But for Lin Su, creating wealth of equal value was only a matter of time.

Lin Su was well aware of this, as was Father Lin, a seasoned businessman. The era could create heroes, and countless prestigious families had seized the opportunities of the times. If they were to start from scratch in this era, they might not achieve their current success. 

However, Lin Su had single-handedly propelled an era forward, which made a fundamental difference. Even in a different era, he would still rise to prominence.

Father Lin felt both emotional and helpless. "When did you become interested in Lin Tang?"

In hindsight, the adoption seemed more like finding a husband for his younger son. If Lin Su hadn't achieved such remarkable success, those outside would still be finding ways to denigrate him. But now, with Lin Su's accomplishments, aside from a few sour remarks, most people would most likely be envious.

After all, even Sheng Hong, whom he had once favored, couldn't compare to Lin Su's current achievements.

The true nature of a businessman is not to be praised, and not one to boast around. Lin Su exemplified the true nature of a businessman—quietly amassing wealth. 

He smiled, "A little over a year ago. That day, I was at home with a high fever, and Tangtang..." 

He changed his wording under Father Lin's subtle gaze. "Lin Tang came back to see me specially."

"Were you moved because of this?" Father Lin frowned. With his current understanding of Lin Su, he felt that his eldest son was inscrutable. Could someone like him develop feelings for his younger brother because of such a trivial matter?

But even without that incident, Father Lin couldn't understand why Lin Su would like his younger son. Though he is partial to his son, he also knew what kind of person his son was—unskilled, arrogant, and apart from good looks, he didn't have much else to offer.

"What exactly do you like about him? Tell me honestly," Father Lin demanded.

Father Lin wasn't as easily swayed as Lin Tang. After confirming that Lin Tang wasn't eavesdropping outside but rather mischievously playing with Father Lin's parrot, Lin Su confessed, "If I have to say, it's probably because he's good-looking."

Father Lin had a vague suspicion, but Lin Su's candidness caught him off guard. "You're attracted to him just because of his appearance?"

"Then what did Father see in Mother back then?" Lin Su countered.

Father Lin's interrogative words were swallowed back. When he chose his wife, he did consider her temperament, and gentleness was essential. But among all the gentle women, he chose Lin Tang's mother because she was beautiful.

Handsome men and beautiful women often produce exceptional offspring. Lin Tang was a prime example, inheriting the best qualities from both parents, but surpassing even his mother's beauty.

Father Lin occasionally found solace in his younger son's good looks, allowing him to swallow his anger when he was upset. So, it seemed that judging people by their appearance was indeed a universal trait. Father Lin cleared his throat. "He's young now, but one day, he'll age and lose his looks."

"Besides looks, shouldn't a man also understand responsibility? Even if I promise you now, you might not believe me," Lin Su glanced at the folder, "So, that's why the dowry is necessary."

This was a guarantee more powerful than any words.

Honestly speaking, Lin Su's actions were impeccable, but he seemed too confident, which didn't sit well with Father Lin, a man who was supposed to be challenged by his father-in-law. 

Seeing his own precious cabbage about to be taken away, and the cabbage persistently jumping onto the pig's back, didn't make Father Lin feel any better.

"In the end, children will have their own blessings," Father Lin sighed. "Remember what you said today."

Lin Su nodded, and thus the matter was settled.

In the living room, Lin Tang appeared to be amusing the parrot, but in reality, he was trying to divert attention, casting occasional glances upstairs, fearing a major conflict.

It wasn't until the door upstairs opened and two men walked out, both wearing smiles that didn't show any signs of conflict. Lin Tang approached them with a face full of question marks. He secretly winked and nudged Lin Su, eager to know what had happened.

Father Lin didn’t miss his son's subtle gestures. His expression turned serious as he placed a hand on Lin Tang's shoulder. "You're grown up now. You can't be as willful as before. Learn from your big brother. Did you hear what he said?"

Lin Tang, who was suddenly criticized, grew even more puzzled. Before he could ask anything, he saw his beloved father patting Lin Su's shoulder with a fatherly look. "You should keep an eye on him. Freezing his card is the best way if he misbehaves. Since you're together now, it's time to prepare for the wedding."

"Alright," Lin Su replied with a smile.

Father Lin nodded, ready to go downstairs with his hands behind his back. Then, as if remembering something, he turned back. "It's already dark. Stay here for tonight. You can stay in Lin Tang's room. It's not a problem."

Humming a tune, Father Lin left. Lin Tang grabbed Lin Su's arm, whispering in his ear, "What kind of spell did you cast on Dad?"

"I'm innocent," Lin Su replied, lowering his head.

"Confession lightens the burden, resistance leads to severity. Come on, confess honestly," Lin Tang's curiosity was insatiable, momentarily forgetting about their father's differential treatment.

Lin Su naturally explained everything in detail to Lin Tang. After all, consent from the parties involved was required for the transfer of shares, and it didn't matter whether Lin Tang knew earlier or later.

Recently, Lin Tang had been striving to become Lin Su's personal assistant. Occasionally, he would also pay attention to the financial status of major wealthy families. Regarding the disclosed market value of Susheng, he realized he wouldn't be able to spend it all in his lifetime.

"You're the chairman of Susheng?!" Lin Tang couldn't hide his astonishment. "How come I didn't know anything about this?"

"Wasn't Susheng registered over a year ago?" Lin Tang might be ignorant about certain matters, but he was well aware of how formidable Susheng was. Although he had never lacked money since childhood, his concept of money was essentially just a string of numbers. However, Susheng was exceptionally wealthy.

With so much money, he could casually buy sports cars and whatever else he desired, even filling up an underground parking lot with them.

But to give it all to him...

"Do you really intend to give it all to me?" Lin Tang couldn't express the mixed feelings in his heart. He felt both happy and anxious. "Aren't you afraid that I might change my mind later and run away with your money?"

"In that case, I can only cry and lament my misfortune for choosing the wrong person," Lin Su teased him with a smile.

"I’m trying to talk to you seriously," Lin Tang said, annoyed, as he slapped Lin Su's leg.

Lin Su also became serious and said sincerely, "All of this is the bride price I've saved for you. Don't worry too much, and I believe in you."

System 06 questioned, 【Do you really believe that, Host?】

【I believe in myself,】 Lin Su replied confidently. A capable man has the ability to maintain a stable marriage, and he was confident in his own abilities.

Lin Tang pursed his lips, then leaned up to give Lin Su a kiss on the cheek. "I was just joking. But now that all your money is with me, you'll have to listen to me from now on. Dad even said to freeze my card, but he never expected it to be the other way around."

"Yeah, that's true," Lin Su agreed, not bothering to explain the difference between freezing his card and the shares. But if it made Lin Tang happy for a while, then it was worth it.

Having passed this hurdle with his father, there was no force that could stop Lin Tang from showing affection openly. With his graduation certificate in hand ahead of time, he was appointed as Lin Su's personal assistant. 

Although there were two other assistants under this title, everyone knew that Lin Tang, as a shareholder of the company and now the legitimate wife of the CEO, held the real power in this position.

The affair between the two became more and more widely known. Initially, there were doubts about Lin Su's background and motives, but with the revelation of the investors behind Susheng, those doubts couldn't be voiced anymore. 

Susheng initially rose to prominence with its advanced technology, and they continued to keep up with technological advancements. No one wanted to be left behind by the times, and cooperation was imperative. Given this, they refrained from offending others with loose talk.

However, as the tide turned, people began to envy Lin's family's good fortune and the treatment Lin Tang received, especially the Sun family, who regretted missing the opportunity to get involved. If they had, they would have shared in Lin's family's success now.

However, despite the Sun family's head being furious, they couldn't catch anyone. Sun Chun, in particular, calmly slipped away overseas. She had realized that a man like Lin Su was definitely not someone she could hope to catch; it was better to slip away first as a sign of respect.

The head of the Sun family was furious, but there was nothing he could do if he couldn't catch her. 

Meanwhile, after learning from Lin Su for some time, Lin Tang finally discovered a talent for car appraisal.

It seemed like Lin Tang's passion for cars was innate; he could easily identify various car models and their strengths and specifications. He didn't look at all like a perennial bottom-ranking student.

However, Lin Tang couldn't help but feel that this skill was not exactly glamorous. "I can't possibly become a car salesman just because I learned this, right?" The profession didn't sound prestigious at all.

"You could become a professional in designing cars," Lin Su chuckled. "Don't you want to one day drive on the road in a car you designed yourself? Don't you want to see people clamoring to buy the sports cars you designed?"

Of course Lin Tang wanted that, but he lacked confidence. "Do you really think I can do it?"

"You struggle in other areas because you lack interest," Lin Su smiled. "Interest is the best teacher. Since you want to do it, studying it professionally shouldn't be a problem."

Lin Su's affirmation gave Lin Tang great confidence. Although the learning process was tough, and there were moments when Lin Tang wanted to give up, with Lin Su's support, he persevered.

As for how Lin Su supported him, it's unnecessary to go into detail.

With his newfound skills and the automobile company Lin Su founded, Lin Tang's wild imagination was truly integrated. The first self-driving car appeared, and Tangzheng Automobile Co., Ltd. truly prospered.

Before some companies had doubts, but now companies are eagerly requesting cooperation. 

No matter how much money they made, Lin Tang was truly full of confidence, seeking praise from Lin Su: "Am I great?"

"You're great," Lin Su gave the most direct and powerful affirmation, but the next moment, his tone changed, "As a reward..."

"What kind of reward is this... I, clearly..." Lin Tang muttered, but he didn't hesitate to step forward.

As he grew older, he realized how much support Lin Su had given him to achieve what he had today. The ability to be praised, the halo surrounding him, and the transformation of attitudes from skepticism to trust, all had Lin Su's support behind them.

He could never have achieved it alone. If it were a few years ago, he would never have imagined being admired and praised by others. He used to think he would live his whole life aimlessly, being seen as nothing more than a useless ornament.

“Lin Su, I love you so much," Lin Tang hugged him tightly around the neck, not at all worried about being dropped.

The one who loves first loses first. Lin Tang knew that he had lost completely from the beginning, but he also lost willingly.

"Do you love me?" Lin Tang leaned in, eagerly asking.

"I love you," Lin Su didn't hesitate to say these words, even though his actions had already shown everyone how much he loved the person in his arms.

Lin Tang burst into laughter, embracing his neck with unstoppable joy, "Let's get married, Lin Su! Will you marry me?!"

Until now, his anxiety and unease had completely dissipated.

"I do," Lin Su steadied him, kissing the tip of his nose, "Tangtang, let's get married."

His voice was deep and romantic, his handsome face exuding irresistible charm. Lin Tang lowered his head and mumbled, "Let's not rush into marriage, let's go straight to the bridal chamber."

Anyway, they had already done it countless times, so one more time wouldn't hurt.

The wedding, which had been postponed due to Lin Tang's once-in-a-lifetime diligent study, was back on the agenda. After a year of hand-sewn high-end dresses, there were more than a dozen sets of wedding gowns and toasting suits.

Lin Tang complained about the trouble while also enjoying trying them on. The passage of time had left no trace on his beautiful face, he remained as innocent as ever, just taller than before. 

The well-fitted suits outlined his beautiful waistline, and the gorgeous embellishments might overwhelm others, but on Lin Tang, they only added to his radiant beauty.

“How does it look?" Lin Tang looked at Lin Su expectantly. "Is there anything wrong?"

There were rarely any issues with dresses crafted by top designers. Lin Su carefully assessed it and said, under Lin Tang's slightly anxious gaze, "It fits perfectly, and it looks great."

Lin Tang smiled with satisfaction, admiring himself in the mirror. "Alright, this one it is then. Help me check another one."

Lin Su had no objections. After an afternoon passed, except for one outfit that needed some adjustments to the hem of the pants, Lin Tang was pleased with all the other choices.

"You always say everything looks good on me. Are you just coaxing me?" Lin Tang wrinkled his nose.

The assistant holding the clothes in the background tensed up, feeling like he was witnessing a death inquiry from a wife. He had never been able to answer such questions satisfactorily before.

Lin Su lowered his head to adjust Lin Tang's collar, then took a step back to assess. "Why would I coax you? Your figure is great, everything looks good on you. I really can't find any faults."

Lin Tang couldn't help but laugh, shaking Lin Su's arm. His actions were increasingly reminiscent of a baby. "You just know how to make me happy."

Despite his teasing, he was indeed happy. At that moment, the assistant really wanted to take notes of Mr. Lin's response—learning how to please a wife could be helpful.

Unlike the slightly cumbersome and luxurious outfits Lin Tang wore, Lin Su's outfits were all simple and slim-fitting, with only minor changes in detail. Yet, these simplest outfits were the ones that best highlighted a man's height and long legs. 

From the outside, he exuded gentlemanly elegance, with the buttoned-up collar giving off a sense of restraint that seemed unbreakable. But only Lin Tang knew the expression and posture of a man as he unbuttoned each button.

As the saying goes, dressing makes one look slim, undressing reveals the flesh... Lin Tang's eyes went straight, his thoughts began to wander, seemingly soaring into the sky, until he felt a tap on his shoulder and heard a teasing voice from behind, "Rein in your thoughts a bit, you're drooling."

Lin Tang subconsciously touched his chin, only to realize there was no drool, then turned to face Bai Xiuran's teasing smile. Of course, being teased was just how Lin Tang felt subjectively; in the eyes of others, Mr. Bai's smile was polite and gentle.

“Why are you here?” Lin Tang snorted lightly, feeling a bit embarrassed at the thought of being caught in such a situation.

"I'm your groomsman, I am here to try on clothes," Bai Xiuran straightened up and greeted Lin Su, taking the opportunity to size him up. "Mr. Lin, you look really handsome in this outfit, exuding the demeanor of a groom. No wonder the young master can't take his eyes off you, he's practically drooling."

"Bai Xiuran..." Lin Tang gritted his teeth audibly. Before Lin Su could say anything, the man behind Bai Xiuran draped his arm over his shoulder and said, "Senior, if you praise other men like this, I'll get jealous."

This man was taller than Bai Xiuran, and while his tone was gentle, there was a hint of irrepressible pride in his demeanor.

Lin Tang wasn't familiar with him, but he always had an instinctual sense of danger around him. 

Lin Su, however, knew who this person was. In the original timeline, while Sheng Hong was the protagonist, more attention was given to Bai Xiuran's life story. 

If Lin Tang was considered a harmless and malicious supporting male character for Sheng Hong, then the man before him was Bai Xiuran's devoted supporting character, always one step behind Sheng Hong. 

It wasn't until later, when Sheng Hong and Bai Xiuran's relationship became firm, that he completely lost his chance.

In terms of family background and appearance, this man didn't fall far behind Sheng Hong. With his mixed-race features, he was genuinely handsome, and his status as the heir of an M country family was quite stable. However, compared to Sheng Hong's calm demeanor in the original timeline, he appeared slightly younger and more immature.

However, over the years, this man had also matured, and at least his relationship with Bai Xiuran was quite stable.

Bai Xiuran glanced at him, gesturing for him to tone it down a bit, but the man just shrugged his shoulders, showing no intention of doing so.

"Long time no see, Lin Su," Lu Si’en greeted Lin Su first.

With Lin Su's assets spread overseas, cooperation between the two was only natural.

"Long time no see," Lin Su shook hands with him. Just judging from their appearances, the two were almost equally matched, enough to make the service staff who were tidying up the clothes gossiping excitedly.

But in Lin Tang's eyes, his man was the best, hands down, even more handsome than Bai Xiuran's boyfriend.

Of course, this thought could only be silently murmured in his heart; it couldn't be said out loud.

After exchanging pleasantries, Lin Su hadn't finished trying on clothes yet, so the three men sat down together while he went to change.

Their wedding didn't have bridesmaids, and it wasn't easy to find groomsmen randomly. Bai Xiuran volunteered himself, claiming he wanted to familiarize himself with the process, while Lu Sien just came along for the fun.

As Lin Su went to change clothes, Lu Si’en and Bai Xiuran sat together. Although there were no intimate gestures between them, there was a certain atmosphere in their conversation.

As the saying goes, "three's a crowd." Lin Tang suddenly felt like a third wheel sitting there, experiencing the same restless feeling Luo Fei used to feel when he was around him and Lin Su.

Retribution came quickly! He was wrong; he promised himself not to show affection in front of Luo Fei next time.

This restless feeling persisted until Lu Si’en got up to take a phone call. Bai Xiuran glanced at Lin Tang's fidgeting and suddenly chuckled, "He's doing it on purpose, don't mind him."

Lin Tang looked puzzled, "Doing what on purpose?"

"Ignoring your expression out of loyalty for me," Bai Xiuran explained. After a moment of contemplation, he continued, "Actually, he's grateful to you."

"Grateful?!" Lin Tang felt like all he saw was disdain, with no hint of gratitude. "Grateful for what?"

"Grateful that you broke me up with my ex," Bai Xiuran looked at him, explaining, "Otherwise, he wouldn't have had a chance. He's avoiding you probably because he's afraid I'll get jealous."

Lin Tang gave him a deadpan look. "As if I would ever be interested in him."

"Kids like to imagine things. You know that best. Just ignore him," Bai Xiuran chuckled.

Lin Tang: "..."

No, he doesn't know!

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