It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 28


IETSTSMLARA | The Rising Movie Emperor  | 28

Apart from this reason, Zhou Xintang couldn't think of any other reason for Lin Su's persistence.

If System 06 knew that Zhou Xintang was thinking like this, it would probably remind him in a mechanical tone: 【No, the host just finds you good-looking.】

However, Zhou Xintang didn't know, so he felt genuinely pleased to be followed like this.

Due to Zhou Xintang's repeated refusals and with his contract coming to an end, the company had already shifted its focus and resources to other artists.

Although there were no new projects, the previous commitments still needed to be fulfilled on time.

Meanwhile, on Lin Su's side, as news about him spread, the company also reached out to him.

Among the several agents, some could be considered top-tier agents, but upon seeing Lin Su's photo, they weren't particularly impressed. However, when they met him in person, they all seemed determined to win him over.

It wasn't about how good-looking Lin Su was. It was about them noticing his unique aura. He was young, sunny, yet composed, he exuded a sense of calm assurance that made people feel confident in entrusting tasks to him.

Zhao Yan was also present among them. He had been grooming new talents recently and hadn't been optimistic about the current Lin Su, the former Wang Qiang. However, now he had changed his mind. With such a unique aura, if cultivated properly, Lin Su could definitely achieve a position in the future that wouldn't be inferior to Zhou Xintang's.

A potential stock.

"You've been with the company for a while now," a bespectacled female agent spoke up. "Let me be straightforward. If you can work for us, your conditions can be quite favorable. Feel free to propose any conditions or choices you have."

Although the company's contracts were the same, each agent had different resources at their disposal.

"Wait a moment, Man Jie," Zhao Yan interrupted, then turned to Lin Su. "How are you recovering from the injuries from the car accident? Can I take a look?"

He was surprised to see no scars on Lin Su's face, and he seemed even more charming than before. However, there might be scars on his body, which could potentially affect his future roles. Unlike female stars, male stars sometimes needed to bare their upper bodies completely.

His words caught the attention of the other agents as well, and they also looked over, assessing whether any visible scars would be an issue.

The recovery medication was from the system, capable of perfectly healing even facial scars, let alone those on the body.

Lin Su had been thinking of a reason to decline the offer, but now it seemed like the perfect opportunity had presented itself. "You don't need to check. There are extensive burn scars on my chest and back from the accident, as well as scars from stitches. I'm here today to apologize to everyone because my condition isn't suitable for being a celebrity. I just want to continue being Brother Zhou’s assistant."

His words struck terror into the hearts of the agents, and they frowned with regret at the loss of such a promising talent. 

However, before they could shake off this feeling of regret, Zhao Yan spoke up, "Lin Su, while we're disappointed that you can't become a celebrity, we've compensated you accordingly. As for being an assistant, according to the company's strict standards, you don't meet the criteria. I'm sorry."

Even celebrity assistants are required to have certain qualifications, though some companies may be more lenient, especially for assistants to lower-tier celebrities. Lin Su understood these unspoken rules well.

【Host, you've been fired,】 System 06 stated matter-of-factly.

It was the first time he had been fired, it was worth recording. 

After all, he had always been the one firing others when he was a boss. It was rare for him to want to work a job and be rejected.

【Better late than never,】 Lin Su didn't seem too bothered, as Zhao Yan's words were indeed justified according to company regulations.

Besides, Wang Qiang had only graduated from junior high school and didn't even meet the basic requirements for a personal assistant.

"Thank you very much," Lin Su said humbly before turning to leave.

System 06 thought Lin Su had given up on the idea of working a job. 【Host, now you can't get the benefits of being close to the water or get the moon.】

But to their surprise, Lin Su turned and went to find Zhou Xintang, who had just finished a job. "Brother Zhou, can you hire me as your personal assistant?"

Celebrities can indeed hire personal assistants, but they have to pay the salary themselves.

Zhou Xintang, still in makeup, reclined in the nanny car seat, looking somewhat weary as he watched Lin Su smile. "What's wrong? Did the company not agree?"

"I can't be a celebrity, and I don't meet the company's requirements for an assistant, so I got fired," Lin Su admitted frankly. He didn't feel aggrieved, but Zhou Xintang couldn't help but feel a hint of it when he looked at him.

Unable to be a celebrity and also unable to be an assistant, it felt like he was being turned away. 

Zhou Xintang chuckled. "Why can't you be a celebrity? I told you not to refuse so easily. It's not too late to change your mind now."

"It's too late. I told them I had burns all over my body," Lin Su confessed.

Zhou Xintang's eyelids twitched, frowning. "Really?"

If it were true, then indeed he wouldn't be suitable to be a celebrity.

"Let me see how severe your burns are," Zhou Xintang sat up straight. Severe burns could potentially affect a young man's future life.

Lin Su didn't lift his shirt but continued to be honest. "It’s a lie. I've already recovered."

"I don't believe you," Zhou Xintang gestured for him to make room and come up onto the car. He had seen how severe the impact burns were, so it was impossible for there to be no trace at all. "Come up and let me have a look."

He obviously had no blood relation with Lin Su, but now he seemed like a worried elder, always making him worry.

Lin Su was quite obedient, as he directly got into the car, pulled the car door closed, and lifted the hem of his shirt. Zhou Xintang had originally prepared himself for a shocking sight, but when his gaze fell on that abdomen, his eyes were stung by the perfect lines of muscles.

It wasn't jarring to the point of discomfort, just a body full of youth and slender proportions. In terms of visual impact alone, it was a bit overwhelming for Zhou Xintang's sexual orientation.

Of course, there was also envy. Are all kids nowadays in such good shape? Didn't he lie in bed for several months?

He had desperately trained and only had a six-pack abs. It wasn't that he didn't try hard, but some people were born with only six packs. Of course, his abs didn't look as attractive as Lin Su's. 

As a relatively delicate-looking celebrity, having abs was important, but maintaining a proper physique was also necessary.

Otherwise, having a delicate face with an extremely muscular body underneath would be a bit too jarring, he's not trying to look like he was in a Barbie movie.

However, Lin Su's abs were obviously just right, but they looked much more pleasing to the eye than his. They were filled with a male charm completely different from his sunny and handsome face.

Women love beauty, and men aren’t willing to lose to others either. Zhou Xintang casually checked and put down his hem, not wanting to bear the blow of being surpassed: "It's quite good."

As for the scars he was worried about, there were none at all. Some people have a scar-prone constitution, but others won't leave a scar no matter how injured they are, which is quite enviable.

This also shows that Lin Su really doesn't want to be a star. Being able to remain so sincere in this impetuous entertainment industry is actually a good thing.

But to express his dissatisfaction with being surpassed, Zhou Xintang was a bit picky: "The company didn't choose you as an assistant because your standards weren't high enough. Why do you think I would lower my standards to hire you as my assistant?"

"Because you're a good person Brother Zhou," Lin Su naturally threw back the old good person card, giving Zhou Xintang the feeling of being rejected, but before the future wife could react, Lin Su continued, "Besides not meeting the educational requirements, I can do everything else, really. You can try me out for a month. If you're not satisfied, I won't take any salary, how about that?"

Zhou Xintang did indeed need an assistant. Previously, Zhao Yan would arrange his schedule, but now he needed to do it himself, which was unavoidably overwhelming and exhausting.

Lin Su's previous performance as an assistant wasn't outstanding, and was even somewhat clumsy, but such sincerity was rare, and he deserved a chance to improve.

"Alright, I'll give you a one-month trial period for free," Zhou Xintang agreed.

At that time, he just wanted to give the young man an opportunity, but in the following years, even in his entire life, he would be grateful for giving the young man that chance because it seemed like he had exhausted all his luck in that one promise.

Of course, Zhou Xintang was still observing his schedule at the moment, but he quickly realized that he no longer needed to because he just needed to follow Lin Su. 

There was always a car coming to pick him up wherever he went, there was always warm water nearby when he needed it, food was always available when he was hungry, there were pillows and blankets when he was sleepy, and even when he felt dizzy and exhausted due to low blood sugar, he would promptly be given a piece of candy.

Compared to other celebrity assistants, Lin Su was always calm and collected, like a treasure chest, providing whatever was needed. Even when someone on the set got injured, he could calmly take out a first aid kit and skillfully disinfect and bandage them, earning praise from doctors for his professionalism.

Perhaps he had only seen the young man as clumsy before because he had only seen one side of him, or maybe he was just too steady, not prone to speaking out, and he hadn't paid much attention, so he thought he was clumsy.

Zhou Xintang had never felt so satisfied before. He was so satisfied that when other celebrity assistants approached Lin Su, he was afraid that his assistant would be snatched away.

"You could actually be an agent doing what you do," Zhou Xintang remarked as he sat in the car, examining Lin Su's profile.

Lin Su was busy working on something on the computer, and the scattered data jumping around made Zhou Xintang's head spin. He even seriously doubted if the man in front of him had only graduated from middle school.

"My education isn't enough," Lin Su stopped his hand and looked at him.

Such a simple gesture made Zhou Xintang feel respected and cared for: "These can be obtained, although they may differ from regular enrollment, it's still a degree after all. Which university do you want to go to?"

Lin Su certainly knew about those means of obtaining degrees, but buying such a degree would only be self-deception: "Thank you, Brother Zhou, but I want to try to get it myself."

At his age, it was already too late to attend high school, and attending domestic universities was inconvenient due to too many people knowing Zhou Xintang. It was more convenient to attend foreign universities.

For Lin Su, having or not having a degree didn't make much difference in his role as an assistant. But if he wanted to be Zhou Xintang's husband, those external things were important. 

At least he needed to make others feel that he was worthy, not because of others' opinions, but because marriages without blessings often faced many obstacles.

Sometimes Lin Su's actions made Zhou Xintang difficult to understand, but he didn't express any opposition: "Alright, then you go for it. If you need time off for anything, just let me know."

"Okay, thank you, Brother Zhou," Lin Su continued to busy himself.

In addition to academic applications, he also needed to manage his investments. Since he had decided to enter the entertainment industry to support Zhou Xintang, he needed to have his share in this area. He also needed to establish his own entertainment company, and of course, continue his work as Zhou Xintang's assistant.

He was accustomed to being busy, not to wasting time. He believed in doing things with the highest efficiency, not wasting time on other things. So even with a heavy workload, Zhou Xintang always saw him as having plenty of time.

Of course, in his spare time, Lin Su also had to read to Zhou Xintang.

Zhou Xintang debuted at the age of fourteen, but he also had a formal education and attended B Film Academy. He was quite a top student back then, he thought that maybe his university education could provide some guidance to Lin Su, like solving some advanced math problems. 

However, when he glanced at the books Lin Su was reading, he chose to give up.

It wasn't because he didn’t remember anything of the content his teachers taught him, but because he found that he had never seen the content Lin Su was reading. Were high school materials challenging human limits now? 

Fortunately, he started school early; otherwise, he might not even be able to get into university now.

As the workload decreased little by little. The newcomers led by Zhao Yan debuted on variety shows and gained hundreds of thousands of fans, the contracts of Zhou Xintang and Kang Shang reached their expiration.

He waited anxiously, but instead of receiving news of renewing his contract the verification on his personal page changed. The words "Kang Shang Entertainment" disappeared, meaning that the contract that had occupied almost half of his life had come to a complete end.

In the entertainment industry, even the smallest things could escalate into big issues, let alone the termination of Zhou Xintang's contract with Kang Shang.

Headlines exploded, countless questions and doubts appeared under Zhou Xintang's Weibo and Kang Shang's official account, with new inquiries popping up every second.

At first, Kang Shang remained silent, until they eventually posted an explanation that Zhou Xintang's contract had expired and there was no intention of renewing the contract. 

The public opinion started to shift again, with some questioning that Zhou Xintang had climbed a high branch after gaining fame. While others were concerned about Zhou Xintang's next home, expressing heartfelt concerns for their beloved idol.

"The advantage of being a celebrity is having countless 'moms,'" Zhou Xintang chuckled as he looked at those messages.

He debuted at a young age, with a fresh face and a good demeanor, attracting a large number of maternal fans who not only showed no signs of leaving but also gathered in grand numbers.

However, along with the expressions of concern, the skeptical messages were also very prominent.

The way Kang Shang handled this matter was not appropriate. Originally, peacefully terminating a contract wasn't a big deal, and the hype would have died down in two or three days. However, the public opinion shifted the blame onto Zhou Xintang. If not handled properly, the label of ingratitude would linger throughout his career.

While Zhou Xintang was still flipping through the comments and laughing, seemingly focused, when Lin Su stood up, he instinctively stopped him: "Don't do anything."

Lin Su naturally understood his mood. Despite Kang Shang's somewhat unfair actions, he didn't want to escalate things too much. After all, Kang Shang had nurtured him for ten years, and he didn't want to ruin the relationship completely.

This was his professionalism as a celebrity, as if he had become accustomed to the insults and smear campaigns from those people.

To survive in the entertainment industry, one must have a heart as tough as steel, capable of self-resolve. People who constantly blame themselves and lose control of their temper due to others' words will eventually be eliminated.

Zhou Xintang handles this very well. He's a great actor and a qualified celebrity.

But as the saying goes, "A kind word warms for three winters; a harsh word hurts like six months of cold." People's hearts are made of flesh, so how could they not feel hurt by those harsh words? Perhaps the only thing one can do is constantly remind oneself not to care.

Lin Su doesn't care about the grievances others face, but he can't stand to see the person he currently cares about suffering. Even if there's a debt of gratitude, ten years is already enough.

Lin Su casually patted his head. "It's almost time for lunch. What do you want to eat? I'll cook for you."

If it were anyone else making this gesture, Zhou Xintang would have felt like twisting their skull off. But Lin Su did it so naturally, as if it were expected, making him not resist at all, but instead feeling somewhat coddled, like a child.

Who's the older one here, anyway?

"You'll cook anything I ask?" Zhou Xintang expressed disbelief.

"Try it. If it doesn't work out, we can always order takeout," Lin Su rolled up his sleeves, revealing his strong arms, with a practiced ease.

Zhou Xintang teased slightly, "You really don't know the value of household chores until you're responsible for them. I don't have a job now, so if I can't pay you, we'll both have to go hungry."

"It's okay, even if it comes to that point, I won't let you go hungry," Lin Su stood up with a smile. "Two steamed buns a day will definitely keep you full."

This time, Zhou Xintang genuinely smiled. "Go ahead and make your meal. If it's not delicious, then I'll let you go out and drink the northwest wind."

"Roger that," Lin Su nodded from the kitchen.

Zhou Xintang's house was bought by himself, it was quite spacious but somewhat empty and lonely. The kitchen was well-equipped, but from some of the kitchenware that hadn't been unpacked, it was clear that this movie star probably only cooked instant noodles when he was alone.

He was not feeling particularly enthusiastic at the moment, Lin Su had no intention of making anything too greasy. In times like these, something light and sweet would help lift the mood.

Zhou Xintang had already mentally prepared himself for the possibility of the food not tasting good. However, when Lin Su brought the dishes to the table, he found them very appealing in appearance at least.

Lin Su seemed to have a talent for cooking; the dishes looked beautiful, but the taste... Zhou Xintang couldn't bring himself to take that first bite.

Despite his doubts, Zhou Xintang still graciously tried a spoonful of the dessert. It had a jelly-like texture with a hint of caramel flavor, sweet but not overly so.

What surprised him, besides the taste, was that it gave him an extremely familiar feeling. He skeptically tried the seemingly simple fried rice next. The various vegetables melded together without conflict, giving a refreshing sensation that stimulated his appetite and confirmed one thing for him.

"Did you make all the lunch boxes for me before?" Zhou Xintang's schedule was irregular, he was often too busy to eat the meals provided by the crew. Missing meals and wanting to eat later proved difficult, and before Lin Su came along, he had stubbornly endured, which had taken a toll on his stomach.

Since Lin Su arrived, there was always food prepared for him in the car, along with heating tools. The delicious taste made him inquire multiple times about where Lin Su bought it, but he never got an answer until today.

"That's part of the assistant's job," Lin Su smiled.

"Where do you find an assistant who specifically cooks?" Zhou Xintang felt touched.

Many people on the internet cared for him, offering words of concern and even sending gifts, but Lin Su was the first one to take care of his daily needs so seamlessly according to his preferences.

"Isn't it my job to take care of you?" Lin Su asked back.

Zhou Xintang laughed. "You're so capable; you won't have any trouble finding a wife in the future."

"Brother Zhou, I'm still young, I’m not in a hurry," Lin Su served himself his portion.

The two of them quietly ate their meal, the occasional clinking of dishes creating a sense of peacefulness reminiscent of good times gone by.

While the online buzz hadn't died down yet, Zhou Xintang received several contract offers from entertainment companies. Just looking at the contracts showed their sincerity. 

However, in Lin Su's opinion, signing these contracts might not necessarily grant Zhou Xintang more freedom than before.

"Which one do you think is better?" Zhou Xintang realized he had developed a habit of seeking Lin Su's opinion.

Having let go of the past, now only Lin Su remained by his side. Previously, Zhou Xintang had doubted Lin Su's business abilities, but now he felt that Lin Su’s talent was wasted as just an assistant.

"Have you ever considered establishing a personal studio?" Lin Su asked.

Instead of answering directly, Zhou Xintang countered, "Do you know why artists want to sign with big companies?"

"Because big companies have successful resources and publicity strategies. They have enough connections and capabilities to suppress scandals and defamation," Lin Su replied. 

He acknowledged the advantages of big companies in terms of PR and resources, but the advantage of a personal studio is that it serves only one person. "I'm just asking, do you want to do it?"

Zhou Xintang would never have considered such a risky suggestion from a twenty-year-old before, but now he only had one word in his mind: "Yes!"

"In that case, leave it to me," Lin Su said. When he uttered those words, Zhou Xintang inexplicably felt his heart, which had been hanging in suspense, settle back into his chest.

He felt a bit crazy, but inwardly, he didn't want to stop. He had compromised too much in his life, and this time, he wanted to truly try something for himself.

Zhou Xintang's savings were considered substantial among celebrities. Besides his acting fees, he also invested in many businesses. However, establishing a studio with tens of millions of dollars in one go was still a significant risk.

As usual, Kang Shang Entertainment was bustling with activity. Several executives gathered in the meeting room to discuss issues related to Zhou Xintang.

Zhou Xintang had been signed with Kang Shang for ten years. Although his position in the entertainment industry was not at its peak, his fan base was strong. If it weren't for his stubborn insistence on the quality of his work and repeatedly rejecting the company's arrangements, the current situation wouldn't have arisen.

Would Kang Shang let go of this money-making tree it had nurtured? Naturally not, as businessmen are inherently profit-oriented.

Zhao Yan reported his recommendations for this work: "Kang Shang has already contacted other companies. Those companies won't risk offending Kang Shang by signing Zhou Xintang. Besides, The first brother on Shi's side has been suppressed by Zhou Xintang for a while, and their genres clash. They won't poach him. If we apply a bit more pressure and sign him again, he won't be as stubborn as before."

Although Kang Shang wasn't omnipotent in the entertainment industry, it wasn't easy for others to offend them. The executives were relatively satisfied with Zhao Yan's suggestions and explanations: "Let's go with what you said..."

The door to the meeting room was knocked, and a woman with a serious expression walked in. "Zhou Xintang has established a personal studio," she announced.

The faces of several executives instantly darkened, and Zhao Yan's expression turned particularly ugly. "Is he openly opposing Kang Shang?" he muttered.

"What a great idea you came up with!" one executive almost wanted to throw his cup. "What do we do now?"

Gritting his teeth, Zhao Yan replied, "His personal studio isn't affiliated with anyone. He lacks connections, resources, and manpower. As long as we quietly undermine him, I don't believe he won't come back."

A woman nearby sneered and rolled her eyes. "I hope Manager Zhao can achieve success."

In her view, Zhao Yan was foolish. Using such methods to make Zhou Xintang submit was less effective than initially coaxing him into signing and then threatening him with a hidden agenda. 

She believed Zhou Xintang would have surrendered sooner that way.

Now, the situation was truly uncontrollable.

With a blackened face, Zhao Yan left the room, clearly in a terrible mood.

Meanwhile, the establishment of Zhou Xintang's personal studio sparked a wave of discussions on the internet, with various analyses of its pros and cons, some of which were quite professional.

It’s just that Zhou Xingtang temporarily didn't have the time to focus on those discussions. He didn't need to worry much about the studio because, once the funds were in place, Lin Su had taken care of everything from selecting the location to hiring staff. None of the employees looked like newcomers, except for the newly hired personal assistant, a petite girl who seemed fresh out of society. However, once she started working, her efficiency made Zhou Xintang realize he couldn't judge a book by its cover.

"Where did you find all these people?" Zhou Xintang couldn't help but ask, feeling like he would suffocate if he didn't.

It felt as if Lin Su had everything prepared long ago, just waiting for his approval to start the studio.

"Recruitment," Lin Su replied succinctly, adding some good news, "The 'The Warlords' production team is here to negotiate. Liu Er is the screenwriter, and Lu is the director. I'll have Xiao Chen give you the script, and you can see how you feel about it. I'll arrange a screen test for you."

Liu Er and Lu were both big names in the entertainment industry. There were even rumors that anything Liu Er touched turned into a masterpiece.

From the news about "The Warlords" to now, several months have passed. Zhou Xintang appeared calm on the surface, but he couldn't deny his inner worries. Now it seemed that Lin Su hadn't lied to him; the wait was indeed worth it.

"Got it," Zhou Xintang said, walking with determination.

Lin Su had always known that this movie star had strict requirements for acting, but it was the first time he had seen him take it so seriously.

Zhou Xintang read through the script overnight. He read it in the car, during meals, and couldn't even bear to take his eyes off it to drink water. His usual focus on honing his acting skills now intensified, with him constantly practicing expressions, intonation, and emotional depth.

【Host, you've lost to acting,】 System 06 analyzed.

Lin Su didn't stop Zhou Xintang's seemingly obsessive behavior; he just ensured his life was well taken care of. 【He really loves acting,】 Lin Su replied.

The ten years of obsession bursting forth was indeed a terrifying sight. Zhou Xintang's eyes were lit with flames of determination.

The auditions for the "The Warlord" production were all conducted in one go. Even though the lead role was tailor-made for Zhou Xintang, he still had to participate in auditions fairly.

In the waiting area, numerous stars who were usually unseen were waiting, each with a script in hand. The number of assistants and whether the agents were present determined the level of fame.

Zhou Xintang's appearance stirred up waves in the seemingly calm waters. Those less famous came to greet him, while those of equal stature showed enthusiasm. In this field of social niceties, at least no one came up with immediate mockery.

Of course, the enthusiasm and courtesy were also related to Zhou Xintang's status. For example, the protagonist who suppresses his anxiety and admiration is treated like a protagonist by Cheng Luozhu.

When someone came to greet Zhou Xintang, they heard whispers: "Isn't that the playboy young master from the Cheng family? Didn't he publicly mock Zhou Xintang before? Now he's showing such admiration, who is he trying to impress?"

Both Zhou Xintang and Cheng Luozhu's expressions changed upon hearing this. Zhou Xintang's goodwill completely diminished, while Cheng Luozhu looked conflicted, wanting to explain but unsure how.

In the original timeline, Zhou Xintang and Cheng Luozhu didn't meet here for the first time. Zhou Xintang's first impression of Cheng Luozhu was also not favorable, considering Cheng Luozhu's previous public defamation. However, the worse the first impression, the greater the potential for a positive change after a reversal.

Cheng Luozhu helplessly sat back down, still enjoying the treatment as a protagonist.

"I heard you need to have acted in a TV drama to qualify for the audition."

"Cheng's family background is prominent. Wanting to join the cast is like child's play for him. This playboy's only deceptive aspect is his face."

"I heard Cheng's family has some connections with the Shi Group. The Shi family is the biggest investor in this film. Placing an acquaintance wouldn't be difficult."

"They're really playing favorites."

The whispers continued incessantly, and Lin Su who listened attentively found it amusing. It had to be admitted that as the male lead, Cheng Luozhu indeed possessed a striking appearance, with his rosy lips and white teeth, almost ostentatiously good-looking. 

There was a resemblance to Lin Tang, albeit with a stark contrast in personality. The serious demeanor seemed somewhat mismatched with such a striking appearance, but perhaps that was precisely the appeal of the contrast.

Lin Su's observation went unnoticed, but Zhou Xintang couldn't help but notice his gaze shifting towards Cheng Luozhu.

"You've set your sights on that artist?" Zhou Xintang appeared calm and composed.

Lin Su, however, sensing his subtle change in mood, chuckled. "I just think he has potential. If his acting skills match, we could consider signing him."

As the male lead, Cheng Luozhu's future was undoubtedly promising. In the original timeline, it was the male lead, Shi Wei, who extended an olive branch to him, allowing him to escape the state of isolation. But now, Lin Su has decided to intervene.

In the original timeline, Zhou Xintang was targeted by Shi Wei due to the actions of those who sought to please him by targeting Zhou Xintang. While it was true that those people had caused trouble for Zhou Xintang in the original timeline, Lin Su figured it was time to settle the score.

It was troublesome to set up a few obstacles in his pursuit for his wife, but he was already quite lenient. Whether they would end up together in the end would depend on their fate and perseverance.

Zhou Xintang was well aware that having only himself in the studio wasn't conducive to future development. While feeling inexplicably annoyed was one thing, he didn't have any intention to irrationally sabotage his work until he analyzed the reason behind his annoyance. "After the audition, I'll ask for the contact information of Director Lu and Cheng Luozhu for you."

【Aren't you afraid that the male lead and the supporting male lead being in the same studio might spark a romantic flame between them?】 System 06 expressed concern.

Although it enjoyed documenting the host's embarrassing moments, its priority was always the host's well-being first.

【Two male leads can only be best friends,】 Lin Su replied confidently.

【But in the original timeline, the male lead was a top,】System 06 recorded clearly.

Although the male lead was excessively beautiful, he still exuded a strong domineering aura, belonging to the "seme" type.

【You said it yourself, it's the original timeline,】 Lin Su crossed his legs, his long legs drawing attention, prompting Zhou Xintang to unconsciously glance at them. 【Don't worry, I'm confident.】

With both the male and supporting roles confirmed for "The Warlords," Zhou Xintang didn't have to wait long before being invited in, adding pressure to those waiting behind him.

In the original timeline, Zhou Xintang hadn't even had the chance to audition for the male lead role. Cheng Luozhu, on the other hand, had tried the supporting role before being elevated to audition for the male lead. However, this time Zhou Xintang followed according to plan. It would be no surprise that the male lead role should be his.

Lin Su accompanied him into the room. Zhou Xintang had auditioned countless times from childhood to adulthood, so his self-introduction and greetings exuded calmness, distinctly different from a newcomer just starting out.

The character Zhou Xintang auditioned required a demeanor of calmness in the face of adversity.

The protagonist of "The Warlords" was the king who unified the world, eliminating the rebellious lords one by one in the chaotic era and establishing a new order.

Such an emperor must never panic.

Zhou Xintang stood under the spotlight, brewing his emotions. When he opened his eyes again, the emotions in his eyes had changed.

He was auditioning for the scene where the emperor eradicates the treacherous ministers. As a young emperor who ascended to the throne in his childhood, he was under the control of powerful ministers.

In his youth, he might be powerless and had to endure, but a true emperor, the one who could unify the world, was definitely not someone to be trifled with.

He was surrounded by soldiers and corpses littering the ground, the young, handsome, and beautiful emperor approached with steady steps. His mother was a beauty renowned in the seven kingdoms, but the observers paid no attention to his appearance.

With his robe trailing behind him, the emperor stood firm, his eyes filled with cold disdain. "Behead those who are close to him," he commanded.

As his words fell, he looked at the blood-stained ground with indifference. The wails of the people and the falling heads did not affect him. He only waited for the last person to die. With a slight turn of his gaze, he looked at the dead as if they were nothing but ants or jesters.

"False father?" The emperor glanced at the impostor who dared to call himself his father and walked away. To him, the remaining figures behind were nothing but insignificant beings, worthy only of being executed by dismemberment, along with their lineage.

He was ruthless and merciless, this was what led to the monumental feat of annihilating 450,000 enemy soldiers during the Battle of Changping, making him the ruler who unified the world and changed an era.

In later generations, there were many versions, but none could shake his status.

Those phoenix-like eyes gently closing, and reopening with a friendly smile: "Director, the audition is over."

However, the few people sitting there watching his performance remained silent until the director, with a stern face, asked, "What is your understanding of this emperor?"

His expression did not reveal satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Zhou Xintang maintained his smile, but his heart was tense: "The greatest emperor throughout the ages."

"That's not a wrong understanding," the director sighed, clasping his hands together, "Well, we will give you a reply regarding the follow-up."

This statement seemed open to discussion, but if he encountered someone that truly satisfied the director, Zhou Xintang would lose this opportunity.

"Okay, thank you, Director," Zhou Xintang said with a smile as he left. It was only after putting on his sunglasses and mask that his emotions began to lower.

Meanwhile, Lin Su continued to work nearby, allowing him to immerse himself in his emotions.

"Was there something wrong with my performance just now?" Zhou Xintang genuinely wanted to know the answer, but even after repeatedly thinking about it, he couldn't find it.

"Your interpretation was excellent," Lin Su casually tapped his head before retracting his hand, catching Zhou Xintang off guard. "If you want my opinion, everyone's impression of the greatest emperor throughout the ages is different. But those impressions from later generations are based on his achievements and shortcomings. 

Personally, during that era, his aspiration was to expand territory and unify the world. Betrayed by others, it's natural to feel resentment and concealment. If you want to portray him well, you can't approach it from the perspective of an observer. Try truly seeing yourself as that person."

Zhou Xintang felt as if a veil had been lifted after Lin Su's insightful words. It was like all the constraints and hesitations suddenly made sense. He looked at Lin Su with a complex expression. "The more I spend time with you, the less you seem like someone in their early twenties."

"Thank you for the compliment, Brother Zhou," Lin Su winked and smiled, exuding a youthful charm that befitted his age for a moment.

However, Zhou Xintang's heart skipped a beat at that natural wink, as if he had been subtly flirted with by someone several years younger. Was this how kids nowadays behaved? 

Zhou Xintang found himself questioning life, yet he couldn't help stealing glances at Lin Su.

He glanced at him so frequently that Lin Su couldn't ignore it. When Zhou Xintang looked over again, Lin Su met his gaze directly. Zhou Xintang instinctively turned his head away, avoiding eye contact, but his mind was filled with question marks.

Why did he look away??!

Zhou Xintang could hold his ground in front of tens of thousands of fans without flinching. This behavior was truly inexplicable, making him feel like he had somehow lost.

As a popular celebrity, how could he lose to a fledgling youngster? Zhou Xintang cleared his throat and made an effort to maintain eye contact with Lin Su without averting his gaze. "I understood what you said earlier, but..." 

Those eyes were just so deep and captivating. Uh... what was he trying to say again?

"But what?" Lin Su stopped what he was doing and waited for Zhou Xintang to continue.

"But... when I get home, I need to eat dinner first," Zhou Xintang thought his improvisational skills were decent, but humans were strange creatures. Sometimes, the words just wouldn't come to mind when you needed them, and after you said the wrong thing, you remembered what you wanted to say. 

These two sentences didn't have anything to do with what he wanted to say previously, it was just awkward.

"Alright," Lin Su replied before adding, "Do you need me to help you with the script after dinner?"

"Yes, please," Zhou Xintang felt like he had been saved.

Were all kids nowadays so considerate?

He felt defeated...

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  1. Thanks for the update

  2. Wow the company action reminds me of a certain company that start with S.. They're known to ban and suppress their prev artists that terminated their contract.. Anyway thanks for the translation


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