The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 26



Just as Xu Mu stepped out of the elevator, he saw Ye Ye waving at him from the corridor.

"Ye Ye, what's wrong?" 

"Daddy..." Ye Ye opened his arms, asking for a hug.

Xu Mu waved his hands over and said gently, "Brother is all sweaty, let me change clothes first before I hug you."

Ye Ye pouted, "Okay... you ignored me on the balcony..."

Xu Mu pondered for a moment, "Did you call me from the balcony?"

Ye Ye nodded vigorously, "Daddy is bad, you ignored me..."

Xu Mu chuckled helplessly, "Hey, it's too far away, I couldn't hear you."


Xu Mu surrendered, "Okay, I'm bad."

Ye Ye then tugged at Xu Mu's leg, trying to pull him inside the house.

"Don't rush, I'll play with you after I change clothes." Xu Mu didn't dare to shake him off forcefully, he was afraid of hurting the child.

He thought Ye Ye wanted to play with him, so he eagerly pulled him inside.

The sounds of their tussle were not quiet, and naturally, those inside the house heard it.

Bai Nian stood up and walked over to the entrance. "Ah Mu."

"Brother Nian," Xu Mu looked up, helpless. "Ye Ye insisted on pulling me inside."

He then lowered his head and said to Ye Ye, "Be good, I'll play with you after I change my clothes."

Bai Nian softly called out, "Ye Ye."

Ye Ye let go of his hand.

Following from behind, Shi Lun curiously examined the "young man."

Wow, he's handsome, with a touch of a world-weary, aloof demeanor.

He had a pair of narrow eyes, fair complexion, straight nose, thin lips, tall stature, slender but not weak. Instead, he exuded an indescribable sense of capability.

Perhaps because he had just finished exercising, there were still some beads of sweat on his face. One drop happened to fall onto his neck, moistening the collar along with the movement of his Adam's apple, as if the vigorous hormones were on the verge of bursting.

Shi Lun couldn't help but sigh with admiration in his heart. This young man's quality was remarkable. No wonder Bai Nian was being so secretive about him.

"Oh right, Brother Nian," Xu Mu remembered something and opened the storage compartment on his wrist. "Are you feeling better from your cold today? Last night, I saw your face was red. You didn't develop a fever after going back, did you?"

He was concerned about Bai Nian's health. "I have some preventive cold medicine pills. You can take them when the weather gets colder, or if you feel dizzy and nauseous next time, or any discomfort, just take one to alleviate the symptoms."

Bai Nian took the bottle, it was identical to the one from last time, holding it in his hand. He felt the lingering warmth from the young man's palm.

"I'm much better now, I don’t have a fever. Thank you," Bai Nian said.

"That’s okay, it's no problem," Xu Mu replied.

Shi Lun watched with relish, gave a new evaluation—Wow, he's the mysterious type.

As Xu Mu prepared to leave, his gaze suddenly froze as he realized there was a fourth person present.

Shi Lun, seeing the young man finally noticed him, greeted him with a smile, "Hello, I'm Niannian's friend, Shi Lun."

"Hello, I'm Xu Mu, I live next door. Sorry, I didn't notice you earlier," Xu Mu nodded slightly.

"No worries, seeing me now is fine," Shi Lun raised an eyebrow.

He cleared his throat and casually started a conversation. "I heard from Niannian that you're in your sophomore year in college?"

"Yeah," Xu Mu replied.

"Are you studying architecture too?" Shi Lun continued.

"Yes," Xu Mu replied.

"Oh—then you and Niannian must have a lot to talk about if you're in contact often," Shi Lun remarked.

"Yes, Brother Nian has helped me a lot," Xu Mu acknowledged.

"Ye Ye is always talking about you, so it seems he really likes you," Shi Lun commented.

"Ye Ye  is very cute," Xu Mu replied.

"Ah, the campus is full of youthful vigor, with so many peers around, have you had any romantic relationships?" Shi Lun inquired.

Xu Mu was stunned, "No."

Shi Lun was about to continue questioning when Bai Nian couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted, "Ah Mu, you just finished exercising, go back and change first."

He glanced warningly at Shi Lun.

Shi Lun rubbed his nose, looking innocent as he gazed up at the sky.

"Okay," Xu Mu nodded, he ruffled Ye Ye 's head, "I'll come play with you in a bit."

Ye Ye chirped in agreement.

"Brother Nian, I'll come over later," Xu Mu waved.

"Okay," Bai Nian replied.

After Xu Mu left, the entrance returned to its quiet state, while Ye Ye drove his toy car around the room.

"Alright, Niannian, don't look at me like that. I haven't done anything to the young college student," Shi Lun surrendered, raising his hands.

Bai Nian took a deep breath. "You're asking questions like you're checking his background, but haven’t—"

Shi Lun approached, whispering, "Tell me honestly, what's the deal between you and the young college student? He even went to your place to deliver medicine. What did you two do last night?" His smile was suggestive. "Did you have dinner together?"

Bai Nian pushed him away. "We have a normal neighbor relationship and just had a meal, what else do you think happened?"

Shi Lun didn't believe him. He pressed Bai Nian to sit on the sofa, he insisted, "I don't buy it. If it’s just having a meal..."

He raised an eyebrow, saying teasingly, "You don't eat together every day, do you?"

Bai Nian was speechless.

Shi Lun clicked his tongue. He knew there was something fishy going on!

"He's quite clingy," Shi Lun remarked.

"It’s a misunderstanding. It's just that Ye Ye likes him and goes to his place to play every day. If I happen to pick him up around mealtime, we eat together," Bai Nian explained.

Shi Lun wore an expression that said, "Keep defending yourself," and hummed lightly, "Niannian, we've been through everything together—school, relationships, work. I haven't kept a single thing from you. Don't play games like this with me."

He continued to coax and pry, but Bai Nian's lips were sealed shut like a clamshell, refusing to reveal anything more.

No matter how much Shi Lun tried, he couldn't get any words out of Bai Nian.

"Niannian..." he called out plaintively.

Bai Nian's gaze drifted away.

"Wait, I remembered something," Shi Lun said seriously, "Does that young college student know that Ye Ye isn't your biological son?"

Bai Nian froze. "I never mentioned it."

"It's not good, Niannian. In that young college student’s eyes, don’t you look like you are a single father?" 

"What are you talking about..." Bai Nian's fingers curled, lips pursed. "Ah Lun, don't overthink it. He's only nineteen, and I'm thirteen years older... It's not appropriate."

Shi Lun seized on the key point. "Not appropriate, but not unlikable?"

Bai Nian's mouth opened and closed, words stuck in his throat.

Shi Lun understood. “Thirteen years is nothing! People still go to school in their thirties!!"


"I'm telling you, don't be afraid to nibble on the tender grass. Those who haven't tasted it will always say it's not delicious, but those who have know how tasty it is!"


"My Niannian, look at you. You have big eyes, fair skin, perfect figure, gentle and approachable. You're a catch in every way, who wouldn't like you?"


"Honestly tell me, what does that young college student think?" Shi Lun said confidently. "You two must have had some deep interactions in private!"

Bai Nian's ears prickled with annoyance. "Shi Lun!"

He remembered the youth's fingertips lightly brushing against his tail, and his body couldn't help but react—it was indeed a special season in September, but his reaction was so intense that there might be some hidden excitement.

Shi Lun's eyes flickered slightly, and he asked out of the blue, "Have your mimicry transformations been frequent lately?"

Bai Nian lowered his gaze. "Not very frequent, it’s much better now, there’s hardly any changes."

He lied, he didn’t want to worry his friend. But it wasn't a complete lie, at least his uncontrolled mimicry transformations weren't as weak and painful as before.

Shi Lun frowned, feeling that Bai Nian wasn't being truthful. But he didn't push further, just lowering his voice, "Since we're on the subject, does he know about your physical condition?"

Bai Nian remained silent again.

Shi Lun's gaze intensified, "Niannian?"

Bai Nian still didn't speak.

Shi Lun took in a sharp breath, wondering what else he couldn’t understand.

He shook Bai Nian's shoulder in disbelief, "You didn't tell the truth! And you even lied to me, saying he's just an ordinary neighbor!!!"

Bai Nian struggled to explain, "He... he found out accidentally. I didn't tell him on purpose."

"Then how did he react?"

"It was okay."

"Be specific, don't try to deceive me."

Bai Nian hesitated, "He... he comforted me because of how I looked at the time... he might have been startled... He said it was nothing to worry about, and not to pay attention to what others say..."

Bai Nian's mind kept replaying the young man's words, "You're the cutest rabbit I've ever seen, I really like you." Undeniably, every time he thought of these words, his heart was filled with joy.

A very small voice whispered: Look even when someone found out about your deformed body, they can still like you.

"Niannian," Shi Lun said softly, "You're in trouble. Do you know what's written all over your face?"

"What... what's written?" Bai Nian asked.

Shi Lun cleared his throat, exaggerating, "He didn't look down on me, he even comforted me. I really like him."

He sighed, placing a hand on Bai Nian's shoulder, and said seriously, " Niannian, I know that your impression of that young college student is very good, and you hold him in high regard. But you shouldn't feel inferior, and you definitely shouldn't think that just because he knows about your physical condition and doesn't treat you differently that you should therefore..."

Shi Lun carefully chose his words, "develop feelings for him, fall in love with him, and want to date him. Love is wonderful, but starting with such expectations will only lead to disappointment in the end."

Shi Lun was glad he had been probing, he had been asking about his friend's relationship with that young college student not out of mere gossip or curiosity.

In the end, it was because of his friend's personality. He kept everything to himself and didn't open up easily, making it hard to hear the "truth."

Bai Nian looked at him in astonishment, his hand curled up on his knee. Suddenly, he smiled and said softly, "Ah Lun, I understand what you mean, thank you."

His voice was gentle yet firm.

"But I know exactly what my heart is saying, and it's not just gratitude."

"He's really great, and a very outstanding person."

"As for everything else, let's leave it to time and let things happen naturally."


"Master, are you coming back for lunch?" Nades asked.

Xu Mu was puzzled, "Why wouldn't I come back?"

Nades said, "With all those bags, it looks like you're temporarily staying next door."

"Nonsense," Xu Mu sighed, "I just bought some toys for Ye Ye and a doll for Brother Nian."

Last night, when the other party took the floppy-eared rabbit, in retrospect, some of his actions seemed a bit strange.

Xu Mu guessed that Bai Nian liked these things but was too embarrassed to ask for them, so he gathered the courage to inquire about the floppy-eared rabbit.

While Xu Mu was out for his morning run, he happened to see a shop selling them and walked in on a whim.

Facing the array of dolls, he went on a shopping spree.

Hmm, Brother Nian should like these.

Xu Mu's lips curled up slightly, and his steps became lighter.

"Good morning, Kadou."

"Daddy!" Ye Ye happily rushed over.

Xu Mu picked him up and peeked into the living room, but Bai Nian was not there.

Neither was his friend.

"Ye Ye, where's your daddy?"

Ye Ye tilted his head and pointed to the door, saying crisply, "Daddy! Gone!"

Xu Mu looked over, and the shiny silver automatic door opened and closed, but there was no one there.

"When did he go out..." He paused, "Tutu?"

Bai Nian: "..."

He had been chatting with Shi Lun for a while, and Shi Lun was about to leave after using the bathroom. Bai Nian was waiting outside, but unfortunately, his strange condition chose this moment to act up.

He had to exert a lot of effort to convince his friend that his health wasn't a big issue and that his mimicry was stable now.

Bai Nian had been planning to sneak away and make up an excuse to his friend about having urgent matters downstairs.

Then he ran into Xu Mu.

Xu Mu approached and picked up the floppy-eared rabbit, habitually patting its back and smoothing its fur.

"Why are you here?" Xu Mu asked.

Bai Nian's hands trembled as his hands touched his fluffy belly.

"Were you... trying to..." Xu Mu pondered, "go out?"

Sneaking into someone else's house after playing around, and then planning to escape? 

Indeed, this is the behavior of a heartless rabbit.

Bai Nian covered his ears, curling up in the warmth of the young man's embrace.

Xu Mu chuckled, "I'll take you out."

"Niannian!" Shi Lun called out as he came out to the living room and found no one there.

Oh no! Shi Lun was out!

Bai Nian trembled again, remembering the lies he had told his friend...

Thinking that the floppy-eared rabbit might be afraid of being seen, Xu Mu hesitated for a moment before decisively stuffing it into his clothes and covering it with his coat.

"Did you see Niannian?" Shi Lun walked to the entrance and bumped into Xu Mu.

Their eyes met, and Xu Mu calmly greeted him, "Hello, Brother Nian went out temporarily."

Shi Lun fell silent, his gaze sliding to the bulging corner of Xu Mu's clothes and the suspicious creamy tail.

"..." This guy was full of lies, he wasn't blind!

Shi Lun chuckled, "I see. Thanks."

He stared at that tail and gritted his teeth inwardly: Wasn't it said that he couldn't shift anymore?

Look at him pouncing on this guy!

Bai Nian, who was hiding away, “...”

Bai Nian felt the burning gaze of his friend, but since he was already stuffed into Xu Mu's clothes, he might as well just go with it.

He rubbed his ears, sitting on the young man's strong arm, the faint scent of soap filling his nostrils.

He felt a bit uncomfortable, and a bit embarrassed.

"Xu Mu, I'm going to leave. Could you please pass a message to Niannian for me?" 

Xu Mu looked puzzled, but agreed, "Sure."

"Take good care of yourself, get plenty of rest, and try not to stay up late drawing," Shi Lun advised.

Bai Nian was clearly lying to him, the problem with his shapeshifting hadn't completely gone away.

Xu Mu inwardly agreed, "Yeah, I will."

"See you later," Shi Lun waved goodbye.

"Goodbye, Mr. Shi," Xu Mu nodded politely.

As Shi Lun reached the door, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Student Xu, do you know what rabbits should like the most?" he asked with a mischievous grin.

Xu Mu looked puzzled, "What?"

Shi Lun chuckled, "Of course, it's nibbling on tender grass."

Xu Mu didn't understand.

Bai Nian, “...”

After Shi Lun left, Xu Mu took out the lop-eared rabbit. He suspected that the other had seen the rabbit, so he casually remarked, "What's wrong? Do you want to nibble on tender grass?"

Bai Nian stared expressionlessly at Xu Mu, then opened his mouth and fiercely bit Xu Mu's hand.

Yes, nibbling on you.

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